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I just realized that I've had a twitter account for more than half my life.
@Avery wut
twitter has been out that long?
Avery is just very young
Well I knew that
but that also means Twitter's old and if Twitter's old than I'm old
I refuse to accept that Twitter is older than 4 years, so Avery must be 8 at most
I forget how young @Avery is pretty much daily. <_<
@DanmakuGrazer BANNED
Guys age is just a number
I've had a twitter account for 3077 days and lived for 6119 days
A legally important number.
my number is better than your number
@BlueBarren I know where you're going. Don't do that.
@Avery we're all 25 at heart?
or maybe 25 is too old for some people, we're all 'young' at heart
But if you trigger a buffer overflow you can get a negative age value. This helps you speedrun life.
Are you saying going backwards can actually lead forward?
quick, someone fly counter-clockwise around the planet at super speed a couple of times
@BlueBarren it launched on 2006
I registered on 2009
I may have broke a little something called coppa by doing so but who cares
Yeah it's existed a while
@Avery holy crap, I was 10 in 2006. Twitter came out when I was 10!?
I was 6 in 2006
and yes.
@Avery stop this madness, people are starting to feel old
all aboard the @Sterno ride
I'm 35, you guys make me feel old because most of you don't have a pre-internet era in your life.
@MadMAxJr yay, another bridger older than me
but i remember pre-internet
@MadMAxJr huh, what's "pre-internet"? Is that a new social media platform?
@MadMAxJr pretty much everyone has a pre-computer era in their life.
@MadMAxJr My wife is playing through Kingdom Hearts and when she got stuck briefly she looked up where to go. And it reminded me of when I was a kid and my friend got stuck in the same spot so he was just stuck for an hour until he randomly stumbled in the right direction.
In the late 80s and early 90s, mainstream internet access didn't exist yet. But we had local and long-distance call BBS systems.
for me this era did end at the age of 3 or so though
@Beedrill remember you could call the tiplines for 99 cents a minute?
@badp Specifically referencing 'Consumer internet didn't exist yet' not PCs in general
or wait for one of the magazines to come out with a guide
@GodEmperorDune I remember being aware of that but I never seriously considered doing any such thing.
@Beedrill same
@MadMAxJr please do not feel old in a way that you cannot help
please age responsibly
if it helps you were of a different unrecoverable age to me before you told me your actual age
Well I've got physical ailments that one shouldn't be at risk for until their 60s, so life is already simply unfair in general, internet or not.
which goes to show you are not actually as old inside as you technically are
But that is neither here nor there.
you may be older or younger
so it is either here or there
and no one knows.
The point is, there was this time, where "Google it" wasn't an option.
This is still not right is it
something something relativity
@MadMAxJr you have to call your doctor immediately if your bridge usage lasts for more than four hours
@MadMAxJr I am familiar with the concept.
There's lots of stuff you can't google
Wikipedia? Uuhhhhh. I have a 1987 Encyclopedia Britannica.
I can however claim that I've used the pre-Google internets
i remember microsoft encarta
Encyclopedias, a summary of all general knowledge!
Imagine if Encyclopedias had a 'talk' page where all the editorial notes were kept.
@GodEmperorDune Tahoma 7pt for days
but hey it did have the 3D garden of knowledge sorta thing
hell, remember when MS Sans Serif was the font
before this Segoe UI stuff
before that Tahoma stuff
and thankfully after that Fixedsys stuff
computers still ship with MS Sans Serif but it's just not the same thing after cleartype
@MadMAxJr they probably did
they just weren't on the CD
@GodEmperorDune my mom would never let me do that.
@Beedrill psh I know they existed too
@fredley :100:
@MadMAxJr we didn't have internet til I was 12, and my parents only had dial up til...2008? Maybe later. I am bad at time.
is going to be 30 next month, feels old
I'm surrounded by people who insist something snaps in your early mid-30s and your body enters difficult mode
which is just what I wanted for chirstmas
You keep talking about encyclopedias on CD. I'm talking about gigantic tomes on a shelf!
Oh man, I'm older than Ash?
Any older and I'm going to be a Dark Souls hollow sitting here.
@MadMAxJr stares at sterno
@badp can confirm, it happened between 30 and 31 for me
Only instead of swinging a sword or poking a spear when I see The Chosen Undead run by, I just point and vote to close.
my metabolism put in it's 2 weeks notice
A new pal just showed up. https://t.co/DrVzXJRIgV
@MadMAxJr you do realize all paper encyclopedias ever didn't spontaneously combust as soon as Google was a thing
Of course my parents and grands have one
It's occasionally fun to flip through a volume idly
as an alphabetical compendium of human knowledge
I don't think I can afford buying one for myself
Maybe once I have kids
fat chance
@badp is it an italian one? how many volumes are dedicated to pasta sauce?
@GodEmperorDune yes. Not enough
The load time on paper encyclopedias were ridiculous. Unoptimized searches too.
@MadMAxJr can't be worse than tape drives
Isn't the load time of paper 0?
but for tape drives
@Unionhawk until you get PC load letter
@Yuuki so thats how they get to 19 different herbs and spices
Switch has screenshot button Here let me take a picture of the screen with my phone!
That screenshot button goes straight to Facebook or Twitter, I thought?
No wait, the share options are only Facebook and Twitter.
But it stores locally.
so they made a candy crush gameshow...
Wish I could just email it or something.
I don't use Facebook or Twitter.
Still 100% worth it vs taking a picture of a screen
@Unionhawk Wait, what happened to lpmf?
Same thing that happened to @twobugs
He's just not here
Wee! Power surges!
Knocked out something in our building; we're DOA right now.
@Unionhawk RIP
@John RIP
@Frank doa?
@KevinvanderVelden dead on arrival
Not sure that's what he meant which is why I'm asking
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, dead in the water might have been a better expression to use
Yeah, if he meant dead on arrival my next question is what arrived? =p
I find the expression is commonly used to express situations like @Frank's
it's just away to say you're out of commission
$data = [ map {s/'//g} @{$data} ];
$data = [ map {s/'//gr} @{$data} ];
still wrong
Cause it's still perl
@KevinvanderVelden at least its not php
That's not even wrong, that's @Wipqozn
@KevinvanderVelden less wrong
@KevinvanderVelden @Wipqozn is joining the enlightened and doing django
He's still @Wipqozn though
@KevinvanderVelden dead on arrival, yep.
Company is down until we get power back.
I'm jealous...
I mean... uh...
my company is great, I love always working at 100% efficiency all the time
but of course still following proper law by taking breaks and such
I shouldn't have named that last shelfset "my change description - final"
adds "my change description - final 2"
nailed it
my change description - absolutely definitely final this time guys I swear
Oh you people
having other people that might look at that stuff
I'm all by myself
my change description could be poop and no one would know
Oh god dammit I left an automatically generated event handler in
"my change description - final 3" it is
I'll probably leave it
@Unionhawk my change description - I'm an idiot
It's nothing major
classic @uni
@Unionhawk inb4 handles event onpageload and crashes the entire app
@Yuuki It handles tabcontrol.ontabchanged and does nothing
so I'll just check in the version that doesn't have it, no real need to shelve that
I hate that visual studio does that
but oh well
> ICE chief warns MS-13: "My gang is bigger"
Q: How do I go back to the page before useing the Apple TV

Jake SparksThere is a problem where When I go into the shop and buy something I can't get back to where I can start another game.

Good evening to everyone except ICE which deserves to get defunded and disbanded 🙂
@fredley something something wage gap?
oh no
oh god
Yeah, probably don't want to open that can of worms.
> 318 difference section(s)
I wish there was a way to disable that in the forms designer holy shit
OK! We're on to the Monkey Selfie case! Follow here: http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_video.php?pk_vid=0000011851
gogo monkey selfie
@TimStone Oh, for a few minutes there, I thought "Naruto" was referring to the anime/manga and not the name of a monkey.
I'll admit that it made the judge's question of how PETA could be considered a friend of Naruto to be much more amusing.
I think I accidentally copy pasted a control I didn't mean to and it generated the code for it
So the Castlevania anime on Netflix is pretty great.
Isn't like only 4 episodes?
Yeah. It's basically the introduction to the series
it got recommended to me yesterday. I should check it out.
Yep. It's loosely based on Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.
Which was a prequel to the original Castlevania.
They've already confirmed season 2 will have more episodes.
@TimStone I don't think peta is gonna win
Castlevania 3. Of all the ones to do a script on.
I mean, deep down inside, I'd love a dramatic "YOU STEAL MENS SOULS, AND MAKE THEM YOUR SLAVES!" etc etc bit animated.
@TimStone Wait, I thought this was resolved? What's the issue now with the selfie?
@Yuuki Nah, I think this is specifically pink tax related
@Ash Sounds like district court?
appeals woo
@Ash Oh, the Komen people?
Also holy crap this one handed run from sgdq
TFW you can't solve a data issue without a code rollout
I wonder how you'd even solve data issues by hand if your application was like written in Java or whatever. You'd probably have to write a new program every time
with all of the relevant overhead
and someone would probably be like "what is this and why are you modifying production data from your mystery meat thing"
@Yuuki nah, pink tax is the fact that lady crap is more expensive even when it is the same crap but pink
Like disposable razors, etc
"Bic for Her"
So the game is the same but pink so therefore it will appeal to ladies because they like pink and they can then charge more
@KevinvanderVelden ooh, that's also a good example
I find it silly we charge for things that we need to keep us healthy and hygienic
like toothpaste
That article does a pretty good job of explaining it
are you saying people should just let their teeth rot and die?
@BlueBarren Don't even get me started on the cost to be a human who menstruates...because that stuff is EXPENSIVE.
indiscriminate rage
Sorry, it didn't do that to me :(
And it scrolls down with your scrolling.
@Ash of course, I was just trying to pick something relate-able to everyone like toothpaste
Doesn't do it for me either
inspect->hide element
@Yuuki Ruuuude
or delete element
@BlueBarren Teeth are important!
Is news media seriously wondering why people are annoyed at their websites?
@Ash so is menstruation! Or why it happens? Not sure how to word this but understand my sentiment that the cost of health and hygiene products is an insult to all humans!
you should only pay for stuff you don't need like the latest Nintendo gaming system or a copy of Bad Rats
> you may be wondering why the text is japanese but the voice is english. First of all it annoys purists which amuses me greatly, but actually english voices are faster, but japanese text is faster on loading screens
although that kind of sentiment would probably put the world economy on it's head but this is also why I don't make important decisions
To be fair, this is just a regular consequence of capitalism. The price of everything is a function of supply and demand
if we were communist this wouldn't be a problem, right?
@murgatroid99 Hey. The Secretary of the Department of Energy has stated on record that demand is a function of supply.
If you have the supply, the demand will be there.
So really, the price of everything is a function of supply.
Well, I mean to be fair demand is partially a function of price so
economics is complicated woo
I'm glad Dunkey gets some good moments live too.
@Ash :C
> women's clothing cost 8% more than men's
lol no
the difference is much, much more.
@Avery extra so if you are a feminine-dressing human of size.
On the identical same thing the price difference might be that but when you account for the expectations of the society in terms of your apparel, the difference gets much mroe.
How to dress
1. Pick loosely matching socks
2. Pick shirt
3. Use yesterday's trousers
also maybe underwear
Instead of buying clothes I think we need to buy more cats (Yes I know this has been posted here before but I saw it reposted on Reddit so I'll just repost it here)
see I can grab a whole set of acceptable male clothing for ~50try but if I want a decent feminine tshirt or whatever I need to pay more than 50try.
Q: Summoning an armor stand with a falling sand entity riding it

EvanI'm having an issue. I'm trying to summon an armor stand with a falling sand entity riding it. The armor stand will summon, but the falling sand is either invisible or not there. Here's the command: /summon armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {Passengers:[{id:"falling_Sand",Time:1,Block:planks,Data:2}]} This...

clothing prices should only vary on 2 things, material and complexity of design (assuming the design makes it harder to manufacture)
if we have a plain (like it's just a t-shirt) 'male' t-shirt and a 'female' t-shirt both made out of cotton it should cost the same
I honestly I don't know how I manage to dress every morning
@badp it's probably because the law dictates that you do
especially when it's one of these mornings when I wake up because I'm sleeping so well I must be late for work
being s-nekkid is illegal
like this morning
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(
@Unionhawk I know man
@Unionhawk yes I do
You were writing to the wrong file all along
I never accounted for the fact that sometimes this thing is null >_>
Don't worry just do the Java thing

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