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@Powerlord Yes - you overheal for half as much as normal, so e.g. soldiers at 250
that also means that you're still ALWAYS charging uber at maximum speed
typically that means that you're giving your patient the means to survive the occasional random crit
@Wipqozn that's not going to last
enjoy it while you can
80% of players who had the DR used DR
now the DR got nerfed without the l'etranger and massively buffed with it
so that's going to be like 90%?
@badp That's a good point.
Maybe I should play TF2 again for a bit just so I can make use of it.
@badp wait it got buffed? Howso?
@BenBrocka It's not bugged
@BenBrocka The l'etranger adds 40% cloak time
I heard about the nerf, didn't hear about an upside
Oh, will it be better than the old DR with that buff?
The DR had a 1.5 second cloak time penalty and still does have it, and that was a pain in the arse
because you had less time to make a clean decloak that was much more noisy
equip the l'Etranger and it's 9.1 seconds instead of 6.5
which is longer than the regular watches without l'Etranger at 8 seconds
now the l'Etranger is personally the spy revolver I hate the most but...
when I have to break through a chokepoint now I still can and I can do it in a more clean way. I just lose a ton of gun damage in the progress.
Do you even need the gun that much?
Actually yes. For example, sap a teleporter entrance then gun it down so the engineer has less-to-no time to unsap
I didn't even realized you played spy @badp. I thought you mostly played Medic and Engineer.
with the enforcer the teleporter is pretty much dead if you do that
with the l'etranger the engineer will probably unsap it.
@Wipqozn I don't really play Spy, I just sap stuff as it.
Q: How do you beat 'Snoop Drop'?

GnomeSliceThe rules of PushCat are fairly simple: pieces can only fall straight down, and can only be pushed while at rest. So I'm at a loss for how to get past the following cave in World 2: At best, I can match up the blue gems, the center green gems, and 3 of the four righthand red gems. This combi...

Q: Will Grand Theft Auto V be available on the PC?

Jarrod MosenThere's speculation and misleading posts all around the net; not helpful. Is Grand Theft Auto V going to be playable on the PC? If so, when?

Q: Diablo 3 Spirit Stone

Pat R ElleryI am trying to finish the achievements in Diablo 3 and one of them I can't complete since I have to buy the Spirit Stone. The achievement is: Shut Up and Take My Money! I can't find it anywhere in 1.0.8. Any one got it? any one knows where to buy it? Thanks

If I get a stab opportunity, great, but I just focus on sapping.
@badp You're such a scamp.
@Wipqozn I worry about the enemy team getting overweight and encourage them to have long healthy walks to our spawn doors
The quickfix is even better now
It was already amazing but... jeez.
still needs buff lol
@badp Yeah, sapping teleporters is often underestimated I find.
You can really break a team by killing teir tellys.
@Wipqozn You prolly only play in pubs
@Retrosaur Nah, it's as good as it's ever going to be realistically
in comp, tele's are highpriority saps
I don't think anyone here except for you and maybe powerlord plays competitive
Nobody ever guards a tele, but people guard sentries
I play comp, and I suck major balls
@badp That was the change I was the most happy about. Not only does it get improved, but it will now get actual love. It got so much hate by people who just saw no overheal and just went "It's shit"
but yeah, teleporters are top priority for me
Now QF medics dont need a medigun medic to supplement
before, it only made sense if you actually had a supporting or lead medic
the quickfix was amazing on no-crit pubs.
No matter what you say.
Now it's beyond that.
l once found a server
that granted Minicrits for the QF's uber
those were so fun to use
That's probably a little over the top
The great part about the change is that by capping overheal at 50% you're still always charging uber at full speed
because the speed drop is at like 180 or 190% health
but. otoh. fast pyro is dead T___T
Not really, powerjack is still here
Also, Scout is a new flying plane
just imagine all the atomizer/winger pubbers
that with a FaN
is like a 4.25x normal jump
@Retrosaur but the powerjack effect is only available when you actually hold the gun
@badp You can still get a triple jump without having the atomizer out
SO it's at least 3 jumps with the bonus
as opposed to all the time
Oh welp that changes thing
I also liked the neat map changes
Well it means that Valve is sneaking kinda-fast pyro in highlander whether the comp community wants it or not :P
like badwater
that little fucking stupid ledge hurts me so much
I still don't know what change they've made to prevent sticky jumping over the whole first point of badwater
Shortstop is so meh right now
@Retrosaur it's always-on milk right?
It's a "i dont understand lol" kinda thing
Yeah, it's supposed to synergize
but the downside is so iffy
I think it only refers to airblasts
2 hours ago, by badp
wait what.
great... great... no that doesn't work.
CM5K Users slightly rejoice, Phlost users slightly rejoice, and DR spies gently weep
@Retrosaur l'etranger, man. l'etranger
9.1 seconds of dead ringer
Weeping is currently the last thing I'm doing
lol Battalaion's is actually useful now
The one thing I am weeping about is the wrangler
And CnD now has almost amazing synergy with the letranger
how are you going to defend fastlane 2nd now?
lol fastlane lol
now that snipers are the new and improved engineer counter
uh so now it's even easier to jump past the whole first point, not harder
Darwin users rejoice
Cozy Camper users (if there are any) got welped
demoman still my fav.
New mic ordered
fuck. The wrangler shoots all over the place now. Awful
sticky jump where ever I please.
@badp How far away is the sentry to get that spread?
@Lazers Dupe
Q: What counts as an "assist"?

RetrosaurWhile the TF2 Wiki does state: A kill assist is awarded to a player dealing a fair amount of damage to an enemy before another team member finishes the enemy off. It is ambiguous however. Many times I have damaged an enemy before another player comes to finish them off, yet the killfeed ...

Q: How do you get to Tanned Land?

rikitikitikI have just started playing Order and Chaos and reading some beginner guides online, it's a good idea to finish the quests in both starting areas to get a leg up when leveling up. I started as a human and went to Silence to look for a way to get to the Tanned Land, where two of the other races ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz How do you find duplicates so well? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/123491/…
@FAE Wow, scifi.se really does accept any question...
Q: How does human-robot sex work?

S-KozWhen Amy and Bender hooked up, or Fry and his Lucy Liu-bot, and other human-robot couples, how exactly does the sex part work? Do robots have sexual organs? Do they feel pleasure in a way that's comparable to humans?

@LessPop_MoreFizz there are books on that
@WorldEngineer There's also an entire website devoted to sketches of dragons having sex with automobiles. What's your point?
> Why was this closed?
... really?
they had to ask that question
Q: What does "Leave a calling card on your victims" do?

RetrosaurThe new update today removed all item set bonuses and made them slightly different. The wiki pages for each set's effect reads: Leave a calling card on your victims What exactly is this calling card. Is it a particle effect? Does it change gameplay whatsoever?

Q: >Is there pumkins in minecraft 0.7.1?

Z-manI'm trying to make a snow Gollum, but all I need to do is get a jack-o-lantern. But I can't find any.

Q: How do you get obsidion from lava and water?

Z-manI have found lava right next to water, but when they touch, it just makes cobblestone, and I'm trying to get obsidian.(0.7.1)

@Ktash It's closed AND protected?
@DavidStarkey Was protected within 10 minutes of being asked
@BenBrocka tug
definitely tug
@Ktash Can sounds like a good option too.
@Ktash Can is equally inappropriate.
And therefore correct.
Hey all,

I hope this is the right forum to ask this question but here goes:
I'm looking for an OLD, really old, turn based Strategy/RPG style game.

The details:
It was all Chinese, and never touched western shores.
It's main character/s were predominantly female.
It only worked on the PC.

From what I remember, it had to of been from/around the early to mid 90s.
@dnyce Better that you asked here than on the site, where it would be closed and deleted with extreme prejudice.
that said, I don't think you'll get much help here either. :(
Yeah, the Chinese language bit is an obstacle.
@WorldEngineer Yeah it's a damn tough one and I was hoping that somewhere out there in the internetz that someone could remember this damn game. It's been driving me crazy. I did manage to find another game I loved from that era (Flame Dragon Knight 1 & 2), but this one eludes me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hahaha agreed!
@dnyce any other details? the description seems a bit generic, especially for a chinese strategy rpg
> I don't particularly care for Mashed Potatoes.
You monster!
@Krazer I forgot you know Chinese.
They are overrated.
Also, somebody else reject this edit before someone else approves it without reading the question and wipes out my flag. gaming.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/42098
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, that's fine. But to not like them? I mean.. They are tasty when done up right.
/glare @Brant.
What what?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm confused.
@Brant The edit you just aproved cleans up what is basically a complete nonanswer. If the edit gets approved, my flag gets wiped out because the system assumes the edit fixed it.
I don't feel like flagging it again.
Oh, I see now.
@Krazer @Krazer I've been trying to dig deep for this one. The best I can remember is that it was an almost female cast. I believe they skewed towards mechs. If you have any ideas throw them out. They have to be better than what I got.
Well, in my defense, the edit itself was useful. :/
Ahha! I figured it out.
cleaning up content that ought to be deleted is a waste of time and I will never understand why people do it all the time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz flagged
Because of the sweet sweet +2 accepted edit repz
@LessPop_MoreFizz Rejected the edit, so your flag should still be good.
@Brant Well yes, but I just don't understand idiots who feel the need to fix the capitalization and spelling on a post that doesn't address the question it's posted to and ends with the word PENUS written 60 times in bold text, just to drive the vandalistic point home.
Q: How to use the Beast of Burden Pig in RS?

Shadow ZorgonI did the bringing home the bacon quest, and I got the carrying pig pet. Can this pet carry anything, or do i need the spirit one to hold anything.

@dnyce any specific characteristics? distinguishing features
class GobsProgram { static void Main() { GOB: Console.Write("PENUS"); goto GOB; } }
Oh wait, labeled statments can't be numbers
@Krazer @Krazer The females wore black attire. I could be off on this one but I believe the game had a pink theme to it.
@Krazer I believe it was isometric.... Seems weird for such an old game but hey, my memory remembers it that way.... so uhhh yeah.
Isometric was fairly common for strategy games in the early through late 90s if they were turn based
even shows up in the 80s
@WorldEngineer Well then there you have it.
@Krazer @WorldEngineer The fact that it's chinese has to give me some options. I can't seem to find any games that even resemble it right now. Can you throw out anything that sounds remotely close to this? It may give me something to do a G search on.
@dnyce off the top of my head I can only think of Power DoLLS (特勤機甲隊) but that's Japanese. All female cast and mechs.
It's not Chinese but there's one called Vantage Master Online
The TF2 patch notes read like a nightmareishly surreal version of reality. "Strange Bacon Grease can now be gift-wrapped"
Just saying.
@dnyce the problem is whether or not it's originally Chinese or have been localized into Chinese. The Chinese aren't exactly known for creating original creative content
scribbles notes
...I think I should give up on this STUPID game. How did I beat it when I was like 14
@AshleyNunn what game?
Oracle of Seasons
Like I know exactly how to beat this mini boss, I just cant seem to actually DO it
@AshleyNunn dungeon 8 or 6?
@Krazer the mini boss in dungeon 4
@BenBrocka Didn't they just do a traditional one costing $30?
@AshleyNunn the real ghost has a shadow
@AshleyNunn Crud, I just played through that game but I don't remember which one is dungeon 4 and which mini-boss that is.
@Krazer Oh, that boss?
@Krazer yeah, I know. but they kill me with their fireball deals before I can get shots in
@Brant Seriously... These are some pretty big changes.
@Powerlord Did they? There was Full Frontal Assault which I completely forgot about honestly, and All 4 One which wasn't traditional
@BenBrocka I haven't actually played Full Frontal Assault, but I thought it was supposed to be a traditional one.
@AshleyNunn yeah that boss is a bit tricky and tedious, try getting close after you light the torches while charging your sword, release when you get close
it's mostly about timing imo
Maybe it is, I'll have to check it out, I didn't realize it was out...reviews aren't great though
...weird, empty replies apparently dont work.
@AshleyNunn There is a matter which requires your attention
@OrigamiRobot Is that so
....Steam you just restarted because you updated. How are you updating AGAIN
@AshleyNunn I am the great and powerful steam! Do not question my methods.
@DavidStarkey well I think your methods are stupid. ;)
@AshleyNunn Pay no attention to that name behind the curtain
how very Oz-ian of you :P
Oh yay! TF2's internals dealing with attributes have changed.
@AshleyNunn Green Lantern, Emerald City...close enough.
The TF2Attributes plugin is completely broken. TF2Items may be as well.
CAttributeList::SetOrAddAttributeValueByName is totally gone now.
@AshleyNunn yay!
you showed that wizardy guy who's boss
@Krazer Your advice about the sword charging helped :)
@AshleyNunn ~(=^・ω・^)_旦
Q: What color is Icon 117

David StarkeyIn Color Mania (similar to iconmania but rather than spell it out you have to guess the colors that make it up) I'm stuck on an icon. Every time I run out of lives I have to wait an hour to get more, so I'd rather not have to keep guessing. I'm in level 6 (Icon 117) but I'm not sure if icons al...

@Lazers kind of an Olive Green color, tad metallic.
@spugsley today's picture was lovely and creepy and awesome.
@AshleyNunn hey thanks :) It was hard work! I HAD TO EDIT OUT A BOOB :O
@spugsley Oh my :O
@spugsley I read an article about the politics of NC today...my sympathies.
@WorldEngineer yeah pity me
also nice photography as per idiom.
But in all seriousness, it was deliciously creepy
@AshleyNunn thank you, that was the intent :3
I wanted to know why she was like all "shh dont tell"
Because kinky things were done to strawberries?
anyway, I'm out
@WorldEngineer lol I don't know what kind of strawberries you're eating buuuut I don't think they're supposed to do that :p
@spugsley :o
@Ktash I KNOW!
no, but really :o
@spugsley grind, boil down in simple syrup, discard pulp.
and I'm actually gone now
@WorldEngineer Are you really?
I've never really thought the world would be a better place without photoshop... until now
@Ktash hahaha you're the one who works for Adobe. Just sayin ;)
I'm going into work tomorrow and filing a bug against photoshop for that
because the ability to do that is obviously a bug
Ok im curious, where is this picture?
@spugsley Wait... he really works for Adobe?
@Powerlord Yeah, I learned that the other night when I was bitching about DRM
@Powerlord yarp :)
@Powerlord I like how you asked her that lol
@Powerlord I like how you don't ask him directly.
oh, and to claify:
No I can't get you software
No I can't make flash run on your iPhone
I get all the same update notifications you do, not my department
@AshleyNunn also, you didn't know that before?
@Ktash No, I dont think so
But I do have a tendency to forget stuff lke that
I see how it is. I'm obviously not important for you
Hey, I remember you! I just dont remember your job, because that is not a detail that is immediately useful, unlike many other things about you..
Q: What is the advantage of teams in the fighting tournaments?

Fredy31I was just watching some footage from last year's EVO... and something is bothering me. Why does it seem that players are affiliated to teams (like Complexity and Evil Geniuses)? I understand that in the CS or LoL scene, they are the people that you play with, that are in a team with you; but t...

@AshleyNunn like?
@DavidStarkey That I'm awesome, a great KH player, a gentleman, a dangerous flirt, a gentle lover, ruggedly handsome, humble, a beautiful human being, and disarmingly charming all while being down to earth and "cool"
@Ktash I don't know so much about number 5....
@Ktash I just wanted to make sure she knew that ^_^
@DavidStarkey Oh trust me, he knows I know ;)
@AshleyNunn I'd be willing to demonstrate
@Ktash Well, we already discussed yesterday how you are across the country and down a bit...so.
@Ktash I could potentially watch this for hours
@spugsley <3 that show. Makes me miss having proper TV
@AshleyNunn no worries, if there's a great dance I will find it on youtube and post for your viewing pleasure :)
@spugsley You rock my socks :D
@AshleyNunn distance is but a number that can be overcome
@Ktash I lack cash to fly or time to walk :P
@Ktash ....thats pretty much me dancing
.....okay, now I hate the boss in this dungeon
I seriously do not remember this game being so damn hard
@AshleyNunn dungeon 4 still?
@AshleyNunn you try breaking his claw off?
@Krazer yeah, I am just struggling with gaming tonight it seems
@AshleyNunn what are you stuggling with?
do you have the pegasus boots?
@Krazer I just....die
I suck at controls tonight
@AshleyNunn do you have roc's feather?
@AshleyNunn you can start by equipping the feather and sword and jumping to avoid the claw attack, once you get the clw off swap the feather for the slingshot, with any seed. When the crab thing starts to summon the mini-bug things shoot the eye with the slingshot and take care of the mini bugs
That sounds doable
there's another way to defeat it while keeping the claw on
it involves using the pegasus boots and shooting the eye with the slingshot as he raise to do the claw attack
takes a bit more timing and coordination
yeah, I am not oing well with anything requiring coordination
@AshleyNunn how goes it?
@Krazer Not so well. I think I am going to read a book instead XD
@AshleyNunn oh what book?
Right now I am reading Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America which is kinda good except when the author makes mistakes
@AshleyNunn so it's... fictional satire?
@Krazer No, its supposed to be non fiction
but the author clearly did not fact check
@AshleyNunn learly you should stop reading here and move to another book or risk being misinformed
@Krazer I might - I have a Brandon Sanderson book I havent read yet...
@spugsley how long have you been staring into a computer screen, recently?
@Krazer just tried to sleep and tossed and turned for like 30 min.
@spugsley do you have a body pillow?
perhaps your body is not getting enough support
@Krazer the problem is my stupid husband made about 400 hilarious bean jokes right before I tried to sleep and I couldn't stop laughing
@spugsley he is a terrible man
@AshleyNunn he told me he ate a whole can of pinto beans at dinner (I wasn't home), that he has bean-itis, and that he's probably going to die from it, and then tried to make me feel his stomach to see if I could feel the "bean shapes in there"
and I doubt he will remember any of this because he is sleep delirious
@spugsley oh my god I <3 him
and I wonder why I can't sleep lol
this is like an every night thing
he's hilarious when he's sleepy
thats sokay, I am taking ridiculou selfies to prove to a friend that I am not sleeping on my floor
and then posted one to Tumblr
so everyone gets to see me
lucky them
how about some rain? rainymood.com
I use lightning bug on my phone for a similar thing
also, I am trying to convince me that startiing my passport application late at night would be lame
but I need to do it like ASAP
so my brain is like 2 AM IS THE BEST TIME FOR THIS
@AshleyNunn why not, it can't possibly take that long
@spugsley grins if I had the money to fly down I would be there like yesterday
@AshleyNunn HI PRETTY LADY! Also reppin' the SE shirt I see!
@spugsley haha yeah
I wore it today and was like....it can totally be pjs
because it is like the softest shirt I own
@AshleyNunn I do that ALL the time!
@spugsley glad i am not the only one
@AshleyNunn I also very often steal Ian's shirts because they are like 5 times larger than me and the most comfy ever
that does sound lovely
I have never had a lover who was of a size where shirts were thievable
Q: In the sealed deck mode of Magic 2014, are the slots for decks separate or do they feed to the same pool?

user51662I just want to know if the decks are infinitely expandable, limited only by the money you spend or does each "slot" only have a limited number of boosters for it? I've owned all the other DOPs but I am hesitant to have a repeat of my Magic Online purchase. What I had liked about the previous DOPs...

silly people
also, I apologize if you follow me on tumblr and I like randomly flood your dash with ridiculous - me and my tumblr friends can get silly
like I forget people can see when we end up yelling about potatoes
@AshleyNunn lol I think it's adorable
my bloody handprint photo got oddly popular on Tumblr
@spugsley ooooh nifty
I found out recently that one of my photos has been blogged thousands of times O-o it was odd
it didn't get reblogged from my tumblr though
@spugsley seriously? awesome
@spugsley booo
it was some "promoting literacy blog" or something which is still awesome and at least she linked back to me
@spugsley which one
how soon until you're discovered and famous?
user image
this guy
@Krazer hopefully like tomorrow so I can pay off all our student loan debt and buy a house
@spugsley Oh, I do love that one
I am surprised it hasn't hit bookporn yet (one of my fave blogs, all just pictures of books and people reading and stuff)
@AshleyNunn me too :) not too complicated but good execution
@spugsley its gorgeous
did they credit you? leave ne comments?
@Krazer yup, they did link back to my flickr account :) I had a spike in traffic on the photo and was really confused until I saw it was tumblr
@spugsley yeah tumblr gets really excited about things :P
@AshleyNunn lol truth
it makes me laugh
like I realized I know a lot about a lot of fandoms that I have never actually seen or read the content for (like the swimming anime....)
okay I tihnk I am gonna try to sleep now
@AshleyNunn take us with you
@AshleyNunn good luck :( Hopefully I'll follow soon
1 hour later…
sleep well, all of you
@SimonL It's on the top ledge on the opposite side of the map, shooting in the general direction of snipers that could come in for an headshot
and if they do that, your nest is fucked and there is nothing you can do.
hello people
Q: Accessing the dungeon from Hell

Chris NicholsonSo I was wandering along in Hell today building myself a nice bridge ready to kill the WOF, when suddenly above me I noticed some nice blue bricks. Upon closer inspection I realised that it was actually the very lowest point of the dungeon. I tunnelled through and so now have a (handy?) back door...

Q: Where is the best place to buy runescape 3 gold?

gold4fansAs Jagex announced, Runescape 3 will be launched on July 22. If you are a fan of this game, you must get yourself prepared from now on. Gold4fans.com is a legit store for runescape 3 gold. 8% discount code for you: GOLD4FANS http://www.gold4fans.com 24/7 online service to assure you fast deli...

Kit for russian Sam Fisher:
I wish you could retroactively reject edits
@badp I rejected some of that guys edits yesterday as to minor, but other people approved them.
A: Solution to gameplay freezing in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on PS3 Slim?

Efrén AguilarNot sure if it's too late and already encontraton the solution but I just find a how to fix it ... first clear all data relating to the PS3 game   (minus the save) then menten the game in the console, open and when I strip it of the give update cancel, there are given the known problem of the cur...

this is incomprehensible to me
> After passing this might strike you lerdean sounds and hard to move the presentation of the credits, this will make the same method, take the tray with the game and return to meter, then give starting and increasingly starting to be hit the video or the audio do this until can save data for the first time
It's a gradient of wat
what is a "kjuego"
@badp I... think this was passed through google translate a few times.
@Blem juego. game.
> Also solutions already know Encontraton in the second half. Game console a clear exclusion and cancellation Menten PS3 games (open) data is negative
@badp Transfer of audio data storage path receiver tray game presentation hit my credit card in the first place and starts Lerdean sounds hard m video.
so what are the odds on steam summer sale starting today?

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