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@Wipqozn Level 16
I don't even know what holiday it is.
Is it home time yet? I'm freezing and want to be in bed
I want to be in bed too.
Not your bed though.
Q: How do I "speed" rollerblade?

RetrosaurSo apparently, I've been getting some weird controls. I've found that if I mash the analog stick around in circles, I can pull off even faster rollerblading. More rollerblading, per rollerblade. I can't seem to replicate this though. Is there anyway I can consistently "speed" skate, or skate ...

Q: Can you get a bounty while you're in the passive mode?

dTDesignI tried the passive mod for the first time because some monkeys killed me all the time. Now they l aren't able to hit me and shoot me, but they're able run over me with the car and i died again....! So now I ask you: Can I also get a bounty (by a player or by a NPC) while i'm in the passive mod...

My bed doesn't want you in it either, you smell
I probably do. I showered before bed last night rather than when I got up this morning.
I already feel icky.
About 12 minutes before I can relocate to my train
Which should hopefully be warmer
@OrigamiRobot Columbus Day.
I can't wait till winter so I can bundle up while in my apartment.
@OrigamiRobot without pants
I never wear pants at home.
Right. So you'll be bundled up. But pantless. Or trouserless, if you're a filthy Brit.
Or pantless and trouserless.
Naked from the waist down?
He could wear a sock.
Or two
Or three
Socks are worse than pants.
I'm not sure that would stay on
Depends on the size.
These seats are so cold I've lost feeling in my ass
Lets not talk about my sock size.
@kalina Wh- what?
I hate typing on a phone
Also, I discovered a show called White Collar last night which looks really good
Fuck auto correct
@kalina Based on your previous comments, I'm sure there are people on the train who will feel it for you.
Trains != tube anyway
@SaintWacko That means you have 4 seasons of a not-good not-terrible show waiting to be downloaded!
@Sterno Or three on Netflix!
The episode I watched had a lot of industrial espionage and stuff
That's what drew me to it
espionage and spycraft are fascinating
@SaintWacko Moar liek boring!
I want to know how people can believe in God if Firefly was cancelled after 11 episodes, but Once Upon a Time is on its third season.
I don't believe in god
@Sterno I liked the first season of OUAT but after that I just kinda got bored
@Sterno And the US Office went on for however long it did.
I watched it for a while simply because of Robert Carlyle, but even he couldn't save it.
Or Revolution. Ugh.
Q: Need help in "Arena"

Wojtek 'Charkz' HordyniecIn Hearthstone i'm having problem in Arena, no matter what deck I make I seem to fail. Is there any template you should follow while making the deck? Any tips and tricks are helpful.

@Sterno I just got to 15 today, but I'm not done exploring 14 yet.
I think Retrosaur's rollerblading question should be instead of the sixth gen tag, shouldn't it?
@Wipqozn I hope you've been writing down all the fish locations on 14
@Sterno Yes.
I'm home. Wheeee.
@Wipqozn I think you'll have no problem with the boss on 15
Q: Bug? Can't finish Most Wanted 10 race

SomeGuyOn the PS3 version (with the newest patch), I cannot unlock Most Wanted car 10 (Alfa Romeo 4C Concept). I have won the race 10+ times. Each time, the slow motion "Most Wanted car defeated - shut it down to own it screen" shows. After that, the Most Wanted car crashes into a roadblock just past th...

@AshleyNunn Eh, I didn't think season 2 was that bad.
@Powerlord It just didn't really hold my attention all that much.
Having said that, Firefly's biggest disadvantage was that it was on Fox
You'd think Joss Whedon would have learned to avoid Fox after that, but... nope.
Got my Steam Family Sharing beta invite! :D
To be fair, Dollhouse sucked.
Just gonna watch this video forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
@Fluttershy Whatcha going to do with it?
(Actually, I got mine a few days ago)
@Fluttershy I got mine and realized that no-one else in my family plays games
@Powerlord Try it out! When I get home, that is.
@3ventic Some of my family members do, but... not the kinds of games I do.
SMH if you aren't watching a bear playing tetherball right now
two of my cousins are PC gamers sorta but that's it. It is one of the many things I do that confuses my family :P
Can't stop watching that bear...
> I already have 4 Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution: a Lucario, a Tortoise, a Blaziken and an Ampharos.
> Tortoise
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would make an exception to my animated gif hatred for that bear.
Now I want to play Tetherball.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have watched twice now and I just can't stop and I don't know why
I have never figured out the rules or the point of Tetherball.
@AshleyNunn Based on what I've seen in recess you just try to hit the other person in the face with a ball.
Recess meaning the awesome tv show
@SaintWacko added
@Wipqozn Yeah, that is about my knowledge as well
> The game ends when one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole so that it is stopped by the rope. It must not bounce.[1]
I probably could have gotten that better but I was lazy and couldn't be assed.
@Wipqozn Oh. Huh. No mention of hitting people in the face?
@Sterno I don't even know how to make gifs.
So you're basically a wizard.
@Wipqozn I googled "make gif from youtube video" and it was the first non-pay link
Now that I possess the technology, I plan to abuse it.
oh snap
@Fluttershy I got it without noticing a notification a week or two ago.
Since I'm at college and can't really play Steam games here anyway, I just let my little brother have them for now. :P
I was going to gif that but then I got lazy.
Also I just like being able to link the video.
Also I'm handsome.
@Sterno We are doomed.
@AshleyNunn Could be I'll just make 150 variations of that bear.
@Sterno That's true, I suppose. That would be okay because I like that bear.
Google Plus has a weird feature where it gif-atizes similar images.
Q: In Qonqr, when you upgrade your scope, does that upgrade existing bots?

BlackICEIn Qonqr, you can purchase upgrades to your "scope", 2 of which add percentages to attack or defense. Does anyone know if, when you purchase one of these upgrades, does this cause your existing nanobots to have the new attack/defense properties?

I don't even.
Sanity check: all users can comment on their own posts, correct?
@Unionhawk Treating us like a forum, I think
@Unionhawk I believe so, yes
Just checking.
@Unionhawk I feel like that should be like rolled back or something but I am not sure quite what to do
@AshleyNunn I don't even know. I'm about 13 seconds from casting an "unclear" vote though.
@RedRiderX Is your Fallen London clique full yet?
Preordered Sunless Sea and I am super excited about it even if it doesn't come til like May at the earliest.
@Ullallulloo Oooh are you playing now too, delicious friend?
@Ullallulloo Awesome. May I know your name so I can send you cats in boxes and ask you about my nightmares?
(I am Aralyn, there. If you were curious.)
am I missing anyone's 3DS code (who plays pokemon?)
@Ullallulloo May I add you too?
@FAE Sure
Why are all of you people talking about things that are not a bear playing tetherball
do i need to link it again?
@Unionhawk cleaned up the question
> Rats here sometimes use tiny pickaxes - even minute sticks of dynamite to make their tunnels. If you can grab some of their tools...
What in the what?
@Ullallulloo Me too? I promise to keep my nightmares to myself. At first.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't watch it at work.
@AshleyNunn I'm Ullallulloo there too, although fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Aralyn doesn't work.
@Coronus Everyone can add me if they want. I'm not sure if that does anything at all. :P
@Ullallulloo Yeah, I know, it hasn't worked for -anyone-.
@Ullallulloo You can't be logged in if you want to see it.
You will have to add me manually.
@FAE I wish I knew why :(
I can't seem to find anything that tells me why it does that.l
@Coronus May I add you?
@OrigamiRobot Your employer is monstrous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I mean because I am RDPing, the video is all jumpy.
I'm like Persuasive 60 and I'm still wearing ragged clothing <_<
Ebay users are being stupid. Buying a Nintendo 3DS second hand would cost about 33% more then buying a new one...
@LessPop_MoreFizz image not found
@Arperum best image
Whoever is drplote, thanks for using the referral link that I didn't know that I had. :P
@FAE I just managed to find myself something not raggedy :)
@Ullallulloo That's me.
@Sterno Then thanks. :P
@Coronus @Ullallulloo This is me!
To be fair, I didn't realize I'd clicked anything special either. I just clicked on your profile link to see what you guys were talking about, and then chopped it down to the base URL to get to the main page
I'm running around naked. Is that a bad thing?
@Sterno I was naked for a long time
Clothes usually give you some bonuses, some things (like certain weapons, like my bag of Humbug candies) open certain storylets
I am all dressed now, but if I think of how my outfit looks all together I think I look really silly
Q: Does Lucky Egg boost the experience gain from Exp. Share?

KlokworkkI'm trying to figure out if putting a Lucky Egg on a party pokemon would give it extra experience even if I don't use it in a fight. It is hard to tell though because the text after you KO a pokemon just says that all pokemon not used get a bit of experience. Does anyone know if that experience i...

Getting out of my manacles was as easy as unequipping them. I am a master escape artist!
@Unionhawk yeaaah, you'd think they'd've learned from the Facebook sponsored stories mess
Also, I really suck at playing Papers, Please and I suspect my family might get killed off or something else awful.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The poor bear's arm is itching like mad, he keeps trying to bite in it, and then that stupid ball hits him in the face again.
@AshleyNunn It's always when you're pretty sure that a person is clear that the game decides to throw you a small mistake like an invalid gender, or something stupid.
@Unionhawk All. The. Time.
@AshleyNunn What part are you on? (How many documents do you have to check out at this point?)
I just started playing for a bit late last night - so I am not very far. Just checking passports/Entry permits/ID cards
@AshleyNunn Ah. I see
@Unionhawk invalid gender please reinsert dongle
@BenBrocka invalid gender please reattach donge.
Q: When or how does Pancham evolve?

KlokworkkI have leveled my Pancham up to level 40 but he has yet to evolve. Bulbapedia just shows that the pokemon evolves through an 'Unknown method.' I would like to know what the method is so that I can evolve my Pancham into Pangoro.

Don't worry, the mistakes get dumber.
The worst is still probably when they misspeak, and you have to interrogate them about "Well, your permit says 2 days, and you said a year", or something like that.
Ohh, now I found out who deleted recently.
Didn't expect that.
@Unionhawk That woulds be annoying, yes
@Ullallulloo hmm?
And it's usually just they misspoke and it's fine, but if you don't interrogate them about it, you get cited.
@Unionhawk Social networking is nothing more than advertising opportunity.
@AshleyNunn Man, you must have been some cold given the chilly weather.
I hope they make a sequel where you play the guy checking that the guy checking the papers did it right, and you fine him if he didn't.
@Wipqozn I know :(
@Unionhawk Remembering to interrogate them and not just reject them is hard
@Sterno and then make a game where you play as the guy checking the guy checking if the guy who did the papers did it right did it right.
@Wipqozn No. In my proposed sequel, there is no penalty for failure. Really, it's just a game where you're a bureaucratic dick to people for no reason.
@AshleyNunn Yep.
Like in real life.
Q: all places to store a pokémon in gen 5

dreaganI seem to have misplaced my shiny litwick in Pokémon White (not white 2). I've looked through all my boxes, checked with the breeding couple and checked the dreamworld. But I can't seem to find him anymore. Can we get a list of where that pokémon could have gone to, anything goes, if possible wi...

@Sterno No reason is the best reason to be a dick.
@Sterno Instead of no penalty for failure, maybe make it a percent chance on each person that should have been stopped that Something Bad happens, and you get fired if you didn't fire the guy that let them in
but if you fire too many people, you get fined
@Sconibulus But then there'd be a reason to be a dick. This goes against my design philosophy.
hmm... I suppose
Q: How can I be a better pizza deliveryperson?

Ashley NunnI love the game Pizza Frenzy, and I am getting really good at delivering pizzas, but I have yet to get 5 stars on any one day. What am I missing? How can I be a better pizza deliveryperson and get 5 stars every day?

@Lazers A: Give me the pizza for free.
Q: Does level scaling stop at level 82?

PenguinAgenI am nearing level 82, and want to know whether I after that no longer have to worry about level scaling or what. So, does level scaling stop at level 82?

@LessPop_MoreFizz I think that makes me a worse deliveryperson.
My train is running late
@kalina are you on a train?
Probably means a 50 minute wait in the cold for my connection
Okay, honestly. I'm doing endless mode on Papers, Please, and the mistake was "Yurko Coty" instead of "Yurko City". Honestly, I wouldn't have caught that in go-fast mode.
@AshleyNunn No, pretty sure it makes you a better deliveryperson and a worse employee.
@Unionhawk You get used to it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, yeah, I think you have a point there
I generally caught those. The one I missed most often was gender.
I just never remembered to check it.
I'm meant to get on my next train in 20 minutes and we are 35 minutes from the station
@StrixVaria It's so infrequent.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I normally caught ones that were totally wrong city, but a misspelling?
@Unionhawk It happens fairly often, honestly.
Misspellings on districts within Kolechia are the worst.
I hate when I want to Google something but then I forget what it was.
Oh, that reminds me!
of something else
@StrixVaria This :(
@Wipqozn I just click the Back button and I usually remember.
Damn it, can't find a vide of it.
Q: How to show extra info about skills and items

SPL_SplinterI was watching a VOD (I can't recall which one) and Luminous showed some extra information about skills like range, type of damage and etc. Things that the interface don't really say. I think the text would show in green in the tooltip box like the aghanim's info. He said that pressing 'o' would ...

Yep, other train left as igot to the station
@kalina I'm rooting for ya!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why is this pinned?
@MichaelDunfield Because Lesspop.
@MichaelDunfield because it is a bear with a tetherball
@AshleyNunn So?
it is amazing.
@kal how far have you got?
David Hayter has joined the lineup for The Long Dark
@AshleyNunn People post many amazing things that don't get pinned.
This is true I suppose
Q: Clothing store access in Pokémon X & Y

MrGomezQuestion text contains spoilers: This description is dubious, and doesn't inform the player of what they need to accomplish to gain access. Specifically: Thus, my question, inclusive of spoilers, is:

@Lazers so.much.spoiler.text.
@fredley not close enough
still 20 minutes until my next train arrives and then another 30 minutes
Q: Where should I be rubbing my pokemon?

Raven DreamerWhen I first started playing with Pokemon'Amie, my Froakie just absolutely loved getting his tummy rubbed. But now when I go in to play with him, he frowns at me when I administer the belly rubs. In general, where should I be rubbing my frog to increase his affection? Is it the same for each po...

Q: Does Roller Blading count as a step in all cases where number of steps matter (like for hatching an egg)?

ReafexusRunning, the Bicycle and walking all use the classic 'grid' movement (even the new diagonal movement is still based on the grid). The Rollerblades do not follow the grid. You are in a free-moving state instead. Do they still count towards steps?

@Lazers ...yes, rub all up on your pets
that's a great idea for a game!
@Sconibulus Endless Ocean is a game where you go scuba diving and rub fish
@Lazers Doesn't matter where you rub them, as long as you do it with bacon
Q: How to avoid damage while jungling?

PeragonI've been jungling a lot recently, especially as Jarvan. On my first clear of the jungle I get really low health, often times preventing me from ganking. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I'm level 23, so I don't have all runes/masteries. Masteries Runes

'jungle' is not a verb, for Christ's sake
@MichaelDunfield It's LoL speak...
@MichaelDunfield It is in LoL slang.
No excuse.
If you want me to explain any LoL slang to you, I would be glad to.
Otherwise shut up about it.
What else would you call terraforming a planet into jungle other than jungling?
@MichaelDunfield New communities bring with them additional uses for words that already exist.
@StrixVaria No thanks
@Sconibulus And if we reverse the effect, making it a dry, sandy world... would we be deserters?
@Coronus Fremen, I think
Jul 18 at 13:57, by StrixVaria
I'm tired of people complaining (yes, complaining) that they can't read LoL questions because of the terminology. It doesn't help anything.
@fluttershy I fixt it.
Jul 18 at 13:57, by StrixVaria
I'll put a standing offer out there that I will explain any LoL term (that I know; but it should be most of them I think) to anyone who wants to know.
@Ullallulloo Oh my, it seems like the whole Bridge decided to play Fallen London when I wan't looking!
I didn't know you played @FAE, may I invite you to dinner?
Every time someone says "Fallen London" I think of "Hellgate: London" and then think "Didn't that game die?" before remembering it's a different game.
Should we also start making fun people for typical gaming terminology that didn't make sense before?
After all, does "respawn" make any sense outside of a gaming context? I mean, who does that?
"frag" doesn't mean kill, folks. It's just a kind of grenade.
I thought frag was a special kind of kill where the person exploded?
@StrixVaria Also, "frag" was Vietnam terminology for killing your superior officer, I think.
In the United States military, fragging (from fragmentation grenade) refers to the act of murdering members of the military, particularly commanders of a fighting squad. Additionally, the term can be applied to manipulating the chain of command in order to have an individual, or unit, deliberately killed by placing the personnel in harm's way, with the intended result being death. An example would be to order a soldier to perform a particularly hazardous task, and continue to repeat the order until the soldier met his demise. Originating among United States troops during the Vietnam War, ...
@Sconibulus In modern gaming terminology it's any kill.
I haven't seen anyone use 'frag' since I played CS1.6 like 6 years ago..
People tend to say 'kill' in most games..
@Sconibulus That's "gib"
@3ventic It was just the first one that came to mind.
And it was never used as a verb, only like "I have 7 frags"
maybe I just played with very specific people who used it like that
@3ventic Fragging is definitely a verb.
@3ventic People don't have time for "kill" anymore. It's just "k".
@wipqozn Found the bonus dungeon boss after third stratum. His FOE color to me is purple, so I figure he will be easy. I step into battle. He goes before any of my guys and opens with an AOE that kills 3 of my guys and leaves the other two at about 50 health. Yup.
@Unionhawk Well, if you say "I got 12k", most people will assume you talk about money, not kills
So I would say it's still "kill"
@Sterno F.O.E.!
Except in KD
@3ventic "I got a 12k" totally works though.
@Unionhawk If you say 12k streak, it works
@Unionhawk This would make no sense to me.
@OrigamiRobot same
@3ventic I think people were assuming you just beat ddr
unless it's a 12k package
Alright, apparently that isn't such common terminology.
@Sconibulus Deutsche Demokratische Republik?
"telefrag" is definitely a video game thing that's still used as far as I know.
@StrixVaria Yes.
@StrixVaria I have never heard (or seen) that word
@StrixVaria Yep. I think it may just be a TF2 thing. Not certain.
@3ventic It may be Halo/TF2-specific.
@3ventic That's when you use a teleport of some sort to kill someone.
@StrixVaria That would be why
Definitely not TF2 specific.
But we got started with LoL-specific slang, so it still works.
@OrigamiRobot Okay, well, any game that has teleports, and handles teleporter collisions with death.
Telefrag goes back to the quake era IIRC
I only play shooters that don't have supernatural elements to them..
@3ventic I only play shooters that are fun.
@3ventic Name one.
@OrigamiRobot Don't be picky :p
Ahah, I just found out what happens in Fallen London on Halloween.
There's small supernatural things to all games
even ARMA has some
being a simulator
@RedRiderX Now I am curious!
Great so the train I got on only went to Sheffield even though they accepted my ticket
It's going to be past 11 by the time I get home
@AshleyNunn A prerequisite is that your Nightmares and Making Waves are both above 5.
@kalina Are you being paid for all this travel time?
I've already passed my house. They wouldn't let me get off
@RedRiderX How do I increase my making waves?
No payment and I'm going to be expected in work on time tomorrow
@kalina This was a mandatory work trip and you're not being paid for travel? I'm so sorry.
@AshleyNunn I just did it be making bad jokes with a severed head
at least, I think that's what I did... not used to this game yet
@Sconibulus What.
@AshleyNunn Social actions help a little, but I actually ended up with a whole bunch after spending a day at the Mushroom Races.
I could cry right now. I'm so cold my chest is starting to hurt
@RedRiderX I never got into the Mushroom races
@AshleyNunn I have a "counterfeit head of john the baptist", one of the options with it was to make bad jokes, and I got a making waves point
@Sconibulus that is awesome
@AshleyNunn Yeah, it does require spending 3 Fate.
@RedRiderX I have one fate I earned for something completely random (I think at teh Shuttered Palace) but I might end up buying some.
I really wish Netflix gets Castle soon.
I really want to catch up on that show.
@AshleyNunn I actually have had 11 and I haven't bought any Nex.
@RedRiderX Oh nice
I haven't found many :(
I think a lot of it was from answering the demographics surveys that showed up that one time...
Can someone help me
question about Spotpass and Streetpass
for it to work, does it have to be in sleepmode while i'm in the game or in the main home screen for the 3DS
I'm so confused about this
I know for MiiPlaza you can have it in the main menu
but for Pokemon X Y do I have to be in game or doest i have to be a menu to work
@Retrosaur From my experience, it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure I've Streetpassed while playing.
And Spotpass is mostly just game updates and whatnot.
@Retrosaur You can be playing or have it in sleep or in a menu and it should work
News, information, etc.
i go to community college just to fuffill some gen eds
so i get a crapload of streetpass notices per day
@kalina Oh no, is there a particular reason?
Get a sweater
Have some tea
@MichaelDunfield Would you kindly
Make sure to add "Would you kindly" to your sentences
you can force certain people to do your bidding by doing so
for example
"Would you kindly bend over....."
@Retrosaur I get the same thing from going to uni :)
"....and tie your damn shoes"
sigh I don't know why I keep adding messages to the social actions in Fallen London, I'm pretty sure no one can see them. :(
@AshleyNunn Glad someone's in the same boat :3
It is quite ridiculous
Heck, I can't even see them after they're sent.
@RedRiderX I think I see them in the emails
@Fluttershy Paypal backing for The Long Dark: intothelongdark.com
@AshleyNunn The personalized bits?
The stuff I would put in the text box?
I never see that from other people then...
And when I look through my sent messages, I can't see them there either.
@Sterno A more positive way to view that is "Two of my guys were still alive"
I have no idea, I might be confusing it but I tink it does show up somehwere

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