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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

A blue face is pretty interesting.
And the starred list says people laugh at me.
So you must've said that to @Arda instead, my bad. I'm such a megalomaniac at times.
you're right
@badp your face is bad and you should feel bad and you're a bad moderator
@ArdaXi Now you're not even trying.
I enjoy Portal 2.
@badp At you.
@GnomeSlice That's what I said
@badp Just checking.
That said people laugh at my jokes so the humor standards in this room are pretty low.
@Mana Glad I don't live in Canada.
@badp At you, not necessarily at your jokes.
Why do you think people star so many of my messages @badp?
@Mana Because so many of your messages are about me.
@Mana Because your avatar is mad all the time.
3 hours ago, by Mana
like badp says "Hey arda how's it going" and Arda's like "your face is bad and you should feel bad and you're a bad moderator"
3 hours ago, by Mana
I can imagine how wounded you must be when someone says you're not a blonde invisible mermaid with a tsundere personality, then.
3 hours ago, by Mana
They are about the dumbest things to say and coming up with those "jokes" requires as much exertion on my part as stretching my thumb.
@GnomeSlice I know what the difference between "laughing at me" and "laughing with me" is
Canada... America's hat.
@badp Again: just checking.
@Mana Do you have Carpal-Tunnel syndrome?
@GnomeSlice Sure you did.
Wait, did I just say that Canadians are rarer and more valuable than Americans? (also: Why doesn't English have a good word to denote US citizens in one word?)
@ArdaXi Srs.
@Powerlord It does... "American".
Q: COD Black Ops Multiplayer - Is there any effective way to defend against attack dogs?

Siddharth IyerThis is one killstreak reward I totally don't like (when I'm on the receiving end). Ive tried knifing them (as the game suggests) but to no avail. The only effective strategy I have is to shoot down the dogs but even this is not very effective since they run so fast. Another strategy is to make ...

@Powerlord I'd smelt Canada.
Maybe you get a nice hat like The Netherlands.
@GnomeSlice Except that the US isn't the only country in North America, let alone South America.
@ArdaXi I just found some Canadians in a mine playing Minecraft. Gonna have to go craft some Canadian armour.
@Powerlord "North American", "South American"...
@ArdaXi Yeah, but I have just as much of a chance of crafting Argentina or something.
@Powerlord Or Italy.
Egypt is very useful for crafting shovels.
I actually only said Argentina because I've heard the music from Evita recently. :P
I meant no offense to the Argentinians.
@Powerlord I'm sure none was taken.
in Bacon, 22 hours ago, by Gigili
insert coin
Anyone else see the problem with that?
@Powerlord It's not in the Bridge?
@GnomeSlice Yeah... it's not even on a Gaming channel!
@Powerlord :P
I actually registered Bacon on the right site... Cooking. :)
Oh, does that work in any Gaming chatroom?
@GnomeSlice Not sure.
But the point was, it definitely won't work on a Cooking room.
Does Cooking have a chat Easter egg?
@GnomeSlice No idea
@Grace I just earned a badge for this question, somehow the system won't let me forget that I'm a potential serial killer ;-).
@Fabian Heh.
That reminds me me, in 4.5 hours, I can finally get my Fanatic Badge.
@Fabian Which badge?
Oh come on, my bitcoins have already gone up $200 :(
@GraceNote That's somewhat embarrasing, or? ;-)
Take from it what you will. But if you could see my eyes right now, I'm most definitely giving you some sort of glare.
I'm curious who will get Taxonomist for ?
@Fabian Me, if anyone.
I created the tag.
Or any number of facial expressions involving semi-closed eyes used to indicate a general feeling of not being amused, placing blame on you even though you hadn't actually done anything on your own or even related to the source of lack of amusement.
@GraceNote There are plenty of lacks of amusement you are directly responsible for. :)
@ArdaXi I generally avoid glaring at mirrors.
@GraceNote I can imagine.
I don't understand these smart-people jokes. =[
@GnomeSlice Grace is merely commenting on the fact that while she bears no responsibility for the great mal that game-rec has caused on this website, she is still slighty bemused by the fact that a taxonomist badge has been awarded to her in its honour.
@ArdaXi Aha. I wasn't aware of that. That is pretty bemusing.
@GnomeSlice @GraceNote's bemusement is always bemusing. It's also amusing.
I keep hearing notifications, but I don't see your edits.
I saw that one.
@GnomeSlice She was bemused, not unbemused.
I'll mod it.
@ArdaXi Such commentary is also proposed in the context of allowing me to glare at @Fabian despite the fact, as previous mentioned, Fabian had done nothing in relation towards the awardance of that badge.
Because, exactly as Arda points out, there are social circumstances where you can glare at other people because of acts attributed to yourself. ♪
Such as?
@GraceNote Not necessarily. Had you not created the game-rec tag, someone else would have received its accompanying badge. However, absence of @Fabian's name under the mass murder inquiry might very well have excluded the question from eligibility thereof.
@GraceNote But at least you're not surrounded by mass-murderers anymore, we have dispersed somewhat.
@ArdaXi I'll give you that, though I also find that an absence of Fabian's name under the mass murder inquiry excludes the option for me to glare at Fabian.
@GraceNote I solve such hardship by simply glaring at anyone indiscriminately.
It amuses me that John Rudy hasn't been around for months, yet he still is in the top 2 pages and was around to here the announcement and collect his prize.
@ArdaXi I like to smile and sing too much to glower too often ♪
@GraceNote Your apparent intellectual ability and your thus described behaviour clash somewhat.
I will now forever think of @GraceNote as one of those anime girls whose sole purpose is being viewed as cute by the viewer.
An understandable perspective from the eyes of an unlikable war-scarred invisible mermaid
@ArdaXi Just because I like to sing, doesn't mean I remotely can hold a tune.
I'm currently busy murdering necrophages in , if that puts you at ease ;-)
@GraceNote Nor can they. It does not stop them.
Hold a note, rather. I can hold a tune pretty well, actually, I've got strong sense for music. Just a nyetchety voice.
I'm not going to counter the whole "moé" comment because I've gotten enough fanart to not bother trying to oppose it.
@GraceNote Fanart?
And yes, Moé is what I meant.
@ArdaXi Artistically-inclined communities love to draw pictures of each other. Even when they have absolutely no idea what the other party physically looks like.
@GraceNote Ah.
Well, luckily I'm not artistically inclined.
I think probably 80% of such existing artwork attempts to depict me as some sort of moé-inspired little girl. Sometimes with an axe.
And besides, it's relatively easy to figure out what I look like, if someone really wanted to. Arda Xi is not very anonymous.
Which is disappointing, since my signature weapon class is always the polearm, ideally the halberd.
@GraceNote interesting
reminds me of one of the characters from a popular fighting game that I suddenly can't remember the name of
Soul Caliber ...
@CRoss Seung Mina?
@GraceNote yes, the only character I had a chance with
... the only character that gave me a chance of victory
Hers is more a glaive/naginata/similarly-structured-curved-and-possibly-toothed-blade-at-end-of-pole, though. Also her skirt lifts too much during fights.
Q: COD Black Ops Multiplayer - Is there a way to practice with killstreak rewards?

Siddharth IyerThere have been countless fails I have committed when I got to use a new killstreak reward. For example, this one time I got a valkyrie rocket and like a moron I thought that the goggles on the screen just let you command some kind of UAV that shoots rockets at places you mark on the map. Turns...

@GraceNote good eye, and which Soul Caliber character's doesn't
the blond chick with the shield is certainly the same way ...
Which is insane, considering in II she has a costume with pretty much the longest and most modest skirt possible, and yet it still flies up just as often. Drives me nuts.
@GraceNote I won't ask how you feel about DoA then ...
@CRoss There are battle arenas with air vents below them, and the physics to accompany it. That... about sums up my opinion of it. Also I like Ayane's voice typically.
finishes L.A. Noire <insert spoilers here>
@TimStone it's a noire so you probably don't win
The ending was a bit lacking.
@TimStone You mean the pre-DLC ending?
@Powerlord That sentence is physically painful to read.
Well, the currently available DLC just adds into the existing timeline, so. :P
@TimStone Is the plot worth finding out for myself when we maybe get a PC port in two years or not so much?
@Mana It was interesting enough. They kind of sprinkled some character story on top of the main crimes-related plot, but I don't think it was very well explored.
Sony got hacked again. A SQL injection.
> Our goal here is not to come across as master hackers, hence what we're about to reveal: SonyPictures.com was owned by a very simple SQL injection, one of the most primitive and common vulnerabilities, as we should all know by now. From a single injection, we accessed EVERYTHING. Why do you put such faith in a company that allows itself to become open to these simple attacks?
@Arda source?
Sony hacked, once again. Once and for all. See the Twitter feed of the attacker at @LulzSec
Hey, LulzSec. They mentioned they were aiming to hack Sony just a few days ago.
> Included in our collection are databases from Sony BMG Belgium & Netherlands.
Speaking of voting...
Yup, still no news from the TF2 team
I think Sony definitely broke a record now.
The sad part is that people will still use them.
Q: Are A51 proposals valid Gaming ads?

MosheAre Community Promotion ads a valid place for Area 51 proposal ads? Here's why I think it would be a valid candidate ad: SE Podcast #6 was all about the gamification of Stack Exchange. Area 51 proposals are games as well Games are valid candidates for Community Promotion ads If 1 and 3 are tr...

@badp Yeah, Valve is lazy... and it's not yet 2pm for them. I've noticed that most of their updates come at the end of their workday, so like at 1am UTC.
@Moshe can't tell if serious...
So, I've been watching the TV series Dollhouse lately, since I have it on DVD. Great series, stupid name.
Q: Are A51 proposals valid Gaming ads?

MosheAre Community Promotion ads a valid place for Area 51 proposal ads? Here's why I think it would be a valid candidate ad: SE Podcast #6 was all about the gamification of Stack Exchange. Area 51 proposals are games as well Games are valid candidates for Community Promotion ads If 1 and 3 are tr...

@Lazers A little late there, aren't we?
Q: Are there any sites like Goodreads for video games?

Ren the UncleanBasically, I want a site that lets me track games I have played, am playing, or plan on playing in a manner similar to www.goodreads.com, which is for books only.

Not interesting.
Silly me.
If Carlsberg did beer
It would be the worst beer in the world
oh wait, it is
Wow, I've never heard of Ron Guyatt before, but what an incredible artist!
Sonic: Now only exciting when Pros play it.
desert video from Sonic Unleashed... click
you linked to the ending though.
Some might wonder why @GnomeSlice still posts things. With the self-fulfilling prophecy and all.
I just need to find something interesting, is all...
I should just give up.
They probably were interesting, before you posted them.
At that point they can't be interesting any longer.
that wound up being exactly what I thought it was
"It’s one of the better art projects we’ve ever featured on the site, and I think you’ll like it more than you probably should."
I love these guys.
I don't
Why can't we all get along
Man, I've not checked HN today
oh wait, sorry, Bitcoin News
Whoa, Groupon got to Series G funding? Crikey
What does that mean?
Well, from what I understand
You have your first round of funding while you are starting up, launch capital if you will. This is generally known as a seed round.
And from then on further rounds of funding are given an incremental letter.
Which would suggest Groupon have had 8 rounds of funding
I think, anyway
I always thought "Groupon" sounded suspiciously kinky.
@GnomeSlice wat.
So in today's Hacker News executive summary:
I don't anything about Groupon, other than that the name always disturbs me slightly.
* Groupon & Pandora have filed for IPO
* Some site of Sony's has been hacked (par for the course)
* Google is introducing another web standard most people will probably ignore because it's a real kerfuffle to implement
* The Skype protocol has been reverse engineered
* *More* shit about Bitcoins nobody cares about
* Conde Naste has bought 285 Reddit related domains
* Heroku adds (unofficial) support for more languages, now runs Django
Ooh, and there was an easter egg in the cr-48 chromebook nobody has found yet. Woop-de-doo
And that concludes the HN executive summary
@badp: Saxxy Finalist Judging has started
There, I really got the right link that time
Yay, I'm a normal person and not a finalist.
Voting ends Monday, 6pm UTC.
I imagine this means that the winners will be announced a week from today.
I imagine I've misplaced my headphones so can't listen to them
Ah well
These HTC headphones are by far the worst headphones I've ever used
Obviously staged but
Which to vote for
toss-up between the mid-air axtinguisher
and the air airblast rocket
Airblast it is
So many people saw the original multiple airblast video and just copied it
And that's at least one video in two different categories
To conclude my moan - this is the original, and this is pretty much just a straight copy, both of which are in the category for most inventive kill.
Interesting... apparently two people I know have finalist entries... one is "TF2 Replay: Fists of Shield" in the Best Coordinated category, the other is "Contest Submission: Joke's on you" in the Best Revenge category.
Q: Terraria: Time Requirement for Meteors?

sXeDaemonI started a new world solely for the purpose of spawning and mining a meteorite. I smashed a shadow orb and waited through the whole night and one never fell. I've done this twice already and the only reason i wanted to do it on a new world was because if I smash another orb im going to spawn a...

Come on clock, tick faster!
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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