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@Dragonrage really? lol.
Are you sure you want to add another answer?

You could use the edit link to refine and improve your existing answer, instead.
thats what the site tells me
also i blame @Wipqozn for making me make even more answers on @AshleyNunn's question
LH might actually graduate and become a real site
I laugh that I am still getting answers because I'm done with the ticket :P
@Ohnana that is a scary thought
@Ohnana Someday, maybe, but I suspect that's a good while off yet
@AshleyNunn the stats are pretty good
@AshleyNunn glad to provide amusement, also we are trying to provide more answers in case you have more tickets, as some people thing you have a gambling problem
@Ohnana questions per day are way under where they need to be
@Ohnana Maybe, but I think there's more to graduating than just the pure stats
@GodEmperorDune i would imagine answers per question are perfectly fine
@Dragonrage Well, I did win $6 so thats two more :P
@Dragonrage the question is if it scales up as the questions increase
@Dragonrage 3.5 answers per Q. LOL
can we get lifehacks closed as a dup to domchores?
@Dragonrage nah it is protected by SE staff, it will never close
@Ohnana Board and Card games has similar stats, and has been in beta for 5 years
@murgatroid99 oh lawd
never mind
btw how many people actually carry a nail file with them?
the most important stat, google traffic, is not even very well measured in the A51 stats
Writers has also been in eternal beta, I believe
this code is dumb. if(thing){Item myItem = ...;}
the only thing i actually carry with me are my phone, my wallet, and my keys
@Dragonrage I have a emery board on my keys right now but it's just a cheap foam
@AshleyNunn you'd think they would be great at writing good questions and answers
@Dragonrage woah D:
Q: Minecraft keeps crashing (java)

Dwarf So this keeps happening when i play for 1 minute, i have tried many things none of them work. Please help!

@djsmiley2k plagiarism is a serious thing XD
@GodEmperorDune they take too long to release them as they have to go through a serious revision and editing process before getting published
they should have a badge on lifehacks for having 10+ positively scored answers to one question
@Dragonrage Do you honestly want attribution?
@Ohnana The stats are decent, but the qualkity of the content is still low. There's also barely any community moderation or meta discussion. The SE community member assigned to the site is still doing a lot of moderation duties.
I'm aiming for every single one of my answers on lifehacks to involve knives.
@Wipqozn there's a ton of high rep people and a few mods
@djsmiley2k no, in my heart of hearts, i know i provided you the inspiration which is good enough for me
@Ohnana they atill don't know how to meta
@Ohnana Community moderation meaning folks actually moderating the site
@Wipqozn i know. the power is there, why aren't they using it?
Only one one of the mods seems to be active at mod duties
@Ohnana That's my point.
You need folks who are passionate and invested in your site before it launches.
i can't wait until the lifehacks self eval comes around
@GodEmperorDune wasnt there already one?
i thought that was where @Wipqozn yelled at all the mods there for not doing anything
@Dragonrage no that was a different one
@GodEmperorDune Those are still a thing? I thought they'd stopped those for the most part
i found this, pretty bad though
Q: Let's get critical: Jun 2015 Site Self-Evaluation

CommunityWe all love Lifehacks Stack Exchange, but there is a whole world of people out there who need answers to their questions and don't even know that this site exists. When they arrive from Google, what will their first impression be? Let's try to look at this site through the eyes of someone who's n...

@AshleyNunn oh, did they?
@GodEmperorDune 403
oh never mind, it's just broken SSL
@GodEmperorDune I thought so, but I could be wrong.
@AshleyNunn nope, you're right
Q: Shutting down recurring community self-evaluations

abby hairboatWe've been talking a lot about the efficacy of community self-evaluations lately, both internally on the Community Team and out in the open on meta. Lots of ideas were tossed around, but the underlying theme of these discussions has been that site self-evaluations are not useful in their current ...

I thought I recalled that. :)
But today my brain's a little mushy so I wasn't sure
actually the answers to that meta post are fantastic
things that would wreck lifehacks:
> Average length of answers, in words. Averaged over last month. If the experts are too lazy to type, it's a problem for the site. A distribution would be nice.
> Total number of actions resolved last month by CMs.
What dragon is this?
> Number of non-moderator reviewers/closevoters with more than 5 actions last week (moderation core size).
Alright, Bridge. Decision making time. Which of the following do I do: Buy The Witness, buy Firewatch, or none of the above? Sadly, both is not an option. The choices are yours and yours alone!
@Fluttershy Both
@MadMAxJr Which one? It's a multi-monster hunt.
Oh.. just looking at the red one up front
@GodEmperorDune Reading comprehension go! :P But I know you're joking.
@MadMAxJr The first one? That's Rathalos.
Wow, his build isn't using stamina.
@Fluttershy ok, all three options then
@MadMAxJr Mega Dash Juice.
Negates stamina use for a duration.
The really impressive part is that he has almost 100% accuracy for headshots.
ive never played either but firewatch has a better ring to i than the witness imo
@Fluttershy The Witness
Actually, I think it is 100% headshots.
Wow.. Stunlocks the black kut ku thing
Wait 'til you see his predictions on the Tigrex.
Alright. That's one for The Witness. And the strawpoll is split 1 to 1.
@Fluttershy none of the above!
@Fluttershy xcom 2!
dodges forward and through the tigrex legs on charge?!?
Bushido style.
@KevinvanderVelden Unpopular opinion: I'm not fond of XCOM.
If you time your dodge/guard (depends on weapon) perfectly, you gain a few more iframes and you can do special moves out of the dodge/guard.
The black tigrex thing.. that's the big bad from 2, isn't it?
Firewatch is half the price of The Witness... But it's possible The Witness will hold my interest for twice as long. The plot thicks.
The one that looks like a panther?
That's Nargacuga, yes.
Stuns him out of the air with a headshot
That was beautiful.
...someone downvoted me on LH and left a comment telling me to stop gambling. People are awesome.
Firewatch looks neat.
I hope it is.
I really hope it isn't too survival-y.
Dunno the green/yellow one.. But wow. The quickness and accuracy of placing an aimed shot on this guy is amazing.
There's two for Firewatch and two for The Witness! I'm counting @JoshPetrie's mention of the game as a vote in its favor.
You can, I have zero interest in The Witness.
I was also the one who voted for the Witness in the straw poll
I vote neither
Save your money
@murgatroid99 yay, someone used the strawpoll.
For those that want to see if their machine can handle it properly, Arkham Knight is currently 40% off on Steam
@GnomeSlice, a bit slow, but give it a shot
related: Which DLC for Arkham Knight is more than just reskins and/or challenge maps?
@NateKerkhofs just checked
The ones that are just reskins all have "skin" or "pack" in their name
just asked my second question guys.
Crime Fighter Challenge Pack is a challenge map
thing is, some of the DLC doesn't have pack in them, but mention tha they got challenge maps
Check out Season of Infamy, Red Hood Story Pack, Catwoman's Revenge, GCPD Lockdown.
The check out is italic there, as I didn't try all of them.
Didn't they give up on fixing Arkham Knight on PC?
@MadMAxJr the game runs reasonably well on my machine
@MadMAxJr although I can't still play it, they made it more acceptable.
@MadMAxJr when I say reasonably well, I don't mean 60 FPS well, or stable framerate, but I find that the game stays playable except during one or 2 moments.
Q: How often can I get the star loot bonus?

DragonrageSometimes after I get my star loot bonus, I get the chance to do another one immediately afterwards, and other times I have to wait awhile to be able to do it again, why is this?

so lazers delay in about 5 minutes?
@Dragonrage yep
there is either some lag on when stuff gets pushed to the RSS feed or it only checks the feed every 5 minutes
What has @badp done this time that requires his mention in chat?
i fail to see why someone would want to do this. cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/66153/…
Why would you want to do this to perfectly good pinto beans? If you want canned, buy the canned! — Doug R. 2 hours ago
@ardaozkal i literally made an account there to upvote that comment
i seem to recall something similar happened to make me make a lifehacks account
@GodEmperorDune I think it only checks every so many minutes
btw, I had my first dental filling done today
@NateKerkhofs for cavity?
@Dragonrage yeah, small cavity in my top right wisdom tooth
Need to go back in 2 weeks for the bottom left wisdom tooth
ive had that done once i think. i havent been to the dentist in years though, i probably should go soon
especially since i need to have one of my teeth capped because it is badly chipped
@Dragonrage when you do so, ask the dentist if they can plan a regular checkup for you
I had one every 6 months until 2014, after that every year
so today was the first time in a year I went to the dentist, and immediately had 2 cavities to fill
@NateKerkhofs i used to go regularly, but then i moved and have not been able to find a good dentist near where i live now
@Dragonrage Does yelp have recommendations for dentists on their service?
@NateKerkhofs maybe, havent checked
btw, for those still playing WoW, or those that want to see a EU vs US race in 2 5 man dungeons on Alpha: us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/19995567
next tuesday at 3 PM PST
really bad timing for me though, translates to midnight for western EU
@ardaozkal gaming.se heart?
@ardaozkal that looks like a pixellated heart from any of a number of old school video games
@GodEmperorDune yep
And goddamnit @fredley, I installed porkchat and everything is way too dark!
@ardaozkal you can change that, there's a setting
I can't see any setting buttons.
@ardaozkal Well...no, it's different, if we want to get semantic/pedantic about it
@ardaozkal in the chrome extensions thing, there's settings
ok, dark isn't that bad, but I can't find an option to change the font.
Disabling dark fixes the font. Weird.
somebody just got 105 kills in my last game of battlefront
@Sterno i thought you were running in the election
when someone upvotes one of my answers on @AshleyNunn's question i get confused as to which one it is
@fredley I'm convinced!
Q: Disable music in COD

user5603796Since the update the other night there seems to be music at the start and throughout multiplayer. How can I disable it? Latest COD

@Lazers2.0 which cod !?
@ardaozkal latest.
@Dragonrage oh, I love that one too.
COD: Latest Ops
@ardaozkal ive heard it was good, but havent managed to find it in stores yet
@Dragonrage Yeah, I got kicked from a few stores when I was searching for it, but then I bought it from someone online.
i believe the last one released was COD: BO3
@ardaozkal Goood, gooooooood
I enjoyed that joke
@ardaozkal How do you get kicked from a store just because you're searching for a game?
@NateKerkhofs they did not enjoy his joke
@Dragonrage IMHO, if you don't have a sense of humor as a game store clerk, you should change jobs to a funeral home
@Dragonrage @djsmiley2k Come on now gentlemen. There are plenty of terrible Lifehacks questions to go around. You can share!
is there like a standard ratio of flags to votes? or is that data not gathered?
@Dragonrage What do you mean, standard ratio?
@AshleyNunn i guess maybe average would be a better term.
I'm still not sure what you mean though
like on a question? Or like...on a user level?
just curious whether people tend to vote or flag more in general, or if it just depends on the user
like site-wide
Vote more, easy.
As an overall whole, I can just about guarantee there are infinitely more votes than there are flags.
so someone who flags more than votes would be something of an anomaly?
I'd think so, yes
@Dragonrage I flag more than I vote lately.
if close vote is a super downvote, then flags are an ultra downvote
Also, I'll stream Crash Bandicoot on PSX in a few mins.
@GodEmperorDune arent flags less impactful than close votes?
@Dragonrage i was thinking more spam/offensive/rude flags
which delete and do -100 rep if they are confirmed
@GodEmperorDune ah, i did not know that. i also assumed that once you got 3k rep you didnt use flags anymore, just votes
@Dragonrage yeah, close vote does more than a flag to close
but those spam flags are potent
Yeah, there is no spam close vote.
Is there anyway to access the question that I have deleted and undelete it ?
@Haider i think its in your profile
not 100% though
I don't see it :/
@Haider even under all actions -> posts?
so ive almost rep capped on lifehacks today
@Haider The one that got closed as OT, about the monitor?
@Dragonrage you have now joined @fredley as a terrible person
No not that one, its in another section.
@Haider Another section? Like another SE site?
@Haider You checked your profile for that specific site, and you don't see it?
Yes, unfortunately , I don't
Welp, guess gonna rewrite it.
@GodEmperorDune that sounds like a prestigious group, seeing as @fredley is part of it
all hail the diamond porkchop
@Dragonrage praise won't reduce the trolling. in fact, trolling may intensify
@GodEmperorDune quite probable
Soo... bridge, guess the first 3D game I played.
@ardaozkal super mario 64?
@ardaozkal true 3d or 3d rendered sprites?
True 3D
@ardaozkal starfox
call of duty
Too big of a clue, but it was on PSX
final fantasy 7
devil may cry
Ok, here I go: Crash Bandicoot
I should stream it.
Ugh, twitch changed my stream key for some reason.
@NateKerkhofs ah, the real question is, what haven't I done
Q: Should questions about achievements/trophies for a specific game include the console-specific tag?

DangerZoneFor example, I had edited this question and removed both the ps4 and xbox-one tags, since the question is concerned mainly about a specific trophy and/or achievement being bugged/patched/etc. I felt fairly confident that questions such as this do not follow the usage of the tags as described in t...

Recreational Math

Proposed Q&A site for mathematicians, students, and the like who would like to discuss various forms of recreational maths.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment how is this different than the regular math?
I suspect they want "math for the masses" not "math for people doing high level OMG math"
Q: The length of toilet roll

Kim PeekFun with Math time. My mom gave me a roll of toilet paper to put it in the bathroom, and looking at it I immediately wondered about this: is it possible, through very simple math, to calculate (with small error) the total paper length of a toilet roll? Writing down some math, I came to this s...

I don't think they need a more recreational math site
@AshleyNunn so which experts are they looking to join in?
@fredley I figured it was fake, the circle was too perfect :P
@GodEmperorDune I have no idea
@Fluttershy Physical release of Gravity Rush is amazon exclusive >_>
@GnomeSlice weak
Q: How to get started with the sitting statue puzzle?

BasicI'm at the bottom of the mountain, and there's a statue sitting on the ground over a puzzle I can't see how this is possible to solve. I know I can move the symbols inside the (total) shape outline, but I can't see how that helps. Taking the right-hand column, I need to do one of: Inclu...

Q: What is a good TF2 server for beginners?

Elliott BelardoI am a noob at TF2, and I need someplace easy. I've tried to use an idle server, but that's gotten boring now. Can somebody help?

Yay wind power, but holy cow, unfortunate name
@AshleyNunn Also, 190m is a massive turbine
I can't even imagine a windmill that big
@fredley Yeah, my sense of scale breaks pretty fast. That's big.
@AshleyNunn For refrance:
Yep. Big.
anyone know the default user agent from an android webview from the in app browser?
Cc @AshleyNunn @Rapitor @Anyone else who plays Kairosoft games
@Frank O.o how are you so on top of this?
I mean yay, but wow.
I used to play kairosoft games alot.
I love their games.
@Frank THose reviews...
Q: Which Encounter cards are worth keeping after defeating them?

DCShannonI always keep in my deck all the new encounter cards and encounters that will earn me a token. There's still some room left over in the encounter deck, though, which needs to be filled out with encounters I've already beaten at least once. Which encounters are good to keep around? Obviously, on...

@AshleyNunn An unhealthy amount of daily checking.
@GnomeSlice Yeah... Mine will be here Friday.
there's more when that came from
Q: Why do My gems disappear?

HenryRuizI Play Brave Frontier on the NextBook. Sometimes I get Gems via clearing an area completely. Then it takes away the gem and it never comes back. Except that one time when I swear it had 3 gems and it suddenly gave me the 7 missing gems. Is this a programing error or What?

glass in my foot is bad, right?
@djsmiley2k I dunno, were you born with glass in your foot?
@ardaozkal i thought you already deleted it
@GodEmperorDune sent request yesterday
@badp I got godhead from a sacrifice room!
If you sent a request with the form, it will be seen to.
@Arperum yusss
Sometimes this stuff takes time, depending what else they have going on.
Be patient.

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