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@AnnaLear This is monstrous.
Freeze the glass if you must but watering down beer? no no no no no no no.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not even Bud Lite deserves that kind of hideousness.
They could've just skipped the glass altogether, since it wasn't draught and the bottles were chilled, but nooooooo.
@AnnaLear you should have come up to them and cussed them out in Russian.
@Weston.h I was sitting at the table with them. :P But I was too stunned to say anything.
I mean, how do you even start that conversation.
@AnnaLear Ice?! Really guys? Ice?! Why don't you just order a fucking Shirley Temple. Grow some 'nads!
@AnnaLear You don't. You get up and walk away
@SaintWacko actually you've got a point. Do you really want to associate with people who put ice in beer? Are these SE employees?
@Weston.h Hell naw. We do beer right at SE.
@AnnaLear good, we might have to stage a coup otherwise :P
WEll, I don't drink, so maybe this is a stupid question... but what's wrong with putting ice in your beer?
@Wipqozn waters it down for one.
it's considered to be low class as well
shows that you don't care about the taste or the quality
@Wipqozn Adding water to beer alters the flavor.
Also, it lowers the temperature below the ideal serving temperature for beer, which ought not be served freezing cold. (which also alters the flavor)
it also messes with the mouth feel which is important for stouts in particular
Very well then. Today I learned.
(Incidentally, this is prime evidence as to why Coors is so terrible; their primary marketing strategy is to sell you beer based on how cold it is, which is something that 1) they don't have much control over anyway, and 2) is in fact, counterproductive to your enjoyment of good beer.)
basically, if you're gonna put ice into it, just order a different alcohol or get a soda :)
@AnnaLear Especially that last point.
@FEichinger Ice is perfectly cromulent in a wide variety of alcoholic beverages.
if you're gonna ice it, get a scotch on the rocks or something. You'll enjoy it more and look like you've got class.
Would ice help with the throat burning sensation I personally hate?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep, but those are the sort of people that won't get it right anyway. Therefore: Why alcohol in the first place?
@FEichinger just get vodka, you'll get all the booze and none of the annoying things like "taste".
@FEichinger You don't have to get it right to get high I suppose
@badp From alcohol in general? Yeah, particularly with the really strong stuff, adding a bit of water can cut the burn.
I'm not a fan of the "those people" argument here. Class is a separate and thorny issue.
With beer? Beer doesn't really have enough alcohol to create any sort of burning sensation. Unless it's the carbonation that bothers you, and no, Ice won't help with that either.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nah, I obviously wasn't thinking beer
More like those liquors often taken in two shots, one of the liquor itself, one of pear juice immediately after
(That's called "chupito" here)
@badp Yes. Ice/water will cut the burning.
This is why scotch is often served on the rocks.
or even with a little bit of actual water just poured in.
Alternately, mix it into a cocktail, the whole point of which is to mask the flavor of bad alcohol.
My Typogatchi isn't growing very fast
Q: Do I miss anything if I don't play the DLC campaigns before New Game Plus?

DragonLordI'm just about to complete my first playthrough of Darksiders II, and I'd like to start New Game Plus as soon as I can, but I haven't played through the DLC campaigns (Argul's Tomb, The Abyssal Forge, The Demon Lord Belial). I have all of the DLC available through Steam. Do I miss anything (suc...

@fredley Clearly you're rubbish at typing. I bet you didn't get a single SSS rank.
@badp Only S++++ :-(
It's okay because I'm rubbish at this water stage

Proposed Q&A site for impartially questioning the validity, authenticity and bias of news reports with a view to identifying trends and sources of political propaganda, sometimes known as spin, with particular reference to the means by which it is disseminated.

Currently in definition.

Hooray bad proposals
Growing Cannabis

Proposed Q&A site for growers to exchange techniques and give tips

Closed before being launched.

Questions of programming

Proposed Q&A site for people who wonder (for example) 'Why is there an id instead of just classes?'

Closed before being launched.

@fredley -.-
The cover art for Princes new single is the best thing ever ever ever
Yes that is Dave Chapelle dressed as Prince carrying a plate of Pancakes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Isn't that just skeptics?
@RonanForman it's Skeptics with a dash of Politics.
@Weston.h well Skeptics probably covers that.
@RonanForman they do as I recall
@Weston.h Very poorly, but they do.
Political posts on Skeptics are among the most cluelessly ignorant posts on the whole network most of the time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Politics in general is cluelessly spergy.
@Weston.h Well, politics when discussed by programmers and Computer People is, to say the least.
From what I've seen of Skeptics, it is mostly clueless spergy. To be fair, I have no clue what "spergy" is.
Politics as practiced by people actually out in the world practicing politics... is pretty clueful.
@LessPop_MoreFizz eurgh. Too much Rum...
@RavenDreamer what did you do? :o
@spugsley I'm guessing "drank too much rum".
@spugsley I'm a butterscotch whore. T_T
> Used to describe an individual as socially unaware, or inept.; Just to the right of being incapable of social interaction. Tolerable, if you have sympathy for their lack of understanding.
Rum and Coke and then butterscotch vodka + something that a friend called Butterbeer.
Until 1:00 AM
last night
i don't know what to think about the numerous concoctions people call "butterbeer".
@Yawus Which is to say, oblivious to how human interaction actually works, and somewhat baffled by the idea that human beings are not perfectly logical computer machines with easily sorted inputs and outputs.
@Yawus Harry Potter
invariably, they never taste like butter nor beer. and they tend to be alcoholic, which as i recall was not the case in the books.
Butterbeer I'd imagine is sort of like a cream soda except actually creamy.
then again, europeans seem to be much more lax about minors drinking, provided that they don't become intoxicated.
@Yawus Europeans are much more lax about drinking in general as long as you handle yourself.
Q: Is there a "red shift" in U.S. elections — a significant shift to republican votes between polls and voting? Does this imply fraud?

gerritThis questions on Politics SE introduced me to the concept of the red shift. In short, the claim of a red shift boils down to a statistically significant difference between outcome of final exit polls and results of elections, which would then imply fraud. Some quotes of (effectively identical) c...

You just gotta love Skeptics.
Q: Extraterrestrials working with the United States government

AtaraxiaThis is a claim which was made by Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Parliament member. "There are live ET's living on Earth at the present time, and at least two of them are working with the United States". [1] In general, his support for most of his extraterrestrial claims seems primarily be ...

Is Skeptics.SE about to uncover the greatest conspiracy and cover-up in recent US electoral history? I'm on the edge of my seat!! — Ian Jan 28 at 15:41
The problem with Skeptics.SE is that they have given up on trying to define the line between skepticism and petulant disbelief.
I dislike something, it must be wrong and/or fraud!
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol, exit polls
All that means is that people are ashamed to admit they vote for a party rather than another
Of course I guess those are way more reliable than the very same polls that fueled 581's (-typo) rather accurate prediction of how things happened
@LessPop_MoreFizz cynicism
being a skeptic is fine and well but being a cynic is often toxic.
btw is it possible to set Amazon to a language different than the country's?
like, now that I'm in Germany it only makes sense to order from Amazon.de except that everything is in beerspeak
@badp German is not beerspeak. Bavarian is beerspeak.
That said, no, you can only switch store, as far as I can tell.
@FEichinger Six of one, half a dozen of the other
@badp Lernst du Deutsch?
@RavenDreamer Ja kann sprache Deutsch ja.
Spreche. Sprache is the noun for "language".
@badp No, big difference.
I started going through Duolingo then the plurals chokepoint kind of bored me enough to stop going through
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think that might be true about the questions that get asked, but I'm not so sure it applies for the people who answer them.
@FEichinger still more comprehensible than Swabish.
@RavenDreamer I'd be really surprised if that was the only thing I got wrong.
@Weston.h I know. I study in Swabia. It's painful.
@Brant The first thing someone coming to the site sees isn't the answers, it's the questions.
oh nevermind. I'm stuck in adjective-fest
@FEichinger my father, who spoke some High German when he first got to Germany, thought that Swabians were speaking Turkish.
@FEichinger Oh, okay.
and after that: clothing! Ohhh boy.
Because that's way more useful than verbs like drink, eat or walk.
@Weston.h Oh, you'll love this: Swabian Wikipedia in the Incubator
@FEichinger I was too young to read Swabish...
@Weston.h I can't even decipher half of the pages.
It's beautifully terrible.
@FEichinger It looks like Dutch went on a bender down through the Black Forest.
Hey, is the Simple English Wikipedia still a thing? Because man, was that ever a thing.
@Weston.h According to that, however, Swabian has a lot in common with French. Which probably applies more to the Stuttgart area than the Lech regioin.
You know how I used to keep my laptop upside down at home? Well, I don't have that luxury here. As a result, my laptop shuts itself down just about every hour and a half. Fun!
@badp heat issues
@Weston.h Yes, of course.
This laptop heated like crazy since pretty much day 1.
I really really really don't want to get another
but now getting a tower here seems more like a pipe dream than anything else.
> Abraham Lincoln was sometimes called Abe Lincoln or "Honest Abe" after he ran miles to give a costumer the right amount of change.
The standard of editing on Simple English Wikipedia is not very high.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that wrong? Because TIL.
@LessPop_MoreFizz c*o*st*u*mer?
Please to make me unlearn if wrong
@badp Costumer != Customer.
Is that payday 2 what all the young people play now a day?
@Weston.h Oh, it was clearly a guy in a costume.
@badp a costumer is a guy who makes costumes tyvm
@badp That would be a costumee, I believe.
@LessPop_MoreFizz don't people who make costumes also wear them to try them?
@Ullallulloo I also really really really want to replace it entirely :P
rather than polish a turd
@badp huh?
can greenland be considered a continent?
for that matter, turn eurasia sideways and it looks like someone flipping the bird.
@Yawus Same if you turn Eurafrasia upside down.
@badp you were also missing a subject :P
@RavenDreamer For now my main source of spoken German remains the TF2 Medic
(English here is a coin toss. Most people can understand it. Others would rather you tried with Italian.)
@badp You know how much I hate saying "I told you so.", right? :P
@FEichinger Hey, it's going much better than I feared after the first day
Q: There is a way to auto upgrade skills using a pre-made build?

Joe CabezasI created a pre-made build and the UI shows me what to upgrade next, can this be automatically done?

I always laugh everytime I read this article
After not being able to log in for a day and a half I am bacK!
twitch.tv/Crysyn <=- Will be streaming shortly
Games on the list today are Skyrim, Payday 2, Minecraft... maybe some Rogue Legacy :D
Q: Default to using small med packs in Dead Space 3?

ToastEverytime I hit q to use a medpack, it seems to use the largest one I have. However, I've got a bunch of small medpacks taking up space. Is it possible to change the default behavior to use a small med back first?

Q: Is there any way to play AOE2 without a CD legally?

RetrosaurI can't seem to find anything online that would suggest I can play this game legally without a CD. Not to mention, the CD I own has a chunk of it missing (it still plays fine and installs fine), and having it on multiple computers is a hassle because of the CD always needed requirement. Is the...

Q: What's the opposite of the 'critical hit'?

CalmariusCritical hit means randomly occurring increased damage. But what's the term for randomly occurring reduced damage? My friends said it's a missed hit, but it's not really what I'm looking for. Games use the critical hit mechanism to simulate the 'lucky hit' on a vital organ. But in contrast with ...

> It is not readily apparent whether Boo-Boo is a juvenile bear with a precocious intellect or simply an adult bear who is short of stature.
> Adams sent in a sketch of Dilbert and Dildog, but realized he had to make "Dildog" more newspaper friendly (any printing error that dropped the G would wreak havoc) so he changed it to Dogbert.
> The French crusaders departed from New York in June, led by Louis, Gregory Peck, Renaut I of Bar, Bill Cosby and his half-brother Harry Potter, William VII of Auvergne, and others, along with armies from Lorraine, Brittany, Burgundy, and Aquitaine. A force from Provence, led by Alphonse of Toulouse, chose to wait until August, and to cross by sea, causing Paul Revere to hang two lanterns. At Worms, Louis joined with crusaders from Normandy and England.
> They followed Conrad’s route fairly peacefully, although Louis came into conflict with Geza of Hungary when Geza discovered Louis had allowed several members of Hezbollah to join his organization and had armed Palestenian militants.
@Lazers Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad Too Broad
@Lazers There is no universal term for the sort of mechanic he's looking for.
user image
people need to accept more answers...
@alexanderpas Welcome to the main complaint on meta.SO
Other than things like "Why is my discussion question not good? You should allow discussion questions!"
Q: How to assign ships to a specific Firecloud warp-chunnel?

ViperI'm playing the game VGA Planets and i have choosen the Cyborg as race. Currently i have two different Fireclouds on the same Planet, my whole army plus two freighters with heavily needed ressources for my starbase. I want that my army jump with one Firecloud to a nearby planet and the freighte...

@alexanderpas Meh, not really. I don't miss the Accept Rate display one bit.
@LessPop_MoreFizz but the greens on the frontpage ;)
@alexanderpas Meh,.
@Ullallulloo Yeah but now he has a gravatar.
NN people
Q: Which games have viral achievements on steam?

jorgheSome games have viral achievements, that is achievements that unlocks only if you play a game with a game developer or with someone that already own the achievement. So far I found two games that have this kind of achievements: Borderland: And They'll Tell Two Friends Orcs Must Die 2: Six Degr...

I hate those achievements.
@alexanderpas That's a potentially infinite list, too.
No, not infinite, just way too long. I know L4d(2?) and Gmod has them... do we have somewhere that lists these type of achievements, since that would be a valid answer.
Q: Which games have viral achievements on steam?

jorgheSome games have viral achievements, that is achievements that unlocks only if you play a game with a game developer or with someone that already own the achievement. So far I found two games that have this kind of achievements: Borderland: And They'll Tell Two Friends Orcs Must Die 2: Six Degr...

@spugsley so, how'd the fridge go?
@badp the electrical is all fixed but they found ANOTHER problem when they brought in our washing machine. The cold water valve is broke. So I still can't wash clothes :/
Just buy more!!
I mean, personally I'd be more worried about being unable to wash dishes and stuff
@badp dishes are cheaper than cloting?
@alexanderpas this is a question?
@badp rhetoric.
I mean, you usually go through clothes way faster than you go through dishware
unless your love life is a very dangerous one
Disposable plates and utensils are common and cheap and readily availiable.
Q: GuitarBots through Wine

Tyler HowardI am trying to play a game on my computer which runs on Ubuntu 12.04 and I can't get it to work. I ran a web browser through wine to play it in hopes that it would emulate Windows and I keep getting the following error when I try to play the game: Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msv...

Are we having this discussion again?
@Weston.h Which discussion?
@LessPop_MoreFizz we had the utensils discussion with Kalina
Q: How do I breed the Amber dragon?

sing_craft_creeperI keep trying to breed the Amber dragon using the combo of Evergreen and Quake, as seen on the website. I want to know if there is any other combination or if this is the right one, because I've been trying since the day this dragon came out.

Q: How do I breed an Iron dragon?

sing_craft_creeperIn my other question, I'd talked about breeding the Peridot dragon and going to try to use the Fog and Iron combination. Now I just need the breeding combination for the Iron dragon. Anyone?

Q: How do I breed a Fog dragon?

sing_craft_creeperI want to breed a Peridot dragon, and crystal and cactus doesn't work for me after about twenty tries, give or take a few. So I'm going to go for the fog and iron combination. Anyone know how to breed a Fog dragon?

Q: How do I breed a Jade dragon?

FAEContrary to expectation, there's been a new gemstone dragon released, the Jade dragon. What's the combination with the highest success rate to get this dragon? I've so far been unable to find a confirmed breeding pair via my usual sources.

Q: How do you breed a Diamond Dragon in Dragonvale?

Miss SkyrimI can't seem to find out how to breed a diamond dragon in Dragonvale. I've tried quite a few combos in the Epic Breeding Island, but none work for me. Anyone know a confirmed combo? I've heard it's Mine and Ice, but it doesn't work. Do they need to be a certain level? I really need a gemstone dra...

@alexanderpas What's you're point? We've had tons of meta questions about this. The whole point of the game is breeding dragons, so of course every question about the game is going to be about how to breed a specific dragon.
I think we need to make the questions uniform :D
@alexanderpas What do you mean?
look at the titles of the first four, then look at the last... (and this one)
Q: How does one breed the new Apocalpyse dragon?

AdulmecI saw the new Apocalypse Dragon in the marketplace.  I heard it has four elements required but I didn't see that in the game, how do I breed it?  Let's hope I get it before the world ends. :)  Thanks!

@alexanderpas Quite frankly, I think that is a level of obsessive compulsive pedantry that is neither needed nor useful.
If anything, I'd call it actively harmful, insofar as it just bumps a bunch of questions while providing no benefit.
the How Do I breed a(n) <type> dragon? seems to be the standard.
@alexanderpas Unless the titles are not informative or not complete sentences or full of poor spelling or in some other way broken, there's no good reason to go back and change them.
Yeah, you're right, it's just funny to see two of those questions on the front page.
Q: will i still have my profile already on my x box if i change the hardrive

user53932i want to change my x box 360 hardrive, but I want to know whether my profile will still be there or will I have to redownload it?

Q: Does Applied Energistics have a Worktable equivilant?

EnderForesty introduces the Worktable, an item similar to RedPower 2's Project Table. Does Applied Energistics have anything like this? I'm aware of AE's autocrafting capabilities but I'm not trying to auto-craft right now, I'm trying to find a way for AE to remember my desired recepies for easy quic...

@Lazers Shift is a key that exists. Please use it.
@FEichinger done.
@alexanderpas A couple of Is are still in lower case ...
> "You can't hack the panel without overriding the back-end SMTP system!"
Sounds about right. :P
@FEichinger Tron Legacy actually had UNIX commands that were correct so it won points for that.
> I'll program the neural RAM card, that should override the SDD sensor!
Sulfadimidine or sulfamethazine, is a sulfonamide antibacterial. There are non-standardized abbreviations for it as "sulfadimidine" (abbreviated SDI and more commonly but less reliably SDD) and as "sulfamethazine" (abbreviated SMT and more commonly but less reliably SMZ). Other names include sulfadimerazine, sulfadimezine, and sulphadimethylpyrimidine. Notes * Abbreviations are not found in the databases (such as ChemDB, ChemIDplus, PubChem), but often seen in the published literature. * "SDD" is not found in databases, but often seen in the published literature; it could however be conf...
"You can't transmit the protocol without synthesizing the back-end EXE microchip!"
"I'll bypass the mobile SSL sensor, that should connect the TCP firewall!"
That one almost works
almost, just like this one:
"The COM bandwidth is down, transmit the primary port so we can generate the TCP circuit!"
> "Try to connect the RAM application, maybe it will generate the bluetooth bus!"
"Use the digital HTTP monitor, then you can input the redundant port!"
Oooooh, that one's tricky:
> "I'll transmit the mobile PCI program, that should override the ADP circuit!"
PCI as in:
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle cardholder information for the major debit, credit, prepaid, e-purse, ATM, and POS cards. Defined by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, the standard was created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud via its exposure. Validation of compliance is done annually — by an external Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) that creates a Report on Compliance (ROC) for organizations handling large volumes of tra...
> "You can't hack the system without overriding the cross-platform PCI bus!"
that actually works.
another one that works:
"We need to input the multi-byte SMS protocol!"
While overly complicated, this certainly is an interesting way to go about things:
> "If we reboot the bus, we can get to the SSL circuit through the cross-platform ADP card!"
on the other hand: HD firewall for e-mail?
"Use the open-source SMTP sensor, then you can index the 1080p firewall!"
@alexanderpas Why, yes. That's what technosnobs use to purge lowres Youtube videos.
This also makes some actual sense, kinda:
> "We need to index the cross-platform XML interface!"
Another funny one: Vibrate on insecure connection.
"We need to synthesize the haptic SSL alarm!"
Now, why you would back up a driver is beyond me, but to each their own I guess:
> "We need to back up the solid state FTP driver!"
"We need to compress the cross-platform HTTP firewall!"
Ah, yes ... the portless back-end FTP protocol is a last resort in every good SysAdmin's toolbox:
> "Navigating the port won't do anything, we need to generate the back-end FTP protocol!"
"We need to quantify the cross-platform HTTP system!"
I thought they did that already...
> "You can't back up the bandwidth without programming the haptic USB firewall!"
I ... I'm at a loss for words on that one.
Another valid one:
"We need to hack the back-end HDD array!"
> "We need to compress the virtual GB driver!"
"We need to program the redundant TCP interface!"
If only the AI used twitter....
"If we program the alarm, we can get to the AI port through the redundant RSS circuit!"
@Weston.h Redundancy in TCP, such a brilliant idea. How come we never thought of that?
@FEichinger except we did :P
@Weston.h I ... I thought I didn't need to add a sarcasm marker there. :(
@FEichinger he neither.
@FEichinger :P
@Weston.h At any rate, the hit rate seems to be around 1 in 20. That's surprisingly good.
yeah, I'm impressed indeed:
"Use the back-end USB system, then you can connect the bluetooth hard drive!"
Breaking News: Baldur's Gate 2 is still a very fun RPG.
Q: Does it hurt to leave rot laying around?

agweberIn Don't Starve, does it hurt to let food rot on the ground? The wikia says that pigs will eat it, does it hurt them? Are there any actual negatives?

Q: Is guild wars good for someone who avoids MMOs?

SigTermshort version I heard that Guild Wars is good for people that don't normally like MMOs. Is this true? long version The reason why I've become interesting is that I read about Guild Wars and that it allows to solo the game. I normally avoid MMOs completely (few years ago I wasted 2 weeks playing ...

@FEichinger that's what happens when you make a computer before you make a game.
@alexanderpas What pisses me off about it is Notch's lack of commitment. Cancelling the project midway because "Meh, can't be arsed." is a shit way to go about things.
@FEichinger that happens when you announce a project way too early, and don't go the Star Citizen route...
If he had just at some point said "Look, guys, I've run into a wall here. Anyone have an idea?", I'd be perfectly fine with it. But dropping projects just like that after announcing it in the concept phase, that's Psychonauts 2 all over again.
Don't go through public channels if you don't commit to the project, period.
Mind you, I accept his decision, it's his to make. But "respect" is lacking big time.
ughhhhhh I am not built for neighborly shit
three little kids just ran up to me in my yard while I have arm loads full of stuff to bring in asking me a million non nonsensical screaming questions
@spugsley Your arms being full is an important component of that story due to it being the reason you didn't punch them, right?
@Sterno eh, they weren't baby age. I think a swift quick to the shins may have been more appropriate
@spugsley Does that mean you only punch babies or ...?
@FEichinger pretty much
Punching older kids is a good way to stay in shape in case you come across a baby that needs punching.
I thought punting babies was the new in thing?
@Sterno well, children can punch back. That's really the main problem
@spugsley Yeah, but they're trusting. You just need to get them to lower their guard by offering some candy or something, and then BAM, one hit KO
Might I recommend this as a vehicle?
seriously. One of them asked me, "Who was your mom before you moved here?"
wtf does that even fucking mean?
Persian Language and Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Persian language.

Currently in definition.

Yahoo! Pipes

Proposed Q&A site for yahoo! Pipes is heavily used by people who depend on RSS on their daily flow. To bring content to their RSS readers or to use it to build new content.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for impartially questioning the validity, authenticity and bias of news reports with a view to identifying trends and sources of political propaganda, sometimes known as spin, with particular reference to the means by which it is disseminated.

Currently in definition.

Circuit Review

Proposed Q&A site for circuit designers seeking peer-review of their schematic, physical layout, and component choice. This is the circuit design equivalent of the 'Code Review' SE, and intended to complement the Electronics SE.

Currently in definition.

Q: how to run two keyboards and mice in different apps

DeepGazeis there any way to run two inputs for different apps? e.g. when in a game called minetest you can run a local server and setup a dual player but not dual controll

@spugsley Better question: Who is your mom after you moved there?
@FEichinger :o
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Oh, hello psueod-Skeptics.
and "I want to see inside your house!" Nope. Not happening. GTFO
Ask them for their wifi passwords
@spugsley they were adopted.
@alexanderpas I should have told them that. I could have ensured that they and their parents never bother me again
@spugsley You see, I usually already emit an aura of hatred towards children of all ages. So bad, they call the cops when they kick their ball to our balcony (True story).
@FEichinger :o you are my new best friend
@spugsley I didn't know I was multiple people ... Go figure.
I wish @IanPugsley would have been home. I think his height would have scared them off
@FEichinger You know it's story time now.
@FEichinger bahahahaha
Is @OrigamiRobot moving to the new house with you, or is he now crying himself to sleep at night all alone in the apartment?
Because he'd totally steal their wifi passwords.
@Sterno he has a separate apartment....he hasn't lived with us for 2 years :p
@Sterno She left him a sloth for company
@Weston.h it's true
I randomly hide sloths in @OrigamiRobot's apartment
it's a magic sloth, with a wizard hat and everything.
I don't think he's found any of them yet
@alexanderpas Sure. One day, the scumbag kids of the neighbourhood kicked their ball into our balcony. They rang the bell, asked "Is our ball on your balcony?", I answered and handed the ball back, told them "Next time it isn't on there.", so as to tell them that I won't give it back if it happens again.
Fast forward 24 hours, I'm at my grandma's down the road.
Cops ring the bell, ask if there was supposed to be a "grumpy old man" in our flat.
@FEichinger bahahahahahaha
Apparently the kids were so scared, they didn't even ask.
And apparently the kids claimed it was a "valuable collectible".
(It was a .5€ ball, for the record)
Man, if they could see your avatar in here, they wouldn't be afraid of you at all.
So, we all went down the road to the flat, I got the ball from the balcony, handed it to cops and explained in the meantime why the kids probabyl did that.
Or they'd be really afraid.
That is, because I was a grumpy arse when it happened just a day before.
@Sterno Probably that.
I also reiterate: "grumpy old man" ...
@FEichinger Can I be you when I grow up?
@spugsley You're older than me, for heaven's sake!
There you have it, The Bridge. @FEichinger is the real grumpy old man, not me.
I love telling that story. Makes my day every time.
alright I'm leaving the house to run to the grocery store before the children come back with their parents. bbl
@spugsley Just wait until Halloween when they all come trick or treating!
Shouldn't I be the grumpy old man?
@Weston.h We'd have to see your resume.
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