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@badp I just looked up the new rocksmith... it has over 1000 euro of DLC with most discounted 50%
(Though to be fair, there is usually "Song #1 50%, Song #2 50%, Song pack 25%" so you could probably say it's about 750 euros or something if you ignore those)
@KevinvanderVelden You'd be similarly horrified if TF2 replaced its mann co. store with Steam DLCs
@badp Yeah, probably
Though these are all songs, you don't generally buy all of them because you buy the ones you like
And the TF2 stuff is a case of decorations, and you only buy one per slot/class
Similarly you can get almost everything in the Mann Co. Store just by playing the game
(the Mann Co. Store has weapons, too.)
I think the average price of cosmetics in the TF2 store is €5
That's not similar though =p
These are all extra songs released later
all of the TF2 items were released later!
Q: Exceeding the Duchy limit, Kingdom Titles and when to create or not create titles?

DMKI've been playing a game a Munster and progressed from 1066 to 1128. During this time I was not aware of the Duchy limit of 2 and the corresponding penalties of holding more than 2 Duchies can incur. As such I've been creating titles and keeping them to myself. I've only concentrated on not exc...

Q: Buggy dialogues and options

June NasakiI have around 95 mods and the game seems pretty fine except one thing which really drives me crazy. After some amount of time my menu just goes crazy. It keeps scrolling both options and dialogues so I end up being able to chose only first option or no option at all. I am using Xbox 360 controlle...

Yes, but these songs you can't earn in game
Q: What is it Game Engine of Game like Simpsons Tapped out,Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff,....?

Hadii have a question what is it Simpsons Tapped out , Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff , SpongeBob Moves In , Clash of Clans , Boom beach , ... game engine? i believe someone say they have own engine but i think they use specified engine and customize that engine.is very important to know.i have a ar...

@Lazers Using 95 mods is going to have... interesting effects on your game.
@MBraedley there are third party DLLs that can have it work decently
I have 135 in my game
@KevinvanderVelden I have no doubt that some of them are performance/visual improvement mods, but I'd be very surprised if some of them weren't gameplay mods.
@MBraedley Jeah true. There are mods that change the way the game code works so it's better at running with that many mods
Think more aggresive cleaning
1. Mom's eye
2. Ipecac
oh this is cool
now platinumgod can sort all BoI items by color.
unfortunately it isn't quite calculating the hue of every item
they just bunched items up in a few color groups
@badp what benefit does that have.
@Rapitor I look at the item in-game and I want to know what it is before I pick it up.
i mean sorting by color
Instead of looking up through items by name (I don't know the name), I can just scan the list by color
	double bearing = atan(fabs(offsetLat/offsetLon));
	if (offsetLon >= 0 && offsetLat < 0)
		bearing = (DEF_PI/2.0) + bearing;
	else if (offsetLon >= 0 && offsetLat >= 0)
		bearing = (DEF_PI/2.0) - bearing;
	else if (offsetLon < 0 && offsetLat < 0)
		bearing = (3.0*DEF_PI/2.0) - bearing;
	else if (offsetLon < 0 && offsetLat >= 0)
		bearing = (3.0*DEF_PI/2) + bearing;
NO! Don't do this! There's a function already that does this for you!
Oh my. Somebody doesn't know about atan2() yet and will run into division by zero at some point. :D
@badp That's a really useful way to sort
if (offsetLon == 0.0)
offsetLon = 0.0000000001;
Q: How do I stop aging on played sims?

Nathan SabrukaSo I'm writing a Sims 4 based story-slash-playthrough, but I would need to stop aging on a household that I have played. I know you can control aging on unplayed households, but I'm wondering if you can stop aging on a played household. If that is not possible, then is it possible to revert a pl...

Q: Is there any possible use for a recipe that I already know?

KovikoIn Guild Wars 2, oftentimes (especially during the current Wintersday event) you get recipes that you have already unlocked. Typically, I just sell them. I recently learned that runes and sigils that you don't need can be used in the Mystic Forge, so that makes me wonder: Is there currently any u...

@MartinSojka bows to atan2
@MartinSojka To be (at least a little charitably) fair, this particular block of code was possibly written originally in C and not C++, and was definitely written by a scientist C programmer regardless.
@MBraedley "scientific programmer" - *shudders*
I tried to comment on your last comment to ask you to take it off on hold but the site wouldn't let me. If you need an actual developer instead of some web master, give me shout. I will fix your site out in not time. Thanks :) — Mark 1 min ago
I've done some modding
@MBraedley I'm pretty sure atan2 is also available in C since quite some decades ...
@fredley modding with fire?
@KevinvanderVelden modding with the reopen button, which is basically modding with fire, yes
Of all the nasty and horrible things I can do, the reopen button causes the most drama
@MartinSojka probably. The code might have originated in Matlab, Maple, or Labview.
@StrixVaria should go red GIR
No, green gir is the correct avatar for @StrixVaria
And besides, it's good hat wearing
@fredley I'm pretty sure chat timeout doesn't work on mods.
@Arperum Neither does rage
You'd need some kind of super-moderator.
Or the ghost of Jeff Atwood.
Q: Where do I find Oil?

aytimothyIn Starbound, there are many new things introduced into the game in the Nightly builds (for the upcoming Winter update). One of which is many changes to progression... I'm up to a part where you're meant of craft Steel. Except Steel is not crafted from a Metalworking Station (made of 1 Iron + 1 ...

@fredley Hah.
@Arperum Psychic attacks are weak against mods
Feel free to add in any impact text you feel is appropriate
@fredley So mods are Dark type. Got it.
@PrivatePansy I think you mean Steel
Oh wait, Dark
@PrivatePansy weak, not useless. Mods are either psychic or steel. (or both)
Mods are weak against Bug and Fairy types
Is it going home time yet?
@Powerlord Any time is going home time if you really want it to be!
@Powerlord if you believe it is
@StrixVaria grabs popcorn
@StrixVaria I choose to live in my office for the next 7.5 hours!
Regardless if it's going home time or not, it definitely "Get more coffee" time.
Today is last day before holidays.
@StrixVaria and @fredley should fight to th edeath to decide if that question should be opened or closed.
@Wipqozn We lose a mod in this process.
I'm unsure of whether I approve or not.
Fight to the e-death!
Q: Minecraft forge mod: Remove a block and place a new block

halmi4I am currently making a minecraft forge mod. Do anyone know how to first remove a block on specific coordinates, and then place a new block on the same place? Like replacing the old block with a new block. I will have it in the middle of this code: if(player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null) ...

@Frank You've gotta spend money to make money
@Wipqozn So...losing a mod means we get more of them?
@Frank If a mod is disappeared
@Frank We sacrifice a current mod to ensure a good mod harvest next year.
@Wipqozn Oh hey, turtle is back.
@OrigamiRobot That, I can get behind.
@Frank Technically speaking, since they're all @AshleyNunn's hugpuppets, we don't lose anyone.
@Powerlord Turtle has been back for a little while now. Are you not paying attention?
@MBraedley Well, unless someone says a lot of lines in a row, it's not very big.
I was trying to collect a bounty on a player last night and he dropped right before I finished him off. What a coward.
Last time I remember explicitly checking was when people were complaining about it and DwarfSlice's name.
the important thing is that the returtle the turtle campaign was successful
@Sconibulus Apparently it's just for winterbash :(
@fredley Now I'm conflicted about Winterbash.
The painting on that KS page is /majestic/.
Terror red eyed statue of liberty, Dennis Rodman...
@fredley So, apparently the US Army stole the Technodrome's transport modules:
Thanks, Obama.
This looks like a Metal Slug / Contra hybrid. I'm.. almost interested.
Even if it's just pictures, it was worth flipping through for some epic pixel art.
oshit, I'm now on Kickstarter
I'm digging the Contra 3 boss face inside the statue of liberty.
@fredley run away
I clicked on the Design tab, it's too late
Not putting money in, but I'm following it in hope of more pictures.
Save yourselves
I need From Software to make a new Metal Wolf Chaos to the theme of the North Korea scenario.
Looks like waffle keyboard iron won't make it
... And if you have never seen the video for Metal Wolf Chaos, it's a treat. The most patriotic game to never come to the states.
Clearly we should just give Jason Alexander his glorious leader bonus and then ignore kickstarter for the game itself.
@fredley Aww, that would be disgusting.
Imagine that in your waffle.
My bad, for Jason Alexander its the "beloved leader bonus". Also, don't ask me why I've seen the direct to video Aladdin sequels.
@PrivatePansy So, Rarity and Sweetie Bell are Jewish?
Whelp. That's it. No more Colbert Report. :(
I don't follow pony mythos closely, but I thought their magical princess overlords were also their deities?
@Powerlord That's fanart, not official
@MadMAxJr Sort of, not really
@TrentHawkins The 'Back to you John!' was a nice touch, as if it were just a 9 year segment of the Daily Show.
@MadMAxJr yeah, and the moment of zen was good too; "can we close on that?" ...no. "damn!"
I still have questions about that fan art. :< Do ponies have a currency? What are they using for gelt?
Do they make yamakas that work with unicorn horns? Important questions.
Thinking about 3D printers again...
@MadMAxJr Currency = bits.
Which are coins. Yes, they use Bitcoin.
I bet they have an actual mine for them though.
Decided to play the ultimate incremental: Clash of Clans.
Is there an efficient way to get started in this thing?
@Koviko Pay $99.99 for the gems.
@Koviko Ultimate incremental: get a job.
@JasonBerkan I don't want to give them any money, ever.
Or walk away from it, because it is an awful game.
@OrigamiRobot don't do it! That way lies 3d-printing and madness
@JasonBerkan Simply walking away from an incremental is something I'm not very good at.
@KevinvanderVelden I like both of those :(
@OrigamiRobot oh, well in that case go for it
I need to calibrate mine again now that I've finally got a decent spot to put it :o
But there are so many to choose from!
Guys, should I buy Dark Souls 2?
Do you know if you want to do a resin based printer or a filament based printer?
@KevinvanderVelden I know the difference, but I don't know what I want.
@Koviko it's an RTS incremental. it is also terrible, do not play it.
@Rapitor I have a friend that's been asking me to try it, so I'm doing this for them.
Btw, are there any good mobile MMOs?
@OrigamiRobot resin is higher resolution but usually smaller build area, also the only thing that matters for build time is the height
Or at least actual mobile MMOs
@StrixVaria No.
@Koviko there are a handful.
@Rapitor Like open-world MMOs, or just multiplayer games?
@StrixVaria I'd be up for jumping back into it if you do.
@Koviko world of magic is probably the biggest/best
Filament has cheaper source material and a lot of different types of material but you have a minimum size in the details you can print and the print time is dependent on more than just the height
Goodbye $.
@Rapitor This does look like a real MMO. Interesting, interesting.
@Koviko there's a lot on the play store. just look at related games and such
no idea about iOS
@Rapitor You seem to know more about Play games than I do. Is there a good non-online RPG that you know of?
@StrixVaria like.. a JRPG?
@Koviko Game-rec, account deleted
@Rapitor JPEG?
@Rapitor Looking more for some kind of battle simulator than a wonky plot.
Preferably turn-based because action games on mobile are dumb.
Knights of Pen and Paper?
@Sconibulus I do own that.
I remember playing it for a bit and then stopping but I don't remember why.
I never actually finished it...
Inflation is pretty bonkers
I think I still have to beat Mom and the last dungeon
I got as far as I could without grinding
Is it sad that now every time someone says "beat Mom" I think of Binding of Isaac?
@StrixVaria There's a turn-based half-strategy, half-puzzle RPG game out there.
@Powerlord well, better than then thinking they're going to beat their own mother
@Yuuki Whoa that sounds good.
@KevinvanderVelden I'll beat... wait, nevermind
@Rapitor In a good way?
@KevinvanderVelden Resin is also cooler because LASERS!
@StrixVaria Terra Battle is the name, I believe.
The combat system is actually fairly interesting in that it works kinda like Othello.
If you squint at it from around the corner, that is.
@OrigamiRobot though often it's less LASERS and more standard projector modified to give of UV light
@Yuuki Terra Battle is a good game.
@KevinvanderVelden SHUT UP IT'S LASERS
And if you use lasers than the build time dependent on height is wrong
@OrigamiRobot Only the cool ones
> You have a decent well reasoned post. Why ruin it with garbage like "M$"?
> It's short for Microsoft and indicates my general dislike for the company.
> Actually, it's not short for "Microsoft", but short for "Microsoft (I'm an imbecile and shouldn't be allowed on the internet)".
It requires a network connection, though. (cc @StrixVaria)
(that conversation made me lol)
... I have several voice coils from hard drives, and lasers, I should make a vector-laser-projector
@Powerlord link pws
@Powerlord Someone doesn't like that.
...ugh, not sure how to link to a direct comment on Ars Technica
Maybe this weekend there will be time for the making of things that shoot lasers in pretty patterns
@JasonBerkan :(
@Yuuki arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/12/… near the top of this anyway
@StrixVaria I know. I only have wi-fi, and I would love to play games like that on the bus.
@Rapitor Why would you do this to me?
@JasonBerkan I play on my cell phone on the train, but there is a section where we're in a tunnel without service.
@StrixVaria I'm surprised you didn't already know incrementals on mobile is big
@Rapitor I've been playing Tap Tap Infinity for the past few weeks.
Yay, next week is the first of two short weeks at work.
Split weeks always suck, though.
@Rapitor I just don't feel like wading through them to see which ones aren't garbage
@Yuuki Is that the same guy that was in the Game Awards?
@Batophobia I have no clue.
@Rapitor but how do you cheat at mobile incrementals?
It's on his channel, so I assume yes
I sorta wanna make one of these.
Tesla coils are cool
Lots of manual work though
And then I'll become a sorcerer's apprentice.
And animate mops and whatnot.
Yes, that sounds like a plan, then animate a statue and fly away on it
Also, this is a pretty simple explanation for making a tesla coil hackaday.com/2012/02/07/diy-solid-state-tesla-coil
As far as technical skills, what's required?
Haven't build one my self, but for the tesla coil part itself isn't hard, there's some circuitry involved to drive it that's a bit harder
The hardest part of building a tesla coil is probably safety
True, it's pretty high voltage at the business end
@OrigamiRobot Do you know where your "How to vote" meta is?
@Sterno Not off the top of my head
@Powerlord I switched it back as a christmas gift to the bridge. Don't worry, I plan to resume being terrible after the holidays.
@OrigamiRobot This wouldn't be so hard to find if you didn't delete your account like a jerk
@Sterno You should probably downvote me :P
Luckily I'm awesome
> define "the holidays" as "from now until forever"
@Yuuki Nice try, but my terribleness allows me to defy all laws of nature which would result in me being not terrible.
@Sterno Do you need it for Lifehacks?
@OrigamiRobot Yes
Oh man. This is exciting.
A: Another user downvoted me based on my gender

SternoCourtesy of @OrigamiRobot at Arqade:

IS sterno going to cause drama?
I need to see this
 define "@Wipqozn" as "troll"
@Sterno I am so cool and famous
Fixed font and reply don't like each other
@OrigamiRobot You really are.
Okay, back to reading.
@OrigamiRobot Clearly I should change that to "Courtesy of @user9983 at Arqade", since there is no @OrigamiRobot at Arqade
I miss @MarkTrapp
We all do.
Some may deny it, but they know the truth.
I miss @MarkTrapp too, despite having joined after he left.
@Yuuki only knows the legends
@Sterno *Meta Arqade
Origami Robot is not an Arqade user, and the post is not on Arqade.
RIP @MarkTrapp
@Sterno Courtesy of the sedicious traitor formerly known as @OrigamiRobot
@Sterno That edit is so nit picky
@badp Nor is he a Meta Arqade user, making that distinction pointless
@badp More like, you're not an Arqade user
@Unionhawk Mods are not users, your statement is correct
Mods are abusers, which is like the opposite of a user
That or we're just really fit.
@fredley I dunno, sometimes "abuser" is the logical extension of "user".
@TimStone Are users of abs fit?
Surely abusers of abs have fit abs?
The users with the best abs are the ababusers
@Unionhawk Sockpuppets are not users
@fredley That depends on if they're abusers of abs or abs()
You're an idiot. I'll have you know. And this is silly.
Why is everyone talking about brakes?
Well played.
@RedRiderX lol
@Batophobia The title mentions sexism, and it's a cheeseburger network link. I don't want to click that.
@fredley It's a screenshot of a facebook post or something
@fredley It's claiming that because the man has to save the woman... then the woman has to save the man... that the game is sexist.
Clicked link, was correct, didn't want to click it.
@Powerlord So a game where a protagonist abandons a woman in distress wouldn't be sexist?
I don't understand kids these days.
@Yuuki As I understand it (haven't played the game), the protagonist is kidnapped partway through the game.
It's a troll, leave it alone
As the tank, @Yuuki should draw the aggro from the troll
they wnat a game where nobody needs saving, there is no dilemnas
sigh Great, SourceMod now branched 1.7 into a new branch and master is now 1.8
Anybody else here tried Lethal League on Steam?
I don't like that seeing as how I have outstanding pull requests to improve a few things prior to 1.7's release.
@MadMAxJr No, but I can tell you their previous game is awesome.
I've been playing it with some friends and I have found it to be an /amazing/ addition to party games when company is visiting.
Very easy to learn, fun to play, difficult to master.
@MadMAxJr You should also try Gang Beasts
@ElfSlice It's on the to-do list, the only kicker on that one is a lack of an online option. Didn't have one last I looked. While it'll be great when guests are over, I would love more mileage out of it.
I had a good chuckle when Game Grumps played Gang Beasts.
It's a lot of fun, but yeah, local only.
I was worried Lethal League was just something kicked out and left to be as is, but I was glad to see an update yesterday with some minor fixes and some x-mas flair.
The murderball is now an ornament.
The punky art and music flair gives me almost Jet Set Radio vibes.
Why do you hate me, debug version?
Release version runs just fine
Which is opposite of what usually happens
@MBraedley #if DEBUG break(); #endif
@fredley That must be it
@MBraedley internet says to install "Visual Studio® 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update"
@KevinvanderVelden Even by MS standards, that's a terrible name
@KevinvanderVelden Except I'm using VS2008, and have already installed SP1 for it.
Unless I'm linking against a third party library built in VS2005. That's entirely possible.
Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Applications should show you more details
VS2005... Ah, the .NET 2.0 era.. How I do not miss coding in that.
Let's see: Unnecessary ®: check. Redundant terminology: check. Weird unexplained acronym: check. Name that communicates nothing about what it actually is/is for/does: check.
Service Pack 1 Redistrubutable Package
MFC is a well know acronym among Windows programmers.
@fredley microsoft foundation class library, i.e. the microsoft non standard standard library
I was wondering why it didn't have the word Microsoft in it
I'm so glad I don't program in/on/with/for Windows
I did briefly, and it was awful
I did too.
When .NET arrived, and there was never a reason to use MFC again, I was the happiest programmer on earth.
.NET is also a terrible product name
I teeth-grinded when the built in Oracle calls in .NET were flagged obsolete in .NET 3.5
I had just converted everything over to the native Oracle calls and then 'lol you'll need to go back to ODBC calls in a few versions'
Now I just work with a cloud app, in the confounding evil that is Javascript.
What do you mean I don't have to type a variable? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT REGEX STRING IS A FUNCTION CALL? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?
Oh, I might know what's going on. Stupid fucking third party shit that we were forced to add.
So that long function name I pasted in here a couple days ago? Turns out, I can't actually make the change needed before I go in vacation.
Well, can't fix it until my coworker gets back from lunch. Still don't know why release works fine but not debug.
So I get to bash the database to make the change on my own.
@Sterno He is not an Arqade user, or a Meta Arqade user. The post is not from Arqade, but the post is from Meta Arqade.
If you want to attribute you should attribute from Meta Arqade.
(The fact he doesn't have an account on Arqade is not really relevant, only where the post is matters; the accountlessness just underlines the oddity)
@JasonBerkan [citation needed]
OK, Github, why do I suddenly see a "confirm merge" dialog on a pull request page for a repo I don't control?
and now when I check again, it's gone... I wonder if someone inadvertently added me as a repo owner and then removed me again
@Powerlord is confirmed git hacker
should have used a case-sensitive file system
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you know how to move my iTunes library to a new PC
Reminds me of a time when I forked a repo and it created it as a private repo despite me not having an upgraded plan.
I reinstalled my desktop recently. I still have my old hard drive.
@ElfSlice SU
@fredley ?
@ElfSlice SuperUser
@OrigamiRobot I wish I had a picture of myself being happy, but those are rare.
Also, apparently TravisCI will kill processes it thinks run too long
@ElfSlice External Storage?
@Batophobia I'm talking about how to move it but keep like my ipod settings and shit
@badp You're right, of course, and I'm pretty certain that everyone who reads the answer will be upset at my lack of distinction between Meta and the main site. I'm a terrible person who should be forced to watch this.
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh, uh uh uh, oh yeah yeah

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