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@GnomeSlice Famous last words ...
@GnomeSlice I've already read the entire series, they are that bad
@AshleyNunn WHY?
I make a rule - I will not disparage anything I have not read
@GnomeSlice It's not the idiotic part so much as it is the "always in my face" part.
@AshleyNunn What class?
@OrigamiRobot Wha... you don't even use it!
@GnomeSlice It's still everywhere.
Because everyone else uses it!
@Krazer Taking Forms of Fantasy, and apparently that is LOTR and Twilight and one other thing that I am not sure what it is yet.
@GnomeSlice can't or won't? :P
@GnomeSlice that would be his point I think
Do you want everyone else to stop using something they like just because it bothers you?
@Powerlord can't.
It took me like a year before.
@GnomeSlice Oh, right.
I got a new PC and now there's like 4 GB to go still
@FAE Forms of Fantasy.
@GnomeSlice I want to not see it.
God dammit ...
@AshleyNunn I can only think of like two forms of fantasy, one of which is 'erotic'.
FINE. I give up. Screw you, KSP.
@FEichinger I recommend @TrentHawkins.
Mind you my Anthropology of Digital Media class sounds deilcious
@GnomeSlice sigh
@AshleyNunn Well what else is there
I don't know the name for the elfs and wizards and orcs fantasy
@GnomeSlice No! I used to be good at this stuff. x.x
@GnomeSlice Fantasy novels have like a bajillion subgenres
@OrigamiRobot So, is that a different OrigamiRobot on Twitter?
@AshleyNunn ...Are two of them 'elfs and wizards and orcs' and 'erotic'?
@GnomeSlice Not really
@GnomeSlice That's not mutually exclusive with "erotic"
@OrigamiRobot This is also true
@OrigamiRobot I don't even want to know.
@GnomeSlice Often called "high fantasy"
@GnomeSlice Like any erotica, you have well-written stuff and absolutely terrible stuff.
@FAE Now I know, I guess. That doesn't sound right to me though, it makes me think of Westerns
@OrigamiRobot I told you to stop watching Girls of WarCraft.
@GnomeSlice I take off my robe and wizard hat
@OrigamiRobot snorts
High fantasy (also referred to as epic fantasy) is a sub-genre of fantasy fiction, defined either by its taking place in an imaginary world distinct from our own or by the epic stature of its characters, themes and plot. Quintessential works of high fantasy, such as The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Worm Ouroboros, have both of these attributes. Accordingly, works where the fantasy world impinges on our world, or where the characters are concerned only with adventure or personal goals (as in sword and sorcery fiction) are less likely to be classed as high fantasy. Genre overview ...
@GnomeSlice I... what?
@GnomeSlice Go from there, it'll answer your question pretty substantially.
I block the high fantasy and counter with a shoryuken
@FAE Wait does this involve drugs
@GnomeSlice ...What? No.
I respond by buffing high fantasy with marijuana.
Now you're just being ridiculous.
@OrigamiRobot :P that one was a joke, yeah
I think the Western imagery is coming from 'High Noon'
@FAE Neat.
quick, everyone start googling "pressure cookers" and "backpacks"
But not: "Pressure cookers and backpacks".
> Have you ever looked up how to make a pressure cooker bomb? My husband, ever the oppositional kind, asked them if they themselves weren't curious as to how a pressure cooker bomb works, if they ever looked it up. Two of them admitted they did.
Q: CAn I disable Sunset Invasion after starting a game?

JupotterI started a game of CK2 a while ago, with all DLC enabled, I got my nice little Scandinavian Empire spilling a bit in Russia and England, the reformed Norse religion is strong and the Empire of Francia is the only power that really stand in my way. Now, I said I started this game with all DLC en...

@OrigamiRobot robe.
I hope this has since gone away.
> Eating clocks is time consuming.
@BenBrocka @AshleyNunn that's the android/ios trailer
The Greenlight Bundle, featuring Krunch, Bridge it, Escape Goat, 8bit Commando, Constant C, & Bonus content!
@Krazer I'm not sure I want to be in here now.
I have played 2 of those (very enjoyed them), and heard great things about the other three. You guys should grab it.
@GnomeSlice Oh wow they finally got a new one going.
@RedRiderX Made up entirely of games that have recently been on IndieGameStand. :P
Star that shit
I feel like Constant C is a thing that a lot of people here would like
Behold, my awesome/retarded suspension bridge.
That's just a little one, though.
@BenBrocka @AshleyNunn Also the developer of RymdKapsel apparently is an active SO user
Holy crap this looks amazing
> Meats and Cheeses can't swim.
@StrixVaria Is that a quote from something?
@GnomeSlice It is in the video you linked.
Oh, I had to skip a ways into it to get it to start loading. And put it on 144p so I couldn't read any of it anyway
I'll back it for $12.
I wish I had money. And a credit card.
Kickstarter is stupid, people should just use indiegogo because paypal
I'm pretty much okay never letting Paypal see any of my money.
It's on greenlight
@StrixVaria I don't have a credit card, so that's my dealy
I backed a couple of things on kickstarter anyway though
@GnomeSlice Can't you use amazon payments for Kickstarter? It might have a feature like paypal
@BenBrocka It just forced me to use Amazon.
I didn't have an alternative.
@StrixVaria I'm more worried about getting paid via paypal than I am about paying via paypal
@BenBrocka That's true.
for my music
I've gotten paid via paypal
They shut down people's accounts all the time and withhold money apparently, and you have to appeal to get your damn money
Some idiot paid real money for my music once.
@krazer that article concerns me. O.o
@benbrocka yeah that part of PayPal is pretty messed up
@AshleyNunn We're Canadian, I wouldn't worry about it.
Q: Steam Trade ID item

PainAs for ID things you can find information about it? icon here http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/440/2/idhere/ but where information?

Q: What is Ultra Strike and how can we get it?

AlokI heard is a new weapon called Ultra strike which is supposedly exclusive to Motorola phones, which will come with Ingress pre-installed. How does the weapon work, in comparison to existing ones (XMP, virii)? Is it only exclusive to the hardware with pre-installed Ingress, or all Motorola devic...

@gnomeslice even so. I don't trust anything.
I don't really care if some government plebe gets to see what I'm Googling. But that's probably just me.
He probably knows a lot more about indie games than everyone else at work now.
@GnomeSlice NSA's #1 concern: Watch @GnomeSlice
@Coronus I'm Canadian.
@GnomeSlice Doesn't mean they're not watching!
Well, I hope they like indie games. And porn.
And electronic music
Speaking of which, today's listening: soundcloud.com/zircon-1/across-the-ocean
I thought it was like 'person of little significance'.
1. One of the common people of ancient Rome.
2. A member of the lower classes.
3. A vulgar or coarse person.
> a freshman at a military or naval academy
@Fluttershy That works too, freshman = newguy
@GnomeSlice Nowhere in your definition does it say "new guy." >_>
bourgeois is a better term...
how about "a random guy on the internet"
@badp Because that isn't what I meant.
After all the NSA agent could be in this very room.
It could be you!
It could be me!
It could even be...
It could even be
It probably is you.
it's probably me
@GnomeSlice Also, technically, number 3 pretty much defines you. <_< How many times have you had inappropriate content flagged in here? =P
Guys, guys, it's not a contest.
And then @badp was the zombies
@Fluttershy I am certainly not coarse.
When I get upset I get harsher I guess
For the record, this wasn't an attack on you so much as an attack on the use of the word "pleb(e)". It's one of those stupid internet things that I think has gone way overboard. Like YOLO. And SWAG.
@Fluttershy Plebe is an internet thing?
I have literally never heard anyone say it on the internet ever.
28 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
I don't really care if some government plebe gets to see what I'm Googling. But that's probably just me.
1: the general populace
2: the common people of ancient Rome
@Fluttershy Besides me
Feb 19 '12 at 18:22, by Arda Xi
@LessPop_MoreFizz You are a pleb.
Feb 19 '12 at 18:23, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@ArdaXi But not just any pleb. I'm a 20k pleb.
Feb 19 '12 at 18:21, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@agent86 Pfft. You think I went to all the trouble of earning 20k rep just so I could flag things? Any Pleb can flag. I have privileges, and I intend to exercise them goddamnit.
It's pronounced plebe, these guys don't know how to spell it
Spelling is stupid
Obviously you're wrong and everyone else is right.
@Ullallulloo Yes. like plebeian.
1. (derogatory) A common person, someone of a lower class.
@GnomeSlice No, plebeian and pleb have different e sounds for some reason.
@Ullallulloo Does this have an audio version, I don't read latin
@Ullallulloo Whaaaat my life has just been turned on its head.
It should be plebe
It's a lot more fun to say
Well, plebeian isn't pronounced how I thought it was.
> Latin plebeius, from plebs, plebis (“the common people”).
CC @Fluttershy =P
But pleb rhymes with web.
How is Plebeian pronounced then?
I can't read this notation
@BoltClock Awesome
@GnomeSlice Hey I noticed you came back recently
@GnomeSlice It has a voice clip.
@BoltClock Woo!
@BoltClock Thanks for noticing!
@Ullallulloo I thought it was pleebeean
Q: Progress on specific badges

Russ WhitchurchI'd like to view the progress of several badges, specifically the 'Sportsmanship' badge. Is there a way I can see how far I've gotten, and/or how much I have left to obtain a specific badge?

@GnomeSlice Me too.
@GnomeSlice I used to watch Blockhead
@BoltClock Blockhead is basically me.
Is tomorrow a US holiday of some sort that I forgot about?
Why did my team lead just tell us to have a good weekend?
@SaintWacko Bragging about having Friday off?
@StrixVaria Could be...
Maybe he thought it's already Friday and needs Rebecca Black to help him remember the days.
Maybe it's just because the system upgrade is a no go, so we don't have to be on call over the weekend
Events *338 BC – A Macedonian army led by Philip II defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, securing Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean. *216 BC – Second Punic War: Battle of Cannae – The Carthaginian army led by Hannibal defeats a numerically superior Roman army under command of consuls Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Gaius Terentius Varro. *461 – Majorian is arrested near Tortona (Northern Italy) and deposed by the Suebian general Ricimer as puppet emperor. *1377 – Russian troops are defeated in the Battle on ...
@Ullallulloo Haha
Unless he celebrates Day of Azerbaijani cinema?
@Ullallulloo I'd be down for that.
@SaintWacko Monday's a holiday here, though.
I feel proud of myself.
> I made it more truthful
@jeffreylin_ How did I get 5? O_o
@Ullallulloo I should only have 1.
@jeffreylin_ You have 2.
maybe it counts as total close votes on meta?
@Ullallulloo your PSN profile image is dead
Wait, nevermind
@GnomeSlice Yeah, it died a while ago, so I changed it to text.
I refreshed and it's there though
@Ullallulloo I voted to close that, I didn't review it...
nsfw probably
@FAE Huh
@GnomeSlice : |
@badp ?
@GnomeSlice ( : | )
I get it
Congratulations you made the face
A: Is it possible to transfer a nonsteam save to a new steam installation?

happy_soilAs long as you place it in the correct folder, yes. You can learn about the locations for the save folders for Windows XP and 7 here.

Goes from not an answer to a link only answer.
I feel like this guy has gotten way too much rep from minor edits...
At least it's going from not an answer to an answer
@Fluttershy Why does it matter?
> This edit is too minor; suggested edits should be substantive improvements addressing multiple issues in the post.
@Fluttershy The build link was enough for me to approve it.
He has 30 changes submitted for a total of 60 reps out of 341
@badp Yeah, that's fine. But the bulk of his edits have been like... Adding a single apostrophe, or a comma.
That's... not a whole lot
@badp 100 of that rep is from an association bonus.
So it's more like 60 out of 241. Which is a pretty good amount. <_<
Why does it bother you?
@GnomeSlice Because they are incredibly minor edits.
He's still helping
2 mins ago, by Fluttershy
> This edit is too minor; suggested edits should be substantive improvements addressing multiple issues in the post.
We have a reject reason specifically for that purpose.
Why haven't they been rejected then?
@GnomeSlice How should I know? That's why I'm bringing it up in here.
That reason is best used when, like, a suggested edit doesn't fix all the typos in a post, e.g.
@BoltClock Not really.
@badp That's what the Improve function is for.
@Fluttershy It's made for when there are bigger problems not fixed or if ther problem wasn't really a problem.
@Fluttershy You can improve and reject if you so desire
The system already prevents you from making "too minor" edits; the bar is "changing less than 6 characters" AFAIK
Q: Is it possible to transfer a nonsteam save to a new steam installation?

DragonstomperI had a cd version of Skyrim installed on my laptop, couldn't find the cd to install it on another pc so I bought it on Steam. Will moving the save data from the cd version to the computer where I'm now installing Steam Skyrim work?

Q: Transfering already installed steam games onto another drive

SteveKBOk so I've seen the other questions about installing games onto another drive(SSD) and I've already done that properly for any new game that I have been getting. However I want to know if there is a proper way to transfer games from my old drive over to the new drive without having to uninstall ...

the hell why does delve deeper show up on my scondary monitor when I tell it to run fullscreen
I usually just use Too Minor when they're editing for the sake of editing.
@badp I just don't think we should be awarding rep to someone for changing a single word or adding a single punctuation.
@Fluttershy I think 1. it's just 2 reps and 2. the bulk of his edits are not like this
@Coronus Apparently not, if you change enough of them.
(yay science)
Skyrim isn't even available on CD, it comes on a DVD.
And that uses Steamworks as DRM.
There is no such thing as a non-Steam Skyrim.
Jul 1 at 13:54, by Sterno
Filthy pirate.
Also, right next to that message I noticed this:
Kalina made a new account?
@Ullallulloo "Kalina" doesn't appear under users, so something happened.
@Powerlord made €.32 of it :D
@Coronus The question asker approved it.
@Coronus For real though, who upvoted that?
@Ullallulloo Looks like New Game+
@Ullallulloo I'm so confused by this. Profile says member for 4 days. Has answers over a year old.
Now we just need @MarkTrapp to come back.
Aww, I can't reply to deleted messages.
Account merge gone bad?
Hey guys.
Q: What does Usain Bolt's Bolt ability do?

lunboksA Temple Run 2 update was just released, which added Usain Bolt and his mysterious Bolt Power ability to the game. This is a thing that happened. Irritatingly enough, he's not available for coins at all. Unlocking him is a straight-up in-app purchase ($0.99/regional equivalent), probably for ...

> Your weapons fail. Your ammunition runs low. And you've yet to see our most beautiful creation. All you have is your hatred, and your… individuality. Now don't you wish you joined us? Would you then feel so alone?
turns on all the lights, curls into the fetal position, and sobs softly

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