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@Lazers No, it's just you.
@Arperum Have you considered wireless or affixing the wire to your collar with some degree of slack between fixation point and earpiece?
@skovacs1 It's not especially the wire, that is fixable. The part were the music stops being delivered to my ears when the headset flies off from the movement is the annoying part.
@StrixVaria Wouldn't that be equally jail-worthy even if they were dating? Strange headline & story. Not really newsworthy. They seem to be fishing for reads or something.
@Arperum I like the over-the-ear style headphones because they mitigate this sort of problem.
@skovacs1 Glasses make it harder for any headset to properly stay in place.
except for those little crappy sound put in your ear things.
@skovacs1 Might've been that he got invited over and just got the wrong house.
@Yawus And just happened to break in...?
@skovacs1 Don't ask me, I don't go breaking into the houses of women I wrongly assume I have been dating.
Well, I don't go breaking into houses in general.
@Arperum I wear glasses. I haven't had a problem with the over-the-ear ones. Make sure it's done in this order: glasses, headphones, long hair (if applicable). Don't tuck your hair under either your glasses or headphones as that increases the odds of losing both. Are your ears really small?
@skovacs1 I assume it's the hair partly under the headset that breaks the system.
But I am going to bed. I am kind of falling asleep.
@Arperum Rest well then.
Woo! First episode of my new KSP YouTube let's play is recorded! Now for editing. And uploading. Et cetera.
Actually, I have some post-commentary to record as well. And before that, I have a commentary script to write too.
God I hope this episode will be more than 15 minutes long. I think I'm going to aim for 25-30 minutes.
@spugsley Hello miss home owner. Congrats, BTW.
@MBraedley We love our new house :3
we have a game room and I have a photography room :D
Hmm, do I go about editing this episode right away, or do I relax for the rest of the evening by watching YouTube/Netflix/ downloaded TV shows?
P.S. Relaxing will involve the consumption of more alcohol. Not that editing won't.
Filthy pirate.
@Sterno My point of view is if I can get it over the air, then I'm not hurting anyone by downloading it. Mind you that doesn't really apply to Cable shows like Game of Thrones or Walking Dead.
You don't need to justify your actions to me, you filthy pirate.
resumes browsing TPB
That reminds me, why isn't Warehouse 13 season 4 on my Amazon Prime free list?
I've finished the first 3 seasons. :|
That reminds me, I have $10 of Amazon Prime Instant Video credit I have to use in the next few weeks.
Q: Is the XCOM Project supposed to be constantly broke or am I just bad at finance?

Steve V.Here's the situation, right now. At this very minute, my researchers are interrogating the Outsider I just captured. My troops are walking around in a mismash of Carapace and entry level body armor. A couple have laser rifles. Everyone else has standard starting gear. There are exactly two s...

Q: Cant give kids toys

HashbrownI enter the dialogue to give my adopted kid a gift, but the toy sword and child's doll that are in my inventory don't display in the list. Admittedly they are stolen. Is this the problem? Should I fence them and retry?

@Lazers Try harder! Or maybe give to Child's Play.
@spugsley Can you write in your photography room?
From the Steam subscriber agreement (yes, I know there's a difference to an EULA there): "you may not, in whole or in part, copy, photocopy, reproduce, publish, distribute, translate, reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile, create derivative works based on, or remove any proprietary notices or labels from the Software or any software accessed via Steam without the prior consent, in writing, of Valve." So the Steam Client is legal to download (from Valve), but illegal to distribute. Ban all Steam questions now! — Martin Sojka 13 hours ago
No. No no no no. No. No. Bad. No.
@FEichinger Just because I can't distribute it doesn't mean Valve can't distribute it.
@Powerlord Whatever point he's trying to make there, it's not only completely wrong, but also very much unrelated to the topic at hand.
@FEichinger That is pretty standard for that guy, honestly.
Is there a nice place on the network to point people to when the commit a logical fallacy?
I just used Amazon's online chat help and it was surprisingly helpful.
@FEichinger I said straight up strawman
@MBraedley That's pretty. I also did see that comment already.
I am unclear why Amazon tells me my computer is incapable of HD
@Sterno Internet bandwidth?
@MBraedley It's fine. It also wouldn't let me download the HD version
So I'm watching SD instead.
Oh, it's in their FAQ: At this time, HD movies can't be streamed from a computer.
I can do it from my PS3 or a kindle, but not my PC?
@Sterno Why, yes. The PS3 has a much better infrastructure to support HD movie streaming than your puny PC and its mystical features.
@Sterno Are you sure? (sinister laughter) Maybe Amazon is just saying it's in HD.
@Sterno Wait, what?
I watch HD episodes of certain TV shows all the time.
3 seasons of Warehouse 13, for example.
@Powerlord I'm still disappointed that the next season will be the last.
From what I'm reading, some TV shows can stream HD, but movies can't, making it an even bigger WTF
@MBraedley Yeah... and double-sad that it'll only be 6 episodes long.
Probably some dipshit licensing thing
Probably worried PC users can pirate it easier, so let's just cut out that entire legit user base by denying the pirates the ability to copy the HD stream
@StrixVaria ummmm not yet...there's no computer :p
@spugsley :(
@Sterno Isn't there some healthy DRM in the the stream? If you were going to pirate it, you'd have a setup that was good enough that you'd get the same result from a Bluray rental
You'd think so
@StrixVaria I'm kinda at that point where I hate it again and where I don't know how to fucking word what I want to write next. Usually this is when I quit for a year :3
Assuming this isn't made up, it is about piracy.
@spugsley Just write it. Revisions are for figuring out the exact wording.
Even if it's literally the worst thing you've ever written after the first try, you still got it out and can continue the story.
@spugsley Loosen up by writing a 4000 word essay on baby punting.
@Sterno Are they using flash, HTML5, or silverlight to deliver the stream?
@MBraedley Silverlight, I think. And like @Powerlord said, they stream TV, just not movies
It's just weird. It really seems these days like companies would rather you keep your money and pirate the damn thing.
@Sterno So why is Netflix allowed to stream 1080p videos (of anything) to computers...
@MBraedley Because they don't hate money?
@FEichinger It was Flash until Adobe managed to mess it up.
(sniff sniff) I smell some bullshit
@Powerlord Flash was always messed up.
Flash 11.6 totally broke the DRM Amazon was using.
Silverlight is just as messed up, but Flash has always been crap.
And by broke, I mean "wouldn't play at all"
While 11.5 would.
Took Amazon a good month to switch away from Flash, too.
Why anyone would choose Silverlight is beyond me.
Q: Is my question (#128641) likely to help any future visitors?

Steve V.I was concerned about my progress in XCOM so I wrote up a little question to find out how difficult the curve is at the beginning of the game. I got a ton of helpful feedback, but with each comment, the question became more and more specific, and less and less applicable in the general case. Th...

@FEichinger Because screwing Linux users is just so much fun.
@MBraedley Sucks when Linux users catch up, I guess.
I feel special. I was apparently the first person to report to Amazon (supposedly) that video playback was messed up in Flash 11.6 and it was a known issue (listed on the Flash dev site)
My point is that Silverlight is a lot more restricted than Flash, and brings nothing new to the table beyond "kinda somewhat stable, sometimes".
Q: How do I gain defence experience on Runescape 3?

JessI can't figure out how to gain defence experience on the new Runescape 3 which is really frustrating, can anyone please help me? Thank you

@FEichinger Wow, that's very new. Didn't even know about that until now.
@MBraedley Yeh, popped up on my radar a couple days back. Haven't gotten to try it yet, but it sure looks promising.
When Microsoft screws you over, you might as well pry open the back door, I guess.
@FEichinger What happened to Moonlight?
Not that it really matters to me. None of my home computers (save the Drobo, which isn't really a computer) run Linux
@Powerlord That died a few years ago.
@Powerlord Last I remember, it was discontinued and still crashing constantly, if you didn't happen to run a perfect machine.
@Lazers The comment on this...
@skovacs1 facepalm
Wait, new users can self answer immediately after posting, right?
Apparently not.
@MBraedley need 15 rep to answer as they post. Need 100 or have to wait 8 hours to answer after post.
@MBraedley I guess the restriction is in place to prevent them from spamming "Please help me!" in the answers.
Spammers are going to spam. They can spam questions all day... why worry about them spamming answers to their questions?
I also hate this one: You can also accept your own answer, but you must wait 48 hours to do so. After all, someone else may come along with an even better solution to your problem!
Okay, so why can I accept someone else's answer in less than 48 hours? I mean, yet another someone else might come along with an even better answer!
@Sterno Maybe that should have been the 500 rep perk
@Sterno Because the process to kill an answer is significantly harder than the process to kill a question? I dunno.
@FEichinger Really? Flags as not an answer are pretty easy.
That's most of what I see in the flag queue.
@MBraedley Yeh, but then again being allowed to pick your nose in public would've been a better 500 rep perk than just restricting something else further.
I guess maybe less users who can confirm/deny the flags? Not sure what rep level that's at.
@Sterno If it doesn't go into Low Quality, it takes a much higher rep to deal with than questions. And if it does go into Low Quality, it still requires delete votes&reviews. A question? A few close votes and forget.
I can't tell if that's the motivation behind it, or if it even makes sense numbers-wise. But it seems like a pretty simple explanation to me.
To my previous post, the existing answer was complete, just utterly wrong when I posted. I think it was also already accepted when I wrote my answer. There was nothing low quality about it, and it was an answer so the only option was to flag it as wrong. Well that's not the correct course of action. You're supposed to down-vote and comment that the answer is wrong (which I did).
Okay, since I'm putting off editing until tomorrow, I might as well catch up on YouTube.
Wow, Olympus Has Fallen is ridiculously implausible. This is great!
Also, if anyone wants to help me with that 202 rep to get me to 10k-network, that would be great.
@MBraedley Can't you just go associate 3 more sites?
@Sterno That's no longer included in the math for network rep, I believe.
Or at least, there's now a "complex algorithm" behind what is and isn't included.
@Sterno no, because the association bonus doesn't apply to the network rep. I'd link you the proof, but I really want to watch YouTube
I believe you, but it did work that way a year or so ago or whenever I hit 10k network
And I haven't cared since then!
@Sterno Yep. And it was since changed, because there are now enough sites to get 10k network rep just through assoc. :P
God forbid people see chat flags too early
Yeah, it got changed. I did have 10k network (barely), and then they stripped the association bonus.
@Sterno All you needed was one 200+ site and 18 others
That's relatively easy.
I'm going to go watch a show. I don't really care about rep. It's cool and whatever, but I just like answering questions. Later.
And then people would abuse it by... seeing chat flags.
'Does it do anything else?
No, I think that's all it does.
As an example, I have 33 accounts, and well over half of them are at 101 rep. Mind you, a good number of those are because of a single spammer that I (and a few others) went on a flag hunt for.
@skovacs1 Later! Enjoy whatever you end up watching!
@spugsley HI!
@spugsley HELLO
@AshleyNunn I just meant that I'm not going to read any of the discussion on this. I'm still here and ping-able. Just watching Danganropa - it's good - tempts me to buy the game. Thanks for the thought though.
And wow, I didn't realize how wrong my math was until now. 1x200 + 18x100 = 2,000, not 10,000. Still, the association bonus could add a significant amount to an average user's network rep.
I just found out why I wasn't getting paid. I entered the wrong email, so that's almost 1/2 a bitcoin down the drain. :(
@skovacs1 Oooh, I havent watched it yet - but it is on my to-watch list
@AshleyNunn Today's episode or the whole thing?
@skovacs1 The whole thing
@jeffreylin_ And this is part of the problem.
@FEichinger ?
I forgot where the period goes.. I'm having a bad day.
@MBraedley SE has 105 sites now. That's 10800 rep.
@jeffreylin_ The problem with Bitcoin.
Hey guys, how do I change my OpenID email?
@FEichinger Ah
@FEichinger And the close to 100 sites was one of the contributing factors AFAIK
@MBraedley Yep.
10 mins ago, by FEichinger
@Sterno Yep. And it was since changed, because there are now enough sites to get 10k network rep just through assoc. :P
@jeffreylin_ Wouldn't that depend on your OpenID provider? I would think you just sign into that site and change it there. Maybe I'm wrong...
Say my old email was [email protected], but now I changed it to [email protected]. Can I change my SE OpemID provider?
@spugsley you seem super :D today
@jeffreylin_ Oh. Just on SE.
@FEichinger You didn't reply to me, I didn't read it.
@MBraedley But I mentioned it no less.
@jeffreylin_ Remove and re-add? Or just have both?
The Bridge always misses its crazy ladies.
@jeffreylin_ You can definitely add a second OpenID provider.
I have many bug bites
@AshleyNunn You should read her story thing and then bug her to keep writing so she doesn't give up.
I currently have 3 associated with my account.
My logins -> Add more logins...
@AshleyNunn NO CRYING
@spugsley Hey now, you know the rules
@AshleyNunn but but but you were gone :(
I love when I upload a picture for the day and I get like...an instant favorite from someone. :) It makes my day!!!
Wait, @spugsley, are you writing a story? I might like to read it.
@MBraedley yesssssss. I have about 20 pages written
13k ish words
Really, Bridge?! GENITALIA
this is what happens when I forget to look at the star list
@spugsley roflol
I was at work (and logged in) at the time, too.
@spugsley The @GnomeSlice star or the @GnomeSlice reply star?
11 hours ago, by FEichinger
@GraceNote It's the Bridge. What do you expect?
Okay. YouTube. Me, couch, TV on. Now.
@skovacs1 I only see one genitalia star. Let's keep it that way
well, that was short lived.
@spugsley I see two.
@spugsley I guess boobs aren't considered genitalia. I have to look up the definition of that word. Now there's a second or third - it's yours :P
Boobs are definitely NOT genitalia
not even a little
Q: Non Steam game on another computer

georgeI have added a non Steam game to Steam on one of my computers. Is there any way that I can download it to another computer?

Q: How do I place attachments on the side of other objects?

user1281598I want to create a set of launch configurations to come together and create a ship I can build in orbit. To do this, I want to be able to put parts only on one face, like on the side of the orange fuel pod. I have seen downloadable models with this, but I am pretty new to this. Can someone explai...

@spugsley Fair enough. I don't use the word much and don't discuss human biology in any way so I've never really needed to make the distinction. All the same, boobs comments are along the same train of thought so meh.
> Steve Ballmer has just seen his personal wealth surge by a cool $1bn after announcing his retirement from Microsoft - which immediately caused the company's stock to soar close to a 12-month high on Wall Street.
@Powerlord He should retire more often.
@StrixVaria Which is a thing that happens regularly, actually.
Ballmer will probably actually leave, because why the hell not? But a lot of tech leaders have an on-off relationship with their companies.
@MBraedley I don't want a second one, I want to change my openid.stackexchange.com email.
Wait, I have an idea! I'll be back, and if I'm not, my account probably got deleted because I screwed up.
@jeffreylin_ Register a new one, then remove the old one. Maybe
Otherwise, mods can help
I like games.
@OliverSchöning Mountains're nice.
@OliverSchöning I... Like... Soup. Okay, exactly 0 people are going to get that reference.
@MBraedley Is that even game-related?
@skovacs1 No
@MBraedley There's the issue. At least mine was game related. Even if nobody will admit that they got the reference, someone surely did.
I got neither.
@Ullallulloo Did you not climb the Denadoro mountains to reforge the Masamune? The probability of beating the game on a first run without having taken on Magus is not beyond imagining, but seems rather grindy.
@skovacs1 After Googling to find out the reference, I have ot admit that I have not played Chrono Trigger yet.
I have it sitting upopened still.
@MBraedley All I can think of is Larry Holmes doing an ad for Campbell's soup.
@Fluttershy It was a comedian talking about some brothers in the NHL who had more than 1 concussion each, and what a family dinner would be like.
@Ullallulloo That's kind of criminal given how old, yet awesome that game is. I really enjoyed it - you should give it a shot (says the guy with a backlog of like 1000+ games).
That's Jesse Pinkman on the Price is Right. <_<
@MBraedley Mine was also a comedian! It was Eddie Murphy. :3
@skovacs1 I don't think I'm old enough to have played its original release.
@Ullallulloo There was a PSOne re-release well before the DS one. And then there was always emulation.
@Ullallulloo Sure you are. (looks at user page) Okay, maybe not.
@skovacs1 I didn't have a PS.
But yeah. Mainly, I just didn't hear about it, I guess.
FFX was my first JPRG.
Well I be damned. I missed out on the whole chat coz I got some food.
@Ullallulloo Fair enough. I'm going to assume you never played any of the Mother games then - also an excellent series and it's a real shame that Nintendo is fueled by the tears of Earthbound fans.
@skovacs1 No, I wish I could though.
@Ullallulloo Sadly, aside from the Earthbound re-release on Wii U, the only option for those is fan-lated roms and emulation.
@skovacs1 I also have Wii U sitting in a box.
@Ullallulloo An understandable place for one. Needs games. MonHun is really the only exciting thing out for it atm for me.
@Ullallulloo Such a shame. =(
@Ullallulloo You should probably pick up MonHun. It's awesome. There's a group of Arquaders who play regularly and it is much better in a group.
@skovacs1 I have it. =/
@Ullallulloo no time?
Just need to open it sometime, but I'm going to college next week.
@Ullallulloo Then you'll have lots of time :P
@skovacs1 Well, my mom didn't want to open it because my brother was misbehaving and stuff.
@Ullallulloo If your brother's not joining you in college, that shouldn't persist as a problem.
Stupid library opens in 13 minutes...
Shopping center libraries opens at 11am, which I think is actually slightly later than most of the shops. So I'm down here having a cup of coffee instead.
@AshleyNunn That was a good episode. I just realized that only the dead people and protagonist show up in the ending. 8 episodes in and I just noticed that the ending has been different every episode. I was probably too busy reeling over what just happened or jamming to the ED theme, but that's still a slow uptake.
@skovacs1 I haven't watched any yet - should i bump it up on my list of to watch things+
@OliverSchöning Burn the heretic!
@PrivatePansy Bee nice!
@AshleyNunn I really like the murder-mystery aspects. The characters are interesting stereotypes and the songs have a cool style. As long as you don't go seeking information about it, you shouldn't be spoiled. It's one of my favourites this season, but it depends what you're into.
@skovacs1 I like a really large variety of things :P
Whee, the library's open
Sleep, or Saints Row 4?
@Fluttershy Night Vale
@AshleyNunn If you like murder mysteries, it's pretty awesome. If I had to fault it, I'd say the mysteries maybe play out too quickly for my tastes, but they only have so many episodes to kill pretty much everybody so it makes sense.
@OrigamiRobot That wasn't one of the options. Also, that ping made no sound... Try pinging me again.
How about this?
@OrigamiRobot That wasn't a ping you poop.
@skovacs1 Nicw, I definitely will check it out :D
@Fluttershy I am a terrible influence, so.
Oh. Nevermind. My volume apparently got turned down somehow...
I vote no sleep
@Fluttershy lol
Now it's up too high.
@AshleyNunn But I am the sleepiest person... =(
@Fluttershy Then perhaps sleep
@AshleyNunn To be fair, I was probably going to do that anyway. I don't even know why I polled. <_<
@Fluttershy Night Vale
@Fluttershy Curiosity
@AshleyNunn This makes me think about the One-Way Astronauts now. >_> And that stupid cube game.
@Fluttershy ??? One-way astronauts? Kerbal? Mars colonization project?
@skovacs1 The latter!
@Fluttershy I never played the Molyneux nutbox. It sounded like a mess and not worth my time.
Anyways, sleep well @Fluttershy.
Olympus Has Fallen was good up until the last 30 minutes when the plot holes simply became so gaping that disbelief could not possibly be suspended.
@Sterno Of the two attack-on-the-White-House movies this year, I think White House Down was better if only because of the comedic moments and, thus, taking itself less seriously.
White House Down is next on my list.
There were a lot of things that bugged me in Olympus Has Fallen, but the biggest is that there's really no reason for him to be lone-wolfing it for like the last half of the movie, and particularly the last 10 minutes or so
Still find it weird that two attack-on-the-White-House movies were released this year.
The army just sorts of sits outside and says, "Well, that dude's level 20 and we're all level 1... he's probably got it covered."
My biggest problem was the whole Cerberus thing.
Whose bright idea is it for the fail-safe disarm-the-nuke thing to involve DETONATING IT?
There are easier ways to render a nuke inert...
See, I'm okay with movies making up stupid technology or whatever. They need their MacGuffin, and that's it. Stupid, but belief suspended. Same thing goes for pretty much any medicine involved in movies, or the hero's ability to keep going with bullet wounds, stabs, etc
But when you abuse the internal logic your own movie creates, then it bugs me.
@Sterno Breaking the rules you set for yourself in your own fictional world pretty much ruins the story.
Reduce CO2 emissions. Breathe less.

MMR is funny, but I still think Shana-tan had better stuff.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @spugsley has been indoctrinated
@OrigamiRobot ONE OF US ONE OF US
@LessPop_MoreFizz She laughed so hard a "what an asshole"
Q: Problems with Minecraft seeds

Young GuiloWhen I enter a custom seed for a village or a rainforest I always spawn in a n area completely different. For example, I want a plains biome but I spawn into a desert. Is there something I'm missing? Do seeds just randomize for every computer?

@AshleyNunn I am no longer going to Toronto and that is sad because Toledo is a pretty big downgrade from Toronto. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz booo hissssssss
@Lazers Oh no, I hope he's not thinking that typing "plains" will give him a plains biome.
@LessPop_MoreFizz At least you can make all sorts of "Holy Toledo" jokes.
@AshleyNunn That said, I will probably be literally passing through your town on a drive from Chicago to Montreal in a week or two and could maybe possibly stop for lunch.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Like literally Waterloo?
I could totally be up for lunch!
@OrigamiRobot wat why
@AshleyNunn It is literally a 9 mile detour.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oooh yay
@AshleyNunn It could be dinner! It might be Brunch! I don't know exact timing because it depends on what time of day I pick up a car in chicago and such.
@LessPop_MoreFizz shiny, keep me posted! :D
Also, because these people are on my way, and I have every intention of stopping there and buying all of the Key Lime Pie Beer and maybe some of the Peaches and Cream beer and probably the Bloody Mary beer to and basiclaly all of the crazy things that I can get away with smuggling across the border to stockpile.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ooo~ Key Lime Pie beer?
So I picked up 4 books - two graphic novels, a 2010 edition of the Best American Short Stories, and William Gibson's Pattern Recognition
@Yawus Shorts is the most batshit insane brewery in the world and they brew crazy things in crazy flavors and you can't get their shit outside of Michigan and that is a shame because they are crazy and awesome.
@spugsley Please tell me you are not a weather-skipping monster like a certain sloth-fearing robot.
@LessPop_MoreFizz nope :) I like them
@LessPop_MoreFizz I give them a shot before I skip them, it just turns out that I end up skipping most of them.
So now that I can bring camera enabled devices into camps, I need to acquire - a smartphone, large screen with good battery life and a bluetooth keyboard; a data plan that doesn't eat too much out of my salary; and a 3DS XL. Just need to figure out the order here.
... I'm going to have to bake a second cake. I've made waaaaay too much icing.
@TrentHawkins Depending on the icing, you can sometimes freeze it for later cake-icing needs.
@skovacs1 I did that last time - I mixed it into the current batch - and I have enough for an entire second cake now.
@TrentHawkins Then you won't have to make icing next time.
It's my own fault, really, I wanted to use up the last of that jar of creamy peanut butter.
@TrentHawkins You could also try using the icing on cookies or cupcakes or donuts.
@skovacs1 cake is considerably easier to make though (IMO) - one large pan, dump contents of mixing bowl into pan, bake, done.
@TrentHawkins True. This is why my auto-suggest-o-instincts first said freeze it and just use it next time.
And of course which device
@skovacs1 probably will if i don't feel like baking a second.
@TrentHawkins takes spoon, scoops frosting, noms
@AshleyNunn that... is an option, I suppose.
.....not gonna lie most of the time I try to freeze frosting and I end up just going at it with a sppon
Currently refrigerating the bowl, If I can get it to firm up a little over night - I'll add a second layer of frosting to the cake. As it stands, if I add more it will just pool at the bottom of the tray.
@PrivatePansy No
@PrivatePansy yes!
@PrivatePansy yes!
Was that a question? I thought it was just some pony OC.
@skovacs1 Cover of the official comic, actually. Issue #13 and 14 is about Cadance meeting Shining Armor
@PrivatePansy There's a comic? Huh. I just watch the show. Season 4 is set for November btw.
November 23, the same day as the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special
Is this an official cover too?
Official retailer exclusive cover
@PrivatePansy oooh yaaaaaaaay
Ponies and Time Lords - An inseparable combination.
Thoughts on Friendship is Witchcraft?
@skovacs1 It's funny when it works, which it does about half the time.
They are far too constricted by having to voice over the original, keeping with the shape of the mouths and everything
@PrivatePansy Agreed. They also tend to keep all the content to one episode. They would have more freedom if they drew from a larger body of episodes at a time...like MMR and Shana-tan do.
@PrivatePansy Transformers totally needs a robot that transforms into a pony.
I love how the two Pixies songs on this isolated vocals soundcloud that is floating around basically sound like a crazy homeless man yelling on a street corner.
Another quality product by the Singapore Armed Forces
I've had this bag for about 5 weeks, using it everyday on weekdays, and this is the result
The hole is huge
@PrivatePansy You have no idea how much self control it is taking me to not reply "Just like yourself!" to this.
@PrivatePansy That's what she said.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what she said.
Homemade space-bag
Q: How do I get the buried bean to the right of the volcano?

CyberSkullIn Mario & Luigi: Dream Team how do I get to the buried bean to the right of the volcano on Mount Pajamaja?

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