I am adding more hangars to my mothership, but my total command points remains at 8 so I can't use many of the better ships. How do I increase my command points?
I sent a PR to a project a couple days and and someone requested review from a contributor and they didn't handle that yet and I don't want to be pushy but like, when would be a good time to poke them?
(thanks to @GodEmperorDune for reminding me this indirectly)
Pretty sure no one has done this before, but i have no knowledge on romhacking and i am looking to translate the the game mentioned in the title, i've already decompressed the CIA file the game came in and have all the files at my disposal, but i can only open some uncompressed loading screens an...
I own a copy of Heroes 7 (steam). I am 2 missions away from finishing all campaigns etc.
In game I noticed a "trial by fire" button that was blurred out because I don't own it. I thought it was a dlc so tried to find the "buy" button (the way it was in H6 with Crag Hag campaign, Shades of darkne...
Does any body know how the next change ID increments on the POE API?
I appreciate this is more of a programming question but I though who best to ask if not the actual gamer's community.
I think I have figured out the the API returns the latest, system wide next_change_id for the latest stash ...
@KevinvanderVelden Dutch and English use articles in similar enough ways that in this case, saying "an egg" is different from just saying "egg". The former explicitly declared that only 1 egg has been eaten, while the other doesn't specify how much egg you have eaten. It could be 1 egg, it could be 12, it could be 3.7 (like scrambled),...
I have been attempting to rebuild a "super smelter", following Tango Tek's design
However, for some reason, it won't work. The items to be smelted are not being distributed along the chain, like they should be.
I think it's because I'm using upside down stair b...
You can't discuss the history of Toys R Us without mentioning how the horrors of 9/11 made Geoffrey briefly lose hi… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/910002403298217985
I'm playing Helldivers on my PS4, streamed to PSTV (Vita TV). I'm using a Dualshock 3, which of course has no touchpad. How can I open the map? Is there a generic way to emulate clicking the touchpad when using a DS3? (I wish it were mapped to Select, since I never actually use the Share button...)
In my fortress buzzards are a pest,also they aways find a way to get caged,so i wold like to know if there is a way to kill then automatically(or at least without i having to manually kill each of then),it being complex isn't a big problem as long isn't very repetitive.
The Mattbat999 thought you'd be interested in this proposed Q&A site. If you like the idea, you can click the "Follow" button below to track the progress of this proposal.
> "If you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years now. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please wake up, we miss you.",
I just bought an XBOX 360 Wired controller today, and I'm usually using Steam Big Picture, but everytime when I bring up the overlay by pressing the Xbox button, it also brings up this :
How can I make this thing disappear?
I don't understand why you'd even bother, there's not enough emojis to make an embedding useful
at least I thought there weren't enough emojis
@Frank its still here for me!
Well, ish. (It's 22c today)
Started reading Zen and the Art of motorcycle Maintenance today and so far I don't get why it's so popular, it mostly makes me want to punch the author.
You hear a light rumbling, the instruments show that you are only about 30 centimeters off the desired trajectory. You feel relieved, and take a couple of seconds off your duty to glance out the small window to your left. At first, you are blinded by orange light, but your eyes adapt quickly. A s...
> Doctors Discover Gene That Makes Someone A Florida Fan Is The Same One That Makes People Think It’s OK To Go Shirtless To An Olive Garden.
> "I'm really confused that a Kentucky media outlet wrote this. This is beyond the pot calling the kettle black. This is the pot looking in the mirror and hating what it sees in itself."
@Avery I disagree with the assertion that Overwatch is doing micro-transactions poorly. In fact, I think it's probably the best example of micro-transactions in a game available today. There is almost 0 effect on gameplay, and the incentive to spend money, at least for some people, is already pretty low.
@Chippies Yeah, if you actually spend money, it kinda is. And TF2 has shown that there is a significant portion of the population of the players that will do that (significant in that they collectively spend enough to support the case for having it in the first place).
@GodEmperorDune Me neither :P The author is just a giant jerk like so far it's like "look at me I am so much better at being a person with a motorcycle than my friends"
> There is a scream echoing through the weeb community of the world right now, a scream I have not heard since the poor casting choices of Ghost in the Shell. That scream is a generation of people who thought an American take on Death Note was a good idea who are all instantly regretting every believing in that.
@Avery Idk about better, but it's one of the least harmful examples due to being cosmetics only. It's still gambling though, which can abuse a lot of people's addictive personalities
@PrivatePansy who would ever think that an american take on an anime would be good?
@GodEmperorDune That's what I thought too! And I can see why, because it like...makes you feel good if you think like the author thinks, but man he's so self-important and such an ass that I want to punch him in the face
@Chippies eh kinda unrelated, while it's illegal there are still legal gambling businesses like the scratch ticket stuff and "buy a number and this'll be picked at this date and if it's yours you get all money" and horse racing stuff and the sports betting stuff. Intentions of said laws are good but they shouldn't have exceptions like these imo.
@Ash juicero, soylent, i'm sure there are other companies built on being pretentious
@Avery depending on the sports betting stuff, it's not always entirely legal (well, running it isn't, playing it is subject to a different set of rules)
@GodEmperorDune ugh, true, that would explain it, they would probably like this book
@Chippies eh turkey rant time: both legal gambling and legal prostitution are done by govt agencies, and it's illegal for anyone else to conduct said activities. It's less of a loophole and "it's ok if you go bankrupt if the money goes to govt then it's fine" over here.
@Ash This seems to be the case for a lot of books that became popular in the late 80s and 90s.
The writing being extremely pretentious, that is.
@Yuuki Yeah, this is true. I was hoping it would be more like the Tao of Pooh, where it takes a thing and makes it approachable, this so far doesn't even touch Zen concepts it's just a guy going on about how he is so much better at being prepared and dealign with motorcycle stuff than his firends and how that's because they're bad at being people and have wrong ideas about the world
Makes it much harder to enforce but somewhat agree
Tbf on second point LGT is not generally a very lucrative market in the sex industry anyway except in pornography, that issue exists in more than just your country
Gambling is legal here, old riverboat styled casinos. It's mostly a hangout for the retired. I lost $400 in one and have never been back. Though the buffet is a good deal if you need to feed and entertain friends.
@Yuuki fair point
@MadMAxJr I know more people who go to various casinos for their buffets than I do people who actually gamble :P
@Yuuki isn't friends limit 20 base and +5 every couple steam levels?
or at least that's what I always thought it was
@Avery free2play games don't drop cards until you've spent a certain amount of real money on them regardless if you have bought games on your account or not
I don't see why games that you've bought (redeemed keys bought from 3rd party stores) wouldn't drop cards, but I suppose it's a possibility...