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Q: Does Euro Truck Simulator 2 have multiplayer?

Fabrizio GWhen I go to the Steam ETS2 page, it has Co-op Online tag. However, when I google about it, all I find is about a mod to play it online. I know many years ago it wasn't possible to play it multiplayer. Is it now included to play it co-op directly from Steam without having to host a server and/or ...

@Fredy31 2 years later, a time limited event about Itto and rock music explains WHAT was Kokomi doing while she was not on Watasumi and why she would constantly disappear during the war.
suddenly, this retroactive explanation changes how she looks during the archon story quest and makes her stand out a lot more.
Short version: you discover that during the war there were some rumor of "a dog that would show up out of nowhere in the middle of a battle to rescue the injured animals and take them to safety." And the dog was supported by a "Puppy Union" based in Rito (remember where you find Thoma?) that was somehow linked to both the Yashiro commission and Sangonomiya.
oh, and the "puppies" record goes like this...
> ...Pets admitted for care today...
Weasel Thief No. 11: Dalang, 6 y/o.

...Pets admitted for care today...
Weasel Thief No. 12: Chouji, 8 y/o.

...Pets admitted for care today...
Unagi No. 8: Cocquerel, 35 y/o.

...Pets admitted for care today...
General Crab No. 3: Koharu, 25 y/o.

...Pets admitted for care today...
Bake-Danuki No. 5: Kusumi, 60 y/o.

...Pets admitted for care today...
Unagi No. 9: Dvorak, 40 y/o.
5 hours later…
(note: I though it was pretty obvious but just in case, those are no "pets" at all. Those are actual people. The "pets" were a cover story to be able to move around and save people)

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