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@GnomeSlice Not right now; maybe in a few hours (of course, you'll probably be asleep by then).
Q: How Can I Train Myself to Multi-Task Better in Starcraft 2?

SeekerI love mastering macro, almost as much as I love building robust defenses. But like the Maginot line they always get breached and I lose my starcraft games if the defender can fight off the early on slaughts of Marines and the late onslaughts of cruisers. What I sincerely suck at is balancing g...

Q: How does Potion Toxicity work in The Witcher 2?

Raven DreamerI know that every potion in The Witcher 2 has a "toxicity", but both the manual and the game provide less than adequate explanations of what toxicity is, and how it works. For instance, much of the latter half of the Alchemist tree deals with effects 'while intoxicated'. What does it mean to bec...

ohai. It's been a while.
1 hour later…
Seems like I only ever show up when nobody is around these days. :(
There's a certain irony with that Dungeons question being bumped by Community today, seeing as how Dungeons is on sale on Steam.
1 hour later…
@LessPop_MoreFizz ohai
Q: What zerg units counter Archons after patch 1.3.3

jznThe title says it all. Vs zerg opponents, protoss will grab Templar tech as a little stepping stone, and just 2 base mass archon/zealot. I've only run across it a few times, and in 2v2, but each time left me spinning. They never gave me trouble before, but with the post-1.3.3 range, and in th...

@GnomeSlice You like ho's I see
@NickT D'err....?
Jon Stewart makes lemonparty jokes now?
@NickT I lol'd.
@NickT Also, now I understand that you were referring to my inventory.
kinda want some sort of e-mail confirmation about me entering my mailing address...makes me nervous :P
Were you just supposed to enter your username or your user ID?
Q: Where did 'Soon™' originate?

Nick TI've seen coming Soon™ attached to some Valve and Blizzard products, but did it start with one of them (and if so, which)? What was the first game (or other product) that was to be launched with the blatantly tongue-in-cheek Soon™?

The correct date for rapture is June 13, because that way Duke Nukem Forever will never actually be released.
@NickT Answer'd.
too lazy to find a reference though, sorry
@RandallMunroesxkcd Heh.
I like the mouseover text on that one, as well.
@GnomeSlice I'm quite aware.
Q: how do you record the audio (what you say & hear) from a gamer headset?

scott ornTrying to make a cool Machinima video and I want to record the audio I'm saying and the audio I hear from the gamers I'm playing with. I've found a couple of links but they don't really solve my problem: http://www.roxio.com/enu/products/game-capture/console/overview.html?gclid=CMWx-NWagqkCFRNr...

Q: Diablo II Henchmen - Do they gain new skills as they level?

Marty WallaceI'm currently using a necromancer with a high distribution of skills on raise skeleton and skeleton mastery/summon resist. To compliment this I have kept my henchman from Act II who has the Blessed aim aura, which all my skeletons obviously inherit. Simple question: will my henchman work up to ...

2 hours later…
I wonder how Blizzard would feel about us doing some unofficial Q&A for the Diablo 3 beta. Obviously a lot of sites would promise similar things to get early access, though I'd say our track record does speak for itself
Q: Gaming Questions of the Week #8

Ivo FlipseIn an effort to try and keep the Question of the Week going, please submit your suggestions for this week! Previous Questions of the Week: First week's question - Minecraft's World Size Second week's question - Pokemon Missingno Third week's question - Tips for not getting lost underground Fo...

Q: Should I err on the side of too many minerals, or too much gas?

Buttons840I'm a beginner StarCraft 2 player, and I've watched a few VODs and played a few games. I always seem to have either excess minerals or gas, and I've noticed experienced players seem to do the same. So I was wondering, is there a generic difference between minerals and gas; for example, is gas u...

Q: How do I get a party of heroes interested enough to attack monsters?

JohnPBy the end of most scenarios I have some pretty high level heroes ; mostly warriors, dwarves and mages - and the occasional specials like blademasters and paladins. When I create parties using the inn, I group a 2 to 3 high damage wariors/dwarves and have a warrior as the leader and a cleric for ...

Q: NPCs appearance order

DrakeI noticed a strange thing about Demolitionist that I do not see mentioned on wiki. Practically on my world I created immediately a good number of houses with all requirements needed to accommodate an NPC. The first NPC that arrived was the Nurse. Then I found many bombs but Demolitionist never ...

1 hour later…
@Arda: The quote from Valve states that it is the only way, which heavily implies (if not expresses) that it's the only way they want you to know about. As for the workaround, I think we cover this sort of thing in how we handle seedy answers. When you put together "Valve doesn't support method A" and "our policy is not to post seedy answers", then my answer basically covers everything else. – Shaun Apr 23 at 23:41
I still don't get it. The question asked whether it was possible. This question deals exclusively with whether it's supported. That is not what is asked. If it were supported, it
And now for something lighter-hearted
Warning: I haven't been able to remove this tune from my head since yesterday
It's amazing how interesting can the same 15 seconds (?) music loop sound with all the beats on top of it.
Q: How to get rid of "Fancy vs Nasty" models/icons in Team Fortress 2?

Jacek PruciaWhen the "Fancy vs Nasty" update went online I downloaded and installed nearly all of the models (weapons and hats) available. Now that "Australian Christmas" update brought most of the items into the game it's getting a little bit anoying. While examining backpack I see pretty much the same icon...

2 hours later…
Q: Eve, so.... what now?

TrewTzuim quite new to eve, played the trial about month ago and just yesterday decieded to have another go, so got a month. ive finished all the intro-y missions at the University i was part of and now im kinda at a loss for what to do.. ive just been floating around mining near the uni and storing i...

Q: How do I get my chests in Minecraft to face the way I want?

bckbckWhile making a storage room for all my mined cobblestone from my quarry, I came across a rather cosmetic problem with my chests: not all of them face me. I realized that chests only face towards me when they have a block blocking it from behind, but it is rather ugly: So, how do I make them al...

Q: Why can't I jump that high in The Ball

JohnaldI'm stuck right at the beginning of the game right after you hammer the blue sign. Apparently I'm supposed to get up the steps but my character can't seem to make it. I jump as much as I can and somehow it won't go higher than the actual step. Is this because the character I'm playing is really ...

Q: Multiplayer game via LAN in Call of Duty: World at War

I have a question about Call of Duty World at War. We are 3 players who want to play in LAN mode, without internet connexion to zombies mode. But it doesn't work... (we have 3 official games patched 1.7). Do you know if there's a patch or something which allows us to do that ? Is it possible to s...

Q: FIFA 2011, install twice in same PC

cojoI have installed FIFA 11 on one of my drives and also added a patch to it, I have added a new league to it. I want to play online but my FIFA is no more compatible with online playing, so I want to install FIFA again on my PC but it detects that it is already installed and doesn't let me install ...

Q: Appeal and discussion for "How Can We Get More Players on Our Server?"

Grace NoteThis is a Meta discussion for the following question, which is getting somewhat of uneasy looks as well as repeated flags. How Can We Get More Players on Our Server? A friend of mine runs a Minecraft server, but so far we haven't been getting a lot of traffic. The few that DO show up, ha...

@badp TL;DR What is all that cr... er... stuff?
@Powerlord Sometimes I drop on chat comments before I clear them.
TL;DR is the whole point of deleting them, so I'm glad that's your response.
@badp The individual comments likely aren't TL;DR, but when you paste 20+ of them into a single chat message...
@Powerlord it's so I can just have a single link with all comments.
Q: Civilization 5: The Wonder Years

Rapida Possible Duplicate: Is there any way to see progress towards achievements in Civ 5? The Wonder Years – Build all the Wonders, across any number of playthroughs. Is there any way to determine which wonders still need to be built to earn this achievement?

If @bwarner answer is correct, then the answer in the duplicate question would be invalid unless it is edited
since according to @bwarner the debug file is gone
Looking now to see if I can find a source to either support or reject @bwarners claim
Nevermind. Was in the comments - just no one ever updated the answer for some reason.
@Wipqozn Looks like this epic feat might just be within your reach!
@badp :P yeah editing it now
I was looking on the internet and couldn't find a source.. then noticed it there hidden away in the comments for some reason
there. feel free to peer review it and what not
@Wipqozn -1, failure to mention [insert running gag here]
@Powerlord dang. I'm a monster for my failure to mention [insert running gag here]
I should probably be locked up
@Wipqozn Where they'll feed you .
@Powerlord gawd no, I hate bacon. That's the worst punishment ever.
@Wipqozn I think we can put our differences behind us, for science... you monster.
@Powerlord (responds by not saying anything)
(that was me quoting chell)
Speaking of monsters, I hear Lady Gaga launched her latest album on Amazon for $0.99 for the first day. And completely crashed Amazon's Cloud Music service under the demand.
lol @ :1036775
Amazon has been crashing a lot lately
I've been meaning to buy some of her music instead of just pirating it. Too bad it went back to normal price by the time I'd heard of it.
I don't really want to pay $0.99 per song when it was $0.99 for like 12 songs the day before, kthx
Especially since her music is so hit or miss.
@Powerlord Was never a huge fan of her myself - but then again I don't like pop music... or really any modern mainstream music for that matter. Such a rebel.
Although she is becoming increasingly popular
@Wipqozn Well, for the most part, it's easy to tell which songs are her better songs... the good ones all seem to be the ones that have music videos.
Now, I realize that there are a few exceptions to that rule (as I recall, Judas has a music video)
@Powerlord The only time I listen to Lady GaGa is when I'm forced to listen to a local pop radio station when I car pool with my mother
so I have no idea what any of her songs are
@Wipqozn You've never heard of things like, say, Poker Face? The one that they parodied on South Park? :P
@Powerlord oh yes. I have - since it's in every commerical
(Which incidentally is how I heard of Lady Gaga in the first place)
I have not watched the new season of SOuth Park though
I haven't either, this was a few seasons ago.
Poke her? I hardly knew her! ahahahah
that works better in verbal speech...
I forgot the episode name... it was the one about Whales.
@Powerlord oh, ok. I did see that - but don't recall the reference
but I did not hear of her by then I believe
Granted, Eric Cartman's "I don't give a crap about whales, so go and hug a tree" line is hilarious.
@GnomeSlice Why is he climbing the mountain?
@Brant It's Captain Kirk, does he need a reason?
@Powerlord Picard is better.
@Wipqozn I'm sorry, were you expecting me to argue that? :D
@Powerlord lol :P Excellent.
@badp Did you delete them?
Yes, I did.
@badp Good.
Haha, Microsoft can be so funny sometimes.
Apparently MS's CEO announced that Windows 8 would be coming out in 2012 at a developers conference this week... and Microsoft Marketing retracted his statement.
I made great strides yesterday in my work to subjugate TF2's built-in voting system to my will.
It's going to be called Windows MAE
(Maya Apocalypse Edition)
I can now fake most of the votes... except the map end vote. I still can't see where the clients are getting the maplist from. :/
@Powerlord Faking votes? Isn't that a felony?
@ArdaXi Well, fake a player (or the server) calling a vote.
It's practical.
and receiving the votes in my own method and stuff.
@Powerlord Hmm, that's a great idea.
TF2 has some... interesting behavior there.
For instance, TF2 has a "vote" command, but only after a VoteStart usermessage has been passed and before a VoteFailed / VoteSuccess usermessage is passed.
At any other time, vote is not on the commands list.
I only know about this because SourceMod lets me bind CommandListeners for all commands. And in fact, I may need to use a CommandListener, as SourceMod's RegConsoleCmd did not work for "vote" when I tried it.
"Creates a console command, or hooks an already existing one." <-- Didn't hook it, stupid thing.
The biggest downside of the built-in votes is the 5-item restriction.
Biggest plus is that they're mapped to F1-F5
Now, the downside is that it's tightly integrated into TF2. You can't specify a menu title, for example.
You can only specify a translation string.
Drops should've been reset this morning right?
@badp You're one day too early.
They reset in 9 hours or so.
@badp I'd watch that!!!
↑ So much attention for detail.
Q: How do you build pentagrams?

Steven BakerI have just downloaded the demo of Dungeons and am on the level where you first capture a pentagram and then have to kill heros to get soul power. It then asks me to extend my area of influence by building pentagrams, but I have no idea how. I cannot find an icon or keyboard shortcut or anything...

Hmm, this is interesting. vs. Dungeons
@Brant I'm not sure what you mean by that.
The name of the game is "Dungeons".
@Brant And tags don't allow upper-case characters...
but the tag is used on questions which involve dungeons
Oh wait... no it isn't.
@Brant Oh. That's what you're talking about. (I can't visit Gaming from work)
There are a couple zelda questions that have the tag, but the majority of them are about the game Dungeons.
retag tiem!!1
Likely, the Zelda games shouldn't have as it's one of those pointless fluff tags for them.
Otherwise, every Zelda question would need to be tagged or . :P
No wait, my bad. I forgot and
@Brant Dammit! Flaky wifi means you beat me to it :(
Time to head to lunch. Melissa will be mad if I'm late. Be back later.
@Powerlord Surely you mean SHODAN.
Q: What's the best way to build a track selector?

fredleyI'm building a new terminal for my minecart tracks: Currently there are 8, I may add more later. What I'd like to add is a single arrival/departure track, with buttons to select destination. Pressing the button would switch the track layout to connect the departure track to the correct outgoin...

Q: Using a large (55") HD TV as a Monitor

kellyllekI was thinking about using a large HD TV as a pc monitor and wondered if any of you had opinions on this. Currently I used a 24" 1080p monitor and it's great. But with my remote keyboard I'm often computing from different areas of the living room, sometimes even standing at the kitchen counter. I...

ohh, that's a better idea
Figures, Melissa forgot it was Wednesday.
Oh well, I'll do more "work" while I wait for her to get her.
@badp hmm?
@ThomasMcDonald If you watch it, I think you'll agree with me
I have done, I watched it yesterday
oh, okay
That video is very "wat," still.
@Lazers Migrate to SU!
... so it can be closed as a dupe
God, I hate Java. Dunno whether I'm better off making this a log filter or a log handler.
@ThomasMcDonald You're finally learning!
To hate Java that is.
Probably a handler...
posted on May 25, 2011 by ivoflipse

Image from Galactic WaterCooler Storm8 games, you’ve probably seen them around when browsing the App Store or Android Market. There are currently nine games from them available: World War Racing Live iMobsters Pets Live Ninjas Live Vampires Kingdoms Live Zombies Live Rock Battle Live Every game has a pretty much similar layout, though the naming [...]

Hero 30 is a PSP exclusive
Bit Trip Saga is a 3DS exclusive
VVVVVV requires Flash to run
why can't awesome "indies" agree on one platform >_<
VVVVVV was done in Flash?
bundle install is slow. ugh.
@Brant Yes; you can even buy it from Kongregate.
Q: Unable to get merchant NPC

AcornI'm unable to get the merchant NPC to spawn. I already have the demolitionist and the nurse. There are a couple of spare NPC suitable rooms, and 50+ silver coins, but even after waiting many nights, still no sign of a merchant. Is there anything I could be doing wrong?

Hrm. Rails 3.1.0.rc1. Lets see what this asset pipeline is all about then.
Q: What does 'Distance flown' actually mean?

The Communist DuckThere's a distance climbed and a distance fallen, so it can't be those..and it wouldn't be actual flying since they are mods.

> Make a pact with the time goddess? Yes/No
If you choose no:
> I completely understand why you want to choose no.
> But was there ever an RPG that moved on by selecting no?
Lampshade hanging!
Now watch me use tvtropes to try and identify the game based on that info...
@Brant The transcript is enough...
... (gets lost in tvtropes all afternoon)
If Congress really wants to improve the economy, they could start by banning tvtropes. Productivity would skyrocket.
The First blood TF2 achievement icon is somewhat disturbing.
Aww yeah.
Bah, I still need one more kill for First Blood, Part 2.
Just because the Scout update was introduced at the same time as Arena Mode gained the First Blood buff, they had to have two achievements related to it. :/
@Arda! I'm going to shout your name in what you should interpret as a disapproving voice, and thus expect you to fully understand why I am expressing disapproval of you right now!
Minecraft Alpha has been updated!
not really
but that's pretty much what Minecraft Pocket Edition looks like right now - creative mode with the new engine.
Q: For what is there silver witcher's sword in Witcher 2?

nihi_l_istSome common swords are with better hit points than that silver sword..Im 7 level now and dont see where that sword is special?! Why do i need 2 swords, when i can use just 1 at a time?

@GraceNote I actually have no idea, but at least you're saying bad things about me. That's an improvement.
No, seriously. What's up?
> And this is why we all know you as a mass murderer. – Grace Note♦ 7 secs ago
My reputation seems set in stone now ;-)
I have internet again!!
@Fabian er, where are you quoting that from?
From the latest Witcher 2 question about the silver sword
Using the site, but not answering me. Explain yourself @GraceNote!
@Mana yay
So wait, for this gaming SE package thing...I'm just supposed to put my address? Like 100 Mystreet Place?
and the t-shirt size as well
but like how do they know where the street is
@Mana Witcher 2 arrived, didn't it?
True, but I gave my country and postal code and stuff there
Don't they need that?
@ArdaXi You know I have weird connectivity issues with chat, which is why I vanish so much during the workday yet still am active on the site. That's why you can see me using the site but not answering you here.
@Mana You gave everything you put on an envelope, basically, correct?
@GraceNote Okay, so now why the disapproving?
yeah, true
Then, if you notice that there's like 5-6 address lines there, you fill out each line like you'd put on an envelope.
Oh, right, I need to award my swag to somebody else!
okay, so that's how address lines work
So, first line is your street stuff, then second line is your country and I believe your postal code as well.
Well, more like "want"
dosage of reality received
@ArdaXi You'd almost think you're being ignored or something.
Any takers?
@Powerlord Not almost.
@ArdaXi I thought I mentioned that I had a very unreasonable expectation that you know what I'm talking about.
I'm used to it.
@GraceNote Yes, and I thought I had mentioned that I didn't.
Yes, well, part of having an unreasonable expectation is maintaining unreasonableness, as it were.
Up to and including not telling you when you flat out tell me you don't know, because I still expect you to know.
Your conversations are so confusing.
@GraceNote Now that this conversation has reached unreasonable amounts of meta, just tell me.
I guess that's a sign that you two were MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
Eh, I'm probably just moody about something you did between then and the last time you did anything disapproving.
@GraceNote But that's sooo much.
I mean, come on, I always do stuff.
You could make more stuff, though. You have quite the backlog of terrible mods.
@badp I discussed that before.
@GraceNote I don't recall doing anything moodiable since the last time I talked to you though.
Moderately unseemly perhaps.
Did you ask a question on meta.game without a second tag?
@Mana I don't do meta.gaming
That's an offense punishable by death, you know.
@Mana Until respawn, right?
@Powerlord Right. I've done all that.
Q: Monster taxonomy in the Witcher 2 (for blade oil usage)

FabianThere are several different blade oils available that cause more damage to certain classes of monsters, e.g. spectre oil, arachnid oil, necrophage oil and insectoid oil. Most of the monster classifications are pretty straightforward, but I don't know the correct classification for every monster ...

Now, if I were a real pester about this, I'd do some kind of thing like say I'm disapproving of you because you don't know why I'm disapproving of you.
@Powerlord I try to ignore that since it makes me feel detached from realitOMG WITCHER 2 QUESTION
@GraceNote But you didn't know that I didn't know, unless you were lying.
Damn. I don't know the answer. A single upvote will have to do, I guess.
So there was original disapproval which you're not telling me about.
But in reality, it's stupider than that as it's just the kind of thing where I'd shoot an off-hand glare at you for starting up that debate on Caroline again. Not enough disapproval to stop you, more the kind of an "ugh", but amplified so I have an excuse to shout your name in a disapproving voice.
@GraceNote I was trying to be civil that time.
I was being really cautious about it.
Like I said, it was more of an "ugh", I just amplified it so I had an excuse to shout your name in a disapproving voice. Which I wanted to do so I could have an unreasonable expectation that you'd know what I'm talking about.
Super extra special cautious, Arda?
@GraceNote Then I did know what you were talking about.
He was pretty cautious about it, and pretty civil.
Not so unreasonable after all.
Yeah, which means I'll need to work on that for the next time. Ah well. Thanks for that, @Arda. ♪
Hey, civil. That reminds me of how I'm not slaying innocent civilians in Witcher 2. brb
@GraceNote Which is why I expected it not to be that. I was good!
@Mana That's just because you can't kill civilians in this game
:( Something I noticed.
I tried, though. Tried very hard.
All of the times I seem to be making progress I die in a cutscene, by an arrow.
It is also very unfair that if you run around with an unsheathed blade and kill all the guards that appear, you're then killed in a cutscene if you don't pay up
Tsk. Same thing if you try to beat up Roche to get the key for your bindings.
@ArdaXi ♪ Now I only want you gone. ♫
@Powerlord ♪ I've been patient, I've been gracious... ♪
Q: Skeletons in portal 2?

TomIn the comic, lab rat puts chell on the list to be the first one that gets to be tested. In portal 2, when wheatley takes over, he puts you trough the test chambers GLaDOS made. He also says that it is really easy to put these rooms together. He only has to clean the room of skeletons. But if che...

Q: Is there an easy way to identify what's lootable and what isn't?

ManaOne of my main frustrations in Witcher 2 so far is that whenever I run into a room filled with loot, I'm forced to spend minutes running Geralt like an idiot into every object that looks like it might contain loot until that special pop-up appears. Is there any pattern or special appearance to lo...

oh shoot
totally didn't notice that question deletes
I'M SUCH A LOSER throws self off cliff
@Mana I'd undelete it, the duplicate can lead other people to the answer.
It should just be closed as duplicate
Too late. :(
I fail even at getting rid of my own question. :((((
is it still possible to buy a copy of Bayonetta online?
@Mana Why, you can just undelete it
It only needs one more vote anyway.
Both a close and an undelete vote. Aren't I a sadistic angry mob today.
@Fabian I can't find it anymore, it says it doesn't exist
Hmm, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen self-deleted questions, I can still see it and voted to undelete
Maybe it's cuz you have over 10k rep?
@Mana That's the reason why I can still see it, I just thought the owner could also see it
Well, it's undeleted now and closed
@Fabian I've always been able to see self-deleted questions.
I'm curious if the 1.1 patch will help a lot with performance, it seems I'm pretty CPU limited with that game.
@ArdaXi Only answers, You don't see self-deleted questions and that is intentional
@Fabian I hope it at least stops my frequent crashes.
@Mana It hasn't crashed a single time for me
@Fabian :( For me, performance degrades over time and pausing takes longer and longer until eventually I either see an object the game refuses to load(freeze) or a random action results in a crash
Q: Who's writing my journal?

ManaI was looking through some old journal entries today when it clicked with me that Geralt can't be the one writing down these journal entries, since it discusses Geralt in the third-person. Furthermore, the writer refers to himself in the first-person in several of the entries. I can't recall who ...

Hmm, just saw someone in this household bought decaf. If coffee is one of the greatest culinary inventions of mankind (after bacon, of course), decaf is the worst.
Coffee does not rank below bacon
They are on-par at least
Well, yeah.
They're both parts of a nutritious breakfast.
Decaf is a crime against humanity.
Non-espresso "coffee" is.
@badp Oh look, a sane pers- oh, right, you're Italian. That's cheating, coffee-wise.
@ThomasMcDonald yep just ordered it from amazon. can't wait.. can't believe i didn't know about this game before
@Jin I've not seen it before
I'll give it a look later, got to finish my minecraft station first
Q: How do I kill Vincon Traut and the other conspirators?

ManaWhen I approach Vincon Traut in Chapter 2 in an attempt to obtain his enchanted armor, he warns me that it was a mistake to go there by myself. Spot on, Vincon -- I thought I was fairly comfortable with the combat system but your blade and your conspirators are making me look like a complete fool...

@Jin The commercials for that game kept making "In for the Kill" get stuck in my head.
The Vincon Traut encounter was brutal. I'm interested to see how other people got past it.
I love how the Endregas crawl down from the trees, I totally missed that in the beginning. So much better than DA2's teleporting second wave
@Mana I just used normal tactics, I beat it on the second try or so. There's not much room but you can still run away from the enemies.
Really? Until I used dancing stars I would die almost immediately because I couldn't get out of the starting corner.
I eventually found that throwing a dancing star into the center would light everyone but Vincon on fire, so I was able to get out that way, but it must have taken me something like twelve tries to get it done.
This is likely the wrong place to ask this, but how long can one generally keep a prepared statement around in a programming language?
I'm wondering what happens to it if I never close the handle. :P
What do you mean by "prepared statement"?
@ChrisF A database prepared statement.
Ah - it will depend on the language. If the variable you're holding it in goes out of scope then pouf.
The other thing you'll potentially get is a resource leak. Which if you have enough will bring your application down
@ChrisF Hmm... I was asking, because I was under the impression that many databases hold the prepared statements on the DB side.
You're now venturing into territory I know very little about, so treat my statements as potentially suspect until proven otherwise
A search for "sql prepared statements" brings back quite a few pages that you might find interesting/useful.
Ooh, crappy movie trailer!
Why don't you ask a question on SO or dba.SE?
Bleah, I can't even tell if the language uses client or server-side prepared statements.
Granted, this particular language also never expects the DB connection to go down... and doesn't even have an explicit SQL close method (I'm assuming the generic CloseHandle does that, though)
From reading those links I posted I'd expect the prepared statement to last as long as the connection is open.
@Brant This movie's name is just... [REDACTED]?
(whoops, spoiler alert there!)
Spoiiiiler! (yes.)
@Powerlord Major spoiler
@ChrisF You don't really think the movies name is [REDACTED] do you?
@Brant Well played, sir.
@Powerlord No - I know it's what you changed it from ;)
Indiana Jones and the Deathly Hallows!
I like the narrator's little stumble.
I thought this would be easy to rewrite, but it's taking far more effort than I thought.
Maybe I should just skip it.
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