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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Ok, I gotta admit. That looks like a pretty neat concept.
@fbueckert ... want.
And home time. See ya!
those are actual posters that are up in London mass transit apparently.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Similar to the "See Something, Say Something" campaign on MARTA
@LessPop_MoreFizz Looks like @FAE is famous!
based on the number of panhandlers and "independent entrepreneurs" gracing the trains with their presence...it's not working so well.
@WorldEngineer Yeah, the ummmmmm is entirely about the logo, and not the text. Also, See Something Say Something is a trademark of the NYPD (which they license to other law enforcement.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz They're fairly famous (and iconic, for all the wrong reasons)
See something, say 'something'.
@PrivatePansy Yea, I was referring more to this particular eye and the purple and such.
It is a notably different eye from the one you're linking.
Nightvale and/or psychic pokemon cards
And, correction, "See Something Say Something" is a tm of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of New York, not the NYPD.
Okay, that was weird.
Though big single creepy eyes are fairly common symbols
though they're usually deliberately creepy, unlike that sign
> It’s hard to overstate the gamble Jobs took when he decided to unveil the iPhone back in January 2007. Not only was he introducing a new kind of phone — something Apple had never made before — he was doing so with a prototype that barely worked. Even though the iPhone wouldn’t go on sale for another six months, he wanted the world to want one right then.
> In truth, the list of things that still needed to be done was enormous. A production line had yet to be set up. Only about a hundred iPhones even existed, all of them of varying quality. Some had noticeable gaps between the screen and the plastic edge; others had scuff marks on the screen. And the software that ran the phone was full of bugs.
> The iPhone could play a section of a song or a video, but it couldn’t play an entire clip reliably without crashing. It worked fine if you sent an e-mail and then surfed the Web. If you did those things in reverse, however, it might not. Hours of trial and error had helped the iPhone team develop what engineers called “the golden path,” a specific set of tasks, performed in a specific way and order, that made the phone look as if it worked.
Q: How to disable voice chat in GTA V?

WarfaceHow to shut down the voice chat? Can't find any options to silent other players.

So ... Tiny Death Star is a thing that exists ... Or, well, soon exists.
@GraceNote Why the 'letter'?
Also sorry for the slow reply, was dinner.
And thanks!
@MichaelDunfield "Rune Letter" is just a bulky translation.
It's not letter like you send in the mail, it's letter like 'F'.
@FEichinger A Star Wars themed version of Tiny Birds?
@fbueckert This looks sick
@PrivatePansy Tiny Tower, actually.
Ah, that makes a bit more sense
I was imagining you rolling a tiny Death Star up and down hills and across oceans, which would be rather amusing, actually
Seems kind of similar to Gimbal
@PrivatePansy I'd play it.
@PrivatePansy That would be Tiny Wings
I'm sad that Tiny Death Star wasn't a new type of car.
Oh god, there's a TF2 chess set?
@Powerlord There's a chess set of everything.
Well, the funny thing is is that the pieces types for all but pawns are designated by... hats.
Pawns appears to have the Engineer spanner on their tops.
@Powerlord I don't think there are enough classes for that
I need a picture of that chest set
Who are the King and Queen?
@MichaelDunfield Well, only the 8 back pieces are TF2 classes, the pawns are Engineer inventions.
@Fredy31 Holy crap you're alive.
I am
been a while
@Fredy31 Whoever you want to be. You can remove the hats and put them on other pieces.
@Fredy31 Your choice... the pieces are determined by the hats they're equipped with.
lol nice
@Fredy31 I thought you decided you hated us and were never coming back.
I kinda just drifted away for a while
Oh, I thought I was talking with fredley
I should pay more attention to names
That's just silly. You can never leave The Bridge.
@Powerlord is proof of that.
I also got lost somewhere in the engine room
dude that thing is HUUUUUUUUGE
But yeah I tought I should pop back in this room while I'm waiting on the LoL World finals
That's what she said.
CC Portal fanboys
and first person puzzle platformer fans
@Fredy31 ah yes, I heard about that. I believe a friend of mine is watching that with the aid of some cheezies.
starts in 1:15
11PM Est
and for a BO5
so yeah I might not go sleep until 4AM
Watching a little GTA5 gameplay meanwhile
damn I want them to release that game on PC
oh hey it actually oneboxed!
Oh FFS, why would the Jetpack plugin add inline styles that cannot be overriden with filters to the HTML its widget outputs
@PrivatePansy Argh HTML. I dont want to see that kind of things on weekends
I work on weekends, sorry :P
cant you overwrite that with css?
@PrivatePansy Any reason you're doing the CSS inside the HTML tags?
To be more exact, the only useful work I do is on weekends
@PrivatePansy Oh, derp.
@Fredy31 Yeah, but its ugly
ew, web development
Its not like you have a choice
I want to send a bug report
you cant bypass inline css by anything else than an !important
@PrivatePansy I would agree with that.
Using inline CSS on plug-ins is dumb.
but yeah to !important is most of the time trouble
@Fredy31 Yeah
WP plugins even?
WordPress.com official plugin
This is written by the people who wrote WordPress, FFS.
but still has inline css
What I've heard of a programmer is that the inner programming of WP is shit
but I only do themes so fuckit
@Fredy31 I wouldn't doubt it.
It. Works.
Putting stuff over stuff over more stuff has that effect on code
New defect, opened 6 weeks ago with no more follow up
I have to say I dont really use jetpack
what does it do?
It brings most of the WordPress.com features to your standalone WordPress.org installation
Pretty important in this case since I'm migrating a site from WordPress.com to WordPress.org
WP code is ugly on the inside
You should use Muse
Joomla maybe, but I'll keep developping on the CMS that has about 50% of the market if my memory serves me right
at work we have 2-3 sites made in SilverStripe
Modifying the smallest of things always, ALWAYS, destroys everything
Try misplacing a character in your WP theme's functions.php file
Q: Are items (supplies, ammo, supplements) random?

WeezleI'm playing through on Survivor+ and it is very hard to come across items. I'm wondering if items are the same and in the same locations for everyone or if they are randomly generated. If they are random, I would also like to know when the randomness happens. For example: I get a checkpoint an...

I'm a pro at manipulating the Functions .php
On a similar note
Well, given the NIST website is down right now because of the shutdown...
@PrivatePansy That would be $500,000,000 dollars saved if they didn't have to pay back time?
@Ullallulloo They don't have to pay back time for most of them.
Back pay is only mandated for those employees who are not furloughed and who are working through the shutdown because they are vital to protection of safety/property.
Employees who are furloughed are functionally unemployed. In past shutdowns, a bill has been past giving them back pay, but that's not guaranteed in this case, and tbqh, I'd argue it's very unlikely.
@spugsley It's bone urmom time.
@murgatroid99 Welp.
@murgatroid99 Was it 10 bucks? :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz On the other hand, techradar.com/us/news/gaming/…
I'll still give you the year.
@murgatroid99 This is actual news, where dumb IP filings are not.
@murgatroid99 I thought Source 2 was already confirmed, under the same evidence that L4D3 is confirmed
@LessPop_MoreFizz So basically, this improbably convenient news has kept me at least as optimistic as before about our bet
@murgatroid99 Wait, was it "it'll be here within the year", or "It'll come straight from the horse's mouth that it's happening within the year"?
@Unionhawk It was that the game will be out by 10/1/14
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that's not happening. It'll maybe be officially announced under my criteria of "HL3 CONFIRMED" (Gaben must come out and say it's happening himself, and 2 weeks must pass without it being found a fake) within that timeframe. Maybe.
@Unionhawk I thought it was a pretty safe bet. :)
I keep waiting for them to play into the whole "Gabe/Valve can't count to 3" thing and cross it with the Holy Hand Grenade bit and say "Half Life 5 confirmed!"
@Unionhawk Valve has already acknowledged that they are working on it.
They just haven't said any time frame for when they will have the final product.
They've been redoing lots of stuff lots of times.
@Ullallulloo Funny, because the husband of the voice actress who has been in every Valve game released since 2004 said they weren't working on it just recently.
@Powerlord Voice acting is one of the last things done though.
@Powerlord Also: kotaku.com/…
Q: How can I increase the level of my blue shirts?

TokenMacGuyAssigning my tactical crew to gun rooms and engaging in ship to ship combat seems to do a very good job of earning them experience. Similarly, sentries allow me to slowly but surely feed experience to my engineers. But I can't seem to find any way to give my science crew enough work that they ...

I wonder if Haunted Memories is any good
The first episode is free, so I suppose I could try it.
@Wipqozn Fenrir required many flash bombs.

Proposed Q&A site for jailbreaking Experts and Enthusiasts.

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for corporate and small business accountants, auditors, CPAs, EAs, and those in the process of learning accounting

Currently in definition.

Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Proposed Q&A site for comic book and graphic novel enthusiasts. Includes discussion of existing comic books and graphic novels, story arcs, plots, and sub-plots.

Currently in definition.

Mobile Devices

Proposed Q&A site for mobile devices support and questions.

Currently in definition.

Q: Final Fantasy VII: How to Map Triggers For Run Away?

WhitechapelI'm using a gamepad for FF7 on PC and no matter what I've tried, I can't map the triggers on my gamepad to Page Up and Page Down so I can run away! Any thoughts on how to remedy this?

@kalina you apparently have an outdated answer
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Fairly certain we're not allowed to advise on illegal activities. And it's not like inmates would be able to see this site anyways.
@spugsley Your in-laws?
but also them
@spugsley Bones?
Oh, the TV show.
@Yuki har har
@spugsley Boning @spugsley's inlaws?
@Lazers Simple: marinate a red shirt in a smoky blend of ship hull mixed with crispy explosives. Serve as un-dead as possible.
So much stuff to do this weekend, not enough time to do it all.
@MBraedley Oh god ditto
@spugsley How far are you now? :)
@AshleyNunn only episode 5 :/ My in laws are here so
they finally went back to the hotel so now it's Bones time
@spugsley Yay Bones time :D
How many boner jokes have been made in here ever since @spugsley started watching Bones?
@PrivatePansy We made a bunch yesterday
@MichaelDunfield That was a fun game :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was just listening to it! :D
(I saw the link you left earlier, I just havent been around to listen)
David Boreanaz
@spugsley David Boneanz?
I just. Like. He really just needs a whole show where he shoves people up against a wall and has his way with them. Consensually, of course. But, I'd watch that show
... what just happened there?
@Ktash Spugs is getting all hot and bothered over old television.
Y'know, the usual.
@Ktash :o
@spugsley Not really my kind of guy tbh
That escalated Ron Burgundy quickly...
@AshleyNunn it's his character maybe. I hated him on Angel but I could watch him be Booth all day
@spugsley Yeah, I definitely like him better in Bones over Angel.
Q: Final Fantasy VII: MIssed Added-Effect Materia, Where Can I Find It Now?

WhitechapelI must of overlooked it in the Cave of Gi and was wondering where I could possibly pick up an Added-Effect materia?

Rawr, this game I am trying to play just says "Loading" forever and nothing happens :(
What game?
Way To Go - @MichaelDunfield got it for me from Desura and I have yet t obe able to play it
@Lazers This fellow is asking some pretty good questions
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nooooooooooooooo my mindcanon!
Q: What does the "Threat" stat do?

UnionhawkIn update 13, all weapons have gained the "threat" stat, but I am confused as to what exactly this means. What does the "threat" stat do, exactly?

> As a workaround, you can use Windowed Borderless Gaming but this has been reported to occasionally cause some minor issues with distorted text in game.
that's pretty much what the "new" answer says, linking to an article that predates the release of the game
Q: How do you find your insured car...

AlbertoI started gta online and found a futo and brought it to ls customs and put insurance and tracker on it... I saved and ended the game and when i turned it back on i dont know how to find my car again. Can anyone help.?

Q: Why do players shift-move units back and forth?

ScottI see players shift-click move their units back and forth all the time in replays online. Why do they do that? Wouldn't a hold position command achieve the same thing?

Q: Does shooting reveal other friendly positions?

SF.Supposedly shooting "makes bushes invisible in 50m radius" (or so the help says). Does it mean, that if I, as a scout (lots of camo bonuses), sit hidden in a bush, then an ally drives right over and shoots at enemy I spotted, my position would be revealed to enemies, or can I sit safely next to a...

morning people!
Q: Can i run gtav from the psn in two different ps3 with different ids?

AdrianI want to buy GTAV but i'm a little short of money, so i was planning with a friend to buy the game (half-half) from psn, so can i run the game in two ps3 with differents id's?

Q: Is "K.K. Song" played in Club LOL?

Animal-CrosserI wanted to know whether or not K.K. Song can be played while DJ KK is doing his thing. I have stood around his preformances and not heard him play the song yet.

1 hour later…
Q: Does Grand Theft Auto 5 Hitch Lift 1 (Tinkle) random event repeat?

JoshHas anyone seen this random even repeat? I've already played it once, and only realized after the amount of money I could have made off of it if it had happened to me later in the game. Some random events do repeat obviously like bike thefts and armored truck robberies, but I'm curious if anyone ...

morning @KevinvanderVelden
@PrivatePansy ... well done microsoft, well done
@PrivatePansy now that's truly friendly behaviour
Happy Birthday to us! NASA turns 55 tomorrow. What we've done so far & what's next: http://www.nasa.gov/nasa55 http://t.co/P4gTqUbA7x
Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Oh the irony
so how many days before a US default?
WTF is wrong with the font rendering on IE 10
Oh. OH. God damn it Twitter
And Windows. The font stack used for the header includes H. Neue, which I have on my computer
Unfortunately Windows doesn't render it well
@PrivatePansy WTF are you using IE10?
@Blem IE10 has quite a smaller memory commit than the alternatives
People focus on the amount of memory used, but how much you malloc() matters as well in some situations.
IE10 uses a lot more memory than chrome..
@badp About a week. I think they have time until the 12th, but not sure.
average time to reach an agreement about the budget for the US is 6 days
Q: Problem with CS 1.6 LAN gaming

user56570Me and my friends are playing CS 1.6 in an wireless ad-hoc network. Up to a certain point of time we were playing comfortably but all of a sudden my laptop stopped showing the game(No LAN servers exist)even though i'm still connected to the wireless ad-hoc network.What could be the problem,I tri...

@Blem Browser testing
Q: Why are there champion trains in low-level maps?

ZetaI recently started playing GW2 again and noticed that there are champion trains in low-level maps like Queensdale. A champion train seems to be a semi-organized group of people killing the champions in a given rotation. Those trains will cycle the rotation many hours. However, shouldn't diminish...

@spugsley Angel kinda was that ... A bit.
Q: Where can I still find and buy old 80s/90s retro arcade machine or Pinball in Germany?

KrumelurBack in 1998 I had a Double Dragon II Arcade Machine and sold it for a couple of bucks - stupid me. For some year's I've been looking to buy another arcade cabinet but haven't found any old(er) ones for sale anymore. Does anybody know of a dealer who still has some cabinets around in Germany or A...

Q: Is it still worth buying a wii in order to use the fitness board and games?

meewoKI've been looking at the prices online, for 150 euros for the wii console sports pack, and another 50 for the balance board is it worth it? I know new consoles are coming out but I'm more interested in the wii sports and balance board apps.

Q: How to Summon meteors and fight Eater of Worlds when there is no corruption in my world?

Eon Rusted du PlessisI noticed in my Terraria world that I have absolutely no Corruption biomes. Nada. Nothing. I was really hoping to get my hands on some meteorite but it seems to be a pipe dream in my current world. Are there alternative ways for me to summon a meteor? Can this be done in the Crimson Biomes? Thi...

8 o'clock is far too early to be awake on a Saturday...
5 is too
2pm is not :D
What, you want to be early on a Saturday.
Late and you just wasted a whole good morning.
I had the bad idea to want to watch the LoL WC finals
talking about a wasted morning?
@GraceNote Early and you just wasted a whole good sleep.
But then again, sleep is overrated.
@FEichinger I go to sleep early enough that no sleep is wasted.
@GraceNote But then you wasted a whole good Friday Monday Blueday evening!
Not wasted, I got a whole good sleep.
Which is what night time is for.
Q: Locked chests in the dungeon: where to find the keys and what to expect inside?

kotekzotThe 1.2 update added some new locked chests to the dungeon. Where can I find their matching keys and what can I expect to find inside these chests? Are the rewards unique? Will I need to generate many worlds to get all significant rewards from these chests?

The Eater-of-Chains has come!
CC: @AshleyNunn @PrivatePansy
@badp Somewhere in the ballpark of 12-14.
October 17th was the debt ceiling deadline, but shutdown may actually be saving costs enough to give the gov't a few extra days.
Q: I want to become a dawnguard agian Please heelp!

Hannes NilssonI choose the dawnguard first then i went to beacome a vampire. I have cured my self cuz lets face it, it sucks being a vampire. How can i become a dawnguard again? Becuse they are like attacking me and stuff like that :( I want to kill le vampires :(

I like big phones and I cannot lie
@Lazers 'le vampires' >.>
@Unionhawk French vampires are extra alluring
@PrivatePansy Monster.
@PrivatePansy More likely 'le 9gag army!' moron
Good lord I thought they died out a couple years ago
Thanks for reminding me you exist, you monster!
plus it's : le vampire (or : les vampires if plural)
at least in french
Well, we're talking 9gag French here. So it's the -> le to be clever and original.
@PrivatePansy Phablets.
And on the actual question, I imagine there's some console magic that can be done. Dunno if it needs to be done
@Unionhawk The linked duplicate suggests uninstalling and reinstalling the DLC to reset DLC progress
Seems a little extreme, but I guess it works
Let me see, I believe this should work
Hmmm, nope
I was hoping blog posts would onebox, but nope
Yeah, a little. There may be an alternative to not reset it. I might look later, but I'm currently headed to the human trafficking capital (at least of the US)
Toledo, that is. I guess Sandusky, technically. Close enough
Ah, the law of the Bridge
Drama is very often entertaining to me. Therefore, I don't tend to cause it.
Same here.
I guess I should start whining or something, but I'm not very good at it
I could start posting ponies
Indeed, and I would literally and figuratively not care.
Yeah, too much effort. I... cannot... be bothered... to lift... my... finger...
@PrivatePansy looks at your avatar aren't you already posting ponies?
Or well, the same one each time but.
Q: How can you solve this momentum puzzle?

EthanBaconGamingI am in the 1976 version of the Aperture facility and I am stuck on this one momentum challenge. When you first enter it looks like this: You are supposed to launch yourself from here To that staircase But the problem is that there are no portal surfaces on the ground anywhere around here ...

My pony sense is tingling...
@Fluttershy better sense =p
Goddammit it had better not be raining when we get up there >.>
Q: Buying used copy of GTA V

Tim CokerI'm about to buy a used copy of GTA V off of Craigslist. As long as I have the discs, I can still play it, right? Just checking that this isn't a scam somehow. I haven't played any 360 games in a long time.

Q: How does the new birds and porks work

AtlasEUI just got the new Angry Birds StarWars 2 game for my Android phone, and its a lot of fun. They added a dark side path for the player, where you now have to shoot with porks instead of birds, which is pretty fun! My problem is that these new porks, and birds have new abilities such as the Master...

@PrivatePansy A 9.5!?!? Those idiots! It deserves a 10! /sarcasm
Q: Final Fantasy VII: How Does Materia Level?

WhitechapelCan someone explain to me how materia gains levels in Final Fantasy 7?

1 hour later…
@Sterno: Yeah, I just flash bombed him the entire fight.
I don't even everything.
@AshleyNunn ...Still??
> ... you now earn XP for capturing Pokemon.
Hmm. Interesting. It discourages "catch only your built up team" play
@Unionhawk I know. I like.
Although I wonder how the EXP is calculated because I can easily see people grinding XP by repeatedly catching L2 Pidgeys or something.
I dunno. Probably. Or maybe you get a large bonus for catching new pokemon.
Hopefully that's the case
Because otherwise it'd become a grind of stupidity
After reading this review, I'm a little more excited for it now.
I assume it's the same amount of XP as if you KO'd the Pokémon.
Q: What counts as "Windows" for the "Shoot the Glass" Achievement?

leetfan Shoot the Glass! In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all windows in the mall. What exactly has to be destroyed for this achievement? Only real windows, like from the Stores and Doors, Roof etc or do I need to destroy the glass on the handrails too?

Although I could be wrong.
@Lazers I'm not certain. I do know the glass railing guards don't count
@Ullallulloo Maybe with an XP bonus if it's the first Pokemon of that species you catch.
I need to work on getting some Payday 2 achievements.
Either that or more Monster Hunter.
Can achievements be scienced using the steam achievement editor tool? Or will it not trigger afterwards?
Because otherwise that question would be annoying to science.
Er, more annoying.
I'm testing Steam Family Sharing right now, btw.
Homer is the only friend you need.
Q: Where are Race The Sun save files stored?

AndrewI believe on a Mac they are in ~/Library/Preferences/unity.Flippfly.RaceTheSun.plist Where are they on Windows? Is there any way to copy them from my Mac to my PC?

Even though the game is crappy, The Sims 3, like most other Sim* games has a really neat soundtrack
For this weekend only, XCOM DLC is more expensive than the base game.
Okay, Steam Family Sharing findings: Offline mode does not hinder shared games.
@Yuki That's been the case for Civ 5 for quite a while now
@PrivatePansy Yeah, but Civ V has really big DLC packs with big feature changes. This is the first time XCOM's gotten one of that size, I believe.
Q: Thunderstorm sound when joining server followed by fire?

Karl DanielRecently upon joining Tekkit Lite server I heard these large rumbling sounds like you'd get during a thunderstorm, however when I actually spawned in the world it was a nice calm day with no rain or lightning in sight. Additionally I noticed it had also caused the outbreak of a number of fires w...

@Lazers Clearly, this person is the devil. The thunder and outbreak of fire is a signal of his arrival from the depths of Hell.
@Yuki obviously, we all know Minecraft will be instrumental in defending against the upcoming apocalypse. This is why the devil keeps sending his best agent, Herobrine, to Minecraft, which requires Mojang to bring out a patch removing him.
Q: How to install OptiFine HD for Minecraft 1.6.4?

user56582This mod adds support for HD textures and a lot of options for better looks and performance. Doubling the FPS is common. How to install OptiFine HD for Minecraft 1.6.4?

@Yuki XCOM DLC <3
@Lazers dem tags
BTW I did not love the last one (The Bureau)
Bluurgh. Ten hours of sleep.
@M'vy I don't think The Bureau counts as DLC.
@Yuki I know
But I did not love it anyway ^^
It's good game, but
lacking something
@fbueckert I'm going to go jogging or something. Wanna hunt some Alatreon when I get back?
@Yuki Ooh! That sounds like fun!
@fbueckert I just need a couple pieces to make the legs armor for my Element Up Gunner sets.
I'm going to have Evasion +1, Evade Extender, Element Atk Up, and Focus/Bonus Shot (depending on whether I want to Bow or LBG).
@fbueckert I'll be back in... 15-30 minutes?
@Yuki Okie dokie.
Q: Pyramid in the Underground Jungle?

DoorknobI was looking around in the Underground Jungle, and I saw this: It looks like a pyramid, but it's deep underground! I also remember reading that there can't be a pyramid and a living tree in the same world, and there's a living tree in my world. (Pyramids are supposed to spawn in deserts, too....

@fbueckert Sounds nice.
@Lazers This seems pretty suspicious
It's spam. Last one was spam too.
Flags, ahoy!
@Unionhawk thought so, wasn't sure whether to flag.
Flagged it now though =p
I have a feeling there'll be more still...
I think my bot has broken cookie clicker
It got the hidden achievements for a million cookies in under 15 minutes xp
Q: PS3 audio & speakers issue

BinarypixiePS3 connected to PC line in via 3.5 mm male to female RCA adapter. Using the Creative M2600 speaker set I have to always have to switch on my pc to get sound for my Ps3. I want to eliminate this. Is there a significant degrading of sound when using these audio splitter adapters as above? I t...

I don't even...
I'm not sure why this is migrated. The question seems only tangentially on topic
@PrivatePansy I believe the thought process was "EEK A PS3 RUN!"
If anything superuser seems like a better fit to me.
They don't deal with hardware questions
Ah. I see...
@Lazers Flag both answer and question as spam, people.
@PrivatePansy They have also put a blanket ban on non-PC stuff now, apparently.
Q: How to save games on different memory slots

SearockMe and my brother want to play Fable 3. The problem is that, we can't save the game on different memory slots as there is no option to save. I started the first game. When my brother started playing the game my save levels were lost. So is there any way I can start a new game without affectin...

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