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I think I'm 100% ready to post, too.
Alright, let's do this! Leerooyyyyyyy Jenkiiiinnnsssss!!!
(Also, cc @PhiNotPi.)
ayyo @El'endiaStarman @KZhang
:D Lemme know when you've posted the overview.
One moment, I need to fix an image
You know, as a later project, I might want to try to make this computer based on 8x8 or 16x16 cells instead of 11x11, just as a fun challenge that would speed up hashlife's emulation of this computer.
cheap image uploading
Goes to the same place ultimately
Guys I'm about to actually do it.
The hype is real
History in the making!
Well PPCG history
@El'endiaStarman you're up
Posted. @KZhang, your turn.
All right, posted
Posted mine
Posted overview in TNB
@PhiNotPi: You could add a permalink to QFTASM with the Tetris code loaded and RAM display set.
@El'endiaStarman added "Part 2" to your post title
> dividion
@PhiNotPi D: why
@PhiNotPi Yeah, noticed that pattern after you guys posted. Thanks for adding it.
@ASCII-only fixed
I'm sure everyone wants to take a break from QFT now but I'm still wondering if anyone can see any obvious reasons this wouldn't work
I guess the question really is: what components do you use apart from logic gates and clocks
It could technically work, but we're not actually that good with GOL stuff to do that.
@ASCII-only Wire crossings and delay components.
:| Why do you need so many delay components
Signal synchronization.
Everything is based on collisions, so synchronization is essential
They wouldn't be needed if all components are synchronized right?
How closely have you looked at the computer hardware? :P
Oh hey I earned the "revival" badge.
@PhiNotPi Yep, you definitely earned it. :)
Someone can edit the overview post to include links in the table of contents.
@El'endiaStarman :| not very, but ctrl+f doesn't really show anything about using e.g. the 4 tick delay
As for me... I have 6 pages of fluid mech homework due tomorrow... so peace out.
@ASCII-only I found those delay components in the hardware circuitry. There's a bunch of delay components all over the place.
That is some 100% totally not jank circuitry
Don't worry about it
me: creates 11x11 grid system. KZhang: #yolo
(It's a read counter)
At least the inputs and outputs are aligned with the 11x11 grid
And all the timing works out
@ASCII-only giggles
It still boggles my mind how he managed to get everything lined up and working. Especially in that monster component.
I'm actually kinda surprised, too
It's amazing how flexible you can make the wires using these B1/S and B2/S cells, and that definitely helped to get things working
Yeah, no doubt.
@muddyfish ?
ah shoot they're not here
I think Muddyfish is probably asleep
> last seen 3h ago
we might have picked a bad time
UK so definitely
He can post in the morning.
what do?
I guess the big ones are posted so not a huge deal
Technically the future directions post could come before his post.
That's Mego's, right?
That kind of seems like weird flow
Like "the future" should be the conclusion
okay let's just have @muddyfish post in the morning and then Mego can post tomorrow
Sounds good to me.
I think muddyfish's post could go last
since the new language isn't in use yet
New language? O_o
It does kind of fit with the "future" aspects mentioned
Somewhat relatedly, I'm actually kinda surprised that there's been comparatively little reaction so far. Is everyone else asleep or something? :P
sets zoom to 25%
upvotes every post
That's...actually rather clever.
I still have to scroll a lot
But at least now I won't get carpal tunnel
not sure if I should bounty the CW?
The rep wouldn't go to anyone, would it?
I don't think it would?
Yeah it wouldn't
What will probably happen is a bunch of +50 bounties everywhere
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 mins ago, by Downgoat
:/ I can't evently distribute bounty beacuse new one must be at least twice old one
So, should we ping Mego and tell him to post his answer?
Necromancer badges for everyone! :P
@El'endiaStarman Honestly I think so
here's why though
the QFTASM and Cogol part translates perfectly into the "how is the ROM made"
it's a good transition I think
Yeah. @Mego, time for you to get in on the action!
I'll change the order in the overview post
Joe Z. accepted
Can anyone take a screenshot of the entire computer
I don't have a monitor big enough to capture the entire computer for the prime-finder program without it becoming a big white blob-ish mass.
yeah it's just too big
@El'endiaStarman D: does your browser not have full page capture
Used to use this for those purposes before I switched to Vivaldi
@ASCII-only The full computer is in Golly though. Not a browser.
@El'endiaStarman Oh wait I meant the varlife one >_>
I mean, it could be done by stitching screenshots together. I don't really want to do that tonight though.
@ASCII-only I do mean the VarLife computer.
Oh yeah forgot it's in Golly too
I'm actually kind of happy that we're not getting too much attention yet, I was legitimately concerned that Varlife might get hugged to death
also @El'endiaStarman you might overtake me in rep for this :P
if you get a good bounty
@quartata I'm fairly sure I've got enough bandwidth. You've got a point though.
Should I start a bounty
do what you like
I think most people are hesitant to bounty because of the split answers which is kind of sad
Yeah. Quick, petition SE to remove the doubling requirement!
I messaged Mego on Steam by the way
I would bounty but don't want to drop from 2k :_(
Just an FYI I am going to see if I can get Forbes to do an article about this
Why Forbes though
it's not THAT big a deal
Because I can, I mean they have a tech section about cool stuff. So this would be cool
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ :|
Meh about Forbes. Better would be like Hackernews, Reddit, a GoL forum, etc...
@El'endiaStarman Posting now, uploading images
Praise be
My Steam nagging worked maybe
good job guys :D this is a big step in the GoL programming community :p
If you want me to send the email about this to any specific people just send me adresses
besides I was thinking of attemting this right about when you finished so let me have this :P
Here's to not getting sniped.
@quartata Actually it was El'endia's ping notification showing up on my phone
What's the biggest pattern ever created in GoL?
Oh, FYI Mego, I did implement permalinks for the QFTASM interpreter.
@El'endiaStarman Excellent! Editing.
@PhiNotPi Probably this one.
@Mego add "Part 5:" to your post title while you're at it
@PhiNotPi Done
I've added a link in the table of contents
@El'endiaStarman We should definitely post on Reddit and get in contact with HN
:/ I can't run Golly scripts
@ASCII-only What's the issue?
Imagine how many months of reddit gold is going to happen to you guys
No module named golly
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Not very many
I think the end score (with basic reddit calculations) will be $\text{-2*Pi*r^2}\cdot MPGofprius$
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ :| not everyone has the userscript
@ASCII-only :|
@ASCII-only Run it in Golly
I for one don't have the userscript because it's obtrusive and people should just accept that mathjax isn't in chat :P
@Mego Oh yeah :/
Fixed it :P
@ATaco you magnificent dinner
I'd be happy to cede a portion of my reputation for the bounty. I'll wait until later into the bountying phase, in case people want to start lower.
We're already started at 500.
oh cool
I'll bounty it in a week then
I'm happy to bounty it as well, this has been an incredible feat, everyone involved deserves it.
Keep in mind that bounties have to be at least twice as much as the previous one.
I actually wish the current bounty was lower so there isn't quite as much of a barrier for later bountiers.
I don't think it'll be a good idea for me to drop 2k of my 4k rep...
wait I thouhgt it was capped at 500
Unfortunately it's because of that 50 rep bounty posted before we posted
Yeah, I just semi-remembered that. Makes no sense to allow/have a 10,000 bounty.
We'll find out in 7 days, 'eh?
> Slice off anywhere from +50 to +500 of your own hard-earned reputation, and attach it to any question as a bounty.
Crisis averted! Every bounty will be 500 from here on out. I think.
as a proof of concept, you should try interpreting GoL in cogol/(gcc when it's done)
@El'endiaStarman \o/
> One or more of the answers is exemplary and worthy of an additional bounty.
@ConorO'Brien We already mentioned that
What does the "or more" imply?
Well just saying "one" would imply that the others aren't.
Not sure. I found a Meta.SE post from 2009 that says bounty splitting is a feature.
"Or more" suggests that there may be more worthy of an additional bounty, however, this is the one in question.
It's probably also been discussed but have you guys made a program that writes Hello, World! to the ram?
......y'know, that never occurred to me.
actually no we haven't done that
. MLZ -1 72 1; .MLZ -1 blah blah
^ basically will be that, though
@quartata Could be a little golfing challenge though, akin to doing it in BF.
although I think the naive way would be shorter
Okay got the image :D
Do I scale it up
Once we improve the assembler we'll just do data: . ASCIINZ "Hello, World!" or whatever
@ASCII-only Does that mean you can see the computer in Golly now?
@El'endiaStarman >_> I could always see it, it just took a while for me to figure out how to run a script
hrm tough to see the components
Haha yeah, the ROM and RAM are massive.
@quartata So do I scale it up
Bit of a side effect of storing each bit in its own cell I suppose.
no it's not your fault
Not hard to scale it up though
@ATaco and that's with the new RAM no less
Just wondering because it's hard to see but one of Mego's images are 1:1 scale
It kind of looks like someone dropped Langton's ant in places :P
Okay so how exactly do the RAM/ROM work
@ASCII-only KZhang explains that in his Hardware post?
I have successfully read half of the posts in an attempt to not write an essay, I feel enlightened and terrified at that same time
doesn't understand
So the cells do nothing unless they recieve both inputs at once right?
And then they give a signal only when they're set to 1
Hang on.
Can't you store ROM on a glider tape
Is this a magic eye? :P
I should make some animated gifs of all the components. I feel maybe that would make understanding easier.
*Multiple glider tapes
@KZhang I'm pretty sure you'll immediately have the problem that many of the components are too big.
True... I guess make varlife links?
Although, I did make links on a bunch of the images, so you can click on most of the images to open them in varlife
Yeah. I think that's good enough. The bigger components are effectively too big to have in-browser anyway since the viewing and editing controls aren't as sophisticated as Golly's.
> Secondly, how fast is the computer and how fast is the tetris game?
Do we have any hard numbers for this?
@PhiNotPi Slow and slower
@ASCII-only Sure, but we were working in metapixels anyway, so might as well build VarLife-based memory
@PhiNotPi Where is this from?
But if everything can be made 100x smaller isn't it golfier then :P
First of all +1, because this is an insanely awesome achievement (especially since you built a computer in game of life, rather than just tetris). Secondly, how fast is the computer and how fast is the tetris game? Is it even remotely playable? (again: this is awesome) — Socratic Phoenix 20 mins ago
We could measure the number of generations it takes for the clock signal to travel around the computer and the number of instructions between each drop of a Tetris piece.
@El'endiaStarman That's a good point - we should figure out the clock speed in steps/instruction.
We can do that in VarLife for simplicity and then multiply by 35328 to get the instruction cycle period in GoL.
Normal computer: 2.4GHz
QFT Computer: 1.17 nanoinstruction/tick
@KZhang probably knows the number of steps per clock cycle, since he designed it
@Mego I dunno; he designed it so the clock signal triggers the movement of data, so the actual flight time wouldn't matter that much.
@El'endiaStarman I would think he would still know how long the clock signal's cycle is. If not, it's not too hard to count.
Just wanted to stop by and say Congrats! really liked the explanations
2 hours later…
We should probably pin the answer in here
I've posted now
4 hours later…
congrats to all of you! this is really just insanely impressive :D
2 hours later…
And everyone's hit the rep cap :D
(I just had to drop in here to say that)
@muddyfish So did the challenge poster! :P
The number of steps per cycle can vary, since some instructions read from RAM and some instructions take longer to read in general.
Just woke up. I find it rather odd that the question is at 346 now but the answers are still around 70-80, maybe someone linked just the question somewhere?
also yay muddyfish posted
My colleague at work posted it somewhere
ah HN
> Even though it seems like implementing an aircraft carrier to kill a fly, what a amazing bunch of work.
You also need to invent the nuclear missles
"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indrection" that should be in our room description
y'all cray
A Cray supercomputer might make real-time playing of Tetris in GoL possible.
Also, I think this quest is more akin to building an aircraft carrier from glued-together flyswatters, in order to kill a fly
There's four posts of this on Reddit so far, but three of them don't have substantial comments and the fourth is here: reddit.com/r/programming/comments/701tzd/…
yessss a linker
Also, looks like I'm getting about 100 times the normal traffic to my play.starmaninnovations.com domain, which includes VarLife and QFTASM. And the day's just begun.
So should we talk about Pong?
Nah, let's bask in the glory we're receiving right now.
@El'endiaStarman Now would be a perfect time to add some ads ;)
If you ever get overwhelmed trafficwise you could probably move QFTASM to github pages btw
you'd lose out on serverside permalinks is all
Well, actually, it looks like my bandwidth usage hasn't really increased very much. I'll bet that rendering gifs takes up a lot more than transferring text. The gifs in the SE posts are all hosted by SE, so that takes a lot of load off me.
I'm watching the access log file for my site and it's so unreal to watch requests come in every second.
I kinda feel bad for dim, I know he said he tried to make a solid state solution
he shouldn't have tortured himself like that when he could have just made an entire computer
I just dropped here to say that you guys are geniuses. And insane. Hope this project will get recognition it deserves.
This is wild. Amazing job guys
@PhiNotPi A better absolute value:
. MLZ -1 <argument> 1;
. SRA A1 15 2;
. ADD A1 A2 3;
. XOR A3 A2 3;
only needs one word of scratch memory which is convenient for me
I'd like to make it so that addresses 1-4 are all that I use
for scratch that is
I don't think we should accept that challenge
> With enough blood, sweat, tears, and RAM, yes.
Making it playable is a different story though
you thought keyboard controls were bad
Oh yeah, certainly. A year between frames.
First we need a terminal interface
Actually, the bigger problem might be the lack of memory to store the VarLife computer with full ROM and RAM for Doom.
reddit.com/r/programming/comments/701tzd/… Seeing it put like this makes it much clearer how insane this is.
Yeah I do think not a lot of people get the purpose of the metapixel since all of our screenshots just have different colors for the rules (for good reason though)
This is why VarLife is great
room topic changed to The Quest for Tetris: For discussing this: goo.gl/kuCiRF | VarLife: goo.gl/StrPLC | blog: goo.gl/msLj67 | QFTASM interpreter: goo.gl/dhNznv | Github org and repos: github.com/QuestForTetris (no tags)
switched out sandbox answer link for actual answer link
If our plan is to make a "Pong in Game of Life" challenge and then answer it I could probably write the specification pretty easily
When can we start answering regular challenges in GOL?
We already can for questions that are not too hard to answer in QFTASM.
Any time we like. We'll just lose hard because the computer is massive
@quartata Correction: it's only considered losing if there's other GoL entries to the challenge.
Fair. Hello World for instance is just as simple as defining an encoding in still lifes though
I think it's better to answer challenges in QFTASM than GoL specifically
I think so too.
It's actually fairly interesting to golf in
As I've found from trying to golf these instructions down
Congrats, @muddyfish, your answer just passed 100 upvotes!
Though I'd rather it be spread out more so moar rep :P
Yeah, that's what we all think. :P
Still haven't got the gold badge yet
And are we meant to get points towards tag badges for that question? I'd have expected to get a badge from it (or the upvote requirement)
@muddyfish I think they get awarded every half hour or something. You'll get it soon.
Tag badges are slow as molasses
I think it's like once every day
Aaand the overview answer is now past 200 votes.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 52 mins ago, by New Main Posts
Q: Run skyrim or Doom in conway's game of life

commonSenseCode It can be in black and white for sake of simplicity. Or if you feel frisky at least use 8 colors.

the downsides of reddit
mfw skyrim
@quartata Probably due to the meme that Bethesda keeps releasing Skyrim on new platforms.
I thought the joke was new water shaders
I don't know, I don't play Skyrim
Me neither. I just learned of it via Imgur.
I'm honestly going to be pretty interested to see how GCC handles how I've defined the registers currently
I've basically told it that there aren't any hard registers available for every possible data type, and all the instruction patterns can take memory addresses
If it's as smart as everything on the Internet is telling me, it'll compare the cost of keeping it in memory to the infinite cost of trying to put it in a register
If it's dumb then we'll find out I guess
TARGET_FUNCTION_VALUE says it can return any RTX, but then goes on to say that they're of type reg or parallel
gcc pls
its too bad the question is so old
6 answers in a short timeframe each with hundreds of votes would have surely put it at the top of the HNQ
unless you all prefer your revival badges instead :P
@balpha Sounds like you just found the subject for the next SE blog post :P
Can someone edit a link to the Github org into the overview post if it isn't there already? Maybe toward the top of it.
Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/11880/1427
I'm going through the Announcer and Booster recent badges to find where we got shared :P
1 hour later…
@El'endiaStarman is it possible to retroactively change a permalink for the QFTASM interpreter?
Defeats the "perma" I know
But I have a bugfix and want to push it to people who've already shared the permalink
@PhiNotPi He could set up that URL to be a redirect
A Tetris bug fix?
@quartata yes
Hrm, scoring QFTASM answers is kind of a nuisance since instructions aren't byte aligned
Was there ever a consensus on scoring by bits
I think we could get away with not answering in bytes as the target processor takes them
Yeah obviously I'm scoring by the opcodes not the assembly in ASCII
But an instruction is 58 bits
Then I think we can answer in bits
Well that was entirely unproductive
I guess I'll ask on meta
IIRC meta consensus is bits are valid only if the target can accept memory as bits
in this case yes
The ROM is but the RAM is 16-bit aligned
Eh who cares
well the program isn't in the ram is it :P
I'll do truth machine first because golfing primes is hard

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