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@Sterno Pretty sure everyone did.
@Wipqozn i want some too
@Powerlord Yeah, same here.
Although I gave up on Java in the browser long ago.
@RedRiderX Yeah, well I need it for work... it's not set up on my home PC.
@Powerlord Ah.
But Flash is... intermittent on Firefox these days.
Works on some sites, not on others.
I mean, when I have no plugins loaded, and only Flash as an extension and it still doesn't work on Firefox, but Chrome and IE work fine...
@Powerlord I've had it act flaky at times, but not refusing to start like that.
@RedRiderX It doesn't refuse to start, but things like videos don't load (and their players just have the "loading circle of death"
Games on Kongregate stop before reaching the actual game parts.
@Powerlord Well, that is strange.
A: Why Is Minecraft Forge Starting Up So Slowly?

EthanBaconGamingWell now Forge is updated and loads much faster! Thanks for the help!

Ethanfuckingbacongaming... I swear... This guy.
This started happening when Firefox 21 was released. As in the same day I upgraded to FF21. And it has persisted with Firefox 22.
All of which makes me think it's Firefox and not any plugins or addons.
@Fluttershy This old version mod doesn't work with the updated base game! Why not?
Update the old mod. Problem solved.
@fbueckert The upvote is what concerns me the most. We've had problems with this guy for a while now. So... sock puppet or idiot user?
@Fluttershy Idiot user.
If it was a sockpuppet, he'd have a ton more rep.
I think it should be self evident that mods made for an old version of a game will not be fully compatible with an updated version of the same game. If you're installing mods, due diligence to ensure the mod is compatible with your current version is expected and required. — fbueckert 6 secs ago
@Fluttershy How's that?
@fbueckert I was less concerned with the question. Moreso with the fact that he self-answered with a comment and it got upvoted.
@Fluttershy Really, the problem is not doing any homework.
This literally isn't a problem. It's attempting to force an old mod to work with a version it was not written for, and then whining about the fact.
For some reason I find the lack of consistency in outlets alarming
If you're using mods, incompatibilities happen. Expecting them to work for every version is unrealistic.
@fbueckert I'm not aiming to deliberate the validity of the question. Especially under the "this isn't a problem you face" clause. I was merely pointing out the answer. >_>
@Fluttershy I'm just pointing out that if that information had been added to the question, this wouldn't even be a problem.
@AshleyNunn How so?
@AshleyNunn Happy face is best outlet.
@FEichinger Because I had never really considered it before
Like to me outlets were outlets
@fbueckert Which is completely irrelevant to the issue I was bringing up. Please don't use my attempt at getting an answer flagged for removal as a pedestal with which to push the "not a practical issue"... issue.
@AshleyNunn Oh, well, I guess that's a lot more apparent on this side of the pond.
@Fluttershy Nono.
That's not at all what I'm doing.
@FEichinger This is true, and I mean I have never left my country except for a few visits to teh US
@fbueckert Then I apologize for the hostility. It's how it came off after a day of debate over that specific Thing.
@AshleyNunn What the hell @badp?
@Fluttershy No worries, dude. I probably just worded it wrong.
@TimStone Oh man I am glad I wasn't the only one who thought that
@fbueckert I'm pretty sensitive to phrasing. x_x Just ask @OrigamiRobot.
@fbueckert Those crazy Danes.
@AshleyNunn Clearly the US have it right, because Canada agrees.
@Fluttershy I was just pointing out the utter lack of effort by this user.
"Update game. Mod no longer works. Complain to Arqade."
@Coronus Canada knows best
@AshleyNunn Well, just consider that this is a thing.
What now?
Europlug! The European power outlet. (Excluding Ireland, the UK, and a couple of other small unimportant countries.)
Cyprus, Gibraltar, and Malta, to be precise.
Now I am super weirded out by the outlet thing
@AshleyNunn Different countries have different electrical sockets.
@ShotgunNinja I know, now
Electric power is a man-made thing; it makes sense that people in different countries predating readily-accessible means of international collaboration would arrive at similar things but in entirely different ways.
@ShotgunNinja Jochem hates US plugs because the left and right can be different sizes.
@FAE I find that frustrating
also sometimes they have have three stickyout bits and sometimes they have two
the whole thing is ridiculous
I think I'll use that to refer to plug prongs from now on.
@TimStone Oh, is that the name for the stickyout bits?
Stickyout bits... What British comedian did I hear use that....
@AshleyNunn Yep, just like forks.
Gosh, I think it was Steven Fry, but in reference to a prior comedian.
....I didn't know that about forks or plugs
I feel educated now
@RedRiderX Ironic, since you use the fork to stick in things.
@Coronus Yes, it is a interesting similarity.
"prongs": Stickyout bits used for penetrating and holding things.
@ShotgunNinja Not to be confused with "tongs", otherwise known as "pickyup bits"
Which game that I can't buy will I be voting to be cheaper?
Runner 2 for $7.50...
@Coronus Nah I know what tongs are
I know everyone listen to this guy he really is an expert — Skyrim expert 4 mins ago
@StrixVaria Great, now every time I go into the kitchen, I'm going to think It's toaster time. TOOT TOOT
You're welcome.
Q: What is 'Arcade Mode'?

GnomeSliceIn Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage, there's an option toggle during profile creation for something called 'Arcade Mode'. There are no tooltips or anything though, and I have no idea what it does. What is Arcade Mode?

Q: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Skyrim exits when I try load a save game, How can I fix this?

Emil CarrToday when I tried to play the game, as soon as I clicked the Continue button, it said something along the lines of'This save game relies on content that is no longer available. Some objects may not be available. Load anyway?' I have had this before, and it still works, but this time, the game ex...

Woo! Summer Sale Getaway card!
Squeenix is updating the iOS Deus Ex to remove that pesky bit about not being able to play it with a jailbroken device.
I only need 5 more cards! :3
@StrixVaria GO FOR IT
Okay, here's a question for y'all.
Melee is when you attack someone next to you, Projectile is when you throw (or shoot) something at someone far away from you. Is there a word for causing an effect at range when you're not using a projectile?
@RavenDreamer Direct damage?
At least in the MMOs, when referring to spells, I believe.
@RavenDreamer If it involves a lance or something, you have a perfect opportunity to use hastilude
@OrigamiRobot Ranged is what I've got right now, but I'm forseeing problems trying to explain to folks why "Projectiles" are not ranged.
Or rather, Projectiles are ranged, but not Ranged.
@RavenDreamer Projectile is a subset of Ranged.
Why do you need to differentiate them?
@fbueckert Because people.
@fbueckert The tag should be removed.
@OrigamiRobot That's a different discussion.
The tag is still in use.
> DO NOT USE - Removed as part of "The great Arqade clean-up of 2012" - See link in Tag Wiki for more information.
@fbueckert No, it's already been discussed. ^
It was removed as part of the tag clean up
@OrigamiRobot Because they behave differently in my game
and is listed as do not use
do not use .
@RavenDreamer I just mean you might be better off using terms specific to your game. So, what is the difference?
Okay, I'm blind. Didn't see that.
@OrigamiRobot Projectiles can't target adjacent enemies.
I see...
Do all non-projectile ranged attacks affect multiple targets?
If anyone's played Fire Emblem, it's the difference between Bows (distance 2 squares) and Magic (1-2 squares)
I assume you have non-magic ranged and thus can't just say Magic
WoW is free to play?
Up to level 20, if I remember correctly.
Oh, Starter Edition.
Tricky Blizzard. I saw an ad that said "Free to Play."
It is*.
*some terms and conditions apply
@RavenDreamer Technically, they both count as projectiles.
Magic just allows melee range attacks (and counter attacks).
Yeah, I think I'm going to make "Projectile" a keyword, so that the big differentiators can just be "Melee" vs. "Ranged" (some of the latter which are Projectiles).
@Fluttershy Hey, now. He self-answered, that doesn't merit downvotes.
@RavenDreamer You could use Arc as a keyword as it kind of implies a minimum range.
wags finger at Fluttershy
@OrigamiRobot Oooh. Interesting.
@RavenDreamer No. The fact that it was NAA, but rather a Thank you! comment until your edit merits downvotes. It's still not an answer though.
@Fluttershy "Forge was running slowly. What do I do?" "I updated Forge, and now it's faster"
@RavenDreamer Edits like that shouldn't be made.
@Fluttershy Mine?
Usually I'd agree, but this is a new user, so I'd cut him a little slack and/or teach by example, you know?
@RavenDreamer Yes. When there is a user who has continually been a problem, the solution isn't to edit his delete-worthy post into something that vaguely resembles an answer.
@RavenDreamer He's been new for two, three weeks now? Hasn't caught on to anything yet.
@Fluttershy Doesn't mean we can't keep leading the horse to water.
@RavenDreamer Just tilting at windmills...
That a Don Quixote reference?
@RavenDreamer Indeed it was! Nice catch. :3
@fbueckert I have yet to see anything outside of meta stating this. Meta is NOT site policy. It is a discussion area on the policies of the site. Having a discussion on something does not make it a rule. However this is off-topic for your question here. If you wish to discuss it further a new meta can be opened. — David Starkey 2 mins ago
@RavenDreamer Apparently, GoodReads lied to me when it told me the meaning of the idiom. <_< So it doesn't really work here. Still, good catch!
@DavidStarkey Dude. This is where site policy gets decided, and enforced by the community. So, yes, it can be said that Meta is site policy. — fbueckert 1 min ago
@Fluttershy Tilting at windmills means engaging in an ultimately futile action.
@fbueckert Tell that to Wikipedia!
@Fluttershy Posted before linking that.
@Fluttershy Because Wikipedia is always right!
Q: Do purchases in the Dota 2 and TF2 shops count towards the Steam Summer Getaway trading card drops?

Hyper AnthonyWe currently know that purchases of $9.00 in the Dota 2 and Team Fortress 2 shops unlock card drops for those respective games. We also know that purchases of $10.00 in the Steam store will unlock a Steam Summer Getaway trading card for the duration of the 2013 summer sale. My question is, do t...

Q: cant get the new summer theme

JessicaSo I see that there is an island coming up and hopefully will open soon. But I was prompted to select a summer theme from the menu. It says its only available for a limited time but I still am unable to click on it to get it. Am I misunderstanding it?

Q: Team Fortress 2 item/hat drops

Tf2askerIf anyone plays TF2 please answer this question, what is the amount of item drops per week and what is the percentage of getting a hat or weapon Thanks!

@Lazers Dupe!
A: Can you dodge the "version mismatch" bug in Civilization V?

user51766Just press Left Right Left Up Down Down Right WWWWWWWW for a 87.563% chance of success.

Anyone mentioned this one?
Holy Crap. I go away for a couple hours and comeback to 13 new comments.
Best prepare myself for massive drama.
@Fluttershy Oh, and there it is!
I should get some frozen yogourt to go along with this drama.
@Wipqozn Nope. Just me dismantling the opposition.
Nothing to see.
@Wipqozn mmmm froyo
@AshleyNunn Mixed Berry flavour,.
@Wipqozn I love yogurt. Not frozen.
Cold stuff hurts my teeth.
@fbueckert Oh lord, that was painful to read.
@Wipqozn I trust I did a good job of explanation to dense bricks?
@Wipqozn oooh yummy
@fbueckert You're patience is admirable.
@RedRiderX A stupid answer requires an even stupider comment :P
@Wipqozn .....*twitch*
@jeffreylin_ Heh
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
@fbueckert You're patience is admirable.
@Wipqozn throws a bucket of rocks at you
ducks for cover
Hey! I did nothing!
I deserved that.
Q: When does meta become site policy?

David StarkeyI have asked a few times where the Arqade site policy states different things. Many of these times, the response is a link to a Meta discussion. I realize that the Meta is the place where the site's policy gets made and is intended to exists so we can smooth out the rules of the site as well as...

@Wipqozn Use Protect!
What is it with these meta Qs recently? ...
@fbueckert I will bite right into a popsicle.
Half of them make me want to slam my head into a wall.
Apple is being stupid
And the App Store:
@jeffreylin_ SOP
@OrigamiRobot wha?
@OrigamiRobot shudders no.
@jeffreylin_ Standard Operating Procedure.
He's saying Apple is always stupid.
but sometimes it isnt
@jeffreylin_ I beg to differ.
Like sometimes stuff actually works.
Anyways, shower time!
Gotta get ready for dance class!
@TimStone three holes in a line, it's just so beautifully simple
(except not)
@fbueckert not sure
I love Steam sales. All my old answers get rep!
@BenBrocka @TimStone BL2 tonight?
Waiting for the 8 hour rotations is worse than waiting for the sale to start was.
Q: Can I direct the audio in Fallout: New Vegas to another device?

John StrakaI'm playing New Vegas on my PC. I want to redirect the audio to my monitor's speakers while my default audio device is set to my TV. I couldn't find anything in the options, is there somewhere else I can specify which audio device New Vegas uses?

I can kinda see why people would say that to the "asker".
@OrigamiRobot "How classy is @OrigamiRobot?"
I'm really tempted to ask a question on that proposal about you.
@OrigamiRobot -1
He's super classy.
very isn't strong enough
The classiest Origami folding robot I know.
@Wipqozn I prefer a bit of humilty
@OrigamiRobot Which is super classy.
Computational Origami

Proposed Q&A site for computer scientists, mathematicians, and Origami artists with an interest in the science of how paper folds.

Currently in definition.

I had a comment on there suggesting the entire proposal be closed as a duplicate of me.
But it got deleted.
Having not even started a proper game of Dungeons of Dredmore, it looks like I could sink a lot of time into this.
@OrigamiRobot Heretics!
@StrixVaria It can be a timesink
@StrixVaria 60 hrs, and I've only killed Lord Dredmor once :P
@StrixVaria it's fun for a while but after a while the lack of depth hurts it.
@Sterno It seems like it has a lot of breadth.

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