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I can't remember the exact day
It was mid-20s.
It might be a little tight if you want the best ending and are missing parts in 5 different areas, but almost certainly possible
Oh, that's closer to the wire
I had forgotten that Pikmin had a time limit.
iirc I had a really bad day and lost a ton of pikmin, and had to spend a couple days getting back all my pikmin. I didn't realize I could just go back and play a previous day.
I only just realized that now.
@BenBrocka That was part of it too. Parts were spread out across multiple areas.
It was a couple years ago so I can't remember all the details.
Right now I've got 10/30 parts and I'm on Day 8.
Q: Will horses spawn in old worlds?

Young GuiloWith the new update of horses I have a problem; I can't find any. Do you need to make a new world for the update or do all of my other worlds automatically get updated?

@FAE I expected lawl and roffle
Wait, what? Release of Pikmin 3 is July 26th?
@badp It amused me. :)
@Wipqozn That's a fairly healthy start I think
@fbueckert August 8th for us.
or 3rd...
august single digits.
It's 26th for UK I think.
I didn't think it was coming out until the fall.
@Wipqozn Probably 8th; the 3rd is a Saturday.
I suppose I should preorder that
@BenBrocka Never pre-order games! It's not worth it!
@fbueckert eh, depends on the game and the company.
In this case I really have no reason not to. Nintendo's not going to fuck up Pikmin 3
It's not EA we're talking
I usually don't pre-order games anymore. In fact I can't recall the last time I did, but...well, what @BenBrocka just said.
Combination of the game + company + following it before hand
@Wipqozn Unless you really want to play it on release day or shortly thereafter, you can almost always pick it up for cheaper afterwards.
@fbueckert That is true, but not for Nintendo titles.
Nintendo takes a while to drop the price of first-party games, and then usually not by much.
Just a matter if a sale happens at a local store.
@Wipqozn ...Really? I've never noticed that. Huh.
@fbueckert Skyward Sword is still $50.
@Wipqozn Good thing I qualified that with, "almost always"!
@fbueckert Yes sir!
Yeah Nintendo games don't drop price much anymore. I finally bought Kirby's Return to Dreamland and it was still like $45 new or something, it's 2 years old
I need to finish that game.
I don't even know if they do "greatest hits" stuff anymore
I got to the final world, and the difficulty took a huge leap. I was sad.
@Wipqozn You need to finish it AND EX mode, I've heard the True Arena is pretty kick-ass
Kirby is one of those games that I like to have a low difficulty.
I just see it as a super relaxing fun time.
@fredley Do you have Circle Pack 3 in origin circle?
@Wipqozn Really? I had a teeny bit of trouble getting all energy spheres but I found it pretty easy still
@OrigamiRobot No, trying now and failing badly
Even the final boss is a bit forgiving (if you die you start over at the form you died on)
@fredley I can't even come up with a plan.
I rarely died more than a couple times on any level, not counting that stupid spiked boot "power up"
@OrigamiRobot Need to work out what ratio of r the centers of the circles need to be
Turns out my body likes having blood in it.
@BenBrocka It's possible that I was just bored of the game by the time I got to the final level and was really lazy.
me and my friends died over 10 times to a level starting with one of those boots on saturday. We gave up and continued without it
@RonanForman I can fix that for you.
...Joy. I just got tasked with learning a new CMS system and giving a dev quote within two weeks.
@Wipqozn It's really fun with friends. I'd strongly suggest finishing it, maybe bring friends to finish it and start EX mode, or the Arena
@BenBrocka Yeah, I've been meaning to.
@Ori How?
Er just Extra mode or whatever they call it
I'm bad at not finishing games.
Okay, I need to get ready for class.
@RonanForman Full robot conversion.
It's pretty fun with multiple Kirbys running around, and Metaknight is pretty sweet
@OrigamiRobot You sure you're not a Cyberman?
@Origami But then I wont have any blood to give away.
@fbueckert Cybermen are made of metal.
@Ori Some of them have human bits.
@fredley I was trying to use a star to get that one. Oh well.
@RonanForman I think you need to do actual maths for this one
Not actual maths! I prefer my maths haphazard and rushed.
@RonanForman That's not math!
@fbueckert 7*7 is about 50!
Pi is exactly 3!
@fredley I'm looking at my normal Circle Pack 3 trying to figure out how I could go from the circle in.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I tried that
@RonanForman Urge to kill...rising!
@fredley It's not going well.
aww man, my square is vertical, not diagonal, so it doesn't count...
@OrigamiRobot I'm going for a different approach: source code
@fbueckert Smug mode
@fredley Cheater!
@RonanForman Pi is Pi. Now, the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference depends on the curvature of the space it inhibits. It's exactly Pi only in some very specific circumstances.
@fbueckert Maths is useless in everyday life!
You brits are dead to me now.
Source code does not appear to contain solutions in a easily readable format :(
@fredley "Maths is" See how stupid that looks and sounds?
@OrigamiRob Sounds good to me.
@RonanForman You got stupid ears. I can fix that was well.
@OrigamiRobot I ... don't see it, no.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@RonanForman You got stupid ears. I can fix that was well.
@OrigamiRobot My ears are fine!
How cheap are robot ears? You seem to be giving them away!
@RonanForman I am being charitable.
In origin
but it's not three circles :(
The problem is, collective nouns being treated as singular is stupid.
@Origami You do know when people say 'math' it sounds just as stupid to us as maths does to you.
@RonanForman Can we all agree to just call it mathematics?
It's a bit more typing, but then we don't get stupid arguments over the Atlantic Ocean.
@Unionhawk Come now. They're clearly called doughballs.
@Shotgun I don't care if people call it maths, math or mathematics. You can if you want.
@ShotgunNinja The Bridge is all about stupid arguments!
@fbueckert What else would we talk about?
@RonanForman I dunno. Gaming?
Ha! Good one!
Q: Can I use my ME3 multiplayer progress on a PC

ChrisI play ME3 on xbox and a friend has it on PC. I know we can't game together between platforms but I was wondering if I bought ME3 on the PC is there any way that I can use the same profile that I use with xbox so I have the same classes and weapons unlocked without having to start over again? I'm...

@RonanForman Thanks. I thought so.
Gaming is off topic in this chat room
@fredley Games are off-topic. Gam*ing* seems to be alright.
7 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
The problem is, collective nouns being treated as singular is stupid.
WTF, why is there a comma there?
@fbueckert I would say pedant. But you'd take it as a complement.
@OrigamiRobot Ask EL&U
@RonanForman I care.
@Ori I never suggested you did.
First, I think you meant "didn't" and second, it's irrelevant.
Anyone ever used Sitefinity?
Q: New Game Ideas Survey

user1279563Our newly formed console application development team, a few good friends called the WereWolves, is planning to make their first game. For our first step, we set a goal, that is to try investigate the average gaming behaviour of some volunteers. To help us create a better game, and give us more ...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside That's gonna get closed so hard.
@fbueckert I'd wager for a spam burninate, actually.
@FEichinger And it just got deleted.
@fbueckert Fast
btw have you guys found the current custom close reasons adequate or do you reckon they could be improved?
@badp Needs moar "confuses badp"
@OrigamiRobot Or really, "Because I said so."
@badp There doesn't seem to be a generic off topic anymore
At least not in the flags
Ahh, ok, you can't flag as offtopic-other, but you can close that way
Yep, custom OT is not flaggable, needs to be a global custom flag (which makes it rather pointless).
Q: Civ 5 over remote session?

MikeSo I have been playing Civ 5 hotseat with my wife. But it is a little fustrating getting up getting out of the room or changing chairs. My wife has a laptop, but the graphics card is not that great. I was thinking if I had her remote into my computer under a different session and she was to la...

Q: No custom off topic message when flagging on SO

Esoteric Screen NameI have less than 3000 rep on StackOverflow. Now that the new closing changes are live, I cannot supply a custom off topic message: I can enter a custom off topic flag message without issue here on meta, though it only has three canned off topic reasons, rather than five. I'm not sure if this ...

It existed until they realised that making it useful would be hard and just trashed it. :P
If I build a PC, do I need to solder anything? >_> I've swapped video cards and RAM before, and a hard drive, but I have no experience with processors or motherboards.
@Fluttershy You really shouldn't have to.
@Fluttershy Depends on what you're building it out of. :)
@Fluttershy With both PCs I've built, I've only ever needed to fasten things with screws and those lever things on CPU heatsinks
@fluttershu randomly - I have read Perks of being a Wallflower and watched it. I liked the movie better but that's because I don't like epistolary novels.
Also my phone apparently does not like your name.
Afternoon, Bridge
@AshleyNunn @Fluttershy has a new name
@fbueckert Soo... me, then?
@SaintWacko ...You've never played Fire Emblem before?
Wow. That GMG sale didn't last long. Good thing I got BL2 just under the wire.
@fbueckert Nope. I started one of them for Gameboy, but didn't even get through the first battle before switching to something else
@SaintWacko Well, then. Casual works, but be aware that it's not an option in any other Fire Emblem.
Also, have I been missing the Steam summer sale?
@SaintWacko Nope. Hasn't started yet.
@fbueckert Yeah, I'll probably play it again on hardcore mode
@fbueckert Whew!
@SaintWacko How's Monster Hunter treating you?
@fbueckert Ha, you didn't hear the story
Walmart has it online for $29, so I went to the nearest Walmart to pickup a copy
Well, in store it's $40, and Walmart won't match their own online price
@SaintWacko Yeah, I've bitched about that before.
So I asked if I could order it Site-to-Store, and pick it up immediately
Escalated that question through two levels of management
They expect people who walk into the store to be susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy.
It would screw up their inventory
Well, Best Buy price matches Walmart's online price
So I start calling Best Buys
They were all out of Monster Hunter -.-
So I ended up just getting Fire Emblem
@SaintWacko Boo.
I guess you'll just have to order it online and wait for it to be delivered.
Yeah, exactly
Because screw companies that don't do that.
@AshleyNunn Aw man, I love epistolary novels.
@FAE Cannot stand.
@fbueckert I'm going to try to get it for that price from somewhere other than walmart, because I'm not happy with them right now
@SaintWacko I'm never happy with Walmart. Their business practices are incredibly unethical.
@StrixVaria I dunno, they just really click with me and I find them genuinely enjoyable. I really liked Ella Minnow Pea for that, especially with the way it played with language.
@fbueckert ...and Walmart no longer even carries Monster Hunter for 3DS
Oh there it is
Back up to $40
Just so you all know
Cube world is awesome :D
@FAE I can't not read "upholstery novels"
@OrigamiRobot ...>_>
@James This might of affected my buying decision if their store was working. :P
@RedRiderX Yeah its only open for like 2-3 hours a day if that now :/
I played the hell out of that game this holiday weekend though
Apparently it's under a DDoS attack.
@FAE Just sayin
@fbueckert Yeah I saw that too.
@FAE Ella Minnow pea is like my only exception to the rule.
Also guess who got sent home the moment she arrived at work because apparently emailing her to tell her there is no work is all but impossible apparently?
@AshleyNunn What don't you like about them generally?
Q: Unable to update to the latest version of Java

user1920468I want to run MCore for factions, but it needs Java 7. My computer is one month old about bought new from Apple Store 8gb RAM Intel i7. I reinstalled and now in Java Preferences it says Java 7 Update 25 but when I do java -version in terminal it says this: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment ...

@CakeLazers What have you done to @GrumpyLazers?
@jeffreylin_ He's having his once in a lifetime party
what makes this a once in a lifetime party is its the first and last Official Start Of Year Four Arqade Party
I'm pretty sure this is the first Arqade anniversary
@FAE they feel slow and odd, and I havw trouble keeping the implied action in my head
Q: Is there a simpler way than opengl/unity to create Android/iOS 2D games?

sandaloneI am aware that creating 2D games on Android and iOS is usage of OpenGL or Unity (or cocos2d on iOS only) is the best approach to create games on these mobile platforms. And we are using it. But the bad side of this approach is that it's time consuming so games cost a lot. Now, is there a cheap...

Q: Cho'gath AP/AD Hybrid Build?

user51502I'm fairly new to league. I started playing with warwick and really enjoyed but got bored of him pretty fast. I enjoy fairly high health, strong, carry champions with good CC and high kill farm and champion kill rates. Ive recently been playing Cho'gath and been thoroughly enjoying it. I've been ...

@CakeLazers @jeffreylin_ I took Minecraft out of there because the problem is not specific to minecraft.
Oooohkay... that was weird
I couldn't connect to steam and skype, and browsing was also flaky
So I thought "Meh f it", and went on cleaning up
Removed a derpy usb SD card reader and suddenly everything works o.o
@Fluttershy Hey, do you know where Pinky Pie keeps her party cannon?
@AshleyNunn So... since I haven't asked in a few days, have you had a chance to play 999?
@powerlord I haven't yet. But I will!
Bridge, I have evening plans booked every day this week. I'm going to be so bloody tired by the end of the week.
Blow em off to play video games.
@OrigamiRobot Maybe that's how robots do things, but we flesh-bags do things differently.
@Powerlord How silly.
@OrigamiRobot Nope. Introvert I may be, but people want to spend time with me. I'll be super tired, but it'll be fun, regardless.
@fbueckert I never said you had to do anything alone.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, where am I going to find people to play video games with?
That's not @TrentHawkins.
@fbueckert how should I know? I don't live anywhere near you.
@OrigamiRobot If you give a solution, it's your responsibility to see it through.
I never offered a solution to anything.
4 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Blow em off to play video games.
Sounds like a solution to me.
No, that's just a suggestion.
Even if it were a solution, it is complete as is.
Q: Why is Square Enix so lame? They disable downloading FFVII 30 days after purchase, lose cloud saves, and aren't providing steam keys

user51504I bought the PS1 copy, bought the disk PC version, and several months ago bought it again via the Square Enix Online store. Sadly, I didn't end up trying to play it at all. Why is this sad? Normally I could just download the game through the cloud like any other gaming service out there (steam, ...

@StrixVaria Magneton was best.
@OrigamiRobot I liked Machamp.
We're all watching that pretty much in sync right?
That didn't take long.
Deleted already.
It doesn't say who deleted it.
That's new.
Maybe the DB hasn't caught up with user actions.
@fbueckert No, user was deleted as well.
@OrigamiRobot Really? Sounds like another of those five minute ragequit things.
Ask question, see it get downvoted and closed, rage and delete account.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I deleted my account.
@OrigamiRobot You would have $0.
@OrigamiRobot I'd pay you to delete your account.
@RonanForman How much?
@OrigamiRobot $1, I thought that's what you wanted.
@OrigamiRobot The cheque's in the mail.
Although I'm not paying shipping. So that'll be $1.
@RonanForman You can PayPal me.
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't that take like a $1 surcharge?
@RonanForman Depends on how you set it up.
@OrigamiRobot That's just you pressing the button. Until you release it your account is safe.
Q: Is there a way to get the latest server jar through a URL that doesn't change?

Sean KennedyI'm writing a bash script to manage a vanilla server install on my eeePC. Right now I've been using http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar to get the minecraft_server jar. It seems to only be getting the 1.5.2 server version instead of the 1.6.2 server version. A...

Q: Friends do not get requests

Siobhan O'connorI am stuck on level 35. I need 3 friends to unlock the level, but I have tried sending the request and none have received my request. How do I unlock the level?

Q: Can you get the Lambda Locator achievement in multiple sessions in Half-Life 2?

sam.clementsPretty much as per the question. Do you have to do this in one playthrough, or can you reload chapters and pick up the missing ones later?

Q: Minecraft Spawner GUI

MaverickWell, I got the mod Spawner GUI and it's pretty cool, but I noticed it will only let you change the spawner in creative mode and NOT survival, Is there any way I can configure this? Please let me know!

For a small $5 fee I can be the middle man in your transaction
I'll take the money, then I'll delete @OrigamiRobot's account, then I'll run off to Hawaii with my phat profit
@OrigamiRobot You've just changed the name of your account.
@badp That's way more work than creating an account and deleting it.
@OrigamiRobot The amount of typing involved is just about the same
No, it would be nearly doubled.
@OrigamiRobot I thought your computer was called GlaDOS anyway.
Just change it once from Origami Robot to Nicolas Wale
@badp I'd have to change it to Origami Robot to begin with.
@OrigamiRobot That's what you're claiming.
@RonanForman That's my computer's name, not my account name.
@badp Also, holding down the delete button on my actual account is way too risky.
All investments require some amount of risk.
There's no gain without risk!
Economy 101
@badp Lies.
15 mins ago, by Ronan Forman
@OrigamiRobot I'd pay you to delete your account.
@OrigamiRobot Ha ha now I know your real name! I always suspected it was you, ASP.NET Machine Account!
If you actually weren't deleting your account you could be sent to jail for fraud!
Poor @RonanForman foolishly trusted you and you took full advantage of his guillibility
@BenBrocka Duh, I was wearing a nametag at the robot meeting! I still don't know why you were there...
@RonanForman being guillible will surely result in your prison stay tripling in length
(this is the awkward part where @RonanForman does not say something to the extent of "Oy!")
I guess he's off to supper. I blame @ChrisF.
@badp Why would I say anything? It's my benefit to not talk.
@badp Also, supper? Bah! I haven't even had tea yet!
@RonanForman damn it, that's not how guillible people behave!
work with me, dammit!
@badp Nope. I'm going to eat tea now.
Ah well.
I guess @OrigamiRobot'll get away with it then.
@RonanForman Eating tea? OK, you don't have to pay me $1. Use that to buy real food.
@AshleyNunn Ah, gotcha. They're definitely not to everyone's taste, I like them though. :)
What Felicia Day would look like in Game of Throne:
Seriously? It's not going to display the image? Stupid chat.
@Powerlord swoon
Also, today's Google logo is a game for some reason.
I think you simultaneously fixed it
@Unionhawk Lol yeah
URLs that don't end in a .jpg/etc image file extension need a ! before them to force chat to treat 'em like images
@BenBrocka good to know
@BenBrocka I'm sure glad that's documented somewhere!!!!111
Notably Twitter's image URLs almost always have non-file extension endings
Green Spree are best Spree.
@Powerlord It's probably somewhere in a Meta.SO question that has 16 views or something
@kalina That's pretty.
@kalina I want this game to be a thing already.
next year
I'm wondering what will happen to EVE
@Powerlord Roswell UFO sightings.
@kalina Did they say whether it was going to be subscription based?
@kalina Universal cartographics still use AM/PM? Boo.
nothing mentioned regarding that
That will determine whether or not I get it.
What game are we talking about?
@Fluttershy Your face!
So... this video of Mos Def being force fed a la Guantanmo Bay is probably the hardest thing to watch that I have watched in a very long time;
It's also probably the most important thing to watch that I have watched in a very long time.
@fredley I have no idea how to do any of these circle pack ones.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I once had a swab stuck that far up my nose to test my flu to see if it was the local epidemic's strain or not. That shit hurts.
@WorldEngineer You did not have a swab stuck as far up your nose as that probe went.
@LessPop_MoreFizz it hit the back of my throat and scrapped
@WorldEngineer That probe went far enough to ensure that the food in it was going down his esophagus and not his trachea
it didn't go down, true
@StrixVaria I can't get 3 in origin circle!
@OrigamiRobot I can't figure out any of them, except the 2.
Like I can get 3 that overlap each other slightly, or that don't touch.
But not 3 that are tangent to each other.
@StrixVaria Get the 3 that overlap and go from there.
@lesspop that horrified the shit out of me. It is completely inhumane.
@LessPop_MoreFizz the real appalling thing is the lack of a safeword
@AshleyNunn Yeah, it was really, really, really hard for me to watch.
I guess it wouldn't have been as dramatic but.
@badp Maybe the word 'mean' was, he said that just before the stopped. Or some other normal world.
Yeah, that stuff has nothing "medical" to it. There's no reason to do that. "Intravenous therapy" is a thing that exists.
@lesspop it took a lot for me to get through it all.
@AshleyNunn Is there something more after the demonstration ends? I cut there
@badp Intravenous therapy is not preferred as a means of resolving hunger strikes for a host of reasons;
not least of which, real damage can happen to a stomach when a person is surviving purely on intravenous nutrition.
Your digestive system needs to be used.
oh. hm.
otheriwse your stomach will eat itself
So how do they feed people that are like in coma?
do they send in the nasal probes?
...maybe they use the mouth.
@badp feeding tube through the mouth and diapers
I'd assume
@WorldEngineer Not just diapers, they also use catheters.
I've got friends who are nurses, I can ask...

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