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Q: I cant remember the name of this one game

Jose MorenoSo the game is basically about this guy who is unemployed and dreams of becoming a super hero. So he becomes an actor and lands a part as one. His suit is red, is in his undies, and wears a cape,and has a power ranger type Japanese hero feel to it. He's pretty bad ass and the back grounds includi...

@Lazers Definitely Viewtiful Joe....
Hahhahah, in the comments section.
"We don't do game identification, but it's Viewtiful Joe."
@LpSamuelm Hehehe...
@fredley read ALL the things!
@fredley HAve a look at the bottom off the page, footer got fudged, probalby not an accident.
It's fudged on all pages though :(
@Arperum Been fudged for yars
@fredley That was very enjoyable.
@fredley Been a while since I last looked.
@fredley I'm not that good with javascript, but I think that this site is trolling me
Yepp, the site was trolling me
@5pike yes the site trolls you
8 minutes 21 seconds :(
Meh... I'm no good with js...
@fredley First Speed-Warp question
Q: What are the recipes in the Secret Lab?

HenryHeyThe lab notes give you hints on how to make potions. What are the actual recipes? Here are the notes: For health, split MMX in two to find your quantities. Chlorine will give you your ingredients, but remember to keep it sweet. For strength, stand in front of a mirror while...

@fredley I did the first two then got bored at the 3rd and quit.
Q: What are the recipes in the Secret Lab?

HenryHeyThe lab notes give you hints on how to make potions. What are the actual recipes? Here are the notes: For health, split MMX in two to find your quantities. Chlorine will give you your ingredients, but remember to keep it sweet. For strength, stand in front of a mirror while...

Q: How do you take off body armor in GTA Online?

CaulynDarrIt's kind of hard to shop for clothes with a big bullet proof vest on. Is there a way to take off the armor after missions, or at least hide it?

@5pike Weeeeeee
@fredley Wasn't kalina supposed to ask the first one?
@5pike She declined
@fredley Good. I was worried that she might hurt you...
@5pike @kalina can't hurt me
@fredley got your asbestos underwear on?
@fredley I wouldn't be so sure
@KevinvanderVelden always
room topic changed to The Bridge: General gaming chat room, wherein everything is fireproof and LAZERS are the new fire. [-fire] [-fun] [history-repeats] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [-videogames]
May 2 at 16:28, by fredley
I should make a game like that
@fredley 26 minutes, 13 seconds for all 5 levels. Well done!
@3ventic Not bad
Today I learned how to do basic javascript
@fredley Six and a half, though I did cheat by using the browser console as a scratchpad
5 minutes for the first 4, 20 for the last one
@3ventic Javascript is fun! Games can be made quite easily with it!
@PrivatePansy Haha
@PrivatePansy I couldn't remember the string functions so gave up at 3
I forgot the typeof of Arrays
@PrivatePansy Me too
@fredley I thought length on unicode strings returned the data length and that was causing me to fail one of the tests at 3, but it turned out I was just always returning the last item from the array >.>
@fredley I just used a regex to extract the thing
@fredley I would like to note that the comment over this was so true
@fredley This is what I did too.
May 2 at 16:28, by StrixVaria
Uuh by 3 I mean the one that require you to return the longest string in an array
for(var i = string.length; i >= 0; i--){
  if (string[i] == '.'){
    return string.splice(?!);
return '';
@fredley if ( i.indexOf('.') >= 0 ) return i.substr( i.lastIndexOf('.')+1 ); else return false;
@Blem eh?
@PrivatePansy Because Regex?
@PrivatePansy because he wants to only have 1 problem
@KevinvanderVelden Ahahahaha
var x = i.split('.');
if(x.length == 0) return false; else return x[x.length-1];
@KevinvanderVelden I can't remember all those lastIndexOf type functions, so just BRUTE FORCE
@3ventic This is good
if (i.match(/\..*/)) return /\.(.*)/.exec(i)[1]
@fredley pff, at least it's not the problem of "Is it strpos or strrpos? Or maybe strirpos?"
And no I'm not talking about PHP :|
PHP is great
@PrivatePansy That looks like an ant crawled across my phone keyboard while on the punctuation layout.
Teehee the capturing group looks like boobs
God I'm so mature
@3ventic PHP is through great and out the other side. Into awful.
> [03/10/2013 23:30:15] -|TG|-HaRCoR7: print hello world in assembly
[03/10/2013 23:30:16] -|TG|-HaRCoR7: .486p
.model flat,STDCALL
include win32.inc

extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
extrn ExitProcess:PROC


HelloWorld db "Hello, world!",0
msgTitle db "Hello world program",0

push offset msgTitle
push offset HelloWorld
push 0
call MessageBoxA

push 0
call ExitProcess
end Start
<?="hello world"?> in php
@fredley No, the other way around. PHP went so deep into awful, it's now great again ... Well, if you can catch up.
"hello world" in python
hello world
@3ventic Or, you know, just hello world, since PHP just outputs anything that's not in <?php ?> brackets
If you can't catch up, you're stuck in the depths of awful with it.
^in html
@fredley in the transcript
@PrivatePansy You and your logic!
@Blem Oh yes
@Blem No spaces allowed. Not sure about the @ sign
6 mins ago, by Blem
May 2 at 16:28, by StrixVaria
I have no idea what's going on
@fredley That's generally the idea, yes, to make your code as unreadable as possible
@OrigamiRobot we are bringing back old truths
And it's so elegant
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
I have no idea what's going on
@PrivatePansy I find this a bit disturbing
May 2 at 16:09, by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone
user image
@Blem It is burned. Thanks @fredley
Making a game so people ask questions so you can answer... I'll report you for trying to get easy rep. — HenryHey 8 mins ago
@FEichinger Making games should be punishable.
Bugreports work nicely for that.
@Arperum But it's such a kissy-wissy cuddly-wuddly lil' tree!
@fredley BB still has some undefined area! grabs whip
@Arperum Very much so.
Q: What are the most profitable train routes in OpenTTD

RicardoWhat are the most profitable train routes in OpenTDD in early and mid-game? In other words, what kinds of businesses should I link to get most money? What's the best (most lucrative) locomotive for the route? What is the approximate profit that I should expect with the route? When should I abando...

Q: What's the most efficient way to replace old locomotives in OpenTTD

RicardoI have a bunch of trains transporting coal back and forth and I wanted to know what's the most effective way to replace a locomotive when it expires. Right now I tell it to stop at the depot, sell it, buy the new one, and tell it to go again (by telling it to stop at the depot for maintenance if...

@Lazers Not every sentence in a question should be a question itself.
@FEichinger The title has no question mark.
@Arperum Uh huh. sigh
@Lazers Isn't that thing rather broad? I'm thinking to vote for close as too broad.
It feels like "I want the guide for the best option for half of the game."
@LessPop_MoreFizz Missing a sort of optical illusion of eyes that are always looking at you, no matter where you stand. Like a mantis.
Q: Ni No Kuni Bounty Hunt 130

Jonathan MeeWhat is my best plan of attack here? I have been running in circles healing Swaine and Esther while throwing Frostbite at the main enemy. I seem to run out of mana or get killed too soon for this to work though. The only tip I found online was use Medals of Impunity. Any other help?

So... Google just enabled the grid navigation thingadongdong for me
@GraceNote Oh, was that my cue? ´\î/`
That would've been a good cue, yeah.
I have my own personal cue. It's pretty fancy.
@fredley Ummm.... this isn't true?
Hmmmm, something's wrong.
With 50 posts per page I'm seeing a pretty strange mix of questions
...oh not that again.
You forgot to feed the server hamsters again?
It's not quite the same as before, though. Could you post on our Meta about it?
MSO or Arqade Meta?
Either or. You are comfortable enough with MSO that I don't mind letting you choose.
There seems to be a history for this bug meta.stackoverflow.com/search?q=sort+by+vote+[bug]
Q: Sort by vote is broken (again)

Yi JiangI'm not sure how this relates to previous bug reports, but since Grace Note asked me to I'm posting this. Sort by votes is broken on Arqade. On page 5 for instance I see this: The last post on page 4 has a score of 0, while the first post on page 5 has a score of 47. I'm using a page size of ...

Anyone bought Transport Tycoon for Android or iOS yet?
@tombull89 buying
@5pike Let me know what you think.
@tombull89 Haven't bought it. I'd watch some reviews before buying it, because the free version, OpenTTD, is also on android.
The OpenTTD port isn't optimised for touch though. You have to do some work yourself to get it working, and even then the interface is still pretty painful to use
The performance is surprisingly good though, as is the stability
@5pike Yes, it's not really meant for mobile, though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz BBC says it's true so it is
I am so ready for weekend!
@fredley havent seen any links to this today, are you slacking?
@Blem I'm biding
@Blem He was waiting for you to do it. Because lazy.
wat (10k only)
@fredley Link?
@fredley Because I can verify from actual experience in the past 48 hours that this is not true.
It's not even one per border post.
@LessPop_MoreFizz bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24357415, see no. 1
It's the maintenance of the physical border markers, and it's usually only an 8 man job anyway
@Sterno Level 7 here. The moas are huge jerks.
@PrivatePansy Yeah, that's a misleading bit of text if ever I read it
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're a misleading bit of text
@fredley Oh buuuuurrrrnnn.
You made @LessPop_MoreFizz look like a total fool.
@Wipqozn Haaaaaa
@fredley I mislead your mother last night, that's for sure.
@LessPop_MoreFizz With your text?
@fredley texts, sexts, all the same.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Misleading sexts sound worrisome.
Reminds me of Thailand
Good morning, Bridge
@fbueckert Good morning.
@fbueckert Morning!
Ok, who's going crazy with the stars?
@fbueckert Everybody!
@fbueckert Absolutely everyone.
We're just happy to see you.
Happiness is best expressed with stars
@fbueckert I... I don't even want to try and understand the logic for this being starred.
@StrixVaria And anyone else who is in NYC or environs: Half price one-year citibike membership is a Good Deal.
@Blem Sword pocket looks painful
@RedRiderX Yeah, neither do I.
In other news, I'm off to buy Wind Waker HD.
@Wipqozn Woo!
@fredley Is that a sword in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
I should pick that up, too.
@PrivatePansy Can't you tell from the stars that I'm happy to see you?
However, that is also a sword in my pocket
@fbueckert I will never star this!
@OrigamiRobot I will never star you
@OrigamiRobot Logic! No one accused you of it, thereby giving no reason for defense. Ergo, the only need to make the claim is concern that someone assumes, which would only be the case because you knew you starred it!
Q: Why do Stack Exchange sites, particularly Stack Overflow, have chat rooms?

user2617804Chat rooms are so inefficient- Stack Overflow has a ridiculous number of chat rooms. I'd create a simple forum/subforum category (chat rooms can become threads or subsubforums) structure, kill the current ones and transfer their content to individual threads (I assume some people want that st...

Apparently, there's not enough activity to need chatting going on.
@fbueckert Chatting is overrated. You should try it.
@GraceNote On the contrary. I used @fbueckert's protest to shape today's flavor of my repeated assertions that morning are never good.
@Arperum Chatting is overrated. You should try asking questions or answering them instead
@OrigamiRobot It's more fun to assume the contrary to your contrary.
@PrivatePansy I might answer a question this evening. It annoyed me yesterday that the accepted answer is wrongish. I am planning on adding some complete overkill of an answer to it.
@GraceNote I did star his subsequent inquiry about the original stars.
BTW the pikmin 3 DLC is already out (more collect treasure missions, harder than the original missions)
@Wipqozn I'm still on 5. I keep wiping on my way to Fenrir. Hard mode is hard.
Or, if I don't wipe, I get injured enough I need to head back to town.
Your dungeon dives into the original Yggdrasil keep making me want to get back into my writing. Wargh.
@GraceNote So much to do, not enough time to do it!
@Wipqozn The moas being huge jerks scares me, since I think I'm taking 66% more damage than you.
Q: What is the rating on different suits of armor in SS13?

ZibbobzThere is a wide variety of different types of armor to protect from damage in SS13, from basic body armor to the HoS's Trenchcoat to hardsuits to spacesuits and even no suits at all. If I'm looking for the maximum amount of defense against assault, what armor should I grab first? Is there a par...

@GraceNote The new EO has a "stair warp" thing where once you've mapped out a level, you can warp between staircases. It makes getting in and out of the dungeon really easy. It also makes it easy to run out to a hard-to-reach gather point and then just warp back to the stairs instead of having to walk back. I'm not sure I like it, even if it is very convenient.
@Sterno Sounds like exactly the kind of thing to not-use.
> U.S. Copyright law stipulates that copyrighted works only fall into the public domain when Disney runs out of money to bribe Congress for another extension.
Funniest thing I've read all morning.
Speaking of which, they need to do that soon.
@GraceNote Easier said than done when you're down to 1 party member alive and forgot to buy an ariadne thread!
@Sterno What nincompoopy logic led you to forget to buy an Ariadne thread!?
Oh wait, no... corporate copyright is 96 years now, so they have until 2024 to get Congress to extend it again.
@GraceNote These things happen! Your baby is all "Waaah, I just woke up, come get me!" and you warp out of the dungeon and save and forget to do the all-important Aridane Thread re-buy at the shop.
@Powerlord The public backlash against these copyright lengths is starting to get noticed in Congress, I think.
And there are some things that are starting to enter the public domain.
@Sterno You're the kind of person who forgets to do a check on your car before you head out and thus your tire explodes and so you get a game over before you even get a block out from the police station.
@fbueckert They didn't notice when Eldred v. Ashcroft was being debated on the Supreme Court?
@GraceNote Yes, that happened to me once in Police Quest 1. I admit it.
I also forgot to put my gun in the gun locker at the jail once. It didn't end well.
@Sterno The happiness at you catching my reference overshadows the concern that I've dated myself with a reference that you can catch.
I never actually got too far in the game. Only made it to the third case, with the bikers at the bar.
@GraceNote You're not supposed to admit your age.
@fbueckert nothing has entered public domain in like 40 years.
@Powerlord Pretty sure it's public knowledge by this point.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Video-wise, no. Music-wise, some are starting to.
@GraceNote At least you might have been (or can pretend) that you were playing the SVGA remake, and not the original.
And there , the RIAA is fighting tooth and nail to prevent it.
@Sterno I actually couldn't tell you which version it was.
@fbueckert and MPAA
@Powerlord Yeah, because it sets a precedent they really don't want getting set.
Depends which graphics you remember.
@Sterno I remember... neither.
Police Quest was one of the Sierra game series I've never played. :O
I played the original the year it came out. I'm awesome.
@Sterno Top.
@GraceNote Warning: You might be SternOLD
@Sterno I think my card actually notes that I'm an ageless witchbeasthag.
Police Quest 1 taught me the important of being nice to hookers you arrest, because you might end up marrying them.
@Sterno They're FOEs, not regular monsters.
They just have really unusual movement patterns.
@Wipqozn I tried to fight one of those FOEs that moves 3, then pauses 1 on floors 4 and 5. It didn't end well
Q: How fast does Corruption/Crimson spread?

ZibbobzSo I was wandering the surface looking for easy caves to explore and BAM, Crimson binome. Now that I've discovered it, I'm a little worried about the area immediately to the left of it, since there are some nice caves I was planning to explore later on. I haven't defeated Eye of Cthulhu yet...

@Sterno The mantis?
@Sterno Stalkers. Not a good idea.
@Wipqozn Yeah
WTF @ the 'mention' button on mobile chat
@jin it's ugly.
Also, Moas are usually your first encounter with an enemy that hits the entire party.
Yes, yes they were.
I did get a Stomp Grimoire at level 4. That thing is pretty cool.
Well, the wolves has some type of binding howl I think.
Which, combined with being an FOE, usually is a very fatal first encounter.
But it wasn't a damage attack, and rarely hit.
@GraceNote I ran away like a little girl.
@Wipqozn Are you a little girl?
And then I used a thread to go back to town, because I only had 2 living party members.
@GraceNote I only actually have on girl on my party, and it's Ashley. She's my protector.
@Wipqozn Gotcha.
I was considering making my medic female, but I didn't think @MichaelDunfield would appreciate being made into a 12-year-old girl.
@Wipqozn You can use my name. I'm not that far removed from being a 12 y.o. girl anyway
@PrivatePansy Too late.
@gracenote when did mention button get added?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hm?
Mobile chat.
@GraceNote He wants to know when the mention button was added.
I don't even know what this button is.
There is an ugly yellow button that says mention next to every time someone has mentioned me now.
@Wipqozn I keep meaning to test but haven't yet... do you know if Grimoire skill levels stack with normal skill levels?
@GraceNote It's the one he wants to know about.
@Sterno I still haven't done anything with Grimories.
I think we should break this robot down into scrap.... paper.
I should probably do something with them.
@Wipqozn I mostly just pick and choose any with gathering abilities.
They seem more important end-game, probably
@Sterno Oh, that's a good idea.
Saves me the time of needing to swap out a gathering person.
I'll need to do that. Good idea @Sterno!
And they say old people aren't useful.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So that's what mobile chat looks like.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What happens when you click it?
Also, I thought Koodo was a Canadian only compnay.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Does it happen multiple times in a single post @LessPop_MoreFizz ?
@wipqozn I am in Canada.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Still? I thought you were already back in the US of A.
@arp nope.
@origamirob it goes away. I'm not sure what the point is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's something. Worth the experiment though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz 6 hours ago, I'd say
@Wipqozn In classic mode, do your party members annoyingly chat at you while you wander the dungeon? In particular, saying something every time the monster meter thing turns red?
@LessCola_MoreBubbles That's a shame.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yea, seems useless to me.
@Sterno No sir.
I wonder if I can turn that off.
That would be nice, it sounds annoying.
Maybe @TimStone can explain it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...huh.
Someone needs to make an English-translated skill simulator for EOU
I need to know which skills are one-point wonders, and which are worth pumping up!
Wait, mobile chat is being actively developed upon?
I got paid and paid my bills. Time to spend the rest on MtG cards!
@OrigamiRobot Leave some left over for an Eternal Scout patch
> If there is a spear mastery in both grimoire itself and has the effect of two minutes.
I'm thinking google translate failed on that one
Mr. "Kill all chat rooms and use forums" is seriously arguing that we're just like Yahoo Answers.
@fbueckert I must agree with him, if by We you mean only you! ;)
@Blem I'm not like Yahoo Answers! I take offense to that! huff
@fbueckert Where? I need some Friday Drama
What load of nonsense- you are a forum even more like Yahoo answers - with some pretentiousness and some really bad help areas- you obviously missed the part where I said mostly in regard to Stack Overflow there is a lot of dying chat rooms. Keep the living ones but for discussable questions- have a forum as well. — user2617804 16 mins ago
user2617804 is a troll
Well, it's hard to disagree with his argument that chat rooms are "inefficient". Gaming is, after all, off-topic in here.
Then chat rooms are outside Stack Overflow's scope and mission- you have to remove them haha. Yeah. Right. Chat on ServerFault and Arquade (OMG NON-SO SITES?) can be a very productive, useful, part of the StackExchange network. — tombull89 53 mins ago
@tombull89 Productive? Useful?
That's not what I'm here for
I thought this chat room was just to see people post pictures of Ponies?
user image
@TZHX We try to annoy people with non-pony related things too.
Q: What's a good way to start making money in OpenTTD?

RicardoJust got back to playing the game and I'm sticking with transporting coal from a mine to a power plant with the cheapest locomotive, placing one train per route. What would be better ways to make money?

@Sterno It is rather hard to play games in chat
yeh. but you get trolling anywhere on the Internet.
@PrivatePansy insert coin
@Sterno Shhhhh, nobody's suppose to know about that
@PrivatePansy insert coin
insert coin
One day imma make a better insert coin
@TZHX and hedgehogs sometimes
It'll probably have ponies and be awful.
@BenBrocka Why would you even bring us back to this!?
@fredley Gotta get down
@Sterno Friday best day
Horse ebooks is alive and sending me voicemail from georgia
> What does Jupiter represent?
> Are budgies good whistlers? ?
> Why does milk go bad when it is not refrigerated but stays fresh in a cow that is not refrigerated?
@OrigamiRobot pfff lol
> 16 year old wanting 6 pack?
> Can a match box???????????
How everything out?
> how long does the paper work takes?
> My brother’s lab/retriever mix will not stop chewing on my boarder collie’s neck!?
> .03 x 120,000.............?
> Was my day okay so far?
OK, crisis averted.
Maybe productive was the wrong word. Useful, more likely.
Course I'm not normally here for the poop-flinging monkey shitfests that kick off every so often.

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