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10:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

1. HDE 226868: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 137 (143 up, -6 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 131 (139 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 86 (96 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 78 (82 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 71 (78 up, -7 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 63 (73 up, -10 down)
8. James: 49 (56 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 44 (51 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 35 (47 up, -12 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 28 (31 up, -3 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 26 (30 up, -4 down)
13. JDługosz: 10 (16 up, -6 down)
14. Aify: 6 (14 up, -8 down)
15. AndyD273: 3 (12 up, -9 down)
Things are definitely settling down
I'll be surprised if we see any more changes by the end of the primaries, although it could still happen.
bilbo and Samuel are not terribly far apart
7 votes? that's substantial
the difference in voting colume between the two of them is remarkable though
@TimB it's quite a bit, but it could still happen
is what I'm saying
yeah, some people really don't like something about Samuel's candidateship for some reason
It's also the only difference on this chart that really matters
true fact
bilbo on the other hand has the lowest number of downvotes
bilbo and daah were both ahead of Monty Wild for a while, then Monty pulled ahead yesterday
so I guess it's possible the same could happen for someone other than Monty today
@TimB I made a fun little addition to the votes calculator script:
(function($) {
    function repeat(pattern, count) {
        if (count < 1) return '';
        var result = '';
        while (count > 1) {
            if (count & 1) result += pattern;
            count >>= 1, pattern += pattern;
        return result + pattern;

    console.log('processing data, this may take a while');
    var t = 0;
    var arr = []
    $('#mainbar > table > tbody > tr').each(function(i) {
        var name = $(this).find('.user-details a').text();
        var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(5);
. HDE 226868: 142 (150 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 136 (143 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 132 (140 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 86 (96 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 78 (82 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 71 (78 up, -7 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 63 (73 up, -10 down)
8. James: 49 (56 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 45 (52 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 35 (47 up, -12 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 28 (31 up, -3 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 26 (30 up, -4 down)
13. JDługosz: 10 (16 up, -6 down)
14. Aify: 6 (14 up, -8 down)
15. AndyD273: 3 (12 up, -9 down)
now it also makes a little ascii art graph in the console
you can see votes have noticeably slowed down
@TimB when was that?
the one I just posted is now
oh, that's newer
so that's changes in last 50 minutes
Monica is catching up
the gap between HDE to me and me to Monica has hovered around 5 for the past day, sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less
HDE 226868: 150 up, -8 down:
Tim B: 143 up, -7 down:
Monica Cellio: 140 up, -8 down:
overall people are voting for us equally...so the gap has remained roughly constant with HDE keeping his slight lead
It's a little bit weird, you'd expect the gap to stay proportional to the total scores
you should still have the numbers to the left so we can see where 10 is
good point
(function($) {
    function repeat(pattern, count) {
        if (count < 1) return '';
        var result = '';
        while (count > 1) {
            if (count & 1) result += pattern;
            count >>= 1, pattern += pattern;
        return result + pattern;

    console.log('processing data, this may take a while');
    var t = 0;
    var arr = []
    $('#mainbar > table > tbody > tr').each(function(i) {
        var name = $(this).find('.user-details a').text();
        var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(5);
1. HDE 226868: 150 up, -8 down:
2. Tim B: 143 up, -7 down:
3. Monica Cellio: 140 up, -8 down:
maybe a /2 on the scores as well to make the graph a bit smaller (if less accurate)
although it's still ok atm
I thought about setting a hard limit on width and then scaling to fit
but meh
The table without teh graph still gets printed as well
HDE 226868: 150 up, -8 down:
Tim B: 143 up, -7 down:
Monica Cellio: 140 up, -8 down:
I do feel a little sorry for fi12
No change at the top few in the past hour
I feel sorry for Jim2B
decent candidate score, his statement was short but not terrible...and yet he's on 18/-18
@TimB I haven't voted on him because I don't have enough to go on
very short (but not terrible) statement
no questionnaire
Yep, I think that's why everyone is doing the same. I upvoted him but only because I don't think he deserved to be negative, if he'd been +10 or more I'd probably not have upvoted for the exact reasons you give.
Failing to be active in meta is something that means you don't get to be a mod.
You need to be known.
And by active, I mean more than upvote/downvote.
wow, bilbo_pingouin, DaahWhoosh and I have the lowest negative scores
yep, you're clearly the uncontroversial candidates
i don't understand who would downvote Monica, for instance.
hi, folks
hello Andrei
someone who might want their more fav candidate to take the lead
Samuels 48 to 12 is the most controversial
What Andrei said :)
I was a little surprised at how poorly received Samuel's candidacy has been
but I guess he sort of is a fan of sarcastic comments/answers
some people probably didn't take too well to his style
I don't remember seeing Samuel in chat much either?
this is only my third or fourth time in chat myself, so i have no idea
I'm just jealous of his "epic" badge
1. HDE 226868: 145 (153 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 138 (145 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 134 (142 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 88 (98 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 80 (84 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 71 (79 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 63 (74 up, -11 down)
8. James: 51 (58 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 37 (49 up, -12 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 28 (32 up, -4 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 26 (31 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 10 (17 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 5 (14 up, -9 down)
15. AndyD273: 2 (12 up, -10 down)
1. HDE 226868: 153 up, -8 down:
2. Tim B: 145 up, -7 down:
3. Monica Cellio: 142 up, -8 down:
Samuel is making a run for it
bilbo, Daah, JD and Aify all gained a down vote
Michael definitely deserves more recognition than he's getting. He spends a lot of time writing things like this:
A: Does anyone else find WB insanely aggressive re: holding/locking questions?

Michael KjörlingLike Samuel wrote, our site has a tendency to attract questions that are little more than random musings. More to the point, our site has a tendency to attract questions that are everything from nutcases to sheer madness, and not uncommonly, without any prior research having been done. Note the ...

@TimB, whoa, when did you get 11 (!!!) gold badges
I want gold badges :'(
they're shiny
@TimB LOLLLL ... I think the link you posted also gives us some great insight into Samuel's score
and I quote: "Nope, you're bonkers."
he's a pretty funny guy under the sarcasm, though
@overactor please stop saying that I don't have that many downvote ;-)
Gee, @bilbo_pingouin doesn't have very many upvotes so far, does he?
not sure that'll work though... ;-)
@bilbo_pingouin but it is true :^)
tbh, I am don't think most people voting now come around this chat... or any chat for that matter
@SerbanTanasa I got 3 or 4 in the last few months I think, several famous questions
I got 2 on worldbuilding and 1 on Stack Overflow on the same week :D
I suppose getting famous question is getting easier
on wb.SE
i have none
@SerbanTanasa well, get on it!
One of those questions spent over a week in HNQ
[creates a bot army]
and it did take about that long to rack up the 10k views
@SerbanTanasa golden badge or famous question?
he has 7 golds
@bilbo_pingouin famous q
7 is ok, 8 is better, but 11 seems out of reach
@TimB I have you beat in the bronze!! muhaha
7 is a nice number
not as nice as 3 though
Questions I asked over a year ago are starting to nudge over the 10k mark
you can see I got 2 in January for questions asked a long time ago
@TimB, I have one around 9600, slowly edging up
oh wow, I'm user 9 :P
and another one at 99 upvotes
has been gaining an upvote every few days or so
also slowly creeping my way up to socratic, although @HDE226868 might well beat me there
I'm on 48 questions, Socratic is a LONG way away
from @Hohmannfan ^^^
I'm pretty happy with 12th place
I like being the worst of the best, and right now I'm right on the edge
I see Samuel has the coveted 'last spot' bonus to his score, taking him past the 40 mark :P
@DaaaahWhoosh there is some step behind the two of us. Comparatively, it's one of the bigger steps... one between 3 and 4 and 12 and 13...
Oh, wait, last spot is an actual useful marker.
Oh! I posted in the wrong chat
Doesn't matter, it's welcome everywhere.
I think this chatroom is just as much about the election as the main one
Yeah... It is the same people talking about the same things
pretty much... I just have two chats open now instead of one
If it continues to double every election, I will eventually run out of tabs
@DaaaahWhoosh only two? lucky you ;-)
I have The Pod Bay open too
Is that so you can throw the pesky humans out through it?
I have no idea why the chat is named that, but that may be the reason
@TimB Isn't the idea to just not open them?
pesky humans will go out on their own, you just don't have to let them back in
well you open them to let them out in the first place
ah, right
1 hour later…
242 new messages...really...
It was wild
@Mourdos Ill take your word for it
. HDE 226868: 159 up, -8 down:
2. Tim B: 149 up, -7 down:
3. Monica Cellio: 146 up, -8 down:
@TimB gracias
It's generated by a script, I just run it all credit to @overactor for the script and @Hohmannfan for doing it by hand for the first day :)
I admit I am pretty pleasantly surprised by 8th place...
well it's not over yet
anyhow home time o/
And I am really curious to see who down voted @MonicaCellio ...I mean the rest of sure, we get obnoxious from time to time, but she is always super nice.
@SerbanTanasa is an outlier in that he has almost half as many down votes as the next person in the top 10
...which is kind of obnoxious in a way :p so nevermind I get it.
Yeah and whats the deal with Jim2B...he's got some haters lined up
So we elect the four at the bottom right?
@Mourdos Yes.
@James I've got some haters too. I suppose it's better than apathy.
Its interesting, I know all the names of the top 12. The ones below? Never heard of before the elections
Jim2B has some pretty good answers
I was amazed (s)he was voted so poorly
As sarcastic as I can be...and as hard as it is to emote sarcasm in text I am surprised I don't have more frankly.
I can downvote you if it would make you feel any better.
@bowlturner wisedonkey
Better wise than dumb! ;)
Yeaj. Jim2B is always solid
love their answers
@bowlturner just wait until i deploy the bot herds during the election
Bring them on!
I'm going to lunch
@bowlturner, but I think people mostly know me by my posts rather than mod activity
@James We all have downvotes, and the pro-tems all have several. Could be tactical voting, people who disagreed with some mod action we took, people who just want a change of scenery... who knows?
@bowlturner Jim2B hasn't answered the questionnaire and has almost no meta activity, and in his nomination he says he likes discussions and wants to keep questions open. That could explain the downvotes regardless of how good one's Q&A on main are.
@SerbanTanasa high-quality posts are the first thing I think of when I see your name, yes. Then I look further and see your other contributions.
@Mourdos "never heard of" can also explain downvotes; voters probably want to see a level of activity before electing someone.
All speculation, worth what you paid for it. :-)
Somebody said that Samuel isn't in chat much. Please note that Samual was away (out of town, away from computers) for several weeks recently and has just come back, so look farther back if overall chat participation is important to you.
@MonicaCellio, [blushes]
@Samuel called me out earlier on a self-serving link in a recent question. I removed said offending link in the morning, thanks to your comment.
@Samuel, as Karma would have it, I got 2 upvotes on that q within 3 hours of removing the link
@SerbanTanasa Just saying I noticed it. I've got no problem with linking previous answers.
@MonicaCellio The Internet has a short attention span, I was gone for six weeks and it was like I wasn't here daily for months before that.
The general chat is one of my pinned tabs.
^ wait who is this person posting above
I'm new here.
This is some kind of Magrathea SE, right?
@Samuel, yeah, this section is mostly about planting fossils
Crap, I'm looking for the Fjords section... But don't think I'm just a fanboy, I liked them before it was cool.
I was just reading through the candidate nominations for the primary when I read @Samuel's and realized that the questions got asked at some point.
Now I'm going to have to do tons of reading and probably change my votes. XD
@Jerenda Yeah, when the primary opened. I might be the only one who updated my bid to link to it.
Maybe the link should be in the main question portion? I might not be the only one who didn't realize there was more information available.
@Jerenda It is in there.
It's the last thing.
cough @Samuel OK, I see it now.
15 of the 19 candidates have answered the questionnaire. I'm impressed by how many did so in the first few hours. :-)
And yes, lots of reading there.
(I edited an index into the question to make individual candidates' answers easier to find, something I saw them do on an SO election with 30 candidates.)
@Jerenda Easy to miss :)
@MonicaCellio Noticed that, it looks good.
@Samuel Agreed.
@Samuel this made me chuckle
@James Slartibartfast totally sold out.
@Samuel Pardon me while I visit google.
oh...doy. I seriously need to read those books...
@James You mean re-read?
Because yes, either way.
@Samuel /shame no...
I've never read them.
Ill just go withdraw from the election now.
I'm not a laugh out loud when reading kind of person and those books made that happen.
It's not just you, @James! I've only read the first one! (Although I'm not a candidate for election...)
@Samuel, agreed, only Saint Pratchett ranks higher on my list of recent Britons with a higher laugh-out-loud factor
@SerbanTanasa Also excellent. Who couldn't like Rincewind?
@MonicaCellio, I was on the fence about voting for you, but I really liked your answers to the questions. You clearly have a lot of experience and know what you're talking about, while having the compassion that I want in a mod. :)
@Jerenda thank you.
Woo, questionnaires make a difference! Other candidates take note. :-)
@MonicaCellio You're welcome. They really do; I'm reading @ArtOfCode's right now. I didn't think his nomination statements were compelling either way, but I love his Q&A.
@Jerenda agreed; Art's answers are strong and solid.
I feel like he also gives more information than other candidates, helping me as a fairly inexperienced lurker to understand what he'd give as a mod.
Worldbuilding is the only SE community I truly love. I lurk far too much, but I love it and I want to try and help the community pick good mods. So, the more information the better for me. :)
Good, that's the sort of person we wrote the Q&As for
Yeah, what Tim said. Lots of people won't read these answers, but for those who do, we want to supply enough information for you to have some idea what you'd be getting for your vote.
OK! Answers have been read, votes have been given, and my daughter seems to think she's more important than Worldbuilding. I'd better go validate her. XD
get her a worldbuilding account then she can vote too
My sock puppets are REAL people!
@Jerenda growing the next generation of worldbuilders is important too. (She is going to be a worldbuilder, right? :-) )
@Hohmannfan a whole universe in your sock drawer! Who'd'a thought?
@TimB Start with letting her build small continents, and progress from there
We have five candidates who haven't even read the tour page. That is, no badge.
@MonicaCellio My sock drawer would be a good setting. Unexplored regions, mysterious things going on, and a rich biology.
Seems like a good badge to go into the moderator candidate score...
@Samuel I agree
Most surprising is one of the current mods is on that list...
@Hohmannfan, the only thing about my sock drawer are mysterious and unaccounted disappearances.
@SerbanTanasa You too? Perhaps they are all interconnected in some kind of L-space network?
Socks are clearly sentient. For proof, just look at how many have accounts and are posting here on WB
@Hohmannfan and depending on how long they've been going: evolution, language, and opposable thumbs. Watch out!
I am actually a sock account of @TimB
You too?
Stripy sock with elephants
@Samuel uh oh (goes to look). When you help create the page, coming back to walk through it as a user might not seem obvious.
...oh wait
we haven't voted yet
Oh good; I already had it.
@MonicaCellio Yeah, fair enough, it's not you or Tim.
now I am wondering if it is me...
Scary thought: The sock population is outnumbering us with a factor of at least 2
@SerbanTanasa so now the truth can be told: does Tim wear toe-socks?
phew, not me
@MonicaCellio, we quietly disposed of those. It was a grim duty, but had to be done.
My guess is yes, but not rainbow toe socks.
@MonicaCellio I do. The regular kind make wearing toe shoes very uncomfortable
@James you wear socks with toe-shoes? For some reason I thought you didn't, but I have limited data.
@MonicaCellio You don't have to but you can...I find it keeps my feet drier and thus less blistery when I go on longer runs
That makes sense.
As an out-of-the-closet sock-puppet, I will say it's actually difficult to type without opposable toes.
I have that hanging at my desk
@MonicaCellio Is "limited data" on things like that available for mods?
@Hohmannfan I don't see an "apparel preferences" section on the mod-secret part of the user page. I meant that I only know two people who wear those shoes and neither of them wears socks. But neither of them is a runner, either.
I used to wear the 5-fingered toes for running, but I finally caved in to the overwhelming social pressure.
I now have the regular, 6-fingered kind
6-fingered? Something you're not telling us?
He's a dwarf
from Eragon
they have 6 toes.
Does anyone else feel like we are completely violating Grace Note's second pinned chat item over there...its like its sitting over there watching me and judging me for tainting the election chat room.
Well now I do.
@James @MonicaCellio @Samuel and @SerbanTanasa are all candidates, so I guess we are discussing some important election stuff
@Samuel Thank you for the laugh.
What do you other candidates think about @James' feet?
I am conversing with candidates. I want to see if they/I hug babies, kick puppies, etc
Wait, I mean @SerbanTanasa's feet.
Gotta know them as a person, with feelings and feet
I only kicked that baby one time and he totally had it coming.
Is the sixth for vampire hanging?
We only hang when we're sleepy
@SerbanTanasa So... all of daytime?
SPF 100 does wonders for the skintone
it's a garlic-induced skin light sensitivity disorder
@James I was on the verge of making a comment like "2016 WB Mod Election, where we discuss toe-socks, X, and Y", but hadn't yet looked at the transcript for suitable X and Y. :-)
vampire hangover?
@MonicaCellio Toe shoes and uhhhh...
...gold badges, and throwing people out of airlocks? Yeah, something like that.
seems about right for WB
if only we can get some baloon whales
I found the loop hole in the note: "Welcome all! This room is intended as a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc. For general discussion related to Worldbuilding, go h..[...]" This is clearly not about worldbuilding, so then it is OK.
What about balloons for whales? What can they use that will have a similar buoyancy as balloons for humans?
@MonicaCellio I would like to respectfully suggest baby kicking.
HDE has had a good day, no chance I'm going to catch him now :(
I like the combination of "balloon-whales" and "reasoned-discussion"
@James now there's something to take out of context. :-)
Our tags at space exploration
poor obtuse alcoholic ducks, they are being discriminated against...
that. is. hilarious.
It's a star free-for-all in general chat. Click the star at the end of this message to see what's happening!
subtle lol
No takers, huh?
@Samuel for science? :-)
no for personal gain. Isn't that what people look for in a political election? ;-)
I'm going say yes to no one in particular.
I am about to start an important discussion in general chat.
@bilbo_pingouin shh... I was trying to give him a chance to claim the high road.
@MonicaCellio Do you have a flag...?
@James where, chat? Not at the moment. They come and go pretty quickly, usually. I ignore the ones in Russian. :-)
lol no...this
pun off of your use of 'claim'
Никто не игнорирует Россию!
@James oh. Will have to wait until I'm home, I'm afraid.
If you have never watched Eddie Izzard's stand up you should. The man is brilliant.
Sounds like fun.
Dress to kill was great
I laughed out loud for the whole 2 hours when i first saw it
you gotta know some history to really appreciate it
...and French
@SerbanTanasa Yeah I think I had to watch it at least three times before I actually caught all the jokes.
I saw him live on Force Mejure
not quite as good a dtk but still quite funny.
@James, I saw himi live in St. Petersburg, Russia. He did not cross-dress there for some reason
@SerbanTanasa Shocker
Putin is a jack@$$
@SerbanTanasa I dunno. It would be tough for me to beat you (I'm at ~61).
Hm, Monica's catching up to Tim, only two votes away.
@TimB, @overactor how do you run the js?
In a console. For Chrome, hit F12 on the election page and select the console tab.
1. HDE 226868: 153 (161 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 142 (149 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 140 (148 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 93 (103 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
8. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
9. Samuel: 36 (50 up, -14 down)
10. bilbo_pingouin: 33 (37 up, -4 down)
11. DaaaahWhoosh: 29 (34 up, -5 down)
12. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
13. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
14. AndyD273: 0 (12 up, -12 down)
15. Jim2B: -1 (18 up, -19 down)
@Samuel thanks, I found out in between :)
I've noticed Serban catches me during the day and falls behind at night (US)
@bowlturner, I'm busy hunting at night
besides, this is just the primary, the main voting round patterns are bound to be very different.
@SerbanTanasa I'm just hoping to break 100, so I can have 1 post that breaks the 100 mark! ;)
@bowlturner interesting... does that mean there's a regional way to vote, or that you are more popular with some people...
It suggests to me Serban and I have different geographical regions pulling for us
@bowlturner since I post at day, i expect that my post on main and chate get buried by others by night, so users in Asia and Europe don't see as much of me?
@bowlturner Serban's mention of Romanian origin?
@SerbanTanasa Don't know. I mostly post during the day as well.
Europeans hate Romanians, they know we're all thieving gypsies
@SerbanTanasa I am in Europe ;-)
@bowlturner And besides, you've pulled decisively ahead (8 votes)
@SerbanTanasa it fluctuates. It's been as high as 10 or 11 and as low as 5-6 and it looks like 7 right now
@bowlturner I think i was ahead in the first 32 minutes!
But most of the negative voting seems to have stopped, or at least slowed down a lot
@SerbanTanasa the higher our scores the smaller the % of difference for that same 7-8 votes becomes.
I'm at 4 negs, have been there for a while
@bowlturner well except for the less fortunate ones. They get a down vote as often as I get an upvote. Lucky for them, they don't have your rates... :)
@bowlturner ouch 10 down
@SerbanTanasa yep I've been there for a while.
Why isn't Artofcode in the list?
I'm still getting a few downvotes. I'm on the cusp, so I would guess anyone below me has incentive to downvote. Since downvotes can actually affect me.
@Samuel Yes you could still be knocked out
Juuust hanging in there for now.
That's going to be a close race. Only a 7 vote difference between Samuel, bilbo_pingouin and DaaaahWhoosh.
@bowlturner good catch. I might have screwed it by clicking on his score in the middle of the script
about 48 hours left?
@bilbo_pingouin ah, could be. I had to go check to see if he withdrew from the race
1. HDE 226868: 153 (161 up, -8 down)
2. Tim B: 142 (149 up, -7 down)
3. Monica Cellio: 140 (148 up, -8 down)
4. bowlturner: 93 (103 up, -10 down)
5. Serban Tanasa: 86 (90 up, -4 down)
6. Michael Kjörling: 73 (81 up, -8 down)
7. ArtOfCode: 67 (78 up, -11 down)
8. James: 53 (60 up, -7 down)
9. Monty Wild: 47 (54 up, -7 down)
10. Samuel: 36 (50 up, -14 down)
11. bilbo_pingouin: 33 (37 up, -4 down)
12. DaaaahWhoosh: 29 (34 up, -5 down)
13. JDługosz: 11 (18 up, -7 down)
14. Aify: 6 (16 up, -10 down)
without skipping AoC :)
That's my highest-scoring post anywhere on the site, but it doesn't confer badges. :-(
@MonicaCellio That is almost twice my highest scoring post. and mine is much smaller than yours
@Samuel I think the one who has the most to win (at the moment) would be me, and I haven't done it. But maybe some people did want to get some suspense for the end of the voting :)
10:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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