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@Sterno And you don't afraid of anything.
Alex Miller on August 05, 2013

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #51, with special guest Jeff Atwood and the usual suspects Joel Spolsky, David Fullerton, and Jay Hanlon. Today’s show was brought to you by Pan-American World Airways!

We kick off the discussion with a topic not on the agenda… which is reminiscing about who used to prepare the agenda on the old Joel & Jeff podcasts.

Site Milestones! Spaaaace is now in public beta, so you should check it out. We also closed the India proposal, after much discussion about the possibilities for location-based sites. …

Morning, Bridge
Join 2fort server
See the most awful engineering in your own base
Get switched to enemy team by autobalance
Decide to go spy and try and teach them a couple things about engineering
Find out that their spy checking is top notch :/
@RedRiderX Hey, Nitrome featured Ripple Dot Zero in their pixel love collection. nitrome.com/games/pixellove/rippledotzero
I just wanted to teach arrogant newbies!
and snipers
and heavies
and all the other things too.
I'm not awesome at spy okay? ._.
My main fun as spy on 2-fort is dropping off the balcony and backstabbing people rushing the front door
Useful? Not really. Fun? Hell yes.
@Sterno I think dropping and backstabbing people is more fun in Dishonored.
@StrixVaria Probably, but i went all non-lethal in that game.
@GnomeSlice Hey, good for them.
@StrixVaria Dropstab is very fun. Especially on the tallboys
I wonder if it would be cheaper to try and live in one of those than renting a house or apartment.
@BenBrocka The purpose of this project is to explore the changing landscape of Iowa by capturing the essence of its present form in midst of its transitional history from prairie to rural farmland to suburban sprawl
Oh shit, it's pressurized, duh.
@Sterno I killed 3-4 people on my first playthrough, then played through the first 2 levels going out of my way to murder everybody.
@BenBrocka Reminds me of this kid I knew who used to fart into pog containers.
@StrixVaria Once you've killed one you might as well just kill all the things
@BenBrocka I got the low chaos ending even killing a few guys the first time.
I couldn't care less about achievements.
Yeah, you can. I just prefer to do a complete non-lethal run instead of a mostly non-lethal one
@StrixVaria I still have my pogs...
@SaintWacko Me too!
@BenBrocka I panicked in an early mission and didn't feel like reloading for the 100th time on that section.
I like how poisoning the distillery somehow still counts as a non-lethal run.
Then I murdered someone at the end out of spite.
@Wipqozn Are you sure you know nothing about this kickstarter?
@StrixVaria My cousin once told me he farted in empty pill bottles and left them around his school.
IMO the game didn't react to your choices very well. There were some subtle "the world's going to shit" stuff when you have high chaos, but it seems very out of character that Samuel is like "hey corvo I'll take you to the island also btw you're a total monster and I'm going to alert the guards"
@BenBrocka I didn't play through all the way with high chaos, but I watched the ending. Does Samuel go from cool old guy to "you monster" without any kind of transition?
@badp I...what?
@Sterno Dropping some guy from a bridge so that he gets run over by an incoming APC? That's totally not the same as killing him either ... according to Obsidian (in Alpha Protocol).
@MartinSojka Well, I hardly killed anyone in JC2, then
@Wipqozn "British Columbia, Canada"
@StrixVaria Samuel's transition was what broke the suspension of disbelief for me. Shit gets grim FAST when you get back to the pub, but Samuel's "fuck you" seems very tacked on. IIRC until you're on the boat he's pretty much "Hi Corvo! Nice day here! Let's get you to the island!" Once you're on the boat he has a somewhat smoother transition into "you monster" but it should have been foreshadowed better
> If your love one is still alive now is the perfect time to ask the question, what would you like to remembered for? What would you like engraved on your Electric Memorial Candle?
Also I'm pretty sure 90% of us just kill Samuel when he does that. I like Samuel but it's hard not to stab him after that.
@badp This is gold
> Now I know the topic of death can be sensitive to some but the reality is we will all pass away. Some sooner then others.
I don't think it gets better than the memorial stretch goal
@fredley I think there will be a lot of candles with "Fuck you. I want a real memorial." engraved on them
> Here, “OC” stands for “Original Character”. So for $100 you could have had a pony you designed (probably based on yourself) inserted into the movie as a side-kick to the heros! (Is $100 out of your price range? For $50 you could have had your character speak “an entire conversation” with the heros, or for $10 your character could have appeared in the background!)
Look at it. I mean, look at it.
> Nothing says “Professional!” like adding random characters to your movie because somebody gave you a hundred bucks.
@SaintWacko There will be no candles at all
@BenBrocka Dishonored was a good stealth game, but the story was terrible.
> Present this kickstarter project to your love one as a gift. Tell them this is how you’re going to keep their memory alive once they've passed away. Then ask them about their favorite photos they would like to be placed within the candle memorial's photo frame. This will make the topic easier to talk about and show them they are truly loved and cared for by you. It may also open the door to more important pre-planning conversation.
A pony based on myself. Oh my ...
@fredley You have ruined my dreams!
@badp That project was an amazing mixture of creepy and horribly executed
@Wipqozn I liked the world more than the story. And IMO that's more important than the "story" proper.
> One special features of this free online memorial page that will make this memorial page like no other will be our exclusive “I leave you with this” memorial message.
@fredley Bahaha
@BenBrocka Did you pick up Pikmin 3 yet?
@Wipqozn Waiting on delivery
@Wipqozn I wish it weren't just for Wii U :(
should arrive today
@fredley Good lord
@fredley ...What?
What is this I don't even
I like the "STAR OF DAVID" as if anyone remotely interested in that wouldn't know what it was
@fredley I like the censored shortcuts
@Wipqozn What? Is this out?
@OrigamiRobot Came out in NA yesterday.
@BenBrocka Oh, I was wondering why they were blank
@BenBrocka With the amount of "great world, WTF story" going on there, you'd think BGS would have made it themselves, not Arkane.
@Wipqozn UUuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh
Ahoy, chat denizens
@OrigamiRobot I take it you want it but want to save money. Or something.
I need some advice from someone who owns an Xbox360
@MartinSojka It does feel a lot like Bethesda. Long loading times, bugs, crashes
@Aubergine I've got one. don't use it much, but I'll see if I can help
@BenBrocka I've actually had 0 crashes in Skyrim
3 second quickload times in a stealth game with lots of "oops, reload" moments is painful
@SaintWacko My company is picking one up for its future fun room, and since I don't own one I am not overly familiar with the catalogue. I need enjoyable sociable games, preferably playable at short intervals.
@Aubergine Hmm, don't know much about those games. For that, I'd honestly recommend a Nintendo system

Proposed Q&A site for professional and Motorists enthusiast. Not limited to simply cars but of all types of motorists. Bring together a community for those who need help from simple fixes to custom mods and to learning the rules of the road from across the country.

Currently in definition.

@SaintWacko Yeah, there's much sense in that.
That's kind of what they're designed for
You could pick up halo or something and download gametypes that make for short games
Every console has party games
@BenBrocka But Nintendo consoles have more than their share
True, but when I think of the Wii a ton of titles pop to mind without ever having owned one.
I'm pretty clueless on the 360
@Aubergine I pretty much only have Xboxes for Halo
@SaintWacko Duly noted :)
@Aubergine Castle Crashers. Halo. Uh.
Yeah, thought about castle crashers.
I can think of lots of good games from the Xbox indie game channel that are great at parties.
Then do list them.
It would be most appreciated.
Oh, I forgot about the Indie Channel
@GnomeSlice the ad is begrudgingly admit to having watched isn't that awful.
18 hours driven without killing a pedestrian! Must be a new record
@PrivatePansy Are we talking real life or some game?
@Aubergine I actually already compiled a list a while ago for someone else. If you wanna check it out, it's here. ge.tt/92N3zpJ/v/0?c
@PrivatePansy how'd the parking go?
They're ordered mostly from best to least best
@PrivatePansy Hangs up a "1 Days free of civilian casualties" sign
@badp Parking is fine, especially since you get twice the amount of time to complete 3 tonner parking than land rover parking
@GnomeSlice Sweet, thanks! I will put this to good use.
This one is sort of like super smash brothers
@Aubergine Quadsmash is amazing. If you're willing to spend $5, do it.
It won't be my money, so I am pretty willing :)
@badp I don't understand this message.
@Aubergine Also add Video Wars to that list.
@Aubergine Also, one of the titles I listed on there has the sequel out now, which is probably better. Zombie Estate 2. It has more maps and shit.
I should put this on Kickstarter
@Aubergine One more that isn't out yet on Xbox: lunargiantstudios.com/games/featured/delve-deeper
@Wipqozn I can't get it till Friday
@Aubergine Also if you want a really short and casual one, try this.
Kind of silly, but actually pretty entertaining.
up to 4 players
I need to update my list
@Aubergine also, whatever console you guys get, you need a Bomberman game
I think Wii has the best downloadable bomberman game of this gen though
Oh oh if Monaco is on 360 it's great
@BenBrocka I don't think it is.
Actually it might be.
Monaco can take a little while though
True, most maps are under 20 minutes though
I need to update my list
been a while since I did it last
SpeedRunner HD is a good one too
@BenBrocka Have you played Delve Deeper?
Also the best competitive multiplayer game ever is still Quadsmash
@GnomeSlice Haven't heard of it
I guess they forgot about the Xbox release...
Because that was supposed to be 2010 =[
And the PC one crashes sometimes.
The concept is excellent though.
Back it CC @fredley
@StrixVaria Also, it's going to fail, so meh
@fredley All the more reason to back it.
So you can feel good and not spend money.
@fredley With that attitude, yes.
backs at $5,000 level
We should get rid of the tag.
Q: What is the chance of Skatole to appear at the Shell Game?

Richard AIn the Arcade room when you play the Shell Game with the beggar there is a chance of him revealing Skatole under one of the Host Skulls when betting. I know when it appears you have a 33% chance of winning (nearly 55% when having Lucky Foot) but the chance of it appearing is not stated anywhere....

eh, it doesn't seem that outlandish to me. Things that can play music CDs are getting increasingly few and far between
going forward it probably makes more sense for physical stores to sell music on a bring-your-own-USB-drive/iPod basis though
It's an interesting idea, but it's basically a flash drive that's vastly more expensive for minimal practical use
and if you don't have one, oh boy don't I have some hefty markups!
It'd make more sense to develop some sort of system where you download an app and the store can let you test/buy music in store and deliver it right to your device. But at that point why the fuck do you need a store, just use an online store
@badp This I figure is the wiser direction. Less production cost and at this stage almost everyone who cares to listen to music would have a device that is capable.
@BenBrocka How can I chat face to face with my shoppeops if I have this cybernetic wall of the interwebs betwixt us?
@GraceNote Hangout!!
@GraceNote unless you're catering to the super-high-end vinil audiophile audience; good luck with it.
That sounds exceedingly bothersome to setup for casual shop chitchat.
I can't imagine what the recordstore conversations are anymore
"Oh man did you check the new j-Beebs album? Shit was YOLO as hell. I was all like hashtag swag"
I liked the kickstarter where they wanted to fly an UAV and drop plant seeds over urban areas of the USA. Or possibly anthrax. Hilarious. I might have made the "anthrax" part up.
@BenBrocka "Sorry" "Pardon" "Would you let me please..." "Thank you" "I just can't reach..."
@BenBrocka Provided you aren't asking for shopping advice, the other trick is to basically befriend the fellow and get normal conversation out of it.
@badp The most awkward sex tape ever
@BenBrocka 2men1corridor
...to the benefit of the current awkward silence I'd like to mention that if there is already one piece of media called "2men1corridor" I am not aware of it.
@Sterno Did you ever unpackage your 3DS?
I'm not sure who can possibly enjoy this type of gameplay (Payday 2 beta) (warning: NSFW flair covers ammo counter.) (warning: watch at 2× speed for sanity)
This Kickfailure site is quite entertaining.
@Wipqozn Yes. I played EO4 to completion. Well, non-do-everything-ever completion.
Haven't played Fire Emblem or more than 10 minutes of Monster Hunter though
@Sterno you didn't hold R2 L1 X at the same time to spit back at the camel? Boo!
> 1) Mistborn: Birthright. (Video Game for consoles and maybe PC, cross platform.) We're looking at 2015 for this right now. (Sorry.) The new console generation made us push it back. I'm still planning to write it, and development is still moving. It's far from dead.
Yet another reason games made primarily for the console suck.
@fbueckert @OrigamiRobot Will either you guys be around tonight for some hunting? WOuldn't mind killing a few Uragaans. Need some mats to upgrade my hunting horn.
@Wipqozn Today's a holiday for me.
I should have time just about at any point today.
@fbueckert You guys get Halifax's Birthday off too?
@Wipqozn Technically, it's a "civic holiday" for August.
Oh, I might not need to hunt one after all.
I think the only mat I need is the U. Pallium, which I can get from a Veggie Elder via a cosmic ticket.
If I have one, which I might.
@badp Looks fun enough for me. Un-perceptive NPCs, a bit, but then it is in a night club, so presumably it's loud and stinky anyway.
I just wonder why he didn't close the doors behind him (.. and why nobody noticed it being open).
@MartinSojka Let's recap: sneak in room, hold F for five seconds, wait three minutes, hold F for five seconds, wait another minute, hold F for five seconds, walk up stairs, immobilize one person, hold F for five seconds, wait five minutes, hold F for five seconds, wait three minutes, carry four things to window, shoot it, drop things down, just waltz out
@Wipqozn I can do some hunts.
@badp Yep, as I said, needs better NPCs to try and not make it as easy as it were in RL.
(not sure why he didn't jump out the already opened window)
@MartinSojka or they could just reduce the time you spend waiting
There's no justification for that mission being 15 minutes of which 12 are spent doing absolutely nothing in my eyes.
I guess Deus Ex: Human Revolution spoiled me?
@Wipqozn Cosmic tickets are crazy rare.
@fbueckert You get them via unity it seems.
I just checked and don't have one.
... or they could just use the time for something interesting.
So Uragaan killings it shall be! but not right now.
I don't mind waiting in a video game, but it's better if there's some challenge involved.
@Wipqozn So 100 unity level will do it.
@fbueckert Yup.
@MartinSojka I guess the player could've gone for a pickpocket on the people who were outlined in blue... but not with a mask on.
I suppose they had the key?
@Wipqozn Normal or Steel?
@OrigamiRobot I need two parts. I can get one part from either Normal or Steel, and the other part I can only get from Normal.
I watched The Host Friday night.
My favorite part of the movie was trying to guess which of the actors was named "Max Irons".
@OrigamiRobot Bug type.
@fbueckert boo, that means I really likely won't have a console to play the mistborn game on
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that sucks.
It's at least a year past due to the console change.
I am super excited about it still, but also like oh, well, guess I won't play it. Unless I buy a console I won't really use, because I tend to play not so much console stuff.
Nevermind, I made the old link still work
Q: Gnome Shell for gaming

user146535Is Gnome Shell (especially 3.6) good for gaming? I'm really wondering if it is, because I'd like to use Ubuntu Gnome, I'm afraid if it isn't as good for gaming as KDE or Unity. It is because, that I read things about Gnome's compositor, that it can't be turned off if I want to play full screen, u...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside cc @GnomeSlice
I saw that. Huh
@badp I now have my wife singing 0118 999 and she doesn't even know why.
@Sterno This is the best
@Sterno This must be... the wife equivalent of child abuse
It's fair play. She makes me do things like gardening.
@Powerlord The place where I did my internship was going to use some imagery of that in an advertising project for nostalgia purposes, hah
That's the one with Levar Burton right
@GnomeSlice Yeah
Oh right, it's Geek Week on Youtube
"I know it's about animal slavery, which is why I've never tried it." -- Felicia Day talking about Pokemon
There's a wasp out my window whose abdomen is the size of a wasp.
@GraceNote That sounds like an infinitely recursive horror.
@Sterno Only if next week I find a wasp that has an abdomen the size of that wasp. Then I think I'll swear off the outdoors.
@GraceNote I hate going outside this time of year because of insects.
Nature is trying to kill you.
Any kind of yardwork is torture to me
I hear that's how they break prisoners in Gitmo. Make 'em ride a riding mower around the yard a few times.
@Sterno I can usually do that without having too much of an issue. I just wear a hoody and long pants and shit
"Any kind of yardwork is torture to me" != "I can usually do that without having too much of an issue."
Are you saying that you've got Jack Bauer level skills at resisting torture?
@fredley We need a @GnomeSlice "24" poster!
The tractor goes fast, so if a bee or something starts following me I can just speed up and eventually it will go away
If I'm doing shit like digging up rocks or weeding I have to brace myself for pulling up bugs every time I dig something up
And then I flip my shit and do the bug dance
I'm terrified of bugs and spiders and creepy crawly things
That's because spiders are horrible and awful.
Completely unlike the sloth.
Q: Which video codec for recording video games?

Liam PotterI am using DXtory to record my video games and I am also using VAC to manage my audio outputs so I can separate my microphone, Skype conversations and system sounds and edit them individually. Which one of these video codecs should I use? https://i.sstatic.net/ydtJc.png The Fraps codec seems...

Q: Do Papal Primacy and Consulates stack?

ToastPapal Primacy: +15 to influence resting point with City-States following this religion Consulates: +20 to influence resting point with all City-States Assuming the city state has adopted the correct religion, is it possible to have a resting point that's permanently friendly?

@GnomeSlice Yardwork is bad for me but not because of bugs. I don't much mind most bugs.
Except for WaspCeption
I think that at some point, stinging insects graduate from "bugs" into "deathmachines". Just a thought.
At that point they're not really bugging you.
So, I keep thinking I should play through the Mario & Luigi games before next week's release of the 4th game. But then I remember there's no way I could complete 3 of them in a week
Megabyte Punch tomorrow!
@Powerlord I kinda regret asking for it for my birthday because that means I have to wait until at least the 22nd (likely later, because if I don't get it then, well, I am camping, so I'd have to wait til I got home)
@AshleyNunn That's OK, you still haven't finished 999. ;)
@Powerlord Too many games, too little time
@GnomeSlice Worms?
@Sterno Is this the property of wasps that when you kill one a whole swarm spawns from its corpse to come murder your family?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, although they're not as bad as other things because they're slow as shit
@GnomeSlice Snails?
@OrigamiRobot I find them kinda gross, but it's mainly bugs.
@StrixVaria No, it's @GraceNote's problem where a wasp's abdomen is the size of a wasp. Without some sort of unique identifiers in there, I can only assume it's a wasp within a wasp, all the way down. WASPCEPTION
@GnomeSlice Slugs?
@OrigamiRobot Gross
But also really slow
@GnomeSlice Fireflies?
@OrigamiRobot Those don't chase you around, so they're mostly okay I guess. Stuff in the ground is the worst.
@Sterno Oh, right.
@GnomeSlice Dragonflies?
@OrigamiRobot I like that they eat mosquitos, but I don't like them anywhere near me.
Dragonflies are one of the few bugs I don't mind if they land on me.
@strixvaria But that does remind me, don't fuck with crows. They'll remember you did and murder your whole family.
@StrixVaria Hell no
@GnomeSlice Butterflies?
@Sterno TIL crows are awesome.
@OrigamiRobot I actually would rather have a dragonfly land on me than a butterfly.
that makes not sense
Nothing about how I feel about bugs uses logic.
Butterflies really like my pink hair
@AshleyNunn This sounds adorable.
@StrixVaria What about caterpillars?
I also had a hummingbird land on my head
@OrigamiRobot Interestingly, inchworms (which turn into moths) are cool (although moths are gross), but caterpillars can fuck off.
@StrixVaria Agree.
Moths are awful because they are stupid.
They painted all the doors in my apartment complex black a year or two ago, which was stupid (because black doors look stupid), but wound up being awesome (because now the doors aren't covered in bugs at night).
I heard you might be interested in some Skullgirls PC Beta keys... http://i.imgur.com/1JnaSA2.gif
I used to have a dog that would catch flies that got inside.
fun experiment; kidnap @gnome and take him to my cottage during fishfly season. Small bugs, but sometimes they all hatch at the same time and they cover the ground to the point where you can't see the grass. :D
@TrentHawkins eeeeergh why
Q: Downloaded maps don't appear in multiplayer rotation

Mathew FoscariniI purchased the "Uprising" DLC for COD Black Ops 2 (PC version), but the new maps are not appearing as part of the online multiplayer maps. I can select one of the maps via the custom game types, but in matchmaking the maps are not there. Is it not possible to use these maps in multiplayer matc...

@OrigamiRobot Whenever my dog sees a bug he turns into a cat. He swats it with his paw until it can't fly, then lays with his nose 2 inches from it, edging forward or backward as the bug moves to maintain a constant distance.
@BenBrocka I think they're all used already
@StrixVaria My dog would catch them in her mouth and eat them
@OrigamiRobot Sometimes my dog will eat them, but never before tormenting them for at least 10 minutes.
@TrentHawkins That's pure evil.
@BenBrocka I tried like 10 times and remembered I am awful at fighting games anyway
@BenBrocka Stupid Steam website not letting you activate keys.
@StrixVaria They're all gone anyway
@GnomeSlice on the bright-side, they are completely harmless. they're just stupid and all over the place
@TrentHawkins Hovering is his greatest fear.
Wait, why did I read hover in that?
@OrigamiRobot SG is a pretty good one to start on, very good tutorial, very accessible despite being designed with tournament play in mind (you don't need to be that good to beat AIs/friends of similar skill level)
What does 'to be revoked' mean?

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