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@Fluttershy It is dumb and that is the point. But it is also a fighting game at the meta level brought down to the absolute(ish) minimum of controls, so it's all about spacing, timing and reading your opponent
@BenBrocka And counter-picking, but that's for jerks.
@spugsley Preferably in a way that is not painful.
@OrigamiRobot Counter-picking seems to cause an unusual amount of drama for divekick. I guess because of how basic it is
Mojang is a dick.
When it comes to sending emails
@BenBrocka Yea, some matchups are just bad.
Back in my day, we had a song about this...
apples too!
@OrigamiRobot I guess it'd be pretty hard to balance that game without making all characters the same
SG is pretty good about there not being too many counter picks beyond zoning to take out someone trying to get close and basic stuff like that
@BenBrocka I'm not nearly good enough to say what is objectively a bad matchup, I just know there are some characters who i automatically lose against and I wont be able to get over that unless I get really good or they are really bad.
SkullGirls is really hard.
I get what they're going for, and playing has made watching it more fun, but I don't know how much I actually like it.
I like the idea of fighting games much more than I like playing them, in general, though.
@StrixVaria This
@StrixVaria Hard how? The game strikes me as pretty accessible, but actually fighting people online depends on the skill of the opponent, which is awlays a problem
@BenBrocka Doing anything useful requires practice and is easy to drop.
@StrixVaria You're not the first person I know with this perspective.
It actually strikes me as particularly more difficult than other fighting games I've played.
Soul Calibur and MvC are both much easier to get into immediately than SkullGirls.
I've found actually doing anything more than spamming buttons is really hard to get into in SC. Lots of complex commands
SG has very simple commands, you just have to put it together at your own pace
All SC commands are one of 8 directions and one or two buttons, except for intentionally obtuse things like Ivy's command throw.
@StrixVaria Divekick takes as long to get into as it does you to find which cahracter(s) you like.
With SkullGirls there are 6 required buttons and only 4 face buttons on all modern controllers, so it's already hard to get into before we even get into what those buttons do.
I could swear SC had some double QCFs and stuff
@BenBrocka Oh yeah, a few, but who uses those?
I loved MvC2, Soul Calibur, and... What was it? Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
Air combos are harder to time in SkullGirls than they are in MvC.
I was also a big Tekken fan.
I just don't do much in the air
The 6 buttons really aren't hard on the pad, I'm plenty used to using face buttons and shoulder buttons
If anything I find pressing one face button and one shoulder button (for supers/assists) easier than two buttons on an arcade stick
There are 2 huge control issues that keep me from really liking SkullGirls: 1) The joystick is unusable and I have to use the dpad. 2) The game requires 6 buttons but the controller only has 4 face buttons. Shoulder buttons for attack moves are awkward and shitty.
If I could play it without having to contort my hands and kill my thumb on the dpad, it would be so much better.
It's best on stick, but I really never found the shoulder buttons that annoying. Why contort your hands? Your index finger should be resting on the shoulder buttons anyway
Not sure if the analog stick is any weirder than usual, I never use it for fighting games because it doesn't stick in the corners like an arcade stick
@BenBrocka My index finger naturally rests on the trigger. The game doesn't register the trigger, however, and requires me to use the bumper. This is especially difficult with the left index finger. QCF+Left Bumper is really hard to do.
@BenBrocka If you do a QCF at speed it doesn't register; it skips the Down+Forward input and just registers Down, Forward.
Your controls are still broken? Because that's definitely not what most people seem to be experiencing
@StrixVaria Why would you want to use the trigger anyway? Buttons are way better for fighting games.
@GnomeSlice This is what I'm saying.
The game requires 6 buttons but standard controllers only have 4 face buttons.
Which was a stupid decision.
Halo requires shoulder buttons too.
@GnomeSlice @IanPugsley uses the trigger as one of the two buttons in Divekick. I don't get it.
@OrigamiRobot wat
@GnomeSlice Halo isn't a fighting game. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.
Hell if I know.
@GnomeSlice all you need for a fighting game, is 2 buttons. 1 to dive, and 1 to kick.
@StrixVaria You just said 'this game requires six buttons and you don't have enough'
@OrigamiRobot Probably so he doesn't have to move a finger
@GnomeSlice I don't have enough face buttons. I still don't understand what Halo has to do with anything.
@StrixVaria It doesn't have enough face buttons either?
Not every game can be limited to 4 buttons
@BenBrocka I use A and X and I don't have to move my finger. Also, there are shoulder buttons.
@GnomeSlice You are confusing the shit out of me.
Oh, the trigger trigger, yeah that's weird
@StrixVaria Sorry.
In any case, the pad controls for SkullGirls are terrible and ruin the game.
@GnomeSlice Strix is saying that the game is (like many arcade 6-button inspired games) designed with the intent of a 6-face button setup like on a fighting stick, but most gamepads don't offer this. That Halo also uses 6 buttons on a 4-face setup is irrelevant.
How do you view a rejected edit?
Does the 360 trigger actuate the moment you start pressing or halfway down (or does it depend on the game? I know it's analog)
@BenBrocka it depends on the game.
@GraceNote MvC2 adapted to 4 buttons just fine, for the record.
@BenBrocka I have no idea.
I want to see the edit he's talking about here: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/q/7575/3062
@StrixVaria I really think it's because your controller's screwed up somehow. Triggers totally work normally
@BenBrocka Depends on the game, they can set when it counts as active.
@Sterno Do you know who made the edit (or rejected it)? If so, it's on their activity page.
Like you can't half-shoot in halo.
@BenBrocka My controller works 100% fine in every single other game. SkullGirls is at fault.
@StrixVaria It works for me too
@StrixVaria Come to Camp Divekick. There are not Dpads or joysticks. Only dives and kicks.
Doesn't seem likely since it works with my hacked drivers PS3 controller and other people with actual 360 controllers
In regards to your other edit, and the actual edit made right after, by one of the rejecters, yeah, that looks like bad form on their part. — fbueckert 25 mins ago
@JasonBerkan thanks
Even if SkullGirls had no controller reading issues whatsoever, the game would still be ruined by poor controls due to requiring 6 buttons.
@StrixVaria So stop playing it?
I specifically remember skipping that edit because I couldn't decide if I should reject it or not
@GnomeSlice I already did.
Thanks for your constructive comment, though.
@StrixVaria Sometimes that's what happens. =[
@StrixVaria You're welcome?
Was that sarcasm?
@BenBrocka Unless my controller literally recognizes SkullGirls and decides to stop working. I can't figure out a plausible explanation other than that SkullGirls just has issues.
The star says yes.
Sorry @StrixVaria
All this talk just reminds me that I really want a satapad.
I just want to play Flash Duel but there's so little opportunity to play board games now that I'm out of college.
@GnomeSlice You realize it only autocompletes sites you've actually specifically typed in before?
@GraceNote satapad?
@StrixVaria ...Yeah, that's the problem.
@BenBrocka I swore you were there when I used this term over in the FGC room.
It's not my screenshot, but I need to get rid of something similar.
Google images returns nothing remotely like what I assume is a gamepad
Sega Saturn pad, not necessarily an actual Sega Saturn controller but basically a gamepad modelled after them.
Eh, fighting games are really the only things the button layout would be that great for, and at that point I'd just get (got) an arcade stick
ballsack, the keyboard command for removing it doesn't work any more either
must have been an older version of chrome
I guess if you prefer a dpad to a stick it'd be nice though
I in fact do.
I don't like most d pads for prolonged use though, not sure how good the saturn was though
wait, yes it does
I only had a genesis and dreamcast
Goodbye busty.pl
I actually heard more positives about the satapad for its D-pad than for the fact it had 6 buttons (and in fact, the fighting game we were all talking about it waaay back in the day was a 4-button game in the first place).
Plus overall, it's a 6-face button gamepad with shoulder buttons, it can work for both your needs in an arcade face and as a general use gamepad.
I prefer 2 shoulder buttons and 4 face buttons for non-fighting games. At least I will once the PS4 controller is out and I don't have to use the weirdass convex triggers
I hate mapping those to actions in PC games because every time I set the controller down I seem to bump R2/L2
@BenBrocka I have hated every PlayStation controller ever made.
Though perhaps it's just me speaking from the point that my current game project seems best suited for a 6-face button setup so I might be biased.
I love playstation controllers except for the d pad, which they're finally fixing
@BenBrocka the sticks are awkward and uncomfortable, the triggers are shit
I hope they fix it
What's wrong with the sticks?
Have you seen the PS4 controller? The triggers look great. Rave reviews all around from people who have used it
and it's got concave stick tops now if you prefer those
@BenBrocka They're like an akward distance from the sides of the controller and they're convex
@BenBrocka nice, finally
I still feel like they're too close to the center though
The DS4 looks pretty perfect except the light bar (depends how bright it is I guess)
@fbueckert Reads your message SQUEEE, reads title -_____- free to play
@BenBrocka As far as I'm concerned no controller right now comes close to the Xbox 360 one for comfort, except for maybe the Gamecube.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, that sucks.
@KevinvanderVelden Read the article.
> Rebellion explains that Evil Genius Online doesn't feature an "energy" mechanic that limits play, nor will it apply pressure to encourage sale of in-game currency.
Hate the gamecube controller
> Rebellion explains that Evil Genius Online doesn't feature an "energy" mechanic that limits play, nor will it apply pressure to encourage sale of in-game currency. For Evil Genius enthusiasts who still find the notion of Facebook and Zynga gaming distasteful, Rebellion offers better news.
Here's hoping they do a decent job of it, then.
C stick was a mistake, the shoulder buttons are ridiculous
@BenBrocka Which thing about it?
The dpad was a joke
@BenBrocka There's only one shoulder button.
The c-stick was pretty bad though
Playing Timesplitters 2 with that thing was a pain in the ass.
The analog stick and face buttons are the only good things, really
@BenBrocka It's so comfy though.
@GnomeSlice I mean the loud, excessively deep "triggers"
@KevinvanderVelden ?
@GnomeSlice facebook
@BenBrocka I hate the shoulder buttons.
@BenBrocka I love those things. They're so satisfying to click in.
That's like my favourite part.
Though they're talking about an actual sequel and not facebook as well
They can be used like buttons too because they actually click.
It just looks like they were crazy drunk when they designed it
Silly user, actually using a username/email that already has a gravatar attached to it.
@fbueckert Did...did he log in with facebook?
Pretty much the only nintendo controller with a bad d pad
Maybe @GnomeSlice will use his fancy new job money to buy Divekick.
@Wipqozn He's unregistered.
Does it really matter who you play divekick with? I figured you'd just play people online ranked or locally
Just entered his name and real email address.
@fbueckert At least he had the courtesy to censor the word 'fuck'.
What a nice person.
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With a game name of, "Assault Android Cactus", I'm intensely curious to see what kind of game it is.
@OrigamiRobot Nah. I don'thave anyone to play it with.
@fbueckert It's amazing ,have you seen it?
@GnomeSlice Me. @IanPugsley
> Originally set to be launched for Windows PC and Mac, the game is a top-down, twin-stick, sci-fi multiplayer shooter
Interest lost.
Looks crazy.
The character design is pretty bad though
@GnomeSlice Are they still in greenlight? It is now officially easier to publish on PS4/Vita than steam greenlight. Wow
@BenBrocka Greenlight is a terrible broken system
Valve still picks the games by hand anyway
Yeah it's pretty stupid, all it really does is limit the pool of games they have to actually look at
which is kind of ridiculous since at this point it seems almost all they do is steam, and a new hat here and there on TF2
shipping today
now I have to wait for them to show up in stores
Is it getting a retail launch?
Hmm do those joysticks tilt or do they slide like the circle pads on 3ds/PSP?
@BenBrocka I think they tilt, I saw it in one of their stress test videos
NSFW I guess
controller porn
@BenBrocka yeah 10 second in, they're definitely tilting
@BenBrocka What do you mean?
@GnomeSlice Ah, cool. They were so short I was a bit worried
@BenBrocka I've heard publishing on the Wii U is easier than Steam.
I think it's just the photoshop that makes 'em look like that
@GnomeSlice "in stores", I figured you meant local, physical places, or did you mean online?
@Ullallulloo It better be, at this rate
Nintendo does'nt need any barriers to new games
@BenBrocka Oh, in retail places
I think they have a partnership with GameStop
Don't quote me on that though
@BenBrocka Also everything I've seen and read about the gamestick controller has been extremely positive
They really got it right it sounds like
I'd be impressed if it made it to retail at all; I think the Ouya only did it because investors wanted them to
@GraceNote do you play Yatawhateverfightinggame online? I have that and haven't played it yet

Customer: “Can I get a chicken salad sandwich on wheat?”

Me: “Sure, big or small?”

Customer: “Wheat.”

Me: “Big or small?”

Customer: “WHEAT!”

Me: “Big or small—”

Customer: “WHEAT!”

Me: *quickly and loudly* “Size, what size, big or small—”

Customer: “WHEAT! Wait, what are you asking me?”

Me: “Big. Or. Small. Size?”

Customer: “Oh, just a smaller one. Sorry, I thought you were asking me wheat or white!”
Hi Michael!
First, GameStick will ship to our backers and then that is followed by pre-orders. The stores offering GameStick preorders will receive after our backers, which is mid-September.
Thanks for checking in!
maybe it's not retail
I don't play the game Yatagarasu. Couldn't be appealed towards it.
Thought you got it with the doujin thing, or did you just not like it?
I looked into the game and decided not to add it to my bundle.
@fbueckert kill it with fire
@GraceNote that's the fighting one right?
Soooo much fire
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@KevinvanderVelden Things like this only reinforce how stupid people are.
It's the one with nipples sticking out right on the cover girl
@BenBrocka Also, did you rab QuestRun on IGS?
@fbueckert hence the killing them with fire, they can't breed if they're nice and crispy
@BenBrocka I... don't remember that.
Damn you, flag-icon-that-appears-even-after-the-flag-has-been-dealt-with-just-to-let-me-know-I-missed-drama!
Seems like something you might be interested it.
If you beat the average you get another game too.
A sort of top down shooty thing but not autoscrolling
Reminds me of Epic Battle Fantasy
@KevinvanderVelden It gives me faith that even with the amount of stupidity in the world, we still muddle on.
@GnomeSlice I figured you of all people would notice
@BenBrocka I know right?
Hence why I even bothered to comment.
Seriously though the girl with the purple spandex thing. It's just kinda popping out
@Sterno I hate that.
Oh yeah, that one.
@Sterno The worst.
@BenBrocka I heard this on the radio.
@BenBrocka I can't remember where I left off in 4.

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