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297 constituents
2 hours later…
298 constituents
1 hour later…
It looks like Daah and Xand will briefly be correct in their guess :)
How many hours are left?
ah, 11
people have 2.5 hours to enter the betting pool
I hope people don't take 316 and 317
300 constituents
one of Xand guess is already over, and Daaah has it correct...
I won't be surprised if it hits 400 today
so far we have a 20% turnout of overall electorate...40% turnout of those eligible who've visited the site during the election
you haven't taken part of your own bet ;-)
or you're waiting until the last minute?
Since I'm deciding the winner I figured I'd best not enter :)
If I did enter I'd pick 401 just so I have an infinite number of entries :D
ah ah ah... maybe you can do that... if it does not reach at least 401 you'd be out :)
Interestingly, Monica was the first one to vote data.stackexchange.com/worldbuilding/query/437453/…
ah, well not when I order it DESC... we were a group of people geting the badge at the same time
btw, did someone from candidates try to vote for themselves? I am quite curious if that is possible
I did, just not to end up with 0 votes :D
in the final you can vote for yourself
So, in other words it is possible, but it does not bring in any additional value?
not to end
if you think about it you need to allow that since otherwise we couldn't pick a 2nd and 3rd without disadvantaging yourself
English, are you on?
It makes total sense
just in primary it was impossible to upvote self
well, without using sockpuppets
indeed. And that would be against the rules
the problem with SEDE queries is that they are not up to date... so using the constituents query, I only get it until Sat. evening...
300 Constituents
I begin to fear that I was too optimistic ^^"
I realised that Caucus and Constituents can be awarded multiple time... so following the rate is always an indication of the participation
It's once per election, but yes if you vote in 2 elections you get 2 constituent badges
and 2 caucus
half an hour to get your bids in
Q: Number of Voters Betting Pool

Tim BWe can see how many people have voted in the Worldbuilding election by looking at the number of Constituent badges awarded. This is a little friendly contest for no prize at all. Lets see who can post the number closest to the final number of constituents we have. The rules are simple, post an ...

Count stands on exactly 300
so far DaaaahWoosh is getting the price :)
It doesn't seem likely it will stay that way though :P
@TimB, as a mod, can you bypass the two days old limit for offering a bounty?
Not sure, don't think so
It's not really a moderator action
can't bounty meta posts either
a 50 meta rep bounty could have been fun
you can't?
you can't on meta ;)
I suppose that makes sense
no rep on meta sites
only on main meta
since that's a separate site
however if we all upvote the winning answer they get a badge
if we get it to 10 upvotes
Badges are nice
I gave out a bounty on main meta once
meta badges are rarer than main site badges too
I have 8, 38 on meta. 11, 84, 187 on main
getting 25 upvotes might allow to get 1 silver and 2 bronze badges ;-)
bet is closed
still 300
the shaded part is what I get from the SEDE query... the rest is collected from this chat
Yeah I added a note to the question saying bet are closed
It has been pretty flat for the past 24 hours I wouldn't be surprised by a spike soon as the US wakes up though
If we do stay with 300, one needs to get 60 votes to be elected directly
why 60?
@TimB yeah, that is what I was betting for... a small spike in the hours to come...
@TimB 300 / (4+1)
I never looked at how it calculates the thresholds. I wonder why it's N+1 not N
I guess for if you only have 1 spot
you wouldn't want to require 100% votes for one person
actually I guess it makes sense
since it says the remaining non-assigned votes are not enough to win even if they are all assigned to one person
and for others as well... if you require exactly 1/N, if the votes are more or less equally distributed, you only qualify when there are only N candidates left
did I make it to place my bet in time?
Half an hour late :p you might get a consolation prize if you win though :)
maybe, just next time: is it possible to protect questions on meta?
If it would be protected, I would get hinted that I should not answer
301, Xander just took the yellow jersey from Daaa
it can be protected but I don't really mind people still guessing, it's just a bit of fun
ok, cool
winner will be selected from people who entered by 12:00 though
@PavelJanicek maybe add a disclaimer in your answer saying you aren't eligible to win?
Once I finish question on main :)
I'm quite liking my chances of winning
I hope there's not too much of a spike today when the americans wake up
301 constituents aaand DaaaahWoosh is out
103 to go to get my guess right
and make funny number
still 8 needs to be in for you, overactor
I'll likely be right for a little while
I guess if there's no peak, it will be between you and Xandar...
if there's one, well anything can happen
if you guys want another bet, we can see the number of votes and scenario of the first round
and this can be bet on until right before the end
@bilbo_pingouin How exactly do you mean?
who wins and by how many votes?
well the whole thing goes in several round. First you count the 1st choices of everyone. And either someone gets passed the threshold (20% of votes in our case) or the one with the lowest amount of votes gets eliminated
the next round you need to take into account the second choices of some people, and it starts to be much blurier, IMO
but it's possible to say, like first choices lead to N past the threshold with N votes. Etc.
e.g. for 300 votes, I get 2, MW gets 3, James gets 4, AoC gets 5, MK gets 6, ST gets 7, bowl gets 8, MC gets 65, Tim gets 90 and HDE gets 110. With that, the first 3 are qualified. End of first round.
@TimB did you get any info about when we would have the rep shift?
302 constituents
@bilbo_pingouin Nothing specific, that normally ties to the site design launch
Will the results be known at 20:00 UTC directly, or one of the staff member needs to run the program and write a meta post about it later?
on SFF I have seen a meta post, but I did not go back to the election page to see if they had something on-line
well they did not change their guess... so I think it's alright... 4 more voters and you're in
@bilbo_pingouin In an original edit, the guess was changed from 301 to 310. But a new edit seems to have been made within 5 minutes after the first.
Which merges the edits into one edit.
Not that it actually matters
don't worry, I'll be looking at the number posted at 12:00 not any other number. It's just a bit of fun anyway :)
Morning, afternoon, evening everyone
happy time zone as @MonicaCellio says :)
How goes our drawn-out election? (We had a long and frozen weekend here on the East coast)
diurnal isomorphism.
still 305 constituents
If I had enough rep, I'd go vote.
We've got a betting pool going for how many constituents we have at the end...you're passed the deadline to enter properly but feel free to post a guess anyway :)
@Undo 1 or 2 good answers and you'd be there
Kinda glad I can't vote. Ya'll have too many good candidates :)
Ah, would have been fun. Virtual Wager?
@TimB I'm not capable of the kind of answers you folks turn out here.
@Undo, questions are welcome too.
why, about half my reputation is from asking questions
Q: Number of Voters Betting Pool

Tim BWe can see how many people have voted in the Worldbuilding election by looking at the number of Constituent badges awarded. This is a little friendly contest for no prize at all. Lets see who can post the number closest to the final number of constituents we have. The rules are simple, post an ...

If there's enough enthusiasm a few minutes before 20:00Z, I might do my standard guess-the-winners challenge.
@Undo Yeah, it's a really close one here. We had 2 or 3 people eliminated in the primaries that were already decent candidates so the top 10 is really tough
Trying to pick the top 10 in order might be an interesting challenge :)
1 point for each person you get in the right position
@TimB it is tempting to just keep the result of the primary for that... so 1. HDE, 2. Tim, 3. Monica, 4. bowlturner, 5. Serban, 6. Michael, 7. James, 8 Art', 9. Monty and finally myself.
@bilbo_pingouin That would be a lot of people's starting point yeah
but I doubt it will come out that simple
my guess is that first round, no one has the 60 votes and I get eliminated :)
I think I'm going to be out when the results come in
but should be able to check on my phone
When are the results due?
Will there be an election website that gets posted?
in 4 hours
that was my question earlier ;-)
the election itself automatically updates I think
then someone (probably Grace Note) will make a meta post announcement
Is grace note a real person or an admin account?
So a real person who is a Stack-wide admin
Stack exchange have paid Community Managers
they are moderators on all sites and have extra powers we don't as well
scifi.stackexchange.com/election/4 displays the winners... but I don't know if that's automatic
Not an account that various Admins log in under
no, each CM has their own account
@bilbo_pingouin I expect it is automatic, no reason for it not to be
haha, do the results go in effect instantly -- i.e. does HDE become a moderator immediately as the election is done?
not sure on that. That step may be manual
(assuming he wins)
got to go, see you around when the results come in :) (still 305 constituents)
Well good luck everyone, look forward to seeing the results!
Within moments of the end of the election a CM will run the official results. A meta post should go up within ten minutes or so (that's manual) and the election page will be updated (I don't know if that's manual). People who have the STV software might announce unofficial results a minute after it ends. (I'm at work and don't have the software installed here, so that won't be me.)
New moderators (or maybe pro-tems who get elected too?) have to accept the moderator agreement before getting their diamonds. Granting and removing diamonds is a manual CM action. So it's possible that Vincent and any other pro-tem who doesn't get elected will show up with a diamond for a few minutes after 20:00.
@MonicaCellio I will if I remember and I'm not dead.
@Undo try not to be dead. That would make a lot of people unhappy, and I don't think ctrl-z works for that.
I'll try. You never know in this hazardous 'software development' industry, though.
Seems like every day someone's keyboard eats their hands, causing blood loss and eventually death.
Yeah, that's a risk. My biggest risk today was actually the commute in -- a day of rain and snow melt-off followed by overnight sub-freezing temps (and continued precipitation). It didn't look as bad as it was, so that made for some white-knuckle driving. I should have worked from home, but I didn't realize the magnitude of the problem soon enough.
Ow. That's, like, a real risk.
@MonicaCellio On SR, I didn't have to re-accept the agreement.
@Undo good to know. Thanks.
I really thought there would be more of a surge this morning on voting, but it's still only 307. Come on US! I expect to have at least 350 votes!
I'm still liking my chances
yeah no surge so far today
and US should be well awake by now
Looks like it's between Xander and Overactor at the moment, maybe I Stanley
@MonicaCellio Never fails you realize half way through that you should have done something different.
@TimB I am upright and motile but I don't know that I would use the word "awake"
Classical AI problem. Define awake. Define alive
2 hours later…
Well, the election ends in an hour. Any candidates have some nice last words to say before the results come in?
Candy. Orange. Ultralight.
Well chosen.
Millennium Hand and Shrimp
I would have to go with stawberries.
309 voters, btw
Hot fudge sundays
does that put me in the maillot jaune?
If I were a candidate, I'd go for flabbergasted and sillily
@overactor it does :-)
Chocolate, caffeine, cats in laps.
'cats in laps' fits so well together, it really makes those cats sound comfortable
They get very comfortable, and then it becomes very hard to get up. :-)
bonnet, she-hulk and dingbat.
30 minutes.
and still 309 constituents
Wow, some of us were optimistic about late votes. :-) Though they still have a few minutes yet.
yes, we were... the thing is I was expecting a boom from Americans coming back from long week end...
in Worldbuilders' General Chat, 2 hours ago, by Undo
Okay, I might not be able to be here at 1 to run the results. If anyone here is interested, they can set up and run https://github.com/undo1/electionbot :)
someone has a bot account? @ArtOfCode ^^^
even though I care very little about the results of this election, I find that the anticipation is mounting
I'm more curious than tensed... also because that will be the end of intense 2 weeks :)
"Election closes in 14 minutes."
no matter what happens, we still have a lot of work ahead of us, defining scope and such
that we do. And I am quite confident that most of the 15 non-elected candidates will be involved in that as well :)
the 4 elected ones will need support for it
"Election closes in 9 minutes"
Election closes in 2 minutes.
wait...I think I messed that up
Election closes just now.
309 voted.
Whoever they are.
1,464 voters were eligible, 777 visited the site during the election, 640 visited the election page, and 309 voted
in Worldbuilders' General Chat, 33 secs ago, by ElectionBot
Unofficial results: Winners are Tim B, HDE 226868, Monica Cellio, and Serban Tanasa.
congrats to you 4 ! :)
Wow, cool
Grats Serban
Congrats to everyone who ran!
It was the cleanest most polite race I've ever seen!
@SerbanTanasa despite my best efforts ;)
Aparenty HDE and Monica made it immediately
It appears I get to continue working the review queue!
then Tim after transfer from them
@bowlturner noooooooo! :-P
This was an excellent and exciting campaign. Thank you to everybody who participated. Huge field and we kept it all well-mannered -- kudos!
@james, thanks, I'll admit I'm a bit surprised, I was almost positive @bowlturner would win
Congrats to @TimB, @MonicaCellio, @HDE226868, and @SerbanTanasa!
Well I should have a score closer to 40 the next time around!
Congrats by the way to the winners
Thank you, @MichaelKjorling and @Vincent, for being awesome mods.
Do we get to see where we landed in order for all 10 at some point?
@HDE226868 Agreed, thanks guys
Once results post yes
in Worldbuilders' General Chat, 6 mins ago, by ElectionBot
OpenSTV version 1.7 (http://www.OpenSTV.org/)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
http://www.OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
http://www.openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 309 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 309 non-empty ballots.
Monica and HDE got through in the first run
TimB in the second
I appear to have taken 20 more rounds, heh
@James the forthcoming meta post should have a link to a page where you can see charts at each phase, seeing where the transferred votes went, who dropped out when, and so on.
@HDE226868 Thanks for putting up with me. :-) And congratulations to the winners of the election. See you all around!
@MonicaCellio Thanks
I believe it is 1. HDE 2. Monica 3. Tim 4. Serban 5. bowlturner 6. Art 7. James 8. Michael 9. Monty 10. bilbo_pingouin
I think overactive wins the pool.. can people not on phones check and confirm?
@TimB yep, closest with 316.4
I'm on my phone, but confirmed.
overactor 316.4, actual 309, Xandar 301 -- overactor wins by 0.6.
@TimB Autocorrect it a bastard eh?
309 voters, and yes, that was closed between Xandar 301 and overactive 3016
@MonicaCellio unless we play price is right rules, then Xandar wins. (closest without going over)
@James rules were not specified, so that's on @Tim to declare.
@James since it is an increasing count, I'd do it the other way round ;)
if it's price is right rules, Xandar really screwed me over
@TimB slacker...you didn't designate the ruleset!
note that HDE had 91 of the 309 votes. Monica 64 and Tim 60. The threshold was set at 61.8. Congrats again to the three of you :)
@James I did. I own your colour and story and I decide the winner. Closest wins :)
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonWorldbuilding's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 4 new moderators are: They will become you moderator team shortly. Please thank them for volunteering! Also, please join me in thanking Vincent and Michael Kjörling who served as moderators ...

@TimB The power has gone to his head already!
Wow, that's some exciting voting! opavote.com/results/4895722432364544/0
@MonicaCellio Wow. SO many rounds of just transferring votes between you, Tim, and HDE.
@randal'thor yeah, most people voted the top 3 in various order :)
The funny thing is I was going to guess I'd come in 5th.
@randal'thor yeah, my later votes turned out to be nearly irrelevant. As I suspected, and a lot of why spot #4 was so wide open.
Yeah hde ran away with it, 4th was hard fought though
I wish I knew who voted for me. Thank you to whoever what was :)
Why did HDE get so many votes? Not already a mod, not the highest in rep, ...
Not that I'm saying he wasn't a good candidate, just wondering what made him SO much better than all the rest.
he had the highest candidate score
@randal'thor Excellent question.
and he was top of the primary
he is mod on other sites
@bilbo_pingouin Ahh. That probably explains it.
I thought this would happen, but for @MonicaCellio, not me.
and his answers are usually really impressive, which marks people
@bilbo_pingouin So is Art, though, and he didn't do nearly as well.
@randal'thor I have a plot for the primary... and you'll see that there Art makes it really well... compared with his CS
just wait for the blog post :D (shameless self-promotion ;-))
@bilbo_pingouin I voted for Art. Apparently only 10 others did.
(as first choice)
yeah, top 3 had 214 votes out of 309...
@randal'thor, well we discussed it at length in this very precise venue. For more casual users, the Candidate Score is a strong factor. And HDE is the best there. That does not make it all. But it gets on the top of all his other qualities, to push him above the others
Next time I plan to have a score of 40!
@HDE226868 #TrimphThruLatex #MathWorks
@bilbo_pingouin Where once they voted based on rep, casual voters now vote based on candidate score.
The problem isn't completely fixed, only diverted.
^ This.
@randal'thor casual voters can't know the candidates. They have to rely on something. Some vote for some of the only name they knew around (FWIW, that's how I voted for you on SFF ;-)). Some just use the CS.
and actually I think CS is terrible because on site with heavy activity, not having 40 on CS means losing all chance.
@bilbo_pingouin, but with heavy activity, most people can get to 40/40 more easily. here the review queue gets wiped in seconds
@bowlturner that's the spirit!
@MonicaCellio but that cleanup badge is going to be hard!
I feel really smart now since I didn't vote for HDE. Since he won anyway, I got to use my other votes more strategically.
@bilbo_pingouin Heh, thanks :-) Yeah, just being around a lot (and being nice and friendly) is a good way to get plenty of votes, but the candidate score obviously has a big influence now. I guess badge-whoring can be useful after all ...
Were the winning candidates also the top 4 in candidate scores?
@randal'thor No, I have more candidate score than Monica, and I didn't even survive the primary
@randal'thor due to it being the first election, there is a bias. Two of them were pro-tem mods. Again that does not make everything, but that certainly helps
@randal'thor no. Or at least I wasn't. :-)
Monica is well known throughout the network and for her activity as mod here. That trumps the CS to some extend.
@bilbo_pingouin And yet Michael got knocked out relatively quickly!
For me the big hit on candidate score was reputation. Yes there are a couple badges that it's hard (or impossible) for mods to get, but my real problem was 5k rep.
Michael's, too.
yes, he has been very active, but less seen. Less on chat. And less support from other sites.
@bilbo_pingouin though that works in both directions; I'm pretty sure a few people followed me here from other sites just to vote against me, because we disagreed on policy on other sites.
you can't vote against someone in the main election round
But you can vote for competition
in any case, I'll finish off collecting my stats, and put it together for the blog.
That should be next published. ..I want to see it
@TimB maybe they did. But based on the primary, Monica had like 8 downvotes
@TimB actually due to the SEDE refreshing rate, it'd be good to wait until next week...
some of it is available though
@TimB That doesn't really work so well though.
People followed me to SFF to vote against me; it pushed my score down in the primaries, but I still got the most votes in the election.
@bilbo_pingouin no, just in the primaries. And, pointless as it is, you can downvote the questionnaire answers. (People did.)
@MonicaCellio yes, but not only yours. I was also puzzled by that.
@TimB I suggested in the blog room a couple days back that we should publish the election post "out of band" -- that is, publish it when it's ready but don't alter the schedule otherwise. So we get an extra post this week. It's a special occasion, and external readers won't care.
(But we do!)
@MonicaCellio ha, I had to go look. I had 2 downvotes on my questionnaire too!
@bilbo_pingouin right, several candidates got one or two downvotes there. I didn't mean just me.
note that Serban was one of the least downvoted on the primary. That might be some factor.
Tim might have been the only one who didn't.
@bilbo_pingouin I think that's relevant, yes.
btw, mentioning the election blog post, if some of you have idea of statistics that could appear there, feel free to tell me around the chat :) otherwise I'll only put what comes to my mind ;)
I kept telling Serban that I had over twice the downvotes he did.
wow, I had two downvotes too...seems like a weird thing to down vote
@bowlturner, yeah, you had a LOT more votes than me, but lots more downvotes as well.
in the primary
last time I checked I had almost as many downvotes on the Q&A as in the primary...
I went ahead and locked the questionnaire to preserve the historical record, by the way, but I don't know if it's really necessary. Locks can be removed easily enough. Anyway, if you've got opinions, please let us know.
I think some users must have assumed that to be the main election room?
@SerbanTanasa at the end I think you were only 3-4 behind (because of the downvotes)
no, i had a lot of upvotes that last morning in the primary
but i wasn't checking your vote totals, so that could be as well
I remember totals were like 95 to 92
I probably made people unhappy with, "well that won't really work that way" I have two of them out there right now, not getting any love! ;)
It feels great to be typing on a keyboard and not a touchscreen phone anymore. :-)
@randal'thor Thanks!
I just checked my election questionnaire answer, I got so many downvotes the answer got greyed out
I guess people don't like short answers
are yours shorter than mine?
@DaaaahWhoosh oh, ouch! I hadn't checked.
@bowlturner In this case, yes
not usually though :)
That's your problem. We were just discussing earlier how I set the minimum standards! ;)
2 hours later…
Well that's the excitement over for a while, thanks to everyone for taking part and making this a really close run thing.
And bah to @HDE226868 and @MonicaCellio for getting through in the first round when I needed the second choice votes. So near and yet so far. :p
In fact it looks like after @HDE226868's excess was transferred I had more 2nd choice votes than @MonicaCellio did so I'm claiming a 2nd place overall win :D
All joking aside I think the main election reflected the primary results pretty closely. I do find it amusing how it spent something like 5 rounds just bouncing votes back between Monica, HDE and myself as well.
@TimB there you go. :-)
@TimB yeah, that's pretty funny to watch.
I think quite a lot of votes must have been for the 3 of us.
Looks like. You can download the (anonymized) ballots and do whatever analysis you'd like.
I think @bowlturner was a casualty of the 3 vote limit. Considering he came 4th in the primary but serban had nearly twice as many votes in the actual election.
The three-vote limit made the fourth slot a real wildcard, as far as I can tell.
People who voted for Michael liked having you as their next pick Monica, a lot of votes came to the top 3 but particularly to you when Michael got eliminated
I noticed that. If you wanted to dig through the data you could see how much of that there was (among whatever candidates you like) for all votes as opposed to only exhausted ones. But you'd need to do some data-wrangling to answer the "people who liked Tim also liked" question.
@TimB Serban said that it took him until the 20-somethingth round to make it, and I instantly wondered what had happened in the intervening 20 or so rounds. . .
yeah, that's what I'm looking at now I'm home and can see it properly
basically the 3 of us dominated the votes so much that it had to spend a lot of time rebalancing
until eventually enough votes were exhausted that serban got in - but serban was clearly in the lead through the whole process
@HDE226868 22nd
@nitsua60 Ah, thanks.
congrats, btw
(and to @MonicaCellio and @TimB and @SerbanTanasa)
Thanks. I didn't expect it (seriously).
[as HDE] "In my first act as elected moderator I will... resign. Because thanks, all, but I didn't expect it." (he he he)
@HDE226868 lots of moving of very small piles of votes from and among the three of us, mostly.
Yeah, lots of rounds where you need screen magnification to see where the red and green lines (not areas!) lay....
@HDE226868 seriously?? I thought it was clear you'd get a seat.
@HDE226868 you going to put this on college apps?
@MonicaCellio I went with Tim's prediction that two of the three of us would get in, but people would vote strategically for the fourth spot and actually bump the third out. And I figured I'd be that third.
@HDE226868 nah, not with that primary voting. I figured I'd be the one to get squeezed out.
(Must relocate; back in an hour or so I expect.)
@nitsua60 Well, I submitted them in November, so it's too late to add this election, but yeah, I actually did add SE under "extracurriculars".
@MonicaCellio Primary shmimary.
I, too, need to go get dinner.
@HDE226868 ahh.... Well well done, anyway.
@HDE226868 Actually that was a self-nullifying prediction. I deliberately said it in several places to encourage people not to do too much tactical voting in order to prevent exactly that scenario.
No idea if it made any difference but we got a good result so I'll take the win :)

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