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> The hack sells for US$62.50
isn't that more than Starcraft 2 and whatever expansions it has combined?
and there are people that buy that?
People will do anything to make themselves feel superior to other people.
@Chippies Cheating is srs bsnss
@Yuki yeah, I posted that like a month ago or something
but still
well, I have no idea what this SC2 hack does, so I can't judge
but that price is ridiculous
There will always be a market to sell things to people with no scruples about feeling superior.
I'd understand people paying for it if it was like 10-20$ maybe
people are dumb and/or way too rich
@Chippies You can't put a price on dickwad-ishness.
And some hacks actually have monthly costs and professional levels of support.
Due to the constant cat and mouse game.
@Chippies You really don't want to know how much money people I played WoW with got paid on a regular, weekly basis to run people through raids and 5 mans for achievements and loot.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't imagine the numbers involved, but I can imagine that happening
I view that slightly different than outright cheating though
people risk their game and account AND pay money to do so
@Frank I can't downvote it (I like my 1,111 rep), but I did flag it
@Frank what does soccer football have to do with Crysis 3?
@Chippies You shouldn't - it's all connected.
@Chippies You'll get your rep back
@MBraedley You tell me.
I say again, job mod abuse is best mod abuse.
@MBraedley if I don't, I want a refund directly from you!
To be more specific, the folks I played with were paid in in-game gold currency. They themselves weren't doing anything wrong per se. However, the people who paid them were buying their gold from farmers and bots, to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars or more, and those farmers and bots acquire gold either through cheating, or through stealing accounts.
@Chippies Well it's gone now. Did you downvote then receive your rep back?
well, crap, I was too late
@Chippies Your rep is no longer such a nice number.
@Frank I really am starting to hate me doing my job labelled as "abuse", even in jest.
It isn't really funny to me anymore.
@AshleyNunn Well, I was gonna say, job mod abuse isn't abuse at all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz but there's always the possibility of someone paying with legit gold
Dear internet, there has got to be more I can do with a bunch of leftover white rice than make fried rice.
@AshleyNunn In that case, I'm sorry about yesterday (?), and won't do it again.
@AshleyNunn you can... throw it out?
fried rice is probably the best thing to do though
@Chippies No! I wanna eat it! I just wanna make things out of it!
That aren't fried rice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Or through fraudulent accounts created with credit card info given from buying gold.
@AshleyNunn sushi?
I have yet to find a fried rice recipe that doesn't sound like gross.
@AshleyNunn make sushi
@AshleyNunn Add beef and sauce. Problem solved.
I just thought how cool it could be to wrap sushi in bacon strips
@Frank a) no beef b) it is leftover from a stirfry and I want something different because I am whiny.
@Chippies Let me be clear: the vast majority of these transactions were not with different people each week, but with a small group of 'clients' who, quite frankly, could not have had that much gold legitimately.
We're talking enough to gold-cap entire accounts being paid out over the course of a few months.
@AshleyNunn Add chicken and sauce.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh I can understand that. The majority (probably all) were got by illegit means, but if someone had saved up gold through legit means (impossible? gold in AH most likely has been farmed by bots), then they could pay with legit gold and I don't mind that
I guess I wasn't clear enough with my original comment. I view the act of being powerleveled or run through whatever for achievements different from cheating. I do look down upon people who buy gold from farmers though.
@Chippies Again, I'm not saying that legitimate buyers didn't exist. I'm saying that the quantities we're talking about, are 100% guaranteed not legitimate, because I have specific knowledge of the people in question, and because, as someone who did gold cap through straight AH work, I can tell you that being able to gold cap multiple entire accounts in the space of 6 months is just not happening. It's all connected.
If people will spend that much on power leveling or being run through, why wouldn't they pay that much to cheat?
The only other distinction is whether they're going to get banned for doing so.
Which is orthogonal to the original point which started this conversation, which was you marveling at how much people would pay for a cheat program.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sure most people view buying gold as a lesser evil and not a very risky thing, compared to actual cheats
(Should I just dump that link into Scifi.se chat like a grenade and run away?)
@AshleyNunn Aww. I was thinking of this fast food-esque thing they do in Japan. They use sticky rice, but it tasted really good, and was super simple.
which is why I can understand people paying more money for gold than for cheats
@Frank now I am curious.
@AshleyNunn It was more slices of beef, but I don't think that mattered that much.
I used to play an f2p mmo which was very much p2w and people buy/sell items for hundreds of dollars, some even reaching close to a thousand, even though they know those items are often made by illegit means
so, I know for a fact that people pay a ton of money for all this stuff, I just assume that people separate direct cheating from indirect cheating
I don't even know what I'm saying anymore
I don't even know what the sauce was.
@Frank Aww :(
@Chippies The crucial fact you're missing is that in WoW, buying gold is just as illegitimate as running a bot.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I understand your point, but I don't think the people doing it understand it
@AshleyNunn Sorry. Sounded like something easy to do with rice, but I don't know enough about it.
@Frank I will investigate :D
and it's less risky (I would assume) to buy gold than it is to run a bot
@Chippies I disagree, based on first-hand discussions.
@Chippies Not really. Blizz is pretty aggressive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz well, I haven't had such discussions, so most of what I say is assumptions :)
@Chippies You know what they say about those...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes. Yes I do :P
since I haven't played any subscription based mmos, my experience is limited with f2p mmos
and cheating is usually quite rampant in f2ps
Also, I just heard about Elliot Rodger. That's messed up.
Things I like most about Chinese cuisine: the name of the dishes.
@Yuki Anything in particular?
@AshleyNunn There's a fairly popular Chinese dish for which the equivalent name in Western cuisine is "pork belly". In Chinese, it's called 五花肉, literally "five flower meat".
It's called "five flower meat" or "five flower pork" because of the bands of color the pork belly has when you cook it.
@Frank that's putting it mildly.
@Yuki it sounds more interesting in Chinese :P
There's another dish called 夫妻肺片, literally "married couple's sliced lung". Sounds disgusting, but there's a story behind it.
@Yuki ew
@Yuki Is it actual lung?
yes. Pretty flower.
@AshleyNunn Some preparations do include lung and other beef offal.
@spugsley such smell
@spugsley very blue
@spugsley LOOK! A flower! IT IS PRETTY!
@spugsley give flower pls
@spugsley wow
Back in China, vendors used to sell dishes of cold sliced beef. Sliced beef offal (organs and entrails) was very popular among the poor and working-class because of its price.
Anyways, there was this one vendor, a married couple, that used best meat they could find and often changed up their recipe with different spices and preparations.
As a result, they got really popular because of their distinct taste and children used to play pranks by sticking papers with the words 夫妻肺片 on their backs.
At one point, some really important person came by and tasted their recipe. He really liked it and gave them a gold plaque with the words 夫妻肺片 on it and the name stuck.
Q: how to prevent water from freezing

AlessandroIn one of my worlds I built an house on the top of a mountain, when starting to build a wheat farm I found out that the water keeps freezing and I have to break the ice blocks: Does wheat grow even if it is near ice instead of water? if not how can I prevent water from freezing?

@Yuki That's an odd story, but it makes me want to learn more about the dish
@Frank Was supposed to be a sparkle face * - *
> Common ingredients in the modern version include beef heart, tongue and tripe, and a generous amount of various spices, including Szechuan peppercorns.
@Yuki I found both heart and tongue a little weird texturally.
I've never actually had tripe.
It's actually really good.
And if you don't like those ingredients, some restaurants will prepare with normal beef (or lamb) slices.
I think my biggest problem would be the texture of tripe, over the flavour
often it is the texture of foods that is offputting for me
@AshleyNunn In that case, you might want to look into preparations with more typical cuts of meat.
Be warned though, recipes that are true to the original will be a very particular kind of spicy.
@Yuki Can you explain that?
@AshleyNunn Well, you know how most foods people consider spicy are a kind of hot, burning spice?
Like jalapenos and whatnot?
non-flavour spicy
@Yuki Yes.
Heat with no taste.
I refer to it as "lame spicy"
There's a region in China called Szechuan that's renowned for a different kind of spicy, a "numbing spice".
@Yuki YES! The peppercorns!
(If you eat some and then kiss someone it is REALLY WEIRD)
Heat with no flavor is no good.
Basically, when you eat Szechuan cuisine, you won't feel the kind of heat and burning you'd normally associate with spiciness. Rather, your tongue and mouth will start to feel numb.
@Yuki Yeah, it confused the heck out of me the first time I experienced it
I love it because it feels like touching your tongue to a small battery.
Then I asked someone to kiss me, for science, to know what changed
That tingling, numbing sensation is pretty cool.
It was weird.
@Yuki It is kinda awesome. :)
It's also great because you can walk out of the restaurant and feel fine. Whereas with "hot spicy", your tongue feels burnt for hours afterward.
@Yuki This is a definite benefit.
I don't really like food that tries to stick with you and remind you that you ate it. Constantly.
@Yuki Eeergh, no. I want to enjoy my food, then leave it.
I am thinking I will make these, minus the giblets.
Croquettes are great.
@Yuki They aaaaaaaaare
Speaking of making food, I made some crawfish etouffee last night.
@Yuki oooh yummy
We were having crawfish and I'm not a big fan of just peeling and eating them.
So I peeled a few tails and made etouffee with some leftover rice.
@Yuki I had never tried them before last week.
Mashed potatoes with breading. So good.
@Frank My grandma used to always make them at Christmas. The recipe she uses is Dutch, and different from what a lot of places here have as croquettes. I should look up a recipe for her style.
@Chippies I have to say, I've done this a couple times.
And then I feel guilty and go read the book.
@Yuki I generally don't do it, but it sometimes slips.
not so much about books though, more about other things
So my boss dumps two sets of hard copy spreadsheets filled with serial numbers and IDs on me and ask for an analysis of the two
I haven't read a book in 10+ years...
It is just about lunchtime here, and everyone's making me hungry.
They should match up, since one is our own records, and the other is straight from HQ
It "only" took two hours for me to OCR the spreadsheet. That was the easiest part of the job.
It's 1am in the morning, and I'm at the "oh god why" stage of analysis
@PrivatePansy I'm guessing you don't have access to the digital records?
@Frank Sorry, I just started thinking about dinner tonight, because I have most of today off so I have the time to make something awesome
@Chippies Pfft, I'm in the military. Getting paper copies of anything is hard enough already.
@PrivatePansy ah, that sounds... scary
Hmm... can I add images with captions in an Arqade blog post?
I'm not even sure if digitizing any of these information using a flatbed scanner at home is breaking any laws
@AshleyNunn I'm thinking it's time to make taco salad and/or cheeseburger soup again.
@Frank Both sound awesome
I think a taco salad might be on the menu sometime this week, I have a bunch of the needed bits.
Do you have a particular recipe you like, or do you just make it up as you go?
@AshleyNunn Mine is to prepare the ingredients, and then let people add to taste.
@Frank Shiny.
So it's taco beef, nachos, cheese, onions, tomatoes, green onions, salsa, and sour cream.
It turns into a glorious mess on your plate, and is every bit of tasty and crunchy.
Yes. :D I'd add homemade guacamole too, but that's just because I like excuses for guacamole.
Never tried guac on taco salad.
Although, I may never have tried guac, period.
I love guac SO MUCH
especially when I make it so I can make it extra garlicky and yum
@Chippies Aww, and here I was hoping for advice about how to get better at it. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz as long as you believe you're good at it, you'll do fine.
if you start doubting your knowledge on subject, that's when people will start doubting it as well
@Chippies Oh, well then. I guess that means I'm awesome.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what I'm talking about!
@LessPop_MoreFizz host seems to be dead
@Chippies No, somethingawful.com is very much not dead.
@AshleyNunn Is it anything like avacado?
@LessPop_MoreFizz hmm
@Frank well, it is mostly avocado (my recipe is avocado + onion + garlic + lime + salt and sometimes tomatoes)
so if you don't like avocado you likely won't like guac
there we go
@AshleyNunn Oh, I love avacado. I didn't even know guac was a recipe.
I have learned my requisite new thing for the day! I can go home now!
@LessPop_MoreFizz it means it can ping it, it is getting the response from the cloud service page, not actual somethingawful
@Chippies Then how am I browsing around on somethingawful.com right now?
I am clicking links and consuming content.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I refreshed for the 4th time and it worked now
@Frank It is so good
if you like avocado you should do it
This recipe is what I started with, and I just don't use the cilantro and other stuff I don't like
New thing to add to taco salad! Like it's not enough of a gooey mess. :P
(also you don't have to let it sit, if you are like me and impatient and just want green goopy awesome IN YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW which is usually what happens to me)
^ Some of the best stuff ever.
@AshleyNunn They(croquettes) are kind of traditional here too for christmas.
Apologies for randomness, but I just opened a can and had to let everyone know.
@AshleyNunn I think I'd probably keep the cilantro. Sounds like it would add a little extra something.
@Frank See, I am firmly in the "cilantro tastes like soap" camp, so.
@Yuki But what iiiiiis it
Loads of utility... Please reference the now edited answer. — Bob 3 mins ago
@Arperum Yeah, croquettes and ollie bollen are like the things that just like AAAAAAAAA scream christmas to me
@AshleyNunn It's an herbal tea.
@Yuki Interesting :D
I would say it compares to Southern iced tea in taste, but not nearly as sweet.
@AshleyNunn Oliebollen are more of a DUtch thing, but they are so fucking awesome
@Arperum OMG YES
I love them
with apples in, or plain, covered in icing sugar....yes :D
@AshleyNunn Now I want them :(
(although never raisins in, or currants, no matter what my oma says)
@Arperum me too :P
@AshleyNunn In Belgium you only find them on fairs though, and not even everytime.
And even if you find some, they are kinda badly made half of the time.
@Arperum Here you don't see them at all unless you make them
which means I should have a olliebollen party and teach people how aweesome they are
maybe I will add them to my eventual (mostly in jest) plan to own a cupcake truck
@AshleyNunn I wouldn't mind running a food truck.
@Yuki I want to run one that is cereal in the morning (different cereals, milks, fruits, etc), and sweet desserts in the afternoon
Jimmy Fallon is the worst. That is all.
(I have thought about this at length)
@AshleyNunn So I changed course. Instead of doing a Dark Souls 2 novelization, I'm doing a write-up on Dark Souls 2 lore for the Arqade blog.
@Yuki Awesome, I approve of this plan
@OrigamiRobot Our local convention was on his show.
@OrigamiRobot He does some funny stuff sometimes on his talk show. But I wanted to punch him in the face every time I saw him on SNL.
cc @AshleyNunn
@Fluttershy Anything he does could be made funnier by him being someone who's not Jimmy Fallon
@OrigamiRobot augh the cute I can't even
@AshleyNunn quack
@OrigamiRobot k
Hmm, Arabic text comes across weirdly when I grab a message via imap
Does this look like Base64?
Hmmm, decoded it doesn't look right though
One of the answerers is a little irked that his answer doesn't actually answer the question.
@Frank That's because it's not really a question
It's a misunderstanding framed as a question
@fredley It sounds like a valid question to me.
If there are mods for GTA V, I don't see why we can't answer that.
The fact that it requires a modded console is a footnote. Not something we help with, but we can definitely give directions on what to do after the console is modded.
@fredley I think you're missing one char in the first line
@badp Yeah, got it
Now it's a question of working out whether an email part has been encoded or not
What if at the end of the day it turns out it was the cheat code all along?
DEBUG 2014-05-26 17:57:03,011 cron 15592 140558382839552 text found: مواصلة الاستعدادات، لا تكون قلقة مع التغيير في المنظمة
If your email account wasn't being watched by the CIA before playing my game, it will be afterwards!
Q: Change account in Hay Day

leigeroI am finding it near impossible to change accounts in Hay Day. Is it possible and if so, how do you do it? I started playing on my iPad, and leveled up. I downloaded Hay Day on my iPhone and synced it with my Facebook account and it loaded my existing game. I now want to start over and play a t...

@fredley yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Something seems off.
@Fluttershy The average went higher than the flat rates.
@Fluttershy You should get Ascendant. You will like it.
> Pay more than $14.05 to unlock!
It's still going uuuup!
@GnomeSlice You've linked this already today. Also, why do you still link to IndieGala, knowing they're shit?
the average is a lot :o
@Fluttershy Now that they have user profiles their system works much better.
@GnomeSlice Probably! But I am broke.
@Fluttershy oops
I'm assuming the average is that high because many people buy the full collection.
But that was ... not planned all too well.
Is it wrong to like Bastion more than Transistor?
@FEichinger Average is $14 + already.
How does this user have only 1 rep?
@Arperum This is bad
He has a few upvoted posts. But 1 rep.
> This account is temporarily suspended network-wide. The suspension period ends on Jul 14 at 19:24.
@GnomeSlice Have you noticed the message in bold letters and red dotted border?
@badp I just did now.
I wonder what he did
I don't know.
Mystery solved.
Have any of you unlocked any characters in Ascendant yet?
If any of you I don't have on Steam have played it.
@GnomeSlice Anna describes a possible network-wide ban reason.
@badp That's not what I was referring to, but thanks I guess. It's not really any of my business why he was banned though.
@GnomeSlice Yes it is.
we hav a rite 2 know every1s personal busines, other-wise its limitin' muh fredom of spech!11one!!!one111one!
@Wipqozn We're in Canada, turtle. :P
We don't have that right.
@Wipqozn Your face is limiting my freedom of speech. Get rid of it.
Ooh. Buuuuuuuuuuuuurn.
You gonna take that, @Wipqozn?
@Frank No! Just let me finish crying.
@Wipqozn Your edit murdered me a little though, so you got that at least.
@Arperum That was the intention.
@Wipqozn I expected as much.
@Wipqozn Ow. Just...ow.
Now your face really is limiting my freedom of speech, due to the amount of hurt you just inflicted.
@Frank u need 2 lrn dat violense don do nuttin
@badp The pain! It hurts! Make it stop!
Keep going. Finish him.
@Frank payn 2... contin-u til morayl impr... improf... improven?
Ow. I will now proceed to inflict the same amount of pain on you.
adblocks imgur
@Wipqozn lol #yolo
adblocks *.png|*.jpe?g
I can make it happen
@badp Third time's the charm!
@badp You're forgetting. I know your email address.
I can archive the email before I see the picture inside!
@badp I'll just post in .gif then. Or .jpeg
Alternate Reality Games

Proposed Q&A site for those who create, run, or study alternate reality games (ARGs).

Currently in definition.

Wow, NOPE was quick with that one
@Ktash Posting questions in the entertainment area is what NOPE is supposed to do.
It's just that sometimes the Area 51 feed misbehaves and has proposals from all areas.
That's when NOPE strikes with a single strike of massive messages.
Is it on the same timer that Lazers is on? I thought it was slower?
@Ktash Yes, it's the same mechanism.
I don't know what the specific timer on Lazers is but I suppose it's growing slowly slower with time.
Ah, that makes more sense then. I thought it was on an hour timer or something
Q: What is the difference between each class?

user606723Besides the abilities that you learn, are there are any differences between each of the classes? I'm unable to find any documentation about this. I'm a level 8 mage, but I've found myself not playing the character very mage-like. I've contemplated restarting the game as a fighter, which might b...

fuck I just got a respec totem or something, didn't know what it did, and now my two extra hearts I had are gone
Lazers and NOPE are essentially RSS feeds with a bolted on chat presence.
@agent86 Haha, it's funny because she suggested that she would give a [REDACTED].
@Yuki you get the joke! congratulations! you win all the internets.
@frank I got stuff for taco salad for tomorrow and I blame you :p
I made it to Late Autumn that time
Stupid event room killed me from full hp in one go
@AshleyNunn You say that like it's a bad thing!
@frank no it is awesome. Got stuff for guac, too, to make it the most epic.
@AshleyNunn Tell me you got good crunchy chips to go with it, too.
Ugh, I'm awxay for an hour, I return and get immediately knocked halfdead by the same message. Damn you @Wipqozn!
"damn you @Wipqozn" is what is going to be on my tombstone.
assuming I die, which I'm not planning on.
@agent86 It would confuse so many people...
@Arperum I plan on making it specifically "@Wipqozn" so that I can ping him from beyond the grave.
I got to do some soldering this weekend. haven't done that in a while.
I also got factorio and am now addicted.
@Arperum Not sure what's so moronic about that. If that's what people use to identify him, why not?
I mean, for instance, my signature isn't even legible anymore.
@FEichinger True, he expected it to be illegal for some reason though. I still think it's stupid
@frank I totally did. :D
Being able to buy good tasty food things is a nice benefit of my whole Yay employment thing!
@Arperum Well, if I'm not mistaken we all still have that "should theoretically be first and last name" thing ... But it's not like anyone ever cared about that.
@FEichinger Pretty sure we don't have that.
Now that I think about it ... My signature is also technically my twitter handle ... Well, except for the actual @ ...
@AshleyNunn Woo!
Hell, if I wanted I could essensially make a picture of a unicorn as my signature, if I could write it down in some reasonable time, because otherwise the clerk might get annoyed.
@Arperum Hence why I said "it's not like anyone ever cared about that".
But if people want to find a reason to scrutinize him over it, it being theoretically illegal, would be enough, is all I was going for.
@FEichinger not sure, this is Belgium we are talking about.
Q: Can Fiora be CC'd during her ultimate?

BitLionI understand that Fiora is not targetable by point and click abilities during her ultimate, but what happens during a type of AoE crowd control, like Sona's Crescendo or Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy?

Q: i want to make a texture pack in minecraft but it needs bin but ihave forge help?

jamshidctso long ago when I frst got mc I installe forege so I can get mods but now that I know more I want to make a map + texture pack but I need my bin so I can have my minecraft.jar so I can edit a copy of the default texture but it seems forge hides it or delets it if u gladly can tell me where is m...

@Arperum Excellent.
8 secs ago, by Wipqozn
@Arperum Excellent.
We've spent a good 15 minutes staring at a hedgehog munching grass in our garden
@Arperum I suppose you can sign yourself however you like
so long as you can do so consistently
I got a check held up by my bank because "the signatures didn't match." One was upright, the other slightly titled to the right; otherwise, they were identical. The cashier told me nothing about them matched and made me redeposit my signature.
@Arperum They fixed the bundle
@badp That's kinda excellent

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