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@mhsjlw Yeah, not surprised. It's a question about Mac behavior
Migrated by Shog9
And not a question about writing a program
Ok, that makes sense
I can't edit it though?
@mhsjlw you need to have an account on Ask Different
Thanks I changed the command
How do you even send a print request over SSH?
Anyway, my best guess on that question is that the terminal is interpreting some characters as control/command sequences, including Cmd + P (or whatever it is) for print
How did that even do that?
That is so strange
Did you test it @murgatroid99?
No. I don't even know what character that would be. It's just a guess
Partly because that's what's going on with the bell
While it just spits out characters
200MB of characters
Someone just posted an answer?!
That was fast @murgatroid99
Oh, it looks like Ctrl+P is 0x10
I have got to do something with this
If I can execute stuff on a ssh client...
Or it's whatever that guy said, instead
I can do some nasty stuff....
@mhsjlw Isn't that the point of an SSH client?
No I mean on the client of an SSH session
Like the server executes stuff on the client
because that is what is happening
Well, sure, but only within the context of the terminal that's running SSH
It's like a more fun MOTD
lel yeah
So you can probably make noise and open the print dialogue, but I doubt you can do much more than that
That would be cool
I could make noises run on the client
Well, the bell noise, at any rate
It would be funny to execute shell code on the client
If I can figure out how to do that
Yeah, that's not going to happen
how could I not see that
When I enter this: curl -0 http://linktoa.file/withoutanextension it causes terminal to spit out crap then change all of the text to ASCII characters
@mhsjlw enter reset enter
Yeah, that's what happens when you dump non-text data into a terminal
@badp I've been wondering how to do that!
@SaintWacko ctrl?
@murgatroid99 it is kinda funny
@badp No, how to wait
You can crash the kernel with that
I did it
I doubt that
@SaintWacko you can also attack in place, or use up items in your inventory
@mhsjlw Are you talking about that video, or a different thing?
@bapd is that a golem or just a rocklike clown?
@murgatroid99 different thing
on kali linux
Q: pregnancy frustrations

KellyI have two women who have been pregnant for over 24 hours now. Why won't they have the baby already? Their happiness is still at 10% while my other dwellers are at 85 or higher. Please help

Another to-be meme
thanks SE
i'm out
deleting my account
see you guys later
good luck on your future endeavours
@mhsjlw Are you seriously saying that you got a linux version optimized for penetration testing to kernel panic by dumping binary data into a terminal?
Deez Nuts is a fictional candidate for the 2016 United States presidential election. In polls conducted in Iowa and North Carolina in mid-August 2015, he polled at 8 and 9 percent, respectively, causing rising media attention. His form to run for office was filed in late July 2015, and also drew attention to the number of questionable candidates who had filed to run. == References... ==
I don't even know what I should be spending all those points on
@badp Gimmie
(Is this one way heroics again?)
@LessPop_MoreFizz that makes me sad, but the daily beast piece linked there is great
what do you think
That was linked already
@badp Holy Crap man... am I supposed to be able to read that???
I clicked on it thinking it would make it bigger.. But.. Nope
@James Yes. What are you, 30 years old?!
@badp D:
37 :(
@James I know, I know, just messing with you.
@badp :D
> Dozens of real Deez Nutses or Deez Nutzes do live as citizens in the United States of America with legally changed names,
Throw him in the @sternold retirement home
that's the most interesting part of the article
@GodEmperorDune Pft
If you retire me and people my age
Most of the staff here are Red5 would be gone :P
Hyp-Dim-Nep-Reb-1 already has the protagonists calling a dude in his early 20s old, so.
(naturally his age is all that he's defined by since this was the joke they were making)
> “The polls are pretty long. By the time we drop Deez Nuts on them, they’re pretty deep into the poll,” Williams says, then pauses.

“The jokes write themselves.”
@James oh shit you work at red5?
That's awesome
@GodEmperorDune Indeed :D
@Aequitas Then you are welcome to add them to the other Answer. Answers need to be kept up to date as the game changes. We do not do a whole new Q/A for them.. Can you imagine what the minecraft tag would look like if we just made new ones every time something changed? :D
Q: How To Prevent From Disconnecting When AFK

GooseManSo on minecraft I have a good afk machine, it's all lit up and covered so I don't die while in it. But there is a problem with it when I go afk. I'd say about half of the time that I come back from being afk the screen says "Disconnected" or "Timed Out" This defeats the purpose of an afk machine,...

Well damn, now I need to find another class B asteroid to try and land on Kerbin.
Q: Start Medieval Mode as soon as the server starts: Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server

odixonI want to start a Team Fortress 2 Medieval server. I currently have a server, but even when I type tf_medieval "1" into server.cfg a whole round game (3 rounds) of ctf_2fort has to be played before I get onto cp_degrootkeep (the Medieval map). I want to start cp_degrootkeep and the Medieval mode ...

(For those wondering, the first one explodified at around 45km up while trying to perform an aero-capture.)
And I just screwed up another re-entry, this time not going deep enough
@Chippies I hit level 20, and the game immediately got way more interesting. I got an "Avatar Weapon". I don't know the implications of that other than that I mow down all the things.
Problem solved, all of the good stuff that I would have wanted to take to campus is done
@StrixVaria avatar weapons certainly made the game a lot easier once they were introduced
I don't know how long the first dungeon will take, so I'm done for tonight since I have to wake up for work tomorrow, but I'll be trying out that dungeon next time I play, probably Friday night.
with avatar weapons you can solo the lv20 dungeon at around lv22
@Unionhawk Oh, Ig et it, that's funny.
and all equal level BAMs are super easy too
kinda takes some fun out of it, but leveling is certainly easier with them
@StrixVaria Tera?
@Wipqozn Yeah.
@Chippies I'm going to try grouping because it's an MMO and that seems appropriate.
@StrixVaria honestly, it's pretty much tutorial before lv20, since there are no BAMs or dungeons before that
In my past MMO experiences I never grouped, and I still haven't so far in Tera.
@Chippies Yeah, I got this feeling.
@StrixVaria don't bother queueing for the first dungeon, especially as a DPS class
if you can find someone in the chat to group with that's fine, but you won't get anyone to queue with
Too many DPS classes always queueing already?
@StrixVaria well, that's always the case with all dungeons, but even as a tank, you're lucky to get in within an hour or so
no one queues for it
it's only viable for couple levels and you can get those levels while waiting in queue
and with 2 people you can easily duo the dungeon starting at 20 or whenever you get avatar weapons
full party is just unnecessary nowadays
next dungeon is at 25, I believe and that's where you can actually queue for and that will be your first group dungeon experience
Maybe I'll try soloing this dungeon, then.
@James But I didn't know that there was a duplicate question, what do you want me to do now?
Enemies at my level right now can barely touch me.
@StrixVaria I've never played a slayer, so I don't know how easy it's gonna be for you, but even if you can't kill the first boss, just resetting the dungeon and killing the mobs inside will get you a couple levels
a full run at lv20 should get you to lv22
although that might be with +100% xp bonus, I don't remember
when wife and I played, we subscribed to elite status
either way, if you can clear couple rooms inside the dungeon, you can easily get a couple levels just grinding there
Heh. Ashley Madison status: [x] pwned [x] leaked [ ] not pwned [ ] not leaked
Will it be obvious how to "reset" the dungeon if I'm not feeling confident about the boss fight?
the avatar weapons ruined some of the fun, quite honestly, because the only mobs that are even worth fighting are BAMs and dungeon mobs
@StrixVaria I believe you type in /reset
while inside the dungeon
Oh, that sounds familiar.
I read some beginner game guides, but didn't retain all the information yet.
I think you can right click on party settings and there might be an option, but I'm not sure if you have that when soloing
I always just typed in the command and I believe it was /reset, but if it's not, either google the command or ask in zone chat, someone should be able to tell you
@StrixVaria you use crystals in your weapons and armor, right?
@Chippies Yeah, I've been moving them from item to item as I find upgrades.
There should be an easier way to do that.
you can buy them from specialty vendor in towns
There probably is, but so far the only way I've found is to equip the old one, open your equipped items, remove them all, then equip the upgrade, and re-equip the crystals.
@StrixVaria afaik, the only way is to remove them before you switch your item, then equip on the new item
I played tera for almost a year and that's the only way I knew how to move crystals
either way, I recommend full set of hp/mp regen crystals
mp regen is awesome, especially for classes with decaying mp, because you can start fights with full mp
and hp regen just helps you recover between fights or live longer in boss battles
although for boss battles boss dmg reduction is a good alternative
@Chippies I have 2 mp-regen/sustaining skills right now and combined they seem pretty good at keeping my mp high.
I'd probably have at least 1 mp regen crystal anyway, just to combat mp decay somewhat
but whatever works for you
I know on a zerk, eventually I didn't need mp regen, because zerk could generate mp insanely fast and has 2 skills to generate the inital mp
@Chippies Slayer has the same mp skills as berserker.
but mp regen crystals really help a lot in non-dungeon situations, because you most likely just one shot trash mobs and it's a waste of time to hit them with normal attack
@StrixVaria yeah, which is fine for dungeons and such, because the fights are longer, so you generate a lot more mp
with trash mobs in non-dungeon situations you will most likely one shot them with your spender skills
@Chippies I have noticed this. Every few enemies I have to just kill with basic attacks to regen mp.
@Aequitas Add in the four lines? I dont think the question is going to remain open as a duplicate, and the better answer should be either posted to the original question or update the incomplete answer.. Propose an edit?
either way, pretty much from lv20 to 55'ish you can easily grind dungeons without ever doing anything else
which is what I always did
grinding dungeons is certainly fun and fast
@Chippies For my first character I'd like to probably experience more of the game.
more fun than doing quests for sure
@spugsley how long were you holding it in?
@StrixVaria that is certainly a good idea
Now what game are you two talking about?
my first character I did ALL quests I could find
eventually I got really sick of it all and quit for ~6 months
then I got a new laptop and started playing again and wife and I did dungeons pretty much exclusively
they aren't that fun as a DPS class, imho, but certainly fun as tank/healer
but that's just me
you'll encounter a lot of idiots in dungeons
There is no good reason not to use the scoreboard. scoreboard is your friend. testfor is not your friend, he's the guy that's really popular in your school, and pretends to be your friend, but that's just so he get close to you in order to shove you in a locker, because that's all that he's good for. Everyone thinks they should like testfor and that they should be around him, but he's just a shallow twerp that can barely do anything useful. — MBraedley 11 secs ago
Too much?
@Chippies That is every online game.
which is why I enjoy being a tank or healer - you have to rely less on the idiots
If I make an alt, it will probably be a healer.
when I was a tank and wife was a healer, we'd que together and we'd get in all dungeons instantly
@MBraedley Nope, 100% accurate.
and of 3 dps at least one has to be not an idiot
and that's enough to not wipe
o.o What Game!!! @Chippies @StrixVaria haha, I feel like a kid at the kids table trying to ask a question :D
Anyway, the reason the UUID is incorrect appears to be a missing colon, which can easily be worked into a scoreboard and I totally want to do it anyway
although sometimes you get some morons that pull the whole room and die and then we all have to deal with that
@James Tera
Oh.. Ok.. Thanks :)
Your chat was describing like every MMO since ... ever :D
all this talk is making me miss running dungeons as a tank
but fuck it, that game is miserable
In fact, I am going to work that into a scoreboard, because screw your rules.
Tera is certainly a game everyone should play, but it's not something I would recommend going long-term at
@Chippies I can see that coming already.
I tried to find information on what the end game is like, and couldn't.
So I'll just enjoy playing this probably until D3 S4 starts, and then forget about it.
now, I can't speak for the end game now, since last I played end-game was at lv60
now it's lv65
but I doubt it's much improved
If you play an MMO for its end game you are going to have a bad time.
from what I heard they increased level requirement and difficulty of lv60 dungeons to match lv65
(And miss 90% of its content :D)
so you're running literally same dungeons
plus maybe one or two new ones
@James MMOs are supposed to be specifically designed to cater to long-term interest.
@James If you play MMO for anything other than end-game, you're not playing it right
yes, you can go through the leveling content, enjoy the quests and whatever
Hitting level cap should be the beginning of the real game.
but that's only a small portion of what an MMO is supposed to be
Getting there should be fun, and teach you how to play for the most part.
@StrixVaria this.
@Chippies i'm an altaholic, i find the leveling more interesting than end game raids
Even Diablo 3 is like that. Hitting level 70 means you can finally start gearing.
@GodEmperorDune same, but only because I haven't found an MMO with a great end game yet
@Chippies @StrixVaria Just going to disagree with ya here.
my one issue with end-game is that character progress slows down to a crawl, since there's no more leveling up
@James if you're playing an MMO for not-end-game, you're playing it like a single player game
@James oh it's only two. it seems so dumb to post another answer to add an extra two lines.
@Chippies Yes I do
which is fine and dandy, but it won't last
i mean, i enjoy end game content too, but i prefere it accessible as a casual rather than needing to burn time with gear progression and crap like that
@Aequitas Then edit the existing question, or propose an edit to it if you cant?
@Chippies Does for me and the 900 characters I made on WoW :D
not allowed to
according to the meta post
@James so, you're missing out on a lot of content
on updating old answers
@Aequitas Um... We do it all the time
Minecraft updates, Diablo 3 updates, WoW Updates
most MMOs have a lot of content that only unlocks after you hit level cap
We go through our huge horde of questions and make sure they still apply and are up to date with their answers
Since when did that become against what we do here?
@Chippies True.. I enjoy most of WoW's content one Expansion behind where everyone else is
Yeah, I agree, the idea that updates are against author intent is stupid.
Though I will admit I have not played much since the damn pandas
Eff those things.. An april fools joke should NOT be a mainstay in your game or you are Clearly not giving a crap about it any more
The author didn't intend to write an out of date post, they were just in the past
@James I heard the pandas were pretty good
my answer was to update the existing answer and I got downvoted
@Aequitas Then go ahead and do it man. I do not argue policy here I just make o.O faces and carry on
yeh I did it already
now we hav etwo nearly identical lists
but I don't really know anything about WoW, so Idk how true that is either
40+ line lists nonetheless
@Chippies You may have noticed from not running for end gear and getting my character to be exactly like everyone elses that the story is more of what I go for than the mechanics :D
@James I am the opposite. I can't stand questing in MMOs
I rather grind than quest
@Chippies Why play MMOs instead of things like Diablo then?
That are more tailored to your experience?
(never mind that I ignore half the content of MMOs as well :D)
@James did you have a brain fart there and typed something wrong? Because that sentence doesn't make much sense :P
WoW is an MMO
@James there's a lot of content in MMOs besides just questing
And Ive been doing that all day, I feel like shit.. my mind is ... having issues
and not all MMOs are quest-oriented
I do play Diablo as well though and usually have a lot of fun with it
I just like seeing progress and in diablo once you reach a certain point, progress slows to a crawl
same with MMOs, I rarely play very far into end-game
there's very few MMOs where I have reached level cap and stayed for over a month
I do want that though
Q: Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer - can't find other players

AnnaI bought Mass Effect a while ago and I didn't play multiplayer. Shepard died, I was unhappy with the ending, so I reloaded and now I'm trying to play multiplayer. I played at first without any of the multiplayer dlc's and I could find matches at any time of the day. Then I found out about the oth...

Q: How can I play Warcraft I on my Windows 7 Machine?

KorvinStarmastI figure that I'd need to open a separate window, and run a DOS shell of some kind in it, but based on the trouble I am having with Starcraft I and my video card, which is a decent quality Nvidia bought so that Diablo III and Starcraft II run easily on it, what tweaks/adjustments can I make to sc...

I really want to find an MMO where I can reach the cap and still like it
do dungeons and raids with guildies and whatnot
I have experienced that before and it's a great feeling
the feeling of community and team effort
but I've been looking for the perfect MMO for almost 10 years now
Have you tried Final Fantasy XIV?
@Fluttershy nope, I have a prejudice against it, not to mention I don't do subscription based MMOs without having tried them first
I don't wanna drop 20$+ on a game only to find out I don't care for it
especially since if I play an MMO, I play it with wife, so that's [price of the game] x 2
I have a prejudice against it because I don't really like FF games
it's probably nothing like FF games, but what do I know
I've been playing Wildstar for the last week or two and I'm enjoying it
I tried tanking a dungeon and failed miserably, so that was a huge let down, but I figured I just need to change my ways of tanking
I'm used to being the immovable wall in MMOs when I tank
Well, if you ever change your mind about XIV (you should, it's great, and not like an actual Final Fantasy!), they do have a free trial.
in wildstar, even as a tank, you still have to try to avoid most attacks, especially since I'm basically a rogue
Yeah that is why I dont do end game
@Fluttershy that's good to know, I'll keep that in mind for when I get sick of Wildstar :P
I absolutely love the telegraphing in wildstar
I just dont want that level of repetition of the same things over and over again just to get a random drop
when they added that in Tera on tutorial island, I was so fucking happy
So weird. Every time I restart the machine the fonts appear differently
and then the biggest disappointment was when I got off the tutorial island and found out that the telegraphing was exclusive to it
@James you do realize my favorite game genre is incrementals, right?
well, idk about favorite, but certainly the one I have the most hours invested into :P
@Chippies D:
I like figuring out the logic of incrementals
But I dont play them to get a score higher than everyone else
So I avoid the grind
@James I don't either, I just like the feeling of progress
number goes up, I spend the number on arbitrary upgrades to make the number go up faster
brain rewards me with happy feel chemicals
eventually the gap between upgrades slows down too much and I stop "playing"
which is why end game is usually a pain for me in MMOs
but if the combat mechanics are enjoyable, I can play for quite a while
which is why I played Tera for so long and I plan to play Wildstar for a while
tanking in Tera was really enjoyable
tanking in Wildstar can be enjoyable, I just need to change my ways
I actually enjoyed DPSing in Wildstar
unlike in other MMOs, you actually have to avoid telegraphs and position yourself as a DPS
Honestly the clicker Id like to get back to was that fishing one
That amused me but I only played it like twice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Democrat. I've considered switching to independent so I could vote in whichever primary I cared to.
@RavenDreamer if you did switch, I'd have to hold you responsible for the outcome of the aforementioned republican primary.
@RavenDreamer Depends on the state, I think. Some state primaries require you to register with a party.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But what if he votes for the dark horse republican candidate?
I'm speaking, of course, of Deez Nuts.
@Yuuki his statement is accurate to NC's system, which is semi-open.
(Independents can vote in any one primary, registered members can only vote in their party of affiliation.)

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