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Spongebob and two fighting games. Pass
8 hours later…
lol Valve new game has leaked
CS2 is a shitshow.
But hey look this new thing we do!
And its competitive multiplayer. Hope they have something better than VAC.
@Fredy31 I was just to point out that those two communities are sharpening their pitchfork
Frequenting the CS2 subreddit i can tell you they were already out.
CS anticheat (VAC) is such a joke people wonder if its just straight up off.
lucky I am not on that ship.
I'm not currently playing CS but it sounds grim
like playing on official MM servers you will hit a definitive hacker every 2-3 games, or if you are high in the Leaderboards every game
There are basically videos every day of lobbies that have a hacker on both sides
sub doesnt seem to be talking about it, but the leak was last week
@Fredy31 most gaming subs have domesticated moderation. Expect topics about main issues to be removed most of the time.
in some cases it gets so toxic that you can see a secondary sub getting created to discuss topic that the official one hides under the rug
but yeah pretty rich for them to announce a multiplayer game that will definitively be with a competitive side when their in house anticheat is in fucking shambles
@Fredy31 Bandaitrash has the Xenoverse game where online is pure garbage. First, if you want to play competitive PVP you will find hackers and modders. Second, if you just want to play the game PVE you will be forced in online to get some items that only drop from online raids.
On top of this, the game has constantly connectivity issues.
Basically, whenever a player creates a room, other players join on a peer-to-peer connection.
Its a little bit whataboutism, but yeah, at least theres a game that is not online
CS2 has 1 mode. Competitive online
@Fredy31 Give me a second.
Like I was saying, when a player joins a room, there is a peer-to-peer connection between players. If one of them has a poor connection to another player (could be because of different ISP, countries etc) the last one is automatically dropped, but this often causes a chain reaction that drops EVERYONE but the room owner
Imagine HAVING to play a raid that you didn't even want to only to be able to get an item that drops only there and having to go thru 15min of wasted time to be able to play ONE MATCH!
and that not because "huge queue", just because "connection dropped 10 times before getting lucky"
Oh, and obviously they simply had to make the Supreme Kai of Time a character you can only unlock online in a time gated quest they usually rerun... twice in a year?
I mean sure but that doesnt change that CS online is crap
Oh, sure, I was just giving some moral support with a "If it is any consolation, Bandai is trash too"
And Xenoverse at least has a singleplayer bit you can enjoy offline, if I see right
your experience is not ONLY to play competitive, online games
Also, ffs, Valve is times bigger than bandai, has basically unlimited budget, and runs 2 of the biggest multiplayer games currently. And can't seem to handle an AC.
@Fredy31 true that, but I expect that people like me, playing a fighting game just for PVE , are the "black swan", so most Xenoverse players probably play online.
Xenoverse also kinda strikes me as a game that was 'minimum effort, people will just buy the name on the box' kinda gam
Oh, and to be fair I was forgetting something. Online is your big source of TP points (getting hundreds from raids comparing to a single point from an offline quest)... But worry not, we got you covered. Can't play online?
Just 30$.
@Fredy31 If you think that of Xenoverse I would love to see what you would think of their One Piece mobile gacha game
Yeah saw that past. Theres also a demon slayer one
Cashing in you say?
Minimum effort/budget, where we just have to rehash the anime with textboxes on stills
Can't speak for the Demon Slayer one, but the One Piece game gimmiks make you really appreciate that in Genshin you can still use a year one Klee and have fun.
@Fredy31 Story wise they are stuck on the Cake Island saga. That is BEFORE Wano, so... like 4-5 years ago.
Which didn't stop them from selling the Wano and Egghead Island units though
Imagine Genshin stopping at Inazuma but selling all the unreleased regions units.
and the app size is in the GB range. For a few 2d sprites.

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