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@GraphicDesigners tipotype.com/rufina
Aha! After a week of pitched battle and more than a thousand rat corpses later, I have finally repelled the Rattus Faber!
CC: @AshleyNunn @privatepansy
Q: Why is my leader on fire?

Will R.There are times when you may notice your team leader on fire. Maybe you took a hit while trying to lay on some heavy damage, or you had to dash to avoid said hit. Ever wondered what that flame was all about?

@Lazers I was here
Bad link
@3ventic Bad zelda
it doesn't recognize imagelink.com/image.png?randomshit as an image :(
Time to OC my GPU as far as it goes
@3ventic Put an ! before it, and it will force the onebox, next time
because I'm not happy with my current performance
@3ventic I'm not happy with the performance of most men, I don't go overclocking them to death though
@kalina Well.. if my card dies, it goes in a fire
I'm posting too many pictures today.
775MHz -> 945MHz
Ooh, apparently Ars Technica panned Beyond Two Souls.
> Beyond: Two Souls review: Beyond awful
Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain follow-up is an unforgivable step back for storytelling.
@Powerlord I was mildly interested in this game until I played The Walking Dead, which was 500% better than Heavy Rain.
@JasonBerkan I skipped Heavy Rain after playing David Cage's previous "masterpiece" Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit.
@Powerlord I have that from GoG, but have never installed it. Probably won't anytime soon.
@JasonBerkan It's the original "Quick Time Events: The Game"
Except that it exclusively used the analog sticks rather than face buttons
Ick. Those were the parts of Heavy Rain that annoyed me the most. "Press Triangle to start the car" when you have no other options to do anything else. Ugh. Just have the character start the car.
kicks self I just put ne in a jsp file instead of eq
Which means I now have to wait for the entire project to compile and deploy to test it again.
Q: What is the most complete/stable PSX emulator you've found?

ixtmixilix Possible Duplicate: Where can I find mature and feature-complete emulators? I'm looking for a good PSX emulator for my i686 laptop. I use Debian & Ubuntu. Any suggestions?

This needs a couple more delete votes.
Is there a reason we're deleting a dupe?
oh, the thing it dupes is deleted. I guess that's a reason.
@Sterno Because the dupe target is also deleted.
@FEichinger too slow!
@Sterno I left a comment and everything!
I only read comments if they contain drama.
I am a hero.
Everyone should give me hugs and high-fives.
In an orderly fashion of course.
@OrigamiRobot Instead of high-fives, I will give you Satisfries.
Unacceptable. If you don't want to high-five me, you have to hug me.
@OrigamiRobot I was going to post this image of a sloth hugging a child, but out of kindness I will put it behind a link.
Not causing you misery is my version of hugging.
Are you a sloth?
@OrigamiRobot Are you a child?
@AshleyNunn So. Rune Factory took a bit of a depressing turn.
All sloths are exempt from hugging/high-fiving me.
All children are exempt from hugging/high-fiving me
@Powerlord Man, if I made that rule, I would have some crazy unhappy nephews and nieces.
Never a hug a child unless his or her parents are present.
I can make that rule because I have no nieces or nephews.
or children for that matter.
Q: Is it possible to fire your AI laser turrets without the motion sensor being tripped?

ZibbobzAs an AI, once commanding officers start busting down my door, I want my lasers firing on them even if they're just so much as lying down in my upload chamber. I've been taken down before as Head of Personnel by a barrage of AI turret laser fire, without having any chance to get up. Is it pos...

@Unionhawk So it's Canada's fault.
@Coronus Correct.
@Unionhawk I think I'd like this book!
But if Canada secretly controls the U.S., then Canadians can't bitch about the U.S. being worse than Canada.
@Sterno I guess they'll be sorry anyway.
Hah. The HL3 trademark in Europe was fake.
@Sterno Didn't you know? Complaining is a national pastime.
inherited from the Brits, probably
@kalina Naturally.
@kalina When you have -40 for several months on end, you tend to develop habits that keep you sane.
at least your weather is consistent
Yeah! >.>
try late winter/early spring weather in the morning, summer weather in the late morning, rain in the afternoon followed by wind
@Unionhawk You ever get a response to that flag regarding Alex and Guilo? Doesn't look like anything's been done.
or! snow in the morning, summer in the afternoon
I think it was you that did the flagging.
@kalina Try snow blindness! It's a thing!
@fbueckert I got a "helpful", other than that, no
@Unionhawk Probably a message telling them to cut it out, then.
@kalina Mhmm. Weather around here isn't quite that spastic; changing day-by-day rather than hour-by-hour, but still quite spastic by comparison.
it hasn't actually been that bad recently
last year was surreal for most of the year though
@fbueckert This is the third suspected sock, right?
@FEichinger At least.
Q: Does Ghost in Dishonored reset when loading?

sircapsalotSo I was playing through the campaign, achievement hunting, and I took a look at this post pertaining to the three white bolts meaning NOT detected. Only when it turns red. Only issue is - when I went through the mission, I got to the very end, and then got detected. I let them slice me in litt...

@fbueckert how depressing of a turn are we talking?
@AshleyNunn Not enough to make me stop playing, but it went from sunshine and rainbows into, "NPC's gonna die, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Oh daaaaaamn. That is pretty bad.
@AshleyNunn Yeah. Me no likely. And I'm in all of Summer Year 1!
Also, dear mobile chat, what is the sudden little mention bubble? Highlighting my name in yellow wasn't enough?
@fbueckert oh man, so it has the potential to get much worse... :(
@AshleyNunn I recall something about the bubble being clickable so you can actually remove the notifications for them from your inbox or something. But I don't use mobile chat, so ... no idea.
@FEichinger Meh. It describes the problem better.
Well if I tap them they disappear, so it must do something.
Q: How do you deal with high-level storylets, that inflict menaces on failure?

Paul MarshallAs you advance in Fallen London, the penalties for failing a storylet get stiffer: you'll pick up Scandal, or Wounds, or one of the other menaces. In the early game, the key to quick advancement is to attempt difficult storylets: whether you succeed or fail, you'll gain several change points per ...

Q: I have a question about a question lol

soulreaperI'm asking this question because I dont want the other question to be put on hold, is asking a question about how to install world edit on minecraft worthy of being put on hold?

@Lazers Ugh.
Oh good lord v
So, who here is into the trading of some Steam cards? Specifically, FTL ones.
@fbueckert I just realized it has been quite a while since we have seen anything out of Kairosoft :(
@AshleyNunn Yeah. I keep waiting for that farming one. So far, no luck. :(
Steam Trading Cards have hit the point where I have lost tracks of how many of my games have cards and where I still have card drops.
Q: Does anyone know how to survive a bounty in GTA V online?

HutchyNeed help on shaking off a bounty in GTA V online if anyone can help ?

@fbueckert hell I would settle for anything new.
And, no, checking the badge list is not an option. It takes ages to scroll down there.
@FEichinger Last I checked, most games seem to have jumped on the card wagon.
@AshleyNunn Ditto.
PLS2 just doesn't do it for me.
Me neither.
@Lazers So, I know policy is policy and we should still stick with policy, but I figure we can at least answer "Is this okay to ask?" before we move it to Meta.
Q: Can I ask about installing mods?

soulreaperI'm asking this question because I dont want the other question to be put on hold, is asking a question about how to install world edit on minecraft worthy of being put on hold?

Or simultaneously, simultaneously is fine.
@GraceNote Multitasking: the bane and purpose of everybody's existence.
@fbueckert Pretty easy when you've got each task being done by a different individual.
@AshleyNunn From a look at GameFAQs, the part I'm at in Rune Factory is close to the end of the first story arc. So there should be lots more game for me.
I'm still amazed how fast cards sell on Steam.
@Sterno Certain cards, anyway
@MichaelDunfield I guess. I've never experienced any that didn't sell in under a minute if priced about 2 cents lower than average.
I have a whole bunch of cards in my inventory, but I'm too lazy to sell them all for 10 cents each
@Sterno I found a foil that only had one other store listing and it hasn't sold yet
@MadScientist The average seems to be closer to $.20
I've made about $10 selling cards so far, which isn't a ton, but hey, that's like 2 steam games
Most were around 10-15 cents when I last looked
I need me some gas guzzlers
dammit steam, why won't you let me non-instant paypal
@fbueckert Very cool :)
wtf, Deutsche Bank. The PIN on my debit card is 4 digits long.
@badp What is WTF about that?
...it should be 5
at least
It's always 4 as far as I have encountered
It's always been 5 for me.
4 digits is like your voicemail password.
You only get three tries for the PIN, so 4 digits is probably safe enough if you don't write them down
@badp Here it has to be at least 4, but can be 5, although they usually suggest 4 so that you can use it in America (at least that is what my bank has told me on numerous occasions)
It's one less digit for people to record typing.
@badp I've never known a not-4-digit PIN.
@GraceNote but you've visited the DMZ?
@GraceNote My SIM card's PIN is 5 digits too. It actually goes all the way to 8
@RoryAlsop I've visited a lot of chat rooms with little functional operation of the subject knowledge within.
I'm not entirely unconvinced that the technology isn't the same.
At any rate my PIN is kinda kickass, so eh.
@GraceNote heh - fair enough. Enough of us in there work in security divisions of banks, universities, local government etc that we have a reasonable view on it
@RoryAlsop so is it reasonable for me to have a PIN password that can extract 3,000€ of my money at once, no takesies backsies, that's roughly as complex as a voice mail password?
honest question.
I miss having a 4 digit voicemail password.
@badp 12345?
The threat models are wildly different
I mean, the typical attack on PIN numbers is installing a card duper on an ATM and a camera to read your keypresses
If every keypress has (say) a 5% chance of being misread...
Sounds like a question to see what they have on InfoSec!
however I'm off to buy a pizza.
I bet you can get more answers if you share that pizza.
dunno if I should use my bank acct, or if I don't want to have my very first purchase with my "own" money to be more meaningful.
...first world problems?
@badp I am happy with mine being 6 digits
@RoryAlsop Nice. Did you get any say on the length, actually?
@badp yep - I have various cards with various banks and only one forced me to have a 4 digit. One would allow 8 but that exceeds the threat model requirements
@RoryAlsop nice.
I guess that next time, I'll ask.
I think 8 digits is the actual maximum, at least my phone won't let me set a longer PIN number.
@badp The N stands for number, BTW.
@JasonBerkan Personal Identification Narwhal.
When I want to take out some money, I'm connected to a Narwhal who runs voice recognition
Two-factor authentication, see?
Narwhals are numbered, so you need to talk to punch in the right PIN number.
Actually, three. Something I know, something I have and something I am on a good day when the phone reception is good enough.
> he orchestrated what may well be the largest narwhal smuggling ring of modern times.
It always amuses me to see these sort of giant superlatives used instead of just a descriptor.
250 is also... a lot smaller a number than I expected for 10 years. It's a tragic number but... smaller than I expected.
I might admit that with the now-seemingly-random 700000 in the URL, I might've had unrealistic expectations.
@GraceNote That's... odd. I wonder if someone has a sense of humour.
@GraceNote Yeh, I could really use some pizza right now. :P
@FEichinger I just got an email from Pizza Hut
@OrigamiRobot Did they email you a pizza?
@RedRiderX An eizza probably
Q: What is this ore, and why can't I mine it?

shanodinI just came across this glowy ore, and my 'Sharp Silver Pickaxe' won't mine it. I'm playing on the PC version of Terraria, if that helps. How do I mine the glowy ore block?

Q: How to remove the possession of a car that you own?

WarfaceI have a car in my garage that I don't want anymore. How can I make it sort that it not mine anymore... does destroying will do? Or just leaving it the impound and let the them destroying will do. The thing is that you can still claim the car back after being destroyed. How to permanently remove...

Q: Are there Planeswalker cards in Duels 2014?

Overseer76Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 has a sealed deck format in which you open several packs of Magic 2014. Magic 2014 as a core set contains planeswalker cards at mythic rare. My question is: does Duels 2014 finally have planeswalkers? It's hard to tell since one will only ever open so many packs. T...

Someone at my company just referred to an app they wrote that shares data about other employees as a "culture hack". cc @OrigamiRobot
@Lazers Okay, wow, that is too similar to @fbueckert's avatar and I find that confusing.
@AshleyNunn Blame @fredley.
He made her a badge. She's part of my army.
I wonder if I would get an achievement in scribblenauts for creating a "quick brown jumping fox" and a "lazy dog"
@fbueckert You have an army? worries for the state of hte nation
also omg i have SO MANY veggies and I am not even doing like any Thanksgiving thing where I have to bring food augh so I am going to be eating nothing but root veggies for forever
aka my CSA share was HUGE this week
@redriderx do you think I need to be worried if I am now marked by the Eater of Chains?
@Sterno What does that even mean?
@Sterno what
Hello I am a white tomato farmer culture hack and now I'm a black vocalist
Please tell me Watch_dogs will allow culture hacking
Bored now
@AshleyNunn Considering you guys share a nation I figured you guys would know if you had an army.
@GraceNote I thought so too but apparently he was keeping it a secret :(
@Lazers follow-up question, why doesn't Duel of the Planeswalkers 2014 contain Planeswalker cards? Too complicated for newbies? Too weird to have planeswalkers playing planeswalkers?
I'm suffering from TotalBiscuit withdrawal
nvm... 2 new WTF Is posted... bye o/ :D
@AshleyNunn Well, I'd be lying if I said that this isn't a concerning development.
@RedRiderX Alright, fair enough....
But just keep a look out for any overly dark corners of your dreams and it shouldn't turn out too poorly.
@Blem Nice tits
@ken.ganong Players have always been planeswalkers.
@Blem I love how the guys are all like COVERED UP AND PROTECTED and the girls are like oh yes have you seen my boobs here they are all out and unprotected please shoot me here is a target
@OrigamiRobot True, but it is a little different when you are the planeswalker and when the planeswalker named Jace on the screen plays a planeswalker card.
@AshleyNunn thats what the article i linked to is somewhat about
@AshleyNunn No, no, it's a distraction! A guy come up to shoot them and then goes "OMG BOOBS" and then she shoots the guy instead
@SaintWacko oh, is that what they are for?
@AshleyNunn Clearly :P
Discounting the fact that it's open, I think the female sniper outfit is cooler than the male one
Q: How do I perform the basic move combo's in training mode?

JeroenIn "Street Fighter x Tekken" there's a practice/trial mode. The first few trials are special moves which, ironically, are easy to do. After that come some "basic combo's" which seem to be a lot harder. The first one I passed by sheer luck (button mashing), but the next one is more challenging. U...

Q: GTA Online - if someone steals my car and sells it can i call the insurance company to replace it?

FistOfFuryWas finishing a long GTA Online session with several crew members and we all stole a car to sell to LSC before logging off. One of the guys jumped in my personal car and drove off before i asked him not to sell it. If he sold it, would that mean i lose the car or can i just call up the insuranc...

@Sterno Bridge. I wanted to do "The Bridge" but it's too long. I named my party after Bridge people so it seemed apprioate.
Q: GTA V Bounty hunting

MarcoWhen you put a bounty on someone, who pays the money? I had $14000 taken from my bank because someone kept putting bounties on me

@Wipqozn On that note, Pokemon X/Y is coming out this week. Who should I name my starter after?
@Yuki Wipqozn.
@AshleyNunn Sadly, he becomes this:
@Yuki Not as cute :(
Still kinda cute, but looks really weird.
@Wipqozn But I'm going to name you after the Squirtle I'm going to get.
@Yuki That is acceptable.
@Yuki New pokemon are dumb.
Two offensive suggested edits.
Make that three.
And more.
Q: Launcher With Jar Changer

RevIs there a launcher that allows me to use different JAR files? I get tired of renaming/copying/backing up various JARs when trying out snapshots. I haven't been able to find anything like this searching.

Could someone familiar with minecraft reword that?
I'm not sure what a snapshot is in this context.
and I'm not really sure what he's trying to do.
also, @fbueckert, I agree 110%:
@monnef And that's the thing; you're not telling us what problem you're having. All you're doing is listing the features that MultiMC has, and you want a replacement for it. That's a straight up software recommendation. If you can reword it to focus more on the problem you're facing, that might be something we can solve. Why do you use MultiMC? What does it do for you that it can't in the latest version of Minecraft? Those would be acceptable in my books. — fbueckert 4 hours ago
He hasn't actually stating what his problem is.
He's just saying "I like this program, suggest me another"
Which is a pure software recommendation.
@RedRiderX O_o
@Wipqozn Exactly.
I will happily vote to reopen it if we get a problem to solve.
@Mana If you're around, we've got an idiot on a rampage
Okay I'm done spamming for now. :P
@RedRiderX This is gorgeous.
And this guy's on a rampage. Bloody hell. Does he have a grudge or something?
@fbueckert Entirely possible
It's times like this I'm glad I can at least help burn the crap.
Why do people who use gay as an insult tell the person to "suck their dick"?
@AshleyNunn At least we know what he likes. ;]
@AshleyNunn And it's on such a crazy huge scale, it feels very close to the movie.
@RedRiderX It is absolutely gorgeous.
It must have taken forever
Implying the being gay is bad, and then inviting someone of the same sex to engage in sexual intercourse with you, just implies you hate yourself.
Also, why do people star shit spam/offensive stuff?
@AshleyNunn I thought it was funny, sorry.
@AshleyNunn I blame @MichaelDunfield. I KNEW IT
Does anybody here not have Skydrift and want it?
I'm practically a psychic.
@fbueckert I sent him a message and he destroyed the user.
Good. User done gone got destroyed.
14 secs ago, by Michael Dunfield
@fbueckert I sent him a message and he destroyed the user.
@AshleyNunn User has been destroyed.
@AshleyNunn It's not as bad as upvoting the posts.
@MichaelDunfield ....I noticed.
@Wipqozn There is that.
@Wipqozn Shush
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aw, I don't get this treatment
@badp wat treatment?
@LessPop_MoreFizz The one you're showing off? Spam/offensive posts being hidden by default without need for editing them?
@badp Oh, you don't get the offensive answers hidden.
I guess because mod.
I suppose.
Yet another good reason NEVER TO EDIT OUT SPAM.
do you get that post hidden?
@badp Yup. Still see the comments, though.
@fbueckert oh well. comments purged.
@badp Much appreciated.
@MichaelDunfield btw grats on 10k
@badp That happened quite a while ago but thanks
user image
@Wipqozn Congrats! Schooling complete, now time to join the real world!
Someone should pin that
@fbueckert I have a job interview on thursday and everything.
@Wipqozn Fancy
You're ahead of most graduates, I suspect
Q: Animals escape their pens after udate

Young GuiloAfter I downloaded the newest Minecraft patch the animals are still escaping their pens. Do I have to download every update in order to keep those pesky chickens in their cells?

The KSP weekly is theoretically out, but we're experiencing some problems right now. Workaround link
@FEichinger we?
@SaintWacko @FEichinger's all official and whatnot
@SaintWacko Forums Staff and Squad PR.
@Unionhawk Ooh, really? That's cool. Didn't know that
I was curious as to why you always posted the weeklies :P
As a forums mod over there, I'm kinda the first Bridgeperson to see it, is all. ;)
Q: can't download/play Minecraft 1.6.4

LaurenI download minecraft_server.1.6.4.exe from Minecraft.net. I get Minecraft launcher 1.2.5. The Minecraft server says, "Starting minecraft server version 1.6.4 [INFO] Loading properties [WARNING] server.properties does not exist [INFO] Generating new properties file [INFO] Default game type:...

Alright, proper link should be working now:
Dat tech tree
It's quite nice, indeed.
There are some things that are gonna bite a lot of people in the ass from what it looks right now.
@fbueckert It would be quite nice if I could see it.
Oh, there we go.
So... who wants to be a Chespin?
@fbueckert Did Kerbal have a huge update?
@Yuki @AshleyNunn does.
@Wipqozn All righty then.
@Wipqozn It just entered experimentals phase.
So, beta of the new version.
@Wipqozn go vote
@MBraedley Didn't the polls already close? I was going to vote after I finished with all my grad stuff but I thought they closed at 6.
@Wipqozn The next version, .22, just entered experimentals phase. It will include the first instance of Career Mode, with Research and Development, Science parts and a lot of smaller feature changes related to that.
@Wipqozn no, 8, although they may lock the doors at 7:45
@FEichinger I wonder if performance is in that list of changes.
While I'm here, I've seen one positive and two negative reviews for Beyond: Two Souls. Any other opinions?
@fbueckert I believe I can tell you that that's sadly rather unpredictable. The .21 release build was unexpectedly slow.
@FEichinger Ooo... did the price go up?
Q: Can I keep my GTAV triathlon clothing?

Jonathan WakelyI've just tried the really really long triathlon event in GTAV (the one near Trevor's initial safehouse) and killed a spectator at the last checkpoint so I forfeited the mossion and it finished with me still wearing my red & white triathlon onesie. When I go home to change my clothes I don't see...

@Yuki Uhh ... not that I know of.
@FEichinger Good. I think that I'm getting Kerbal finally.
@Yuki You should've gotten it ages ago.
In fact, you should've gotten it during the Summer Sale.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hahahahahaha what
@LessPop_MoreFizz The fact that someone or a series of someones think they are brilliant for pulling this off makes me irritated at the planet
@FEichinger Probably. I just kept putting it off.
@AshleyNunn They are at Yale! Of course they are brilliant!
(No they aren't this is insane and horrible)
Vibrators.com are giving away free vibrators.
@JeffreyLin Heh.
Is there a way I can better this question?
Q: Animals escape their pens after update

Young GuiloAfter I downloaded the newest Minecraft patch the animals are still escaping their pens. Do I have to download every update in order to keep those pesky chickens in their cells? All types of animals are escaping their pens. The pens are just constructed using fences. I'm on Minecraft version 1....

I don't see what's wrong.
@YoungGuilo There isn't a lot of information.
@YoungGuilo working on a comment
@MichaelDunfield What may I possibly add to make it better?
@YoungGuilo It sounds like you're asking "Why aren't my pens workings?", but you haven't given any information on how you have them set-up.
So people can't really answer it.
@YoungGuilo Not sure. Are 'pens' a block type? I don't recall something like that. Maybe show some pictures or describe how you have your pens built?
And show where they are getting out
@MichaelDunfield fences
@MichaelDunfield I don't know how they are getting out
Screenshots, explanations, context, more info.
@YoungGuilo A screenshot would be good. Without any knowledge of how it's set up, it's hard to answer.
That is, you're wondering what is exactly wrong with your specific pen set-up, not how pens work in general.
Yeah, what @Wipqozn just said
"They are escaping their pens" isn't exactly much to go on.
More detail about your setup would be a good improvement.
@YoungGuilo I posted a comment on it. Basically, my problem with it in its current state is it assumes the answer is "because my version of Minecraft is somehow out-of-date and this was fixed in a patch", which is certainly not the case.
I'll upload a breif video.
And, surprisingly, there isn't a question called "How can I keep my animals from glitching through their fence?" (There's this one, but I wouldn't call it a dupe by any stretch)
@YoungGuilo I don't think that's really needed. What would really help is a more clear understanding of the actual root of the problem. The problem is: "My animals are getting out of their fence. How can I prevent this?" Sure a screenshot might help, but it's not really the core of the issue

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