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Oh I forgot we had this: \f(2, _, 4)
@quartata nice!
_ isn't valid identifier?
It's in the design but we haven't fully fleshd it out. It'll do more things
@Maltysen Yes but it's special. It is in Python too
and Erlang
@quartata i know
but what happens if I do _=5 before that
Error it isn't a variable
_ is meant to evoke the idea of "fill in the blank". It's filled in by loops and functions, generally.
At least not an lvalue. We called it a blank in the original design
cuz in python that would work
but that's cool
kinda like prolog
Was this even how it worked with functions? I thought it was... :P
anyways \f(2, _, 4)(3)
@quartata Yeah, that would work. \f(2, _, 4) is effectively equivalent to lambda x: f(2, x, 4) in Python.
Yeah, exactly. I think that's good because one link chains aren't really a clean way of doing that
@El'endiaStarman so it does partial applications without the chain stuff from before?
@Maltysen ...what are partial applications, again? I know I've had that explained to me, but I don't remember anymore.
> lambda x: f(2, x, 4) in Python.
@quartata And I barely know what that is too. :P
@El'endiaStarman currying is when you have 1 function with n args and you make it n functions with 1 arg each
To answer the question yes.
@Maltysen I think that's actually the best explanation I've heard of for it.
partial application is kind of like automatic currying
Chains are for things like this: f(g(x), h(y)) to x, y~>\g, \h->\f
@quartata what associates with what looks really hard to remember
An argument queue is maintained where functions take arguments from the front and their results are pushed on the back.
The chain is broken up into links. At each link every function polls the queue for its arguments and st the end offers the results back
yeah what elendia said
Variables and literals just return themselves
oh, is ~> different from -> like one is vectorized and the other splats?
-> creates the chain. ~> calls it
And yes ~> splats the initial args onto the queue
39 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@Maltysen Ohhh YES... :D
Hell yeah
If that doesn't sell you I don't know what will
oh _ isn't allowed at all in identifiers?
@Maltysen It is, just not as the initial character.
spec doesn't mention that
just says alphanumeric
Spec is probably out of date. :P
also, <=> as cmp is cool
Spec is pretty old. It's from at least half a year ago
comparisons chain, right?
Yes, of course.
That's implemented already, in fact.
@Maltysen <=> I stole from Perl
And comparisons chain like Python
I wonder if we should add |=| as an easter egg that goes "Pew pew BOOM!". :P
We also have interval notation for ranges
I would use pytek except for \function
seems unnecessary and annoying IMHO
Ahhh not another one of you \-haters.
awh come on everyone says that :( we had a good reason
@quartata which was...?
"Distinguishes functions from the rest" was one of the reasons, IIRC.
It makes it far easier to differentiate functions yeah
especially when passing them
how about you do a lisp2 like thing
where you have \ when passing
but not when calling
Erlang does that and it drives me nuts, I always forget
Have to do fun add or whatever
Ambiguity is another issue. We're using \foo[] for options, much like named arguments in Python, and if there's no \, then foo as a function can't be distinguished from foo as a list (where [] is indexing/slicing like in Python). Except at run-time.
@El'endiaStarman why [] for named args?
Looks good and all of the other symbols have similar problems anyways
Semantics. It's nice to put options that affect how the function operates in one place and the actual arguments in another.
Also not just named args \input[UTF_8]()
Also used in for loops: \for[element](list)
@El'endiaStarman Although I though we were not using [] for indexing anymore
@quartata Ohhh that's right, we changed that.
Yeah we use dot now. list.2 or list.(0..3]
Also we're using \() { ... } instead of < ... > for lambdas right
don't remember if we decided
@quartata Correct. That's implemented.
By the way I think we should try to get the parser in a semi working state then start porting to Cython; I fear if we wait too long it'll be too big
Cython is what i decided would be better than RPython. In essence it lets us have statically typed variables that are super fast
Keeps things more or less the same except you have cdef int x = 0 in place of x = 0
Gotta go. Something to consider is all
Sounds good. I'll let you take care of that. :P
@El'endiaStarman what happens if I do x=5 then try to assign x to a function?
@Maltysen As in x = \f?
That should work, I think, but you'd still have to do \x() to call it.
i see
@El'endiaStarman halp pytek has all cool feature and cheddar has cheese puns ;_;
@Downgoat At least you don't have people hating on the \...
I'd say that counts more as a feature than a con
9 hours later…
@Downgoat At least you have something that's almost complete
I can't see us releasing Pytek on GH until sometime early next year
and that's optimistic
@quartata It works? Definitely. Complete? I wouldn't say so, but I guess it's close to all features for its first release. Performant? Far from it, but I guess it's good enough for now
So in my opinion, we can't really compare progress like this
Plus, I'm pretty sure Pytek wasn't worked on for quite a while
Cheddar is pretty much almost complete. Most of the other things the stdlib might need shouldn't be in the official release but should be provided by the community as packages. (which is why you should fix your package manager :P)
The only thing it's missing, really, are generators.
The STDLIB will need to be redone to use them which will take a while but that's it
@quartata haven't even worked out the workings of package manager even :P
I also want to integrate it with cheddar and do it in C++ as practice

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