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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Powerlord I'm in the same situation, but the conclusion I came to was that I'm getting old and un-hip. :(
Civ 5? Fallout? The Witcher? Get off my lawn!
@badp That's soooo last year.
@ArdaXi Yes, yes it is. What's your point?
@badp That was my point.
@ArdaXi That was his point as well.
Actually, time to make an interesting graph will make an interesting graph later
@Brant Meh, almost everyone here is old.
@ArdaXi define 'old'
@Rapida 23 and up.
@Rapida @ArdaXi's a young whipper-snapper.
Darn, I'm old
Actually, let's go with 20+, as to not leave out @badp.
@Rapida 30 and up.
@Powerlord You're old even compared to most people here.
I wish it was going home time already.
Anyone have a slow spell?
@Powerlord Next time you go rampaging through TF2, want to coach a nub?
@GnomeSlice No, those are the second class citizens.
Assuming a slow spell would make it feel shorter.
@ArdaXi My mistake.
@Rapida I wasn't really impressed with the coaching system when I used it.
I could never see it in action :(
I've used it once. It was... disorienting.
Granted, that was beta.
@Powerlord No need for the formal coaching stuff, I was mainly looking for some fellow players who know that 8 snipers does not equal a team
...but... but... it's 8 snipers!
P.S. was this on ctf_2fort by any chance? AKA sniperfort?
Well of course we have to defend the ramparts
I still think ctf_doublecross is basically 2fort Improved.
Pyros are actually useful on that map! :O
I found one reskin of 2fort I really liked. It was ctf_sahara I think, had a lot of backdoors
It's so satisfying airblasting someone off of one of the bridges. Particularly if said person was dominating you before that.
Well, assuming the pyro isn't only familiar with the 'W' key
The folks from treepunch.us are doing a denial of service attack on my minecraft server.
@Powerlord Have you ever played TFC?
How lovely.
@ArdaXi A few times.
@GnomeSlice they are clearly jealous of your awesome coaster
My experiences with TFC almost got me to skip TF2 entirely.
@Rapida About 40 of them just joined, and they've completely overloaded it.
My client just crashed
@Powerlord Same here. I think I've still played more of FF than TF2.
@GnomeSlice That's not an attack.
That's just your server sucking.
@ArdaXi Even though FF's community has nearly collapsed by this point, or was it before that?
@ArdaXi Perhaps I was exaggerating a bit, but they're clearly here to disturb some shit.
@Powerlord Before TF2's release.
@GnomeSlice Meh.
@GnomeSlice I'm glad my advice worked
@ArdaXi That's a weird typo... somehow you typoed "Minecraft" as "your"
@ArdaXi FF didn't come out that long before TF2.
Only a few months, as I recall.
@Powerlord Everything's relative.
@ThomasMcDonald Hah, that's not what I meant. The owner of 'treepunch.us' showed up, then he brought in everyone from his server to trash talk us
@Powerlord 'T was enough.
I can't connect anymore.
Heh, the ad on my borderland's question, was for the exact same borderland question.
@Powerlord Infiniminer++ is reasonable in the bits that were copied from Infiniminer. The others, not so much.
Which reminds me, what parts of Minecraft are actually original?
It's been whitelisted, for now.
I mean, when I played the game, it seemed like Infiniminer meets Dwarf Fortress.
This is fun, writing code which I can't tell if it works or not, hooking player commands that may or may not exist.
@Powerlord Quantum coding!
Oh well, at least I know callvote exists in TF2.
@GnomeSlice I guessed so.
So, I've hooked that and hope it uses the same arguments as L4D2.
But I'll find out.
(by trying to issue one of each type of vote)
Basically, my handlers print to the log what each command is sending in, then tell the server to continue processing.
Apparently I can intercept usermessages too, so I can optionally block their standard output.
Now, the problem is going to be: How do I replace the server's built-in map voting list with my own? It sounds like I can send a VoteSetup usermessage to do it, but I need to intercept it to find out how it looks.
Yes you do
So about that hat you promised me for a scrap...
@ThomasMcDonald You mean the one badp promised you for a scrap, don't you?
After all, he was the last one to edit that message.
I also need to file a TF2 bug when I get home. TF2 is missing the voting events that L4D2 has.
Q: Selling loot in Ultima 7

Nash0How do I sell things in Ultima 7? Is there a place where I can sell things like weapons, armor, potions, gems, other stuff?

@GnomeSlice Man, I see this getting boring quickly. Excavating a 31x6 slope for minecarts, approximately 50 levels down. D:
@ThomasMcDonald I forget the ip for the gaming server
@Ivo > I'm taking multimedia in college, but I'm not very good at design so...
Q: Does Civ V have a map editor?

Raven Dreamer Wait, a non Witcher question? For shame! Now that Civ V's been out for a while, I thought I would repurpose part of the game. Simply put, I'd love to use the rendered terrain to create hex-based maps for use in other areas, for instance, with my D&D group. However, I can't seem to find ...

I'm still heartbroken. My theatre-boatelevator combo is now useless :(
It gave spectators a fresh shadow to enjoy the show from and allowed ships to go through that strip of land
but nooo, Notch had to add physics that actually make sense!
@ArdaXi Is that new on the Login screen?
@GraceNote Apparently.
It's probably for the new Stack Exchange OpenID. You need a password to get into that, after all.
Though it surprises me that they'd put it like that, rather than as a big square like all the other OpenID providers.
@GraceNote That is what it is.
Oh, I thought you were saying that the password prompt was right on the Login screen, rather than on a separate page/load.
I was referring to the fact that SE was now storing passwords.
Yes, well, you need some method of password for running a proper Open ID authentication, neh?
@GraceNote Well, yes, but I don't see the point of SE as an OpenID provider.
They needed a new default after myopenid bombed out.
It did?
Why does nobody tell me these things.
Oh yeah. It bombed. *Real bad*.
> MyOpenID has lost my trust and confidence; this was a very serious security breach
It wasn't.
It was a serious problem, alright, at Amazon. Not at Janrain.
Since they reverted to an earlier snapshot, I have no idea how this could be seen as a breach.
You probably can't see all the deleted answers where people explained that they could re-register the old usernames under completely different emails, thus allowing them to steal other user's OpenID accounts.
@GraceNote Okay, yeah, they suck.
Admittedly, yes, it's still Amazon's fault in the first place, but it certainly didn't do wonders for MyOpenID's publicity.
This is why I'm not building any web apps. I'm terrified that what I make becomes popular, and I'll have responsibility.
A very wise move.
@ArdaXi Let's go shopping!
Q: How does one go about backing up older CD-ROM games from the 90's?

GigaJouleI have a bunch of those point and click adventure games from the 90's (my youth) like Pajama Sam, Putt-Putt and Spy Fox. These CDs are becoming old and scratched. Being that these were such a memorable part of my childhood, I am looking for a way to back them up for my future kids, grandkids, e...

VC is cheating.
The Sexchange Experts said so!
Hmm, Dungeons is half off today
Hmm, only 66 on Metacritic.
btw, I was wrong earlier. was already on my ignored list.
@ArdaXi I noticed that the other day.
> Rackspace is proud to team up with SendGrid to provide Rackspace customers the ability to send up to 40,000 transactional emails a month for free*.
Sigh. My server is dead.
Anyone feel like joining for a bit?
@Thomas? @KevinY?
Nah man, it's 0:30.
HN & reddit time
4x4 is not a large enough space to make an identifiable representatino of an iphone app
Q: Where can I find Tasteless casts?

TimTasteless is a great Starcraft commentator. Where can I find a list of all games that he's commented? I'm looking mainly for Starcraft videos.

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