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@Sterno hanjo*
Maybe I should just only play Genji.
I Genjo
Well, look at that. @TimStone and @Sterno are playing DX:MD, but @Wipqozn isn't.
@StrixVaria That's almost always smaller than the combat, in my experience
Poor @Wipqozn
@Sterno I'm home, just haven't booted it up yet.
Will be doing so shortly.
So basically you're slow.
ok the sky is ummmmm purple o_O?
@Frank 45 gunlances is entirely on you. That's not something the average player will do
lol, there's a telescope in one of the apartments where the mouse sensitivity exponentially drops
@twobugs Very much so.
What silliness is this
But I'm a completionist when it comes to Monster Hunter.
That's why I had an armor set for almost every single monster in 3U.
At G Rank.
@TimStone Yeah. I raised it to 100 and it didn't matter.
And also found nothing relevant about that telescope
I also feel like her computer password should have been "cat" but no such luck
It's just there to troll us :(
Yeah wow, that is a lot of cat stuff
@TimStone TIL @fredley programmed that game
@GodEmperorDune Wrong game
@twobugs dmmit
i need to pay more attention
Now you look like quite the fool
plot twist: i always look quite the fool
i didn't see any recent questions with it so i guessed wrong, dead wrong
Undead wrong
Q: Minecraft PE horses attracted to certain places?

Nicole KellyI have a herd of about 20 untamed horses in a very large fenced area in Minecraft PE. They have grass and shelter in the area but they seem to be attracted to one corner of the area. I move them to the other side with hay and wheat but after about 5 mins, half of them are back in the corner. Anyo...

user image
Actually I should do the dishes.
plus the more stuff I do before playing the less I'll need to stop
@Wipqozn I agree, you should sleep before playing
cc @Wipqozn
@fredley 6GBs? that's 6 more than the EU has.
@Dragonrage The UK has 1 GB, so 6GBs is only 5 more
6 more GBs than the EU has though
not yet!
@Unionhawk hue
Okay, so one kit ready for assembly on Sunday.
Now to paint the last color so I have something else to construct afterwards.
wai what
I thought obduction was literally just announced
also I still need tom play MYst
@Dragonrage yessss
@arda i feel this was inb4'd
@GodEmperorDune possible
my day was like sleep until 5pm, wake and do some model stuff with sister until 8pm, finally open some games until 8:30pm until sister comes and her and my bro plays it until now, 11:40pm
@GodEmperorDune I remember seeing it earlier today, yeah
First set, chromed.
One more set to chrome, and then onto the blue.
So just checking in now
I see that @arda may haev made a repost
So clearly this means shame is in order
> I wonder why this build is failing...
> compile("org.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple")
Don't all games have a falloff after first week?
Q: Minecraft forge 1.7.10 bf4 pack crash pls help

Lil DavieI Keep Geting This Crash i want to play flans mod with BFP4F Pack v4.2.zip but i keep crashing heres the crash report that im getting ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // There are four lights! Time: 8/24/16 1:53 PM Description: Registering texture net.minecraft.client.renderer.StitcherExcepti...

Q: Why won't my egg hatch in pokemon go?Bar is full

DJDeronMy egg says 5.0/5.0 km but it won't hatch

Evolve pretty much died 3 weeks after launch.
@MadMAxJr well, it went to below 10% players of that of the launch
that sounds pretty bad
@Chippies it depends how much steam refunds hit them too. Is it that players were upset and wanted money back or just got bored with it and are waiting for patches?
@GodEmperorDune well, nobody playing your game is bad for business either way
@Chippies i mean they paid their money, sales are sales
but it doesn't bode well for future games, yeah
@GodEmperorDune refunds are of course worse for the business, but if no one's playing, less people will be interested in buying it as well
it's bad for future games and future sales
hype is what drives sales
i'm not in the industry, but i remember reading somewhere that week 1 sales is where you make the vast majority of the money. You may get a trickle later on but it doesn't exceed that week one money
@Chippies how many games has molyneux gotten away with it?
@Lazers2.0 Rounding numbers is hard
@GodEmperorDune for all the hype he created, he still had pretty good and well received games
and I don't think he started his whole false promise thing until the company was well established
@Chippies you're right, that might be the difference here
the end result may not have been what was promised, but was still a good game
NMS is the first game from the developer (afaik) and when in the future they announce a game, everyone will think of it
> Peter Douglas Molyneux, OBE (/ˈmɒlᵻnjuː/; born 5 May 1959) is an English video game designer and programmer. He created the god games Populous, Dungeon Keeper and Black & White as well as Theme Park, the Fable series and Curiosity – What's Inside the Cube? His new studio 22Cans currently works on Godus.
all of those games (at least the first ones in each franchise) were great and are still considered great
Godus was such a disappointment
Q: What is the digital music sampler?

DrakaSANDeus Ex: Mankind Divided launched yesterday, and the day one boast, among other DLC bonus, a "Digital Music Sampler". While the other DLC are quite clear (bonus missions, and either a ability or a skin), that one is not explained. Is it just the OST? A item in the game? A additional option in t...

it's the sequels that he disappointed with, I think
Fable Cancelled
I played Black & White 2, it was pretty good, but I guess it was nothing close to what was promised
i mean if you didn't know what he was promising with fable 2 and fable 3, they are fun games on their own
@MadMAxJr I think they're making an MMO out of it
or did they cancel that?
That's the one canned.
Fable 2 - Look at this dog, love this dog. YOU KILLED THE DOG. D:
I've never played Fable 2, I heard it was alright
I played Fable 3 a bit, it seemed alright, but I didn't enjoy it as much as first one, so I never finished it
the fable 3 ruler decision mechanic was an interesting attempt at something new
i mean it ended up a "be cheap and bad things happen or pay money and be good later on" split for like everything
and i was an orange skinned real estate magnate that owned every possible establishment in every city so i was never hard up for money
@PrivatePansy is this legit or just some fan made homage?
@GodEmperorDune Fan made, although I think there may actually be something coming out of it
If it doesn't get its ass sued off, that is
it would be really cool to see a full series
I've never seen Firefly or really any Whedon thing
@twobugs you never watched the first avengers movie?
firefly is worth it, i never got into the buffy side of things
@GodEmperorDune I was going too but it rotated off Amazon Prime before I did
Oh, yay.
Place I had the interview with sent me a senior developer test.
That's a really good sign.
And it's the same link as an already deleted link-only answer.
My spam senses are tingling.
Q: How do I recharge my photon cannon in my ship?

Timmy JimMy ship has a photon cannon which currently has 0% energy. I get a pop up in the bottom right saying to recharge my my photon cannon with oxides, but in the ship inventory, there doesn't seem to be an option to recharge the cannon. The cannon still fires even though it's at 0%. This leads me ...

@Frank should we rollback the edit?
@Frank just so long as it isn't a senile developer test
Also welcome to this NS Stopbus, direction: home!
I'm happy it is a Stopbus as opposed to the alternative that races all the way from departure to deposit
@badp a gobus?
@GodEmperorDune a stopn'tbus?
A (Not Stop)-Bus
As opposed to a (Not Stop)-(Not Bus) which is actually a donkey with a serigraphy on the side
Fringe science

Proposed Q&A site for inquiries in established fields of study that involve perspectives which depart significantly from mainstream theories in those fields and are considered to be questionable by the mainstream

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for questions about all forms of insurance, from Life, Accident, Travel, Health, Payment Protection, and any others insurances in general

Closed before being launched.

questions related to Arch Linux

Proposed Q&A site for the users of arch linux and its derivative distros like manjaro, antergos, apricity

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for those who want to discuss new and emerging technologies. Not a place for politics related to technology.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for dental professionals and for clarifying issues of general population related to dentistry

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for lower education teachers.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment cc kenorb
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment wat
Q: What town or towns will Aela not complain in with children?

Chronos MythOk so I was able to marry Aela and get her as a companion. I did a little research and found out that if she gets a child or children, then she will complain about living in Whiterun, Riften and out of towns of the DLC is owned. For whiterun she says the house is too small for you, her and the ch...

@Nope pls
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Fridge Science
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Assurance
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Complaints about Arch Linux
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Technobabble
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Artistry
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment as opposed to Treachers
randomly ran across this answer, wouldn't that be considered link-only?
cc: @Frank
@Chippies bad @LessPop_MoreFizz! bad!
Release the @Frank hounds!
also i'm kind of sad that @spugsley doesn't have the top answer on that question
@PrivatePansy Get hyped!
@Chippies Actually, yes, that would be.
But if the link is still active, it's a super easy fix.
Power, pls stop flickering.
I imagine that's what you're power is thinking, at least.
In fact, the link don't work.
Speaking of power flickering, I found out my ISP modem has a UPS
which is great and all, but the router between the modem and my devices does not have a UPS...
@Frank Apparently you need to register on Nexus Mods because there's an age gate?
Although you might have done that so I don't know.
That's sort of the point, though; we have no mod name, and in order to download it, you have to jump through hoops.
Both of those things should be part of the answer.
a simple mod name would fix the answer
Although if the picture is any indication, it's this one
I have a NMM account and that link goes nowhere.
I have a nexus mods account, but I guess it's not saved in lastpass and ugh, so much work to figure out my password...
it probably is a dead link now
Oh cool, the first pw I tried worked... yeah, dead link
they reorg'd their site a while ago to handle more games, I think.
@KutuluMike Yeah, I remember that.
I found it. I'll edit it, 1 sec
there, better? (needs approval.)
there, have 2 rep
only 4,079 more edits to go
@KutuluMike done
And now it's fixed.
Good job, everyone.
I am the hero that shines the light that summons Batman @KutuluMike
i wish I'd have been active on Arqade when Skyrim came out.
it's like the harry potter of gaming.
seriously twitch? I got rate limited? I haven't sent 20 messages in the last week much less the last 30 seconds.
Are you sure the channel isn't in slow mode?
@KutuluMike pogo spike was bigger but it got less questions than skyrim
@Unionhawk i cannot chat in any channel
@KutuluMike :31890053 i got most of mine from Overwatch/PoGo/CoC
I think I have sent 4 total messages today.
Q: what a game needs to be considered good ? and , What is a game in its essence?

Pedro excuse me for my English terrible , actually I am Brazilian and I am here to try to increase my luggage and get information of what people think about games in general ... want to become a developer and would like to one day be able to create something relamente good. . or an outstanding game ! ...

@Dragonrage message admins
i emailed support. so far only have a generic auto reply from them
@Dragonrage you can pm them on reddit too
i dont have a reddit account
@Dragonrage Even I have a reddit account.
Granted, it's just so I can post pics of my gunpla on /r/gunpla
reddit is the worst, except for r/the_dolan
@Frank i don't have one, though i do occasionally look at it
@GodEmperorDune reddit is the worst, except for r/askreddit

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