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I never really thought of you as a weevil.
My references are too sophisticated for you guys.
This Humble Bundle pisses me off a little bit. o_o
@Fluttershy It is neither humble nor indie
Right. Like... THQ Bundle? Whatevs. Company's going bankrupt, needs as much as they can get. Double Fine? More or less indie now that they've stopped seeking larger publishers. Deep Silver? Produces shitty games and buys a successful franchise from aforementioned bankrupt company. Wtf do they need the money for? A third, shittier Dead Island game?
Dead Island looks like a lot of fun
No point buying AAA games as downloads for me though
@GnomeSlice First Dead Island was fun for a bit. Then it just got tedious. Riptide is just a crappier version of the first game. <_< From what I've read, anyway.
This is the extent of my knowledge of Dead Island
It looks pretty fun though
I'm assuming everyone has been rendered speechless by that video.
I think most of us are attempting to smash our faces through our desks, rather.
I am distracted and reading about incredibly dangerous chemicals
@AshleyNunn 'we use them, every day'
@GnomeSlice not these ones
WKRP reference
@LessPop_MoreFizz Eh. If there's a valid way to do it, I don't see why we shouldn't keep it.
@AshleyNunn Incredibly dangerous as in "reacts violently with absolutely everything"?
As long as we delete answers that advocate piracy.
@MadScientist Most of them, yes
@fbueckert 1) There isn't.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That we know of.
@fbueckert 2) Circumventing Origin for games that require it is circumvention of DRM. Full Stop.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree with this
@LessPop_MoreFizz This, this, this
@fbueckert 3) Yes yes, I know we all hate EA and Origin and yadda yadda yadda, but that doesn't mean it's a valid question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't agree, but I don't care enough about it to fight over it.
@fbueckert Are you sure you don't just hate origin?
@GnomeSlice Hate it with a thousand burning suns.
@MadScientist You're good. :)
Doesn't mean I think it's asking for piracy.
Maybe you're biased then?
@GnomeSlice Dude, everyone's biased.
About everything.
There was that one guy that wasn't that one time
but then he had a thought...
@MadScientist One of my SO's was talking about it at lunch, and now it is my afternoon reading :)
@Sconibulus And then the StayPuft marshmallow man tried to kill him
I'm happy that the most dangerous stuff I've worked with is just toxic or carcinogenic or reacts violently with water and ignites itself.
Poor guy...
@MadScientist ......that sounds so tame in comparison
@AshleyNunn We let students in the ~3rd semester work with those, and almost none of them manage to injure themselves (with the exception of cutting themselves on broken glassware)
@MadScientist Thats good at least XD
@AshleyNunn Some of them try very hard, but they usually get lucky
@MadScientist O.o
> Purifying it away from the ethereal solvents after that route, though, looks like extremely tedious work, which allows you the rare experience of being bored silly by something that's trying to kill you.
@SaintWacko :D
@AshleyNunn We had one student that wanted to dispose of his elemental sodium, he neutralized it with ethanol and threw it into the organic waste. The problem was he was impatient and didn't wait until all the sodium reacted. This results in a flame shooting out of the organic waste canister, igniting his lab coat. He got away with superficial burns on his hands from opening his coat.
@MadScientist O,o
Science is scary
@MadScientist Hahahahahaha
@AshleyNunn ClF3, holy shit
@MadScientist bahaha, wow
@AshleyNunn That is stuff that you can easily avoid by thinking a bit about what you're doing. Most of the students manage that, some are a bit too careless
@MadScientist Holy shit.
@SaintWacko Oh yes, that is the one my SO was reading to me that got me interested in the first place :)
We had to evac an entire building at GSU once because some grad student accidently created CLF3
If you don't cause a massive sprout of flames at least once a week you're not doing Science right
@WorldEngineer Shiiiiiiiiiiit
> We're talking high-nitrogen compounds here (a specialty of Klapötke's group), and the question is not whether such things are going to be explosive hazards. (That's been settled by their empirical formulas, which generally look like typographical errors).
I like this guy
@WorldEngineer o.0
Chem alarms are incredibly loud
How much damage did it do?
@SaintWacko He has the best writing style.
lab was negative pressure so once it was sealed they called hazard teams in and cleaned it up
@AshleyNunn Slightly reminiscent of Pratchett
@WorldEngineer Ooh, fancy
@SaintWacko Ah, yes, that's who it reminds me of. (This has been bugging me all day)
GSU does work with the CDC and other such people, they don't screw around.
One of my SOs originally started his bachelor's in Chemical Engineering and I'm kind of glad he decided not to. >_>
@AshleyNunn Well, glad I could help :)
@WorldEngineer Oh, okay, that makes sense
We had the chem alarms go off once on campus, you could hear them for forever, it was pretty nuts
I never found out what happened
What level of BSL do you have?
being an artsie and all
When you see cops wearing gas masks, go to the fuck the other way.
@AshleyNunn Almost certainly a false alarm, those are much more likely than anything serious. And even if it is real, a small fire in a fume hood is not that big a deal
@SaintWacko bSL? The internet is not helping me here
Though to be honest, the scarier place is Georgia Tech
@MadScientist Fair enough, they just SOUND so alarming
@AshleyNunn Biosafety Level
They have a nuclear reactor
@SaintWacko Ah, okay. :)
A biosafety level is the level of the biocontainment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological agents in an enclosed facility. The levels of containment range from the lowest biosafety level 1 (BSL-1) to the highest at level 4 (BSL-4). In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have specified these levels. In the European Union, the same biosafety levels are defined in a directive. History The first prototype Class III (maximum containment) biosafety cabinet was fashioned in 1943 by Hubert Kaempf Jr., then a U.S. Army soldier, under the direct...
@WorldEngineer I find that much less scary than biological agents
@SaintWacko This is fascinating
but the bioagent stuff is done at Emory and the CDC
GSU doesn't do that on campus
we're in Downtown Atlanta
way too many people
There are some tragic accidents like the PostDoc at UCLA (I think) that died in an accident with t-BuLi, but almost always those happen when people ignore many safety rules (or are never told properly how to do this)
@AshleyNunn very
Here is a puppy to help with the mood
Is this even valid question for arqade? gaming.stackexchange.com/q/97350/19932
@WorldEngineer That is tiny
@WorldEngineer Adorable.
@StrixVaria Someone pledged $1,000 dollars. T_T
65k $?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then that should be the answer to the question of "Can I circumvent it?"
I don't see why that question is close-worthy.
@WorldEngineer That's a chiuaua, is it not?
@StrixVaria Circumventing DRM is inherently "piracy". As such we do not support it. Period, simple as that. Whether or not the answer is "No." has no bearing on that.
@GnomeSlice Ah interesting.
Nice they were able to get on that.
@RedRiderX Yeah, it's on Steam now.
@ChrisHateZ it's some kind of toy dog puppy I think
@FEichinger "Can I play Steam games without Steam?" and "Can I play Origin games without Origin?" are both legitimate questions that deserve answers. The answer can very well be, "No, Origin serves as DRM and can't be circumvented."
That is a useful question to answer.
@StrixVaria ewrgh
this comes straight from the 80s right?
@StrixVaria It can technically be circumvented though.
There are programs that imitate Steam and/or can install Steam games without it.
@WorldEngineer It's not a toy!
@Ullallulloo Not legally. So don't mention that in the answer.
My point stands that the question is useful.
@StrixVaria This assumes that the asker is unaware of the respective DRM's function as DRM.
@StrixVaria If you buy the game, i don't see why would it be wrong or illegal to "patch" it in order for it to run without steam (or similiar service).
@FEichinger It's fair to assume that the asker is unaware of such a thing since he is specifically admitting he doesn't have complete knowledge by the mere act of asking a question.
@ChrisHateZ Because of questionably-legal EULAs.
@ChrisHateZ It is if the EULA state- Yeah, that
We aren't here to determine the legality though.
@Ullallulloo +1
@badp In their defense, games with truly terrible graphics can still be very very good (see Helena the Third).
One important point is that we don't enforce EULAs or TOS here, questions about piracy are off-topic because we don't want to support software piracy. Legal issues don't really matter here, the determining factor is solely what kind of questions the community wants.
@GnomeSlice Helena the Third's graphics are not "truly terrible".
@ChrisHateZ They're pretty bad.
@GnomeSlice The graphics in this are actually pretty cool.
Especially compared to Reality Death Maze.
@GnomeSlice Seen much worse. So I'd say HtT's graphics are just fine.
@StrixVaria What is the joke here? I can barely scroll over RDP.
@OrigamiRobot The game is the worst.
@GnomeSlice That's something they rendered in five minutes or so in whatever shitty 3D program was cool in the 80s that has nothing whatsoever to do with how games are made.
Q: Feed the Beast Unhinged Version History

EnderMy server is currently running FTB Unhinged version 1.0.1 I logged in today and noticed that for the first time ever FTB Unhinged is no longer a private code only pack, and it seems to be released to the public as version 1.1.0 What are the differences between these two packs?

@Sterno This is actually a really good analog to the Origin question that was closed.
I was trying to point out how stupid that answer was even after my edit, but my edit was bad.
Helena the Third is fucking awesome though and you guys should all play it. It's like $3
Reasonable as shit
@Sterno You, you so excited.
Actually it's $1.99
Play it guys
@MadScientist Well, it's more because Stack Exchange doesn't want to be held liable.
What Stack Exchange doesn't want is in /legal
@StrixVaria I've been too busy to get involved in that discussion, but yeah, I didn't really think it was about circumventing DRM. It seemed to be about satisfying the guy's paranoia that Origin was going to look at his pron
Also Demolition Master is apparently launching today.
@GnomeSlice I still wouldn't say the graphics are truly terrible. Mostly because there are far far worse ones.
@ChrisHateZ Maybe. The enemies are the worst by far.
@Ullallulloo Nope, not our concern. Legal issues are entirely handled by SE by responding to DMCA notices and other stuff. Moderators and the community don't need to make any legal judgements, and we are clearly not qualified to do that anyway
I highly recommend the game though.
Although it's gotten so hard I can't beat it
the save system kind of blows ass
Although maybe that's been fixed in subsequent versions
it apparently does online play now too
Nowhere here is anything about piracy, unauthorized access to computer systems or whatnot
@Sterno To be fair, the first version of Origin did scan the entire programs folder
Which would be amaaaazing.
@GnomeSlice Don't even remind me of bad save systems. Shadowrun Returns got TERRIBLE one.
@ChrisHateZ I read about it. Helena's was worse.
of course it might be illegal for users to publish some information, but that's the user's problem, not SE's :P
You could only save at the start of each environment
@MadScientist Just because he's paranoid doesn't mean he's wrong!
If you ran out of lives, had to start from the beginning again
@GnomeSlice I stoped playing SR because of how bad the save system is. I'm waiting for a patch that will improve it.
Playing through FF7 again reminded me that the save system in it (at least before you leave Midgar) is stupid.
of the environment*
And they were huge
@WorldEngineer :(
@Sterno With EA it is hard to tell if they are more malicious than stupid or the other way around
@ChrisHateZ It forced me to stop playing HtT too, stuck in the fire area and can't make it through without running out of lives and having to start over
@StrixVaria Is the game really as good as everyone says? Not a big FF fan.
But for $2 you really can't beat the game
@ChrisHateZ Then you probably won't like it.
@StrixVaria oh god what
@StrixVaria That game features rape by burly men in a hot tub.
@BenBrocka It's the best
@Sterno wat.
@badp it's epic level parental trolling
@Sterno The scene where you dress up as a girl had an entirely different meaning on this playthrough vs. when I was a kid.
(When I was a kid, it was mostly confusion.)
@StrixVaria Well i only played FF5 and 9. I did enjoy them both.
@ChrisHateZ FF9 is one of the few I never got into. FF5 was great.
I have never played a final fantasy game...
@GnomeSlice I should ban you again for that.
FF7 is dated.
@StrixVaria FF9 wasn't really that bad
@GnomeSlice They are good, but overrated.
Which is the one that had all the boobies
10-2 right
@GnomeSlice Probably X-2
@BenBrocka I never had a PlayStation; I played FF7-8 on PC.
That one looked hilariously terrible
It is
I don't think FF9 ever had a PC release.
I watched my sister play it a bit
> I'd call for all the chemists who've ever worked with a hexanitro compound to raise their hands, but that might be assuming too much about the limb-to-chemist ratio.
@StrixVaria I did'nt even realize 8 had a PC release
it was a buggy mess
@WorldEngineer But girls!
@BenBrocka There weren't many.
@Sterno What the hell.
@StrixVaria they probably quit after a poor experience with 7/8 on PC
> No, making things that go off when someone down the hall curses at the coffee machine, that's no problem.
@GnomeSlice 8 on PC was a buggy mess
This is cracking me up
@ChrisHateZ This isn't representative of the game overall.
@WorldEngineer Oh
10-2 was just kinda meh
@MadScientist It's against the ToS to use the network to engage in any kind of illegal activity though.
@StrixVaria Haha.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I had a lot of issues with them both.
6 was good, 9 was good
I also was never able to get into 6.
8 was a good if confusing story and an iffy battle system
@WorldEngineer none were buggy messes on PS/SNES
That one I actually tried, though.
@BenBrocka aye
was referring only to the PC port
I loved 8 back in the day. I don't think it will have held up as well if I replay it now.
@Ullallulloo It is far too hard to determine what is illegal. I'm not a laywer, but I'm pretty sure that circumventing DRM while owning the game is not illegal everywhere
10 was decent, hated Wakka and Tidus
I've only ever played through like 2 real RPG games
One was Breath of Fire II and the other was Skies of Arcadia
@GnomeSlice Skies of Arcadia is so good.
@WorldEngineer HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
@GnomeSlice BoF games are EPIC.
@StrixVaria step step FIGHT! step step FIGHT!
I played BoF 2, 3, 4. Loved all of them.
@BenBrocka Literally the worst thing ever in a video game.
@StrixVaria not quite but close
@StrixVaria I've played through it two or three times, at least once as a kid and once a couple years ago, I still like it
Vaan is the worst thing ever in a video game
Along with those Chrono Cross is probably one of the if not the best RPG ever.
@GnomeSlice You could predict the fights though since you could hear the Dreamcast start spinning up the disc.
@StrixVaria Oh I played it on the Gamecube. But like every two steps was a random encounter
@StrixVaria FF games (lately) always have a slightly awkward love story but they really laid it on a bit to thick there
at least 6-10 all did
@StrixVaria LOL

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