I'm on the 3rd disc in FFVII, and I'm at the point where I'd like to kill the Ultimate Weapon to unlock the Ruby Weapon.
I already fought the Ultimate Weapon at the crater near Junon, and fought it a second time at the North Crater. But since then, I haven't been able to find it--recently, at le...
Borderlands pulled a pretty jerk move and made the new "Raid Bosses", Master Gee and Hyperious The Invincible(s), work on a 24 hour timer. Since they drop absolute crap, ~10 crystals each time when you need >100 to buy a weapon, it's clearly ideal to cheat the clock.
How can I get around the rai...
Minecraft's new (as of 1.5) water physics mean that this question no longer makes sense as a question - the situation can no longer arise.
Should this question be closed/deleted?
Get The Lunar Pack: Lunnye Devitsy and Wake for $1.70 DRM-free + Steam key for the next 5 hours. http://www.shinyloot.com/the-lunar-pack-lunnye-devitsy-and-wake
There is a planet in Outer Wilds that seems to be made almost entirely of water. The description for this planet is as follows (taken from the in-ship computer).
None of our spacecraft have ever been able to penetrate beyond the outer atmosphere
Sure enough, when I try to fly my way into...
I've been playing around on the Strategy menu, now that I have a 4-person party in Xillia, and I notice that there is an AI option for "Link", which is "Always", "Often", "Sometimes", etc.
From my understanding, Linking allows access to both Linked Artes and allows passive skills to be shared (s...
I would like to be able to say the current time in game. Is this possible? I have tried things like /say &t /say @t, etc. Is this possible? I would just like to announce the current time.
As part of the engineering station, there are various components to a ship that you can temporarily increase performance to. One of those things is the sensor array.
What does increased performance to the sensor array do, and when would be tactically beneficial to use it?
@GnomeSlice I don't really care for racing games, I was just surprised that such a polished game and seemingly popular concept was taken off Greenlight. Although 75% off does look nice.
The way the quest rewards in the Monster Hunter series works is that you're guaranteed a certain certain number of rewards per quest, and then have a chance for additional rewards. More specifically, after the fixed rewards are rewarded the game then rolls (generates a random number) to see if an...
while there is a command that you can use to set the time the problem with it is that one would have to remember to use it when it's getting late to set it back
i'm looking for a while to slow down the day/night cycle, just to add a little more danger to the game when i get caught out at night w...
@AshleyNunn also, kissing monkeys is bad, don't try going for a two-fer
@spugsley I've been rather suspicious of CFL ever since that one time at work where a seal on a tube failed and it spewed fire for a few seconds. Because I've had plenty of cfl's fail, though none with fire, so far. (as a bonus, I was voluntold to stay 8 hours overtime to ensure the warehouse didn't burn down)
@spugsley I know it's way late, but this has some appropriate safety and clean-up directions to prevent spreading mercury and mercury poisoning. Apparently that stuff is hazardous waste and does not go with regular trash.
"Ventilate the room for at least 15 minutes prior to starting clean-up by opening windows and doors to the outdoors. This will ensure that mercury vapour levels are reduced before you start cleaning."
It's unfortunate, but it happens. Power outages, system overheating, hanging, crashing, and hardware failure. It's something I'm sure everyone on The Bridge has experienced.
@spyder I would so break out the family's old Atari if the various power/game mode switch handles hadn't broken off... also, most of the controllers died.
I've cleaned up quite a few broken mercury thermometers that the students seem to like to drop all the time, each of those has probably a hundred times as much ore more mercury in it than a CFL
@Yuki In my run through of The Last of Us to get collectibles, since the game is constantly auto-saving and locking out previous areas, after spending an hour to two running through an area, I mistakenly continued past an area only to realize I'd missed a collectible, but the gate was closed behind me and my save overwritten. I have no choice but to load my manual save from before I began that session and re-do the entire thing, including some pissy QTE/gallery stuff I did not enjoy.
thank you Dr Olorun Oduduwa for healing my that terrible disease called DIABETES, everyone who is going through this testimony should be follow me to celebrate on the great and powerful things Dr Olorun just did for me, I happen to be a patient suffering from diabetes for more than 8 months now, ...
@skovacs1 I still haven't gotten back to actually finishing The Last of Us. I ran into some bad audio problems (unvoiced dialogue, lack of enemy sounds, etc.) and just gave up the ghost.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Maybe you should just quit Skeptics. It doesn't look like a good habit.
@spyder Well, I feel like playing some more of my PS3 games. I got... Lost Planet 2, Killzone 2, Disgaea 4, Lollipop Chainsaw, Dark Souls, Tomb Raider, Dragon's Dogma (vanilla, no Dark Arisen), and Dynasty Warriors 7.
You will either end up playing it all night to the detriment of sleep, or throw your controller at the TV hard enough to break it, and thus, be left with no choice but to go to sleep. Win/win.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sleeping is not a win - it is clearly a loss. You only live for so long so you're already running with a deadline hanging over your head and then to waste excessive hours of that limited time inert and accomplishing nothing is clearly a failure to use this depleting resource effectively. Sleep is the enemy.
I need 6 more clickers before I get the last clicker achievement and associated upgrade, but they currently cost 9 trillion. I'm only getting 552 million cps so it looks like it will be quite a while before I get those things legit since the cost goes up by like a trillion or more each time I purchase a clicker. Something like ~70 trillion just to get the clickers I need. Then, for the other achievement, I still need 19 more time machines that already cost 10 trillion apiece.
I'm playing the original Metroid on an emulator. I don't want to have any advantages that I wouldn't have on a real NES, so I don't want to use savestates.
I have two energy tanks. After dying, I get my password, and inputting this returns me to the nearest elevator with all my items, including ...
@Lazers The motivation for the question is because of emulation which is Off-Topic, but the question itself is about the behaviour of the actual original game. Were it not for emulation, there would be no reason for such a question other than theoretically interest in getting the game and asking about its behaviour when you load your game. I'm thinking close for being Off-Topic. Is that the right call?
@Yuki People "respond" to lazers to indicate what they are talking about. If lazers spews out 3 questions and I want to indicate a comment about one of them, it's a clear way to identify which.
@Yuki I played a bit of Demon's Souls. I have Dark Souls, but between how punishing it is and the thing where people could invade my world, I was not enthused to play. I'm sure it's fun, but with so much on my plate, I chose to pass up on that one at the time.
Understandable. Although since it's been quite awhile since it came out, I think there are fewer invasions.
Albeit with the caveat that the invaders still here are most likely the kind that are really dedicated, have tricked-out builds, and play cheap as hell.
I think I was also miffed that they released the PC version with added stuff that wasn't in the console versions, but I've been too cheap to re-buy it at full or even the discounted prices there have been up until now.
I don't like buying the same game multiple times. I also don't like missing out on content. Timed content pisses me off for this reason. I pay full price and often pre-order so when stuff like that gets pulled, I feel like I was shortchanged.
And then there's the DLC...Compile Heart stuff has ridiculous amounts of DLC with few bundles and when the total to buy all the DLC for the game costs double what the game did new, I get upset too. NISA publishes most in NA. I should petition them to do sales or bundles for this stuff. Neptunia's been out a long time so I don't think some DLC bundles and sales would be a bad thing.
NIS and Namco Tales developed stuff tends to be better on this front.
@skovacs1 Yep. There's Zombi U, MH3U... oh wait, I have those already.
There's really no point in getting Mass Effect 3 if you don't have 1 and 2, in my opinion. I mean, half the gameplay value comes from the development of your inherited save file.
And I'm not really interested in any of the other games.
I was half-interested in director's cut Deus Ex HR for the extras, but then I believe I heard the DC content is coming to the PC and I lost that interest.
The only Wii U stuff I am interested in that I haven't collected (even though I don't own a Wii U) is unreleased.
I ditched pokémon at gen 1. Playing through the game twice to "catch 'em all" for 151 of them or whatever was enough for me. Doing it again and again didn't seem like fun so I stopped there. The story didn't excite and it just felt like a grind quest times 151
I've considered going back and getting all the ones I'm missing to make my collection more complete, even if I won't play them, but I haven't had the funds available of late to pursue that. Too many more important things to buy.
The bigger problem is that all the shiny versions takes so much more time. The better bet is to form a cabal of people and use duplication tactics to do it the most efficiently.
Do I get normal achievements while playing hardcore?
Like reaching level 60 with two demon hunters? One in normal and one in hardcore, so that I get the "Disciples of the night" achievement (two level 60 demon hunters).
@5pike Already got that. Not the issue. I'm saying to get all of them (all genders, all types, shiny and not) would take more than just two copies to do in a reasonable amount of time.
Had I say 50+ people in on the arrangement, we could probably hammer than out in a more reasonable and structured system, but by myself, it's not happening.
@5pike You know I want to and would. This is why I dropped the series.
Why the localization team felt the need to remove biblical and Nazi references from the earlier ones is beyond me. On top of that, only releasing the first part of Persona 2 and making me wait all those years to get the second part remade on PSP was not cool.
@Yuki if you are still considering anything about the Neptunia series, know that they are similar to Disgaea stuff in the overlevelling and side dungeon stuff, and consequently get quite grindy, depending how you play. I would argue they also suffer from cheezy dubs, but I hate most dubs so that might be a biased opinion. The story and characters are charming and the mechanics are solid.
Most forums seem to say to just put points into STR/DEX to fulfill weapon requirements and then pour the rest into VIT/END because lightning weapons are ridiculous.
@Yuki You can bypass the over-levely stuff - I believe it was optional. It's not as ridiculous as Disgaea. Max level is only 99 vanilla, and if you buy the level cap DLCs, it's 999. This is why I said that it depends on how you play.
Mugen Souls is the same way, I think, but the leveling becomes worse because of pawns and rebirth stuff. To max stats in that is a trying amount of effort best left for end game.
I have Minecraft, and when i try and join a server, it says my username is longer than 16 characters. I think it is trying to use my full email address. Is this the case? What else would cause this error, and what options do I have to try and resolve this?
I have "generously supported" the Holy See through smart investment of my Papal influence, all cardinals now respond to every single whim and desire of mine, and there's a fellow Catholic nation or two that keep getting on my toes that I'd like to punish by excommunicating them.
However, I coul...
@MartinSojka 12 base stats, each with its own affinity stat, 4 elemental affinities, XP and Level, 86 spells, every weapon gets XP and proficiency level, 54 weapon skills, a couple currencies and then there's the building mechanics and map mechanics that also have even more values to keep in mind. I'm sure I'm missing some, but that's just a rough of it.
The real trouble of the Disagaea and similar stuff is the tendency for stats and things to go into the millions. It's ludicrous and when you get to the higher values, most become rather useless. The larger part is the plethora of characters and town-building aspects they later added in.
@MartinSojka Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever be able to wear that and drive
(The reason why I can talk to y'all right now is because I called in sick today. Too sick to drive, not sick enough that I have to be stuck in bed kind of sick)
@MartinSojka Oh. Okay That was not apparent to me, but I see it now. I don't follow side (non-story) characters like Lyra and stuff much so it didn't click.
KittenSeitz on deviantArt has a bunch of it too, now that I look through my history. Some of it rather well done, too. Some very much NSFW, before you go looking. Example for rather SFW:
@spyder They're whatever. If you take them, ignoring any connection to the source material, they can be far more enjoyable...at least if they're well done.
I just take it as a picture of a human and all my hangups just fly away. I think the Celestia one isn't as good as the other one, but that's probably just my preference for the style.
First a long queue, then you are questioned thorougly about all the stamps in your passport (When were you in Morocco? What were you there for? Do you know anyone there?) etc. Then you put your check in bags through a scanner. Then, if you are unlucky (like me) you take your bag over to another queue where it is unpacked, everything is swabbed (including your hands and feet) and run through a machine. If this goes ok, you may proceed to bag drop.
Then there's another round of passport checks - more questioning. Then you go through the whole procedure again with your hand baggage, complete with unpacking and swabbing.
@MartinSojka We had one person with Libyan, Syrian, Lebanese and Jordanian stamps (in her British passport) and a Jewish surname. She was there for 4 hours.
@Arperum To be fair, I was never patted down. I could have hid ceramic knives on my person quite easily.
@FEichinger The people who get huffy about this stuff don't pay enough attention to the media outlets where this was covered. I'm sure there's some other social issue someone is trying to distract from and so this was passed along to them.