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05:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

happy impacting
I was already there just in case an answer did not come up. :)
To be honest I like to answer questions which show some research being done
your question sounded like do my homework please
Well, about that......it is basically using a real asteroid.
Specifically: 1999 FN53.
which makes me even more feel like I am doing your homework
So, given that I was unable to find much information regarding the mass.....well, I need to find the delta v needed to move it now. :/
because you kinda expect me to search for asteroid diameter and density and then put it to the site I posted here
@FutureHistorian It gives you room for some story
You can make the asteroid as dense as you want, as long as it is plausible
on the site there is even drop down list for that]
like you can say the asteroid is going to be mostly ice
Or mostly iron
So.....if the asteroid is 900 metres in diameter and has a density of 3000 kg/m^3, what would be the mass?
because no one knows real data, both is plausible
Actually, the 900 metres are NASA estimates.
The other is a guesstimate.
If you guesstimate the asteroid is mostly spherical
Thank you!
no problem
Still, what about mass in kilograms?
dude. do you know at least basic math?
Or basic problem solving skills?
I do not want to be mean, but you have all the data
But unfortunately.....short-term memory is shite for me. :(
to figure out by yourselves
I need to refresh my memory.
So, you have mostly spherical asteroid
so you can calculate its volume in m3
Also.....3.04 million megatons is bad.....correct?
As in: extinction level bad?
thats really bad
I was posting the dinosaurus asteroid
and it was even lower
Actually, the impactor there was 100 teratons of TNT.
The Chicxulub impactor had an estimated diameter of 10 km (6.2 mi) or larger, and delivered an estimated energy equivalent of 100 teratonnes of TNT (4.2×1023 J), over a billion times the energy of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.[19] By contrast, the most powerful man-made explosive device ever detonated, the Tsar Bomba, had a yield of only 50 megatons of TNT (2.1×1017 J),[20] making the Chicxulub impact roughly 2 million times more powerful.
This is pale in comparison.
The Chicxulub crater (pronunciation: /ˈtʃiːkʃᵿluːb/; Mayan: [tʃʼikʃuluɓ]) is an impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Its center is located near the town of Chicxulub, after which the crater is named. The date of the Chicxulub impactor, which created it, coincides precisely with the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg boundary), around 66 million years ago. The crater is more than 180 kilometers (110 miles) in diameter and 20 km (12 mi) in depth, well into the continental crust of the region of about 10-30 km depth. It makes the feature the third of the largest confirmed...
Exactly 100 teratonnes. By comparsion, this is 3.04 teratonnes.
3 millions mega is 3 terra
still, it is pretty severe impact
and I would say the 100 terratonnes is maybe bit guesstimate too
But is it overkill for my purposes, considering the amount I need is to damage the Asia-Pacific Region?
still, I do not want to be on Earth if that happens
another tool to play with
Just checking. Is it too much for that purpose?
I am going to use 3 terratonnes
@PavelJanicek right, I'm only checking whether it is within the list... and subnames are within the list... dammit ;-)
@bilbo_pingouin Pavel Janicek, Future Historian, KarmaBot, bilbo_pingouin, dot_Sp0T
I will now sing official QA anthem
bug bug bug, buggity buggity bug!
and again, please do not expect people do do your work
oh my, i like artofcod
sounds like a cooking account
you can play with location settings
I just put it somewhere to Asia region
but basically, 3 terratonnes will blow off the whole Asia
which leads to
Let me be specific: 2 km off the coast of Guam.
use the map then
and show me you can do it :)
I just did.
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
Here are the points collected by the users:
mafia36790: 200
peterpeter: 194
paveljanicek: 1
you: 200
dot_sp0t: 198
Here are the points collected by the users:
dot_sp0: 200
dot_s: 200
paveljanicek: 197
bilbo: 201
bilbo_pingouin: 200
artofcode: 200
dot: 200
ar: 200
d: 200
pavel: 201
do: 200
a: 200
dot_sp0t: 201
dot_: 200
dot_sp: 200
*ban, *disable, *enable, *module, *stop, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *unban, +adminpoints, +clearpoints, +delete, +givemedal, +ping, +prunepoints, alive, breakingnews, bye, cat, define, detectlang, doubleflip, drop, duck, exec, flip, getcurrentusers, getpoints, givepoints, help, hi, join, listcommands, pin, random, randomchoice, randomint, read, repeat, say, say_n, search, showmedals, showpoints, shuffle, smile, split, star, sup, take, thanks, translate, unpin, unstar, utc,
wise_man, work, xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
@bilbo_pingouin List of points cleared. You can start again.
@bilbo_pingouin Here are the points collected by the users:
!>givepoints FutureHistorian 1
@bilbo_pingouin Not enough arguments.
so, can I try again? @bilbo_pingouin?
@bilbo_pingouin I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting futurehistorian
@PavelJanicek you can, but I'm not sure it's working... :)
@PavelJanicek paveljanicek is given a welcome budget of 200 points
!>getpoints FutureHistorian
@PavelJanicek futurehistorian is given a welcome budget of 200 points
Goodbye, Japan, Korea, most of China, Oceania and Southeast Asia
!>givepoints futurehistorian 1
@PavelJanicek Changed points for futurehistorian by 1. New total: 201
@FutureHistorian now the question is, if it is overkill or not
by changing density or speed of impact (or both) you can make it into smaller "splash"
Here are the points collected by the users:
futurehistorian: 201
paveljanicek: 199
!>getpoints bilbo
@PavelJanicek bilbo is given a welcome budget of 200 points
still the same
this bug is hard to kill
maybe borrow an asteroid from Futurehistorian? :D
I would not want to kill Karma
IX. General panic. Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Serious damage to reservoirs. Underground pipes broken. Conspicuous cracks in ground. In alluviated areas sand and mud ejected, earthquake fountains, sand craters.

X. Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with their foundations. Some well-built wooden structures and bridges destroyed. Serious damage to dams, dikes, embankments. Large landslides. Water thrown on bank
Multistory wall-bearing buildings will collapse.

Wood frame buildings will almost completely collapse.

Multistory steel-framed office-type buildings will suffer extreme frame distortion, incipient collapse.

Highway truss bridges will collapse.

Highway girder bridges will collapse.

Glass windows will shatter.

Cars and trucks will be largely displaced and grossly distorted and will require rebuilding before use.

Up to 90 percent of trees blown down; remainder stripped of branches and leaves.
ah, wait... of course, I corrected the givepoints... not the getpoints
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
!>getpoints bilbo
@bilbo_pingouin 200
wait... what?
Here are the points collected by the users:
paveljanicek: 199
futurehistorian: 201
bilbo: 200
ah it kept from before restart
@bilbo_pingouin List of points cleared. You can start again.
!>getpoints bilbo
Bot started.
Here are the points collected by the users:
bilbo: 200
futurehistorian: 201
paveljanicek: 199
@bilbo_pingouin List of points cleared. You can start again.
!>showpoints all
@bilbo_pingouin Here are the points collected by the users:
!>getpoints bilbo
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I met bilbo
@PavelJanicek ^^^ go :)
So, tsunamis hitting Japan at an estimated 4.7 to 9.4 metres could level the region, correct?
Oh wait!
!>work plugin start
@bilbo_pingouin Work-Plugin started. Use start to subscribe to the plugin.
!>work start
@bilbo_pingouin has been added to the list. Now, get to work...
!>work plugin stop
@bilbo_pingouin Someone is still working.
!>getpoints paveljanicek
@PavelJanicek I am not sure I met pavel
:28980128 I am not sure I met pavel
@PavelJanicek I am not sure I met paveljanice
@PavelJanicek I am not sure I met paveljanicek
!>givepoints bilbo_pingouin 1
@PavelJanicek I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting bilbo_pingouin
!>givepoints bilbo_pingouin 1
@PavelJanicek I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting bilbo_pingouin
Expects casualty numbers > is unable to find appropriate ones :/
!>showpoints all
@PavelJanicek Here are the points collected by the users:
@PavelJanicek I am not sure I met paveljanicek
ok... now Karma does not recognise anyone...
Bot terminated.
@FutureHistorian well, calculating causalities depends on how many people are there before the impact
@bilbo_pingouin if you want me to I can have a look at the code later?
So, any good place to find such estimates or must I ask on the site?
and that number is so far known only by you
Globally, there are 11.7 billion on Earth.
I still need to find a way to distribute it.
Bot started.
start by looking at current distribution
and extrapolate from that
But I was thinking that most of Earth's population would be concentrated in Asia and Africa, with major economic centres being in the Asia-Pacific, as well as Europe, and North America.
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I met bilbo_pingouin
@FutureHistorian or, search for current distribution
In real life, by the 2100s, a population boom is expected in Africa in optimistic estimates, while the Asia-Pacific becomes the largest economic centre region of Earth.
If not, then you really need to do your homework
anyway, leaving home
see you\
So now we have $> and !>?
@ArtOfCode Sorry, what?
@ArtOfCode 'Sup?
@ArtOfCode !> runs on c9 for testing :)
@bilbo_pingouin Aye, good idea
until someone uses the @KarmaBot form :)
@KarmaBot hi
@ArtOfCode Hello!
@ArtOfCode Oh, hey!
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
crashed... ok... no chance :-/
@ArtOfCode I wanted to test it, but not meddling with the real Karma... so yeah, one can call both at once.
@bilbo_pingouin Should be fun.
@KarmaBot say something
@ArtOfCode (which wouldn't be a bad idea)
oh, the other one's down
@dot_Sp0T you can have a look at the code on GH anytime...
but I don't mind really... just that I've been a bit busy at work ;-)
@ArtOfCode yep :)
1 hour later…
So....assuming today's current growth rate, the planet's population would be at 10.1 billion by 2040, far earlier than I initially expected, and a growth rate of 0.5% from there means a population of 13 billion by 2100, not counting colonisation efforts already in place since 2001 (when the International Lunar Outpost was born, and that was only 50 - 100 by ATL 2016). :/
1 hour later…
And then I reduced it to 0.01% growth rate, which takes into account an explosion in colonisation beyond the Solar System and by 2466 I have a nice, stable 14,116,157,556 humans living on Earth. :)
why would the growth of population subside?
or are you only talking about earth?
Just Earth.
So...sound good?
1 hour later…
To me it sounds strange, thus I asked for some clarifications; can't judge it otherwise
1 hour later…
I think I know why its blocking anyone now...
I think it's due to some :3214321 like at first
@KarmaBot alive
@ArtOfCode Yes, I'm alive.
yeah, but to test it, I need c9's... because EC2's has some bugs
@bilbo_pingouin I was just checking it was still here, apparently some people are having problems with chat login.
hm... c9 isn't working too well for me
what's up with it?
not loading...
problem on their end
so meanwhile, I can explain what I thought of...
so, since the last version, we had the problem that getpoints lead to unknown user... this was due to a change when I was before checking that the username was on the getcurrentusers string. But of course, b, bi, bil, bilb, bilbo, etc. would also be. So I used a split(', ')...
and the first tests failed...
but I think it comes from the fact that if you are the last one to write, you should appear first in the list... and Karma's answer is always :4321434 name1, name2, name3
so instead of name1, we get ":4314134 name1" which is of course different than "name1"
Look at what the getcurrentusers command does in its code. It'll call a ChatExchange method, I bet - you can call that to get a comprehensible list of users, rather than trying to do string parsing.
yeah... but otherwise string parsing shouldn't be too complicated, I just have to remove the :432113 at first, and do the split
should be alright
but of course, if c9 does not work...
by the way, Art', have you seen that ProgramFOX updated ChatBox?
Hmmmm. 11.2 billion humans by 2100, with a 0.04% growth rate=13,017,358,113 humans in total by 2476. :/
@FutureHistorian not sure you can extrapolate linearly from this century to the next 3...
@bilbo_pingouin ChatBox? You mean ChatExchange? Or SE-Chatbot?
Well, this is just a guesstimate.
@ArtOfCode Version 2.3 of SE-Chatbot. Comes with bug fixes, command updates and new commands, auto-restarting when running from run.sh, and support to automatically pull from the source repository.
@FutureHistorian might as well roll a dice :)
Still, is it a good one? :/
That and since the asteroid collision releases 3.04 teratonnes of TNT on impact, how much damage can I expect? Extinction-level?
Bot started.
@bilbo_pingouin Here are the points collected by the users:
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I met bilbo_pingouin
dammit... :(
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
@bilbo_pingouin bilbo_pingouin karmabot futurehistorian artofcode dot_sp0t rudolfjelínek
oh, no commas
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
@bilbo_pingouin bilbo_pingouin is given a welcome budget of 200 points
yeah \o/
!>getpoints FutureHistorian
@bilbo_pingouin futurehistorian is given a welcome budget of 200 points
Here are the points collected by the users:
futurehistorian: 200
bilbo_pingouin: 200
Bot terminated.
Bot started.
!>getpoints bob
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I met bob
no, and not sure you should
!>getpoints bilbo
@bilbo_pingouin I am not sure I met bilbo
!>givepoints ArtOfCode 5
@bilbo_pingouin Not enough arguments.
@bilbo_pingouin artofcode is given a welcome budget of 200 points
Here are the points collected by the users:
bilbo_pingouin: 195
artofcode: 205
futurehistorian: 200
!>givepoints foo 4
@bilbo_pingouin Not enough arguments.
@bilbo_pingouin I don't think I had the pleasure of meeting foo
I'll introduce you to him one day :)
ok, seems to be fine...
@ArtOfCode I'll commit and push it to GH :)
Er....is the bot active?
I need to use it to estimate casualties for the collision. :/
Or any of them, for that matter?
@KarmaBot alive
@bilbo_pingouin Yes, I'm alive.
@bilbo_pingouin Yes, I'm alive.
@FutureHistorian you have it twice
Oh. So....@KarmaBot question
@KarmaBot say how many people die during a collision with an asteroid?
@bilbo_pingouin I'm saying that there are algorithms that solve the intersection problem for 2 DFA's in polynomial time. There are algorithms that solve the intersection problem for 2 DFA's in polylog space. But, it's not known if there are algorithms for the intersection problem for 2 DFA's that run simultaneously in polynomial time and polylog space. :)
@bilbo_pingouin so I found that archive of my PSD files, right. took my Tallowmere sprite. been mucking around with Photoshop brushes for about an hour
pick any ;)
@ArtOfCode if you could update Karma?
do you want to test an update of SE-Chatbot on c9?
So, @KarmaBot, if 3.04 teratonnes of TNT are released on impact from an asteroid, on an Earth with 13 billion humans, especially 2 km off the coast of Guam, how much in casualties can I expect?
Well, @KarmaBot?
@FutureHistorian Karma can only answer some specific commands... and that isn't one of them ;)
Meh. I already posted it on the space stack exchange site regardless. :/
@bilbo_pingouin Command not found. Did you mean: listcommands?
*ban, *disable, *enable, *module, *stop, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *unban, +adminpoints, +clearpoints, +delete, +givemedal, +ping, +prunepoints, alive, breakingnews, bye, cat, define, detectlang, drop, duck, exec, getcurrentusers, getpoints, givepoints, help, hi, join, listcommands, pin, random, randomchoice, randomint, read, repeat, say, say_n, search, showmedals, showpoints, shuffle, smile, split, star, sup, take, thanks, translate, unpin, unstar, utc, wise_man, work,
xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
any of the command that does not start with a * or a + can be used
Well, can any non-bots answer, then?
@FutureHistorian nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap
@ArtOfCode want me to update the botbuiltins from ProgramFOX update, and then reapply our modifs on c9? so you'd only need to copy the utils.py again and update Karma from your/our GH?
2 hours later…
@bilbo_pingouin Sounds good. Sorry, I've been offline for a couple hours.
I am with Monty Wild right now, so I'll be able to do it tomorrow I suppose :)
Sure :)
1 hour later…
I am alive!
Is chat dead?
@KarmaBot alive
@bilbo_pingouin Yes, I'm alive.
@bilbo_pingouin Yes, I'm alive.
Q: 2.19 Gigatonnes of TNT upon collision could cause how many casualties?

Future HistorianSo, after going through a some rough calculations, I figured my earlier question ran into a few problems regarding the final velocity of the asteroid. I pulled the mathematics a bit incorrect, so I dumbed it down to a speed of 40,264.06 m/s at final velocity. The Delta v, though is 26,264.06 m/s,...

Before I got suspended from the Space.StackExchange chat....er.....I tried to fix the mathematical problems. Hopefully, this is more reasonable.
got suspended from chat? well that does not happen that often.
Meh. I am not worried.
in any case, I'm going to bed... I should have been there some time ago.
@FutureHistorian Doesn't look like you got suspended at all, actually.
Did your connection drop out?
From chat.
Not the site.
Yeah, that's what I'm looking at
@ArtOfCode if you want to join Monty Wild there not to let him finish alone the interview... I'm going to bed :)
well the link is in the universe factory chat
good night :)
@ArtOfCode Meh. Forget about it.
I just need to concern myself in regards to the problem at hand.
@FutureHistorian Oh I see. It looks like they used what's called a "kick", which is like a stripped-down and shorter version of a suspension.
I know.
But...I had a moderator message regarding that suspension.
But calm down.
I will be alright (hopefully).
That's okay, I've had a mod message once too :) As long as you read what it says, there's nothing to worry about.
05:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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