I had just recently downloaded the new update for grand theft auto 5 but at tge end when it was restarting the piwer went out and I think the update was messed up. Its not letting me play gta online like the update was suppose to. Is their a way to re-do a update?
@Blem Just start taking it apart for an hour, then declare that it is too much work and let the now really broken and partly disassembled truck be taken away from you.
when the guy wanted to teleport over and talk and blew up my ship i decided to reload and choose not to trust him, lost 2 crew members in the explosion
but it is not automatically send out because there is not enough internal storage to make room for newer version of Android and keep all the standard apps (like facebook etc) you have to go to HTC site and download the update
@Arperum with CyanogenMod it would get wiped and would need to be set up again, I am not sure about with the official update, but my guess is it would be wiped and would need to be set up again
In case you don't see it, that's a pasta strainer on his head on the official driver's licence. He won the right to do that under the "freedom of religion" laws. :D
One of the insurance agencies that integrate to us(in Denmark) is called Zürich, they got base in Ireland and there IT department that contacts us is in Sweden
As you know, in GTA V - Online there are Crews and each Crew can create it's own emblem. I think its quite cool that u can "place" the emblem on your shirt/coat/sweater - whatever top wear - on the front or on the back but it doesn't work for "every" (only top) wear. The menu point where I can "b...
@fredley they're referred to by several names =p Less lethal is one I prefer because with non lethal you're saying it won't happen, less lethal you're saying that it can be avoided
Regarding rubber bullets: In a study of injuries in 90 patients injured by rubber bullets, one died, 17 suffered permanent disabilities or deformities and 41 required hospital treatment after being fired upon with rubber bullets. www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112190390/abstract
(though out here, when the WTO INSISTED they allow peaceful protests, they let them do it... in a conference hall foyer. Which would have made tear gas VERY effective)
@JourneymanGeek Those seem to be PCs with a custom Linux distro. "Interesting" from a technical point of view, sure, but aside from "can I start an SSH service on it and log on to a root shell" not really anything revolutionary new.