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you mischievous thing
I am paying someone to bring food to me because I'm going out either because I am celebrating or just plain lazy. I feel like the least I can do is pay them for their job that, at least in the US, tends to vastly go unappreciated.
@FAE That would make sense if you could have them not do so and pick up food straight from the kitchen.
@FAE food that you're already paying for. Servers should just be paid more money, and tipping shouldn't be expected.
Getting a tip because you did excellent service is more meaningful than because someone is forced to tip you.
OTOH, the restaurant pays for waiters so customers have good service.
I'd be really generous with tips if I wasn't expected to tip all the time.
@Wipqozn Sure, but it doesn't work that way.
...and there's no long queues in all the wrong places of the restaurant.
HEck, I'd tip up to 20 to 30% on average.
@Wipqozn But... it's not the servers' fault that it's institutionalized this way.
If I wasn't forced to tip.
and there's somebody to buffer between you and the kitchen
Punishing the servers for the system seems like the wrong way to go about it, IMO.
Okay, now we're discussing the fundamentals of how gastronomy works.
A lot of people that go into serving jobs aren't doing it because they want to, especially in North America, where the tipping system is the way it is. It's because they have to.
I think we can skip that part and go straight for the insults, so @badp gets to ban someone.
@FEichinger None of the people discussing it regularly result to insults.
Especially @FAE. She's like something really level headed in a sea of angry alligators.
While yes, I can agree that a system that allows for people to get paid under minimum wage sucks, punishing the server by not tipping isn't a way to combat that.
@FAE If everyone tips less than what is expected they'll eventually be forced to adjust their moronic laws.
Servers need to report their tips as income tax and all that.
@Wipqozn We can resent the system all we like, but I don't feel like it's appropriate to punish the people who are stuck in it in order to make a statement. I feel like that would be better served by going through more appropriate political and workforce channels.
@FAE Yeah, I don't disagree with that.
But it's not going to change the way I tip.
Mostly because I'm really fucking stubborn.
BEsides, since I tip 10% by default I'll usually tip close to 20% if the service was excellent.
I even tipped 30% once. I'd never do that if I always tipped 15%.
Wait, no, it was 40%... I can't remember. It was high.
@Wipqozn While I do my best to respect people's rights to hold onto whatever views they want, in this case, you're potentially actively harming someone else's income and basic livelihood by trying to punish them for being part of an institution that they're not at fault for creating. As stated, many people are economically forced into this job and don't have the option to get anything better and can't risk losing it to fight for change. I'd maybe consider weighing that in your decisions.
When you're replaceable enough to be thrown a 2 week's notice for stuff like that because there's so many others trying to find work, I can't really blame people for trying to hang onto their job despite not agreeing with how it works. It's hard to always take the moral high ground if you've got mouths to feed.
@badp There's no service charge in the price or something, and waiters won't starve if you don't tip. But a tip of ~10% is customary, though it's more like up to 10% and higher tips are unusual
I've got to say, I've run into enough servers who are just so goddamn bad at their job that I've been glad I had the option to not tip well...
But it sucks that so many people just don't tip because they're assholes.
@FAE Zeus damn it. If I start tipping more out of guilt now, it's your fault.
@Wipqozn Mission accomplished, then. :P
@FEichinger So it would seem.
@Wipqozn Just give them 15%-ish if they were okay at their job and you're automatically not an asshole. Problem solved.
I've got to say, though, I'm glad I don't make tips. Because I'd be broke. Literally, zero dollars, all because I do my job right. Sigh.
@Wipqozn I'm okay with this.
@FAE Your ability to tell someone they're an asshole without actually calling them an asshole is impressive.
@Wipqozn I wish this was a more marketable skill. :P
@FAE I'm not saying "fuck you I'm not tipping."
I don't think anyone here argued that.
but when there's videos like the one (I think) @LessPop_MoreFizz linked of that pizza place that didn't hang up after taking the order and started going with racial slurs aloud, and the video starts with the person slowly spelling out "I still tipped 20 percent" I do think the system is just bad for everybody involved
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...What? I have no idea what you're talking about.
@FEichinger Any kind of supervisory work
@badp I'm not saying anyone did nor did I call anyone an asshole. I was just noting that @Wipqozn's intentions aren't necessarily the best method of ensuring the result he wants and can actively harm people who are stuck in its system.
@badp No one is arguing that you tip for horrible service, either. But if the service was at least remotely decent, there's no need to ruin someone's paycheck over it.
If you're essentially giving money in charity to feel entitled or take in dick waving "holier than thou" contests, your heart is probably in the wrong place, I think.
(I reserve the right to inadvertently give money in charity and feel entitled, please call me out if that happens :P)
@badp 'You've got to think, though, who was doing that dumb shit? The driver? Maybe, but really, you don't know that for sure. I don't know.
Dang it, flagged the wrong answer.
@jeffreylin_ I hate it when that happens...
(that never happens to me)
Holy crap I'm not making sense today. Okay. Well, I blame 2 15 hour shifts in a row. Speaking of which... dammit
@Unionhawk I edited a question, then flagged another, but since my internetz was being slow (I blame @ashley's hair dryer) the flag box closed, edit approved, and took me to the edit. I then promptly flagged the answer as spam.
It looks like the origin of the word is unknown, best as I can track down.
Some sources seem to think it might have to do with Native Americans, which may be what LessPop was referring to if he disagrees with that.
All I know is it sounds like cutting scalps off of people's heads.
Which is gross.
@GnomeSlice Which is what one of the possible origins seems to be.
@GnomeSlice You had a problem with the term 'scalping' as in 'ticket scalping' or 'cronut scalping' - and I was curious as to why - the only thing that comes to mind is a misapprehension that the etymology of the term is a racist thing about native americans.
I don't really care about the origin, the word is always going to be gross for me.
The Oxford dictionary site just says it's probably of Scandinavian origin Scandinavian
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know anything about Native Americans. But 'scalper' sounds like somebody who takes people scalps.
@Wipqozn 'scalp' itself is, but the application to ticket scalping is not.
My understanding of the use of the term was always that a ticket scalper 'takes some profit off the top'.
I know what it means, I just don't like the word.
@GnomeSlice oh, okay. Yeah, that is very much not the same level of offensiveness as what was pointed out to you.
Sorry, that came out confrontational
:10630535 Although the word 'retarded' has a history longer than referring to people with certain mental health problems, it's use as a derogatory term like "That's retarded" or "He's being retarded" is meant to be as a slur against those people with certain mental health problems.
I'm sure that's not what you intended, but that's still what the slur originates from. Hence why Ashley and LessPop took offense to it.
@Wipqozn We were talking about 'scalper'
But thanks for going into the transcript to try to help I guess
@GnomeSlice No, I don't think so, but I do think that you have a lot to learn when it comes to basic sensitivity. I also think that you've come an enormously long way in the time I've known you, and the fact that I'm willing to keep going should be evidence enough to you that I think there's hope for you yet.
@GnomeSlice No, he was right to go into the transcript, because that is what I was talking about. Your general squickiness about the tops of peoples heads being cut off is just not the same as the level of offense that was taken to the other word, which was my point.
@GnomeSlice LessPop was referring to your use of the word 'retarded' last night when he said " same level of offensiveness as what was pointed out to you".
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I thought you meant 'the other thing' as something to do with native Americans I don't know about.
@GnomeSlice No, but for the sake of your edification; during the Indian wars, bounties were paid for native american scalps - so if you went out and killed a bunch of Injuns, you could cut off their scalps and bring 'em to the Marshall's office for a payday, while disposing of the rest of the bodies, which was much easier than carrying whole heads or entire bodies back to a fort or whatever.
In Happy Street, when you activate the bus stop and you click on the busses, you get progress towards the next fiesta?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, that's disgusting.
@GnomeSlice there's also a bad negative stereotype of native americans, that they all engaged in the practice of violently scalping white people for trophies.
Scalping is the act of removing the scalp, or a portion of the scalp, either from a dead body or another living person. The initial purpose was to provide a trophy of battle or portable proof of a combatant's prowess in war. Eventually, in the US, the act became motivated against Native American peoples primarily for financial reasons; payment received per "Indian" scalp acquired. Although scalping, in the United States, is often associated with frontier warfare in North America, it actually has a historical basis throughout the world long before Columbus arrived. The earliest being ...
(Incidentally, the use of Scalps for bounties is another potential origin of the term 'ticket scalping', wherein, a part of something - the unused portion of a long distance rail fare - was sold for as much as the cost of the whole thing.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is so gross.
Selling partially train tickets doesn't seem so bad to me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The thing about scalps is gross.
Why would you want to do that
Who would think 'yes this is a good idea'
@GnomeSlice The people that did this went around killing people for profit. I don't think they have a very strong sense of ethics.
And probably have a higher tolerance for gore.
I guess
Okay, topic change time
@Unionhawk Still feels like "please admire the full length of my e-peen as you listen to this."
> Washington Irving's 1828 biography of Columbus popularized the idea that Columbus had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because many Catholic theologians insisted that the Earth was flat
That's how that got started.
so what did actually happen?
Yeah, that is a dumb canard. Smart People have known the earth was round since Erathosthenes.
> Where Columbus did differ from the view accepted by scholars in his day was in his estimate of the westward distance from Europe to Asia
At the very least.
CC @fbueckert @FEichinger
It's basically KSP for cars.
> Columbus's ideas in this regard were based on three factors: his low estimate of the size of the Earth, his high estimate of the size of the Eurasian landmass, and his belief that Japan and other inhabited islands lay far to the east of the coast of China.[citation needed] In all three of these issues Columbus was both wrong and at odds with the scholarly consensus of his day
@Wipqozn yeah, he was wrong and bad at math.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He was also an asshole.
A true Italian gentleman.
> A lookout on the Pinta, Rodrigo de Triana, spotted land on the morning of 12 October, and immediately alerted the rest of the crew with a shout. Thereupon, the captain of the Pinta, Martín Alonso Pinzón, verified the discovery and alerted Columbus by firing a lombard. Columbus later maintained that he himself had already seen a light on the land a few hours earlier, thereby claiming for himself the lifetime pension promised by Ferdinand and Isabella to the first person to sight land.
I never knew that little bit .
He's a bigger asshole than I thought.
@Wipqozn of all the ways in which Columbus was an asshole, I think that was pretty small change.
@GnomeSlice Hmm ... looks interesting. Not really my thing (I'm not into bare sandboxes all that much...), but definitely interesting-
What's a sandbox without a framework!?
@badp A sand pile?
A sand pit?
@badp A tiny desert?
a bunch of sand
No, it's a tiny desert. You know, imagination and all.
@FEichinger do you like deserts?
@badp Of course I like deserts. They're all sandy and exciting and stuff.
@FEichinger and you like sandboxes.
@badp lol
@FEichinger Most deserts aren't actually sandy.
More rocky.
@GnomeSlice Your ping woke me up.
I hope you're happy.
@fbueckert I think that's funny, so I am!
I got my Nargacuga armor yesterday, too. finally have a G-Rank gunner set!
ALso going to go buy Pikmin 3 today. Are you planning to pick it up, @fbueckert? I know @BenBrocka is.
@Wipqozn I will, yes, but not sure when.
Next game purchase is Tales of Xillia.
Oh nifty.
Between KSP and Monster Hunter, I have enough gaming to keep me busy for a VERY long time.
@fbueckert You should play Crashtastic.
@GnomeSlice Nope
@fbueckert Do you even know what it is
@GnomeSlice Nope. Don't care.
15 mins ago, by fbueckert
Between KSP and Monster Hunter, I have enough gaming to keep me busy for a VERY long time.
It's kind of like KSP for cars
@GnomeSlice Yes, you said this already. I get it.
@fbueckert Oh, you said you didn't know what it was when I asked you so I figured you didn't see it
Anybody want a Payday 2 beta invite?
Is it that heist game?
@PrivatePansy Yus!
Good morning.
@Fluttershy Ooo!
@Yawus I'm guessing that's a yes? =P
@Wipqozn Oh, it's out today?
@Fluttershy Pwease~?
@Yawus You're Doctor Whooves on Steam, yes?
So, I marathoned the last couple of Doctor Who episodes and went to sleep about 4 hours ago.
@Fluttershy Yep.
I've woken up surprisingly refreshed.
You'll probably crash in an hour or two
I feel like I've slept for 10 hours as opposed to 4.
@Yawus Sent.
@Fluttershy Thank you!
Now I need to pick up Pikmin 3...
You know, I actually wouldn't mind them going back to older Doctors.
@Fluttershy Do you need me for Skullgirls within the next hour or so?
Okay then. I'm gonna go pick up Pikmin 3 and ingredients for salmon croquettes.
For the next four days, pay what you want for Pushcat by @zutgames, and support charity at @IndieGameStand! https://indiegamestand.com/
Goodbye land of strange potato chips and confounding monies.
This has been my morning so far:
Ian: I am going to make your breaskfast.
Ian drops fork in bacon. "DON'T LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
> Marina will teach the Abramovic Method water drinking exercise via exclusive live stream. Back at this level and receive access to this event. You, Marina, and the other backers at this level will then perform this exercise simultaneously.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you stock up on quality maple syrup?
@spugsley How did he drop the fork in the bacon?
@TimStone No, but I bought those Maple Moose chips that have had their photo circulating around the internet and they are godawful.
@TimStone I can get quality Maple syrup in New England without issue. Vermont does it just fine.
You should have taken them back and thrown them on the counter so they could apologise for letting you buy them.
@TimStone I don't think the poor sikh fellow behind the counter at the gas station would have liked that or gotten the joke.
Ah, well, that's unfortunate then.
Oh, the Maple Moose chips were from the Canadian version of the Do us a Flavour contest? I didn't realise that.
@TimStone Yeah.
they are awful awful awful.
So much worse than the US Do Us A Flavor entries.
@Yawus Nay. Still working out the details.
Okay, time to pack in the computer.
Goodbye land of disease and maple syrup
@LessPop_MoreFizz I only ended up trying the sriracha ones (which were decent, even if not true to sriracha), because the others sounded weird flavours to have in chip-form to me.
@TimStone no idea. None.
There's probably a conspiracy theory to be had about how the plastic in the money better transfers pathogens.
@spugsley Was the bacon at least saved?
@TimStone yup :) It's hard to ruin bacon
Whew. Then the day was not lost.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you try any Jones Soda while you were here
We have Jones Soda here.
Oh I thought it was a Canadian thing
Old Navy sells it in coolers by the registers for some reason.
Oh goodness. The noises coming from my kitchen are just....I have no idea how this is going to turn out
@Yawus Correct.
I mistakenly got a zero-calorie Jones Soda once, that was very disappointing. :(
@spugsley As long as there's no smoke then it's okay. ...Well, or it's not fully cooked, but I have faith in Ian.
I found a copy of A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian in the local library, yay
It's a history of tractors in the Ukraine, or it's a history of tractors written in Ukrainian? O_o
@TimStone I'm more confused about the history of tractors part myself.
@PrivatePansy ....does that interest you?
were you aware that tractors are boring when you made this mistake?
...is my response to that.
@TimStone I hate that video ...
For some reason my Kirk and Spock Christmas ornament is setting itself off. So I keep hearing this music.
@FEichinger At least it wasn't Friday.
@TimStone True.
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian is a novel by Marina Lewycka, first published in 2005 by Viking (Penguin Books). The novel won the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize at the Hay literary festival, the Waverton Good Read Award 2005/6, and was short-listed for the 2005 Orange Prize for Fiction, losing to Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk About Kevin. Summary The novel details in comic form the varied reactions by two daughters when their widowed father marries a much younger Ukrainian immigrant. The father, a former engineer, is writing a history of tractors in Ukrainian, transl...
@TimStone omg that was amazing. Tractors can be a thing now
@PrivatePansy Ahhh, okay, now it makes more sense :)
@Wipqozn That sounds like a pretty epic Christmas ornament
There's a flying mantis crawling around my room right now. I have no idea what to do with it
I love my husband :3
@PrivatePansy holy motherfuck kill it O-o
Only @spugs can follow up an "I love my husband" with "holy motherfuck".
@FEichinger I DO WHAT I WANT
Salmon croquettes... SUCCESS!
Q: Batman Beyond x skin in Batman Arkham City

Vineet VermaOn multiple forums, i have seen pix of batman beyond x. does anyone have idea from where i can download it and ho i can patch it. i have tried multiple forums and found some links to mediafire website also but the files seem to have been removed. please help

Ok, miner functioning properly. Now to tweak the rover so that I don't lose wheels regularly.
Toronto airport involves far too much walking.
Probably just a fluke but both my flight in and out have involved a ten minute walk through a narrow poorly lot hallway to get to the little offshoot of the terminal where they handle all of the puddle jumpers from the states.
So, I just found out that I'm not actually subscribed to BBC America.
An important Public Service Announcement from Andrew W. K. Certified Party Expert and world renowned authority on Party Sciences and Festival Arts:
Playing Role-Playing Games counts as partying.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have the locals made you the nicest person alive now?
Q: Playstation 3 fan noise due to broken sensor?

OskwishI've had a 60GB Playstation 3 model since 2007. It got replaced by Sony because of YLOD a few years back. For as long as I can remember the fans goes up to full-speed whatever the console is doing. The noise is the same if it's playing the latest game or is just in the XMB. So I decided today th...

Q: How to effectively kill the 'spider' boss in Beat Hazard ultra?

W.N.I don't know what is its name, but that is a very annoying boss. I can't finish my Lux Artena song due to that bastard. It has many "arms" that shoot red projectiles (undestroyable) toward me, and after taking some damage, it keeps rolling and being invincible. Sometimes it expands and shoots at...

@jeffreylin HAhahahaja no. I am still a dick.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You haven't been here long enough, then.
@TimStone Yep, hooded robes are still ridiculous.
@fbueckert you are the evidence which disproves your own hypothesis. :P
Oh god I am on a propeller plane with no less than 4 crying babies.
Kiiiiiiilllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Time to turn off electronics for flying and pain and pain and flying and kiiiiilllllll meeeee.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Afraid of flying?
@LessPop_MoreFizz buurn
@Wipqozn I think he's afraid of babies.
@TimStone One of those early jumps was completely unnecessary.
("I told you woman" has the wrong number of syllables. Maybe "I told you lad"?)
@badp but my hair looks fantastic
nope, lad isn't short for lady. Who woulda known?
I suppose that makes sense.
Okay, has anyone ever seen it where you try to boot a computer, but all you get is "╗"?
May 23 at 1:07, by Ethan
What is that like a buritto of some sort
@OrigamiRobot Oh god. That just led back to the kalina/trance vibrator discussion.
OMG... I just saw a conspiracy theory that makes absolute sense.
@Ullallulloo EFI or BIOS?
@Krazer BIOS
I'm trying to repair the boot loader, but I can't get my USB to boot.
@Ullallulloo any other symptoms?
@Krazer uh, not really. I don't know, I can't see much of it.
It's not my computer, so I don't know how it was acting to begin with.
The lady that owns it said she thought it was a virus cuz she wasn't careful online at all.
@FEichinger @GnomeSlice @Any others who play KSP: This mod looks pretty cool.
Toshiba has some disk recovery thing, which I guess I could do if all else fails.
But that would reformat the hard drive.
@Ullallulloo I can't say for certain, but it could be a corrupted BIOS init table.
@Ullallulloo that's a terrible excuse
@Krazer Yeah, well her daughter too.
But yeah, it's not very good.
@Ullallulloo is displaying ╗ all the computer does?
No beeps, no BIOS, nothing?
@badp It does the Manufacter logo and you can push F2/F12 to see settings.
If you pick a different boot device, it will say it's trying that before giving the symbol.
so the BIOS works okay?
like the part where it checks RAM, disk, etc.?
@badp No, after it displays the logo, it stops.
None of that table stuff.
Hm, try swapping the disk onto a different computer/swapping the motherboard/etc.
or, equivalently, swap the disk for something else
@Ullallulloo sounds like this person got hit with a boot-sector virus
@wipqozn not afraid of flying per se - I just find the whole commercial air travel experience unpleasant.
@LessPop_MoreFizz welcome back and be slightly glad Ryanair doesn't operate in the US
@Krazer That's not going to be really fixable, is it?
@Ullallulloo It could be, but it's not within my area of expertise unfortunately...
@Krazer a boot-sector virus doesn't mess with BIOS
does it?
@fbueckert Sure looks promising for an actual IVA update.
@badp I know there are viruses that can infect the BIOS and/or the boot sector
I assume that reflashing the BIOS would probably fix most of them
@Krazer This isn't the 1990s anymore. Computers are much more valuable infected than permanently turned off
@Krazer That's a great moment to look for BIOS updates, too. :P
Controlled computers can reroute, host, post, email, mine bitcoins, etc.
A crippled computer is worth nothing to its creator
so it's hardly a virus
@badp unless the goal of the creator is to cripple ppl
Never underestimate a virus' sadism.
As I said this isn't the 1990s anymore :)
It's possible but really unlikely
Well, I seem unable to boot anything.
So it's not really controlled.
But I can't really figure out what any of this boot sector stuff means.
The relevant Microsoft article is about MS-DOS 3-6.
The boot sector is usually found at the start of any disk
It hosts the bootloader
see the more complete explanation here:
A boot sector or boot block is a region of a hard disk, floppy disk, optical disc, or other data storage device that contains machine code to be loaded into random-access memory (RAM) by a computer system's built-in firmware. The purpose of a boot sector is to allow the boot process of a computer to load a program (usually, but not necessarily, an operating system) stored on the same storage device. The location and size of the boot sector (perhaps corresponding to a logical disk sector) is specified by the design of the computing platform. On an IBM PC compatible machine, the BIOS sele...
Windows has it own. Linux has a bunch of those from lilo to grub to whatnot that are not compatible with Window's but can run it if needed ("chainloading")
Of course if this stuff gets messed up, accidentally or not, the computer will be unable to boot from that disk or boot from that disk will be otherwise compromised
It shouldn't keep the BIOS from booting from CD or USB
This honestly sounds to me like an hardware failure
@badp Yeah, possibly. The rest of the computer isn't in great shape either.
cc @whofans. I don't remember who you are.
@Wipqozn My sister will most likely freak over that.
@badp Windows has more than one... they switched it in Windows Vista, iirc
@Powerlord The BIOS doesn't know, I suppose
Of course the code in the boot sector can do fuck all.
@badp Likely not.
I'm just saying, it can hardly prevent the BIOS from doing anything besides showing the logo and a ╗.
There have been viruses in the past that could overwrite the BIOS itself, but then the computer wouldn't get as far as that.
Q: How can I fight forest fires?

C. RossI recently had my first experience with a necromancer, but thanks to a small map I was able to get the troops out and make him permanently dead. However he set quite a few things on fire before he left my map. How can I keep the fire from spreading, and architect my encampment to be safe?

@Wipqozn Very good.
@Wipqozn does this mean this is the last regeneration?
@Krazer Fairly certain that whole stuff was retconned. Because reasons.
@FEichinger ah, rule 1
Actually, not because reasons. Because Moffat.
Ok. Attempting to add wheels to my lander stage is not feasible.
I think I may have to add dual winches to my rover bits, to connect my resources together.
@Wipqozn Ooo, and I did mention earlier that I would actually like to see older Doctors.
Every once in a while my body reminds me that it's just a delicate bag of flesh and fluid suspended in a sack of skin that likes to have massive overreactions to tree pollen and oh god why can't I just upload myself to the Matrix now and say screw it.
@FAE Because a) you're inside the Matrix already and b) the Matrix simulates tree pollen, too.
@FEichinger that would be horrible
@FAE No, that is horrible.
@FEichinger >_>
@FAE There are no trees or pollen in the Grid.
@Krazer But the Grid is incompatible with the Matrix, sorry.
@FEichinger who is to say one can't exist within the other?
@Krazer Me, because that would be stupi-- Oh, humans, right. Go on.
Q: Why does this small corridor look like a huge room on the map?

CodemonkeyAny ideas? I can't see any dwarfism entrances.

Q: In WoW which spec wears str+int gears? What about agi+int?

NS.X.Sometimes the mob drops str+int or agi+int gears. I put them on the AH for a random price. Surprisingly they sell. My question is which class/specs need these stat combinations? I read the stat priority guides but couldn't find any.

Why does everyone look at me weird when I sit on the sidewalk when I have to wait 20 min for a bus?
There is no bench!
@Fluttershy ... Do you know this exists? youtube.com/watch?v=IcfXnAsBHRY
@Decency No. Why? O_o
@Fluttershy Because the Rubick is someone who uses the name "Fluttershy" and also likes pink my little pony. Which would be a strange coincidence.
@Decency Damage numbers? Nice.
okay, lol.
@Decency I wouldn't call it strange. There are lots of Fluttershy fans out there.
So... Pikmin 3 is fun.
Oh, it's the name of a pony? That makes more sense then.
@Decency Envy level: high
@Yawus Yeah, I'm enjoyig it. Not far into it yet, though.
@wipqozn jealousface
@AshleyNunn Pssst.... 999

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