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@kalina We had this conversation before.
@Wipqozn he probably punches babies too
@kalina I wouldn't be surprised.
@kalina No, that's just @spugsley.
Want to flag to see if you'd get banned for the same thing @GnomeSlice would.
@FEichinger I don't know, it takes a certain amount of evil to not like cake or popcorn
@Sterno We already established "Yes" ... yesterday, I believe.
@Sterno flag what?
oh right, yes we should
he's been threatening to nap for an hour now
also, I got banned for posting a picture of a huge cock
@kalina That would do it.
so any flags from the bridge are going to get validated by me regardless of their validity
You seemed to be trying
@Sterno I got suspended for calling myself a jerk the other day, just like @OrigamiRobot did when he was pretending to be @Gnomeslice.
Flags in the Bridge are weird and inconsistent. Except when they're consistent and still weird.
Whether or not it was an animal.
@RedRiderX You have no idea, it was a picture of a photoshopped rooster
@RedRiderX whether
I should go play Arkham City Origins instead of talking to you nerds and being sad when you delete your messages
people should get flagged for using the wrong they're/their/there or your/you're or weather/whether
But that's all the way upstairs
and xD should be a summary ban
no flags required
Yah, what total loosers.
"You were banned for being an idiot." with a link to their xD post
The worst part of people saying "loosers" is that you actually have to override autocorrect to make it happen.
xD today, Xb tomorrow, what's next?
@badp :D
@kalina Of coarse, their not demonstrating a good grasp of English otherwise.
@RedRiderX ARRRRRRRRRRTGHHHHHHHAO:Sdhnuiopasbcvuoib iou12hh7ru9 h201q
@kalina they're, they're, its okay.
@Wipqozn *its
@red you're defiantly using English correctly. Congraturation!
@Wipqozn + fire = mmm turtle soup
@FEichinger I thought about that, but I was already typing out okay and I was too lazy to go back.
@Wipqozn FIX IT. I want to see her burst into flames.
@kalina Moreover, its totally okay. Whoever says things like that probably should be roasted anyways.
Even at the cost of my own, bleeding, eyes.
too late, already happened
deploys fire shield
the fire is already spreading
@kalina Weather or not there using the correct form, is it really something you want to waste you're flags on? :P
@kalina ♥
activates Mod Mode
douses flames
"grrr kalina ROAST"?
"Kalina attacks - @WorldEngineer's fire shield and moderator diamond melts"
@kalina Neutronium diamond, besto of luck
@Ktash This is the meanest thing I've ever seen you do. Then again I always assumed you spend your free time reading to sick children at the hospital.
teleports @kalina outside reality
I'm kind of surprised at how many people have the Outspoken badge, and at how few have the Civic Duty badge.
wait, is that like the real world?
I don't like the real world
It's full of awkward situations
It's got people in it
like me moving in with my ex boyfriend without his girlfriend knowing until after I've moved in
@Wipqozn I mean, I do live 2 blocks from the children's hospital, and my roommate is trying to cure pediatric cancer so...
@Ktash So by extension you're trying to cure cancer. you're a hero.
@kalina oops. He screwed that up.
@Sterno the fire is going to be immense
@Wipqozn Clearly. That's the only logical conclusion.
@kalina That's awkward, yeh.
It's okay, we did tank his marathon plans, we've got his awesome under control.
I'm not looking forward to it at all
@kalina That would strain even most relationships, yeah
while... secretly looking forward to it
@badp Oh, you did? I was wondering what happened to that.
because I feed off drama
@kalina Well, in some twisted way you're actually innocent in all of that.
@kalina no. Drama vampire is my thing.
I hereby ban from the Bridge.
@wip me? I was the last person who tried to force the borderlands team into some kind of action
from what I've heard she's a bit of a bitch and he's going to be better off without her but I would go completely nuclear if it happened to me
granted that's like stopping the horror that is to come from Fukushima but still
@WorldEngineer no power in the 'verse can stop us
@badp I was using "you" to refer to whoever the "we" was.
Alternately: you can't stop the signal
@Sterno Remember what I said about having a direct line to Lovecraftian Nightmares?
@Sterno use this, River's line is mine
get your filthy hands off it
@wip that's clearly not true, you also helped with the tanking
@WorldEngineer no. Also: disbelief
@badp Yeah, people didn't seem very motivated. Also, things got more than a little crazy, so I didn't have a lot of time to chase things down :/
@kalina you started the thieving. This was payback!
@badp Oh, okay. I'm such a jerk.
@Kalina You have something against the Mass Effect questions?
@RavenDreamer what?
me having an issue with Mass Effect questions? Did you finally lose your mind?
@ktash :-\
@kalina The front page has about a dozen mass effect questions, all edited by you over the last hour.
@RavenDreamer oh right, well they had ugly titles, I fixed that
It's what I do
8 is about a dozen, for the record.
You can trust me, I'm an engineer.
I also upvoted them, and as such the askers should be grateful I blessed their posts with my attention
@badp Yeah. Maybe someday we can do it, but I think we need a bit more centralized organization for it
Having teams didn't work as well as I'd hoped lol
I wanted my archaeologist badge back
which I've got
Hey, Bridge. Instant poll for you guys -- What's worse: Losing, or Not-Winning ?
@RavenDreamer Both.
It is funny that we lost steam just as we moved off "mailing lists" made by just emailing a bunch of people at the same time
@RavenDreamer Second place.
@RavenDreamer They are both present participles, it's not over yet.
@rav bottom half, winning team
I want the "you are an awesome dude" badge. @fredley will have to name his next game that.
I hate everyone of you except for Kalina.
@RavenDreamer <3
@badp Yeah. I think that trello was great for it, but we didn't have the same amount of steam. Probably should have started with that method
know for next time though
@rav fascinating. You're finally letting some murder out
Should I start addressing you as @bad?
Never bottle up your
@RavenDreamer @ba, obviously
Stop saying "steam" unless you mean the game delivery platform. I am old and easily confused.
@RavenDreamer Hate is the highest form of flattery.
@Sterno Don't bust a valve over it or anything.
or is it a three char minimum on pings?
@kalina It is.
@ka Yes.
@rav three letters are the min to ping and mobile chat means having to type manually so feel free if you also subject yourself to this very same cruel fate of mobile chatnessity.
@RonanForman You didn't not answer the question, so I don't hate you. :)
@badp Duly noted.
mobile chat is a pretty decent excuse for any behaviour
I wonder if GnomeSlice would get banned less if he repeatedly told us he was on mobile chat
Also I used to know a dude nicknamed Raveen, or Rav for short, and he was pretty cool
so there's that too
@badp just add "@RavenDreamer" to your phone dictionary
He's a Brit, too, so he totally wouldn't turn down some monocle action
Truefact: I have my "friends" in pokemon give me the nickname Raven.
Mobile chat is terrible. It's like there's a room owner you does nothing but clear stars all day.
@kalina I like yours better.
Okay. Time to watch the Breaking Bad Season 2 finale. Cheers.
season two?
Everybody dies
also: explosions, gunfire, and meth
@RavenDreamer Arya goes blind.
Hasn't everyone already seen Breaking @Bad?
Aerith dies
Walter White is replaced with a cyborg
@red I haven't
@badp really?
Not planning to, either.
@badp Well, neither have I...
Is it because you hate America?
@badp Same.
well I do think the second half of season 5 was seriously overhyped
there was probably only one or two good episodes out of the lot
wasn't worth waiting a year for
that said, the ending was pretty good
That reminds me, I get to watch new zombie headshots tonight.
@ste overruled: kalina hates Murica and she's seen it all
@Sterno Zombie?
She wouldn't have enough shows to watch if we imploded.
I need help though
my number #1 game of 2013 is currently Tomb Raider
and I don't want to finish the year with that still being the case
@kalina Brothers?
@kal have you tried Papers Please?
@kalina hrm.
@badp no that actually looks like it would add to my boredom
Papers Please is pretty much Mod Abuse: The Game. It's surprisingly non-boring
Oh wait I think it's still just 360.
I'd put Bioshock Infinite slightly ahead of it but honestly I'm having trouble thinking of anything real great from this year.
I still haven't played Bioshock Infinite
Payday 2 is fun but Tomb Raider was quite surprisingly good
Brothers is out on steam right?
People come in to your booth and then you ruin their lives by being technically correct. It's great!
@badp unless there are actual tears and I feel emotionally attached, this doesn't sound like it will keep me unbored for any period of time at all
Anyway, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons seems pretty nice.
It made TotalBiscuit cry.
So that's something, I guess.
Watchdogs has been delayed until next year
that was going to end up being my game of the year unless it completely sucked
ETS2, duh.
@kal I haven't gotten to all of the ends, regrettably.
Elite is still going to be alpha by the end of the year so that's going to be pretty unpolished
@kalina you counting PC only?
@FEichinger no.
Brothers looked super boring to me
@Sterno yes
I only play games on PC
except burnout
@kalina Heh.
oh, zero punctuation review, this will be exactly like playing both games but only take me 5 minutes
@Ktash No. Nonono. Not a review. No.
@Ktash It's a conspiracy!
It's decided. Imma go play Batman.
Dammit. I wanted to watch that episode again but I'm on a tablet
has it been uploaded to youtube yet?
I haven't played FTB for a while, which pack should I pick?
@JeffreyLin I haven't either, for good reason. The packs have been pushing back updates, and also saying goodbye to playing nice.
@Unionhawk Playing nice?
@JeffreyLin Something about Gregtech causing crashes because he decided to edit vanilla recipes, honestly, I'm just done with the whole modded minecraft thing for a long time.
Which is sad, because a mod I had been waiting on and looking forward to was updated.
@kalina You should play Metro: Last Light and then tell me if it's good
I didn't enjoy the last metro game I play
I also didn't finish it
games that I don't finish are not good games
@Unionhawk Are you still playing Vanilla then?
@FEichinger Linux Mint, thoughts?
It's sad to me that I have quite a few games where I've spent longer having Steam install DirectX for them than I did playing them.
@JeffreyLin I haven't been keeping up, but Direwolf's pack is up to 1.5.2, and that's usually a good option if you want something because he hand-picks his pack. Unleashed is w/o gregtech, Unhinged is w/ gregtech, haven't messed with any of them lately
@StackExchange IN AD 2101 WAR WAS BEGINNING
Oh the humanity!
Since when was spugsley a mod?
spugsley's a mod?
(Also, I wanted owners to fit on one neat row on the access control page. Sorry, Spugs.)
Now we have 4 room owners who're completely AFK during a large portion of the day, though
@Fluttershy jinx!
@kalina mods don't need ownership to do all of the things that need done.
I don't need to own anything. I just do things.
yeah but you should re-add Wipqozn just because he's the most active out of those you removed
even though he still doesn't cover half of the day
@kalina Hmmmmm... point.
Gotta keep it to one row still though!
poor Fluttershy :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz Add me!
Turtles > ponies.
I blame @kalina for this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He was a pony once, too. And only became a turtle because of ponies.
@Fluttershy totally not my fault
@Fluttershy This is a correct thought.
@Fluttershy but tbh, you use mobile chat so you can't even use the room owner abilities!
so... blame Stack Exchange
@kalina I only use mobile chat when I'm working 70+ hours a week.
@Fluttershy which is like, every week!
@kalina You removed me when you said to re-add @Wipqozn. Therefore, your fault.
@Fluttershy I'm not a room owner, I removed nobody
30 secs ago, by Fluttershy
@kalina You removed me when you said to re-add @Wipqozn. Therefore, your fault.
We is no longer friends.
@Fluttershy It's obviously @Wipqozn's fault. Case closed.
26 secs ago, by kalina
@Fluttershy I'm not a room owner, I removed nobody
@kalina Row. Not column. Let's be clear here.
@LessPop_MoreFizz you should make it two rows then, to satisfy your ocd
@LessPop_MoreFizz I had hoped my beer-loving was reason enough to keep me as an owner. :( Now who am I going to discuss beers with?
@Fluttershy FINE! I know how to use the ignore function! *cries*
@kalina It always trips me up when things like that aren't italicized...
StackExchange is foiling my attempts to create a sockpuppet. This is a dark day.
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
@Fluttershy It's obviously @Wipqozn's fault. Case closed.
@Fluttershy Well sorry! *sigh*
@Fluttershy Point...
poor Wipqozn
Just remove @StrixVaria. He works at Google now and will control the entire internet anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz :D
@kalina He'll get over it.
It's his fault, after all.
@Fluttershy I've always said, never trust a teetotaler
@Unionhawk No I won't. I'll cry tears of sorrow every night.
now I need to refresh so all of these fake room owners are no longer in italics
@Wipqozn GOOD
@Wipqozn mmm tears
@GnomeSlice ...
waits for it
and then the flags came
What, why?
@GnomeSlice One day you will learn.
Today is not that day.
@GnomeSlice For starters, NAKED WOMAN
@Sterno covered
@GnomeSlice That's not how it works.
Dude, you never get to bitch about ponies again.
And I'm totally down with pony bitching.
@GnomeSlice Here's a metric: Is the woman you're about to post wearing clothes? If no, don't post it. If yes, you probably shouldn't post it anyway.
@RonanForman Pretty sure it is
@GnomeSlice How much are you willing to bet, keep in mind your past judgements when deciding.
@Fluttershy Also, if your answer is technically, you should probably just consider the answer to be 'no'.
oh GnomeSlice, I've never come across anybody quite as naive on this subject as you
@GnomeSlice May wanna throw a NSFW label on it before you can't edit it anymore.
This just makes me want to post near-nude Sean Connery images.
@Fluttershy Too late. It's not really nsfw anyway
@GnomeSlice That is 100% NSFW
@GnomeSlice I say again, how much are you willing to bet.
@GnomeSlice since you don't work, how do you know?
@kalina My dad is here and he isn't shouting at me
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's the one!
@GnomeSlice this is not a good way to determine...
Now let's all talk about the double standard!
oh nevermind
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's okay but mine wasn't?
@GnomeSlice Is your dad working an office job, where people can look over his shoulder? Is he viewing said image on a company network?
@GnomeSlice I want to flag that too
@kalina Given that that image is used in a stack exchange error message, that would be a bad flag.
but I can't not flag yours and then flag his
@LessPop_MoreFizz don't challenge me to flag it!
The difference is, Sean Connery is sexy.
Look at that braid.
Go on. Really look at it.
he didn't braid his own hair, it doesn't count
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I had the ability to get my hands on some Southern Tier Warlock, would you recommend this?
@GnomeSlice I got banned for linking a picture of a rooster the other day
@kalina wat
Now we just need that Burt Reynolds one to make @GnomeSlice's head explode.
@GnomeSlice exactly!
@LessPop_MoreFizz NO
@Fluttershy I've not had it, but pumpkin stouts are delicious and southern tier makes tasty things
> The gun is good. The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was, but the gun shoots death, and purifies the Earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth ... and kill!
Thank you wikipedia
@LessPop_MoreFizz In that case, I'll try and get some and let you know how it is!

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