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@FEichinger There is that as well
These two really neat ideas, but by no means a "lifehack", just funny DIYs.
I came back just to tell everyone posting lifehacks that they should be ashamed that they're off to such a bad start on the new year.
Q: What decisions affect season 2?

infotechnologistI actually have two base questions. What all decisions made throughout Season 1, affect the Season 2 episode games? And in what way? What all decisions made throughout 400 days, affect the season 2 episode games? And in what way?

This also looks pretty nice to do. And that's it. Almost everything else is utterly stupid - and then there's a few like the cut-off headphones plug (which I've been using since before the word "lifehack" even existed >.>), which are just common sense.
6 hours ago, by Tim Stone
A cop pulled me over for speeding today, but I just flashed him my moderator card and he let me go. Clearly a good start to 2014.
This is just icing on the cake.
@TimStone Of all the things that never happened, this one never happened the most.
Well, I did get pulled over for the first time ever.
But it's probably safe to assume that mod abuse had little to do with me not getting a ticket.
@ElfSlice Made me think of this
Q: What are the differences between PS Vita and PC

infotechnologistWhat are the differences (if any) between the Walking Dead for PS Vita, and the Walking Dead for PC? The main concern I had is save data carrying over from season 1 to 2, and since season 2 hasn't been released on Vita, that causes you to have to wait. Are there any other differences besides that?

Q: Why can't I use magic launcher?

TaylorWhen i log onto magic launcher this pops up: * MagicMinecraftLauncher 1.2.5 * LCP: ;C:\Users\Taylor\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar MainClass: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Mine...

Q: What happens if the timer reaches 0 in the hotel?

BatophobiaOn the level in the Royal Hotel, there is a part where there are "Snowmen bombs". There is a timer that supposedly is counting down to a detonation on December 31 (in-game time). What happens if this timer reaches 0?

Q: How do I restore a saved game in Don't Starve?

David MI hate to ask a stupid question, but, I just started playing Don't Starve this evening. I know the game saves every time a day passes, but when I die I have not seen any option for restoring that saved progress. Why does the game save progress if you can't restore it? Is that just so you can q...

Q: Does using "Energy Root" to restore HP have any negative effects on Pokemon?

KernelPanicI've been starting to buy from the herb shop in Lumiose city, because the price per HP is much better there. However the description of the "Energy Root" notes that it is very bitter, does this have any negative effects on my Pokemon, or does it not matter?

Q: I aqquired vampirism in the Elder Scrolls V is there a way to change back?

Zaith the ArgonianOk - so you better read this before answering. *I'm sending out an SOS - and this is why...*I didn't realize that i had caught it and I've gotten far enough in the game in the three days (cause i know exactly what to do because of the fact I've played it so much) that I can no longer become a wer...

Ugh, woke from a dream after 5.5 hours of sleep and couldn't fall back asleep.
@FAE that sucks.
@Mana Yeah, I laid there for an hour trying to fall asleep, finally said screw it and got up seeing as I had to be awake to make a phone call about... 8 minutes ago. I had the chance to call early, called, they said she wasn't available and was on the phone so they gave me the # to her secretary to try in a few minutes. Called back then, and was told she's not even in today. >_<
Q: What are the locations of the junkyards?

kalinaI have been driving around for what seems like hours and found quite a large portion of... well, everything: Specifically though, I am missing the location of one junkyard. What are the locations of the junkyards?

Q: Minecraft Hexxit Mod: Redirecting nether portals

user65613I am playing Minecraft Hexxit and noticed something odd with the nether portal. The first time I went through and back from my portal by base I ended up at a different portal that was already set up (thanks to the mod) So I damage the portal to disable it and leave. Some time later I go into the ...

morning people
user image
@Blem-baFett He never had a chance.
@5pike Completing a New Year's resolution is all about choosing the right one!
@kalina Me too
I am at work :(
me too
@Sterno My New Year's Resolution is not to post RB videos at all
my new year's resolution is 5760x1080
@fredley LOL! like that is gonna last
my actual new year's resolution is currently undecided
maybe I'll just go with "don't choose a new years' resolution you can't keep"
@Blem-baFett It will last all year
@kalina Things are gonna be different this time
My real New Years resolutions are similar to last years, and last year they worked
I am really struggling to stay awake
@kalina I am thinking of upgrading to that resolution, atm it is 3840x1080
and my stomach feels suicidal
Q: Where should I go to find Virgin Booty?

fredleyAfter arriving on the Poop Deck, I was given the option of taking the helm and steering the ship. Where should I go?

I'm not sure that question is on topic
@kalina It's about gaming
of course
How could you possibly think otherwise?
I'm not interested in your escapades in search of virgin booty
I'm still fighting off fully collapsing on my keyboard and sleeping
I duno, I feel quite ill from the caffeine I've already consumed
@kalina How about sharp pain!
nooo I don't want any pain
Q: Header font inconsistency

3ventic#Headers# in suggested edits use font-family: 'PFTempestaSevenRegular', sans-serif; while on the main page they inherit font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;. Could they both use one or the other? Main page Suggested edits review

Q: MTG for android: In-App buy valid for other devices as well? (same google account)

worklessMagic The Gathering for android: If i buy "in app" full game, will it be unlocked in every devices i use for the time being or just the one where i did the upgrade?

Steam community choices ended completely I think
@3ventic Yup, and the sale ends tonight, I didn't even buy anything new this year. I bought too much this sale though...
I spent like 200€ this sale already :s
@3ventic I think I spent about €10
@3ventic You have spent approximately $110.38 USD in the store since the sale began.
That's what steam tells me.
No, me.
I've spent >£150
> You have spent approximately $17.28 USD in the store since the sale began.
that doesn't make me happy
This sale: 0€
Where do you people see that?
...but the figure goes down to ~€10 because I sold globes on the Market and stuff
@kalina I can see where that unhappiness comes from...
@3ventic steamcommunity.com/id/3ventic/badges → How do I earn card drops?
That's quite a lot to spend on one sale..
232.83 Euro
You have spent approximately $276.18 USD in the store since the sale began.
@kalina You win!
@badp no, 3ventic wins
@3ventic My total score is 426,24€
@kalina but you have the Kalina multiplier.
I win because it's all Valve's money
@badp no
@3ventic Where do you find that bit?
@3ventic where did you get this?
Enhanced Steam
quick, let's all ask @3ventic the same question
^ that thing
Enhanced steam is not installed on this work pc.
@Arperum Incognito mode!!!
Steam gauge (or something like that) has a javascript bookmark you can run on your account page to get the spent money amount
Total Spent: £1,023.56
I have given an internet company >£1000
I quit life
Market Transactions
Purchase total: 9,66€
Sales total: 41,70€
Net gain: 32,04€
@kalina but it's shared between developers/publishers and Steam
@badp where
@3ventic Enhanced Steam + steamcommunity.com/market
Market Transactions
Purchase total:25,01€
Sales total:11,34€
Net spent:-13,67€
Store Transactions: 345,89€
@3ventic I've made enough transactions on Steam, they asked me to file in a tax form.
(The treshold's 150 in a year I think)
both marketplace and store?
Purchase total:1,06€
Sales total:5,79€
Net gain:4,73€
@3ventic Marketplace. I don't have games to sell on the store.
I assumed it would count bought items too
I barely sell anything on the marketplace
@3ventic You mean in-game transactions?
@badp those too
@3ventic Yeah, those are on the account details page.
All my game transactions have been "DLC" for Warframe..
"Game Transactions: 70,52€"
Game Transactions: 14,60€
@3ventic I have a sticky bomb launcher, a couple keys and a backpack expander totalling to €12.49
I think this bus has been waiting at this intersection for 10 minutes now
I hope I'll get my Warframe shirt soon
I have spent 0 on game transactions
They said it should be here in 6-8 weeks.
I win at life, in this category
Maybe I could get one more key. Although I already have uncrated my very own unusual, so...
Some Path of Exile stash expansion things.
unfortunately, I've spent ~£20 on market stuff
@3ventic Are you sure those aren't Stack Overflow shirts?
Oh, nevermind
@kalina Non-members of the Unusual Hat Owners category are barred from winning at life in the game transactions category!!
it was 6 to 12 weeks
I'm supposed to get some Elite: Dangerous stuff soon
I think
like a book
and a mug
and maybe a tshirt
Will you read the book?
I actually don't know what I'm supposed to receive
lol... read
Flip through for the monochrome pictures?
In order to better fit in with the ebook crowd on ebooks.se, and be able to ask and answer some questions, I purchased a game of thrones to read
@AshleyNunn The libraries alot is especially adorable and carefully decimal-notated.
I made it through the first paragraph and then decided to play burnout instead
Aw, along with my Princess Luna cutie mark patch I got a free Twilight Sparkle patch
@fredley Lucky you, you have two butt cheeks!
@badp That I do, friend
"Your commander's voice will appear in yellow"
I didn't know voices had colo(u)rs.
@3ventic synesthesia! My favourite color is UPPERCASE.
the colour of my voice is dependant on my mood
occasionally it is red
occasionally it is lilac
Q: Cod4 Problem!~Help~OldFrameServerTime

JunTunggood day... i got this error in cod4 " cl->snap.servertime<->OldFrameServerTime " Can anyone tell me how to solve it? p/s: I never use any configuration before. I even tried reinstall the cod4 yet i still having the same problem. Thanks & Much Appreciated. Tung! The Error

I didn't know I had natural selection 2 running until Steam gave me a card for it.
@3ventic I am also waiting for mine
@Blem-baFett Founders, yay
@kalina Synaesthete?
I totally wish I had synesthesia
I have 2 copies of natural selection 2 by the way
I bought NS2, played it for 15 minutes, uninstalled it
like so many games I own on Steam
Isn't that how you do with most of your games?
I prefer games that last days
if only I could forget everything I know about Mass Effect and replay those
@kalina Certain drugs can cause temporary synaesthesia for some people
Most games I buy I never end up playing or even installing
@fredley yes they do, but I no longer take any of them
That reminds me, I bought mass effects from Steam and I should play those
@3ventic you need Origin for the third
because Origin is better than Steam
@kalina Suit yourself
@fredley no, if it was up to me, I'd consume drugs daily until the age of 30 and then die
@kalina Not long left!
and that's precisely why it's not up to you.
@fredley longer than if it were you
@kalina Slightly
@fredley much
Having 0 ping to a server half way across the globe is awesome, isn't it?
@kalina little
you are officially in your late 20s
@kalina semantics
I am officially still young enough to get ID for everything
@kalina Boasting about this gets old fast, just fyi.
@badp for you, maybe
you're just jealous
lol, if I didn't grow facial hair I'd have the same problem.
aww badp has a fluffy beard
I am 83.9% of the way to 30, you are 69.6% of the way there
Not that much of a difference
@fredley that's quite a large difference
@kalina 14%
did you use dates or years?
because if you used years, what was the point of being precise to 1dp
@kalina Your birth date, which I may have guessed wrong
my birth date is quite difficult to get wrong
@kalina I may have got the year wrong
was it 92 or 93?
unless you're a sad individual who has never experienced the joys of valentines day
how can I be 20 and born in valentines day '92?
Ok, you're 66.2% of the way there then
@kalina Through cheating
@badp IDKFA doesn't work in real life
Skipped a year.
@fredley see, more than 14% difference
@kalina Thank god.
43 days to go
The last thing I want to see is @FEichinger with a rocket launcher.
there was no lightning gun in doom
dammit, sneaky edit
you still have a chance for retcon.
nope, there was a rocket launcher in doom
how can I say there wasn't a rocket launcher in doom?
that would make me incorrect
which... never happens
remove the 'no' too
well, rare enough that averaged out you can say never
@fredley I expect a rainbow dash version this year
@kalina Of course
with more effort put in to it
even @badp put more effort into his last year
at least it was original
@kalina I will put more effort in, though I will not specify how much more
you need to put in over 9000 more efforts
I put in ALL the efforts.
Look at all them efforts.
It's literally bleeding efforts through the sides.
@badp so effort, very waste
badp's new years resolution is to delete the account of anybody who uses doge on the bridge
@kalina hey, I actually like that one!
goodbye @fredley, it was a pleasure
@fredley Why couldn't you just have a New Year's Resolution to not use doge anymore :(
except, well, the entire time I knew you
I wish facebook would work when I want to use it
@Arperum Only one resolution per year, that's the rule!
You'll take you're lack of Rebecca Black videos and be happy with it, dammit!
@3ventic It's too busy looking at your mouse and keyboard not doing things.
@fredley I'd rather lack doge.
@Arperum Too bad. My resolution is pinned, there's literally no going back now
quick, unpin it
mod edit it
set fire to him
@badp mind modabusing @fredley's resolution to not using doge?
charcoaled porkchop
I personally find Rebecca Black linkbait more annoying
so I'm fine with the current resolution
I can't even run facebook as admin
@3ventic Why would you ever do that?
I... what?
@badp so it would maybe work?
it keeps freezing on me
that's because bookface is lame
I need to reinstall it every time I want to start it
and being lame is contagious
@3ventic Please don't ever run web browsers as root
just look at what happened after the first person used doge in the bridge
Facebook is not a web browser
@3ventic so what you have is facebook.php.exe?
@badp that filename has so many things wrong with it
@kalina well, maybe he wanted to download a facebook
it's like everything that is wrong with the world all in one
@badp Facebook.Facebook_1.2.0.12_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt
just a second, my browser seems to be unresponsive from the shock and awe
The shock and awe were so strong, Chrome crashed.
What shock and awe?
@3ventic I'm not surprised that a .12_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt file crashes, I'm more surprised that it actually runs.
It's called a windows 8 store app.
@3ventic is this yours btw? pastebin.com/pT770kpw
@3ventic I rest my case.
@badp nop
I need a new graphics card
@3ventic Congratulations! You are the only other owner on the internet of Facebook.Facebook_1.2.0.12_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt
rather than buying more games from Steam
Also: both of your copies hang all the time.
Q: How can i see other players choices in single draft?

Menno GouwI just played a single draft game and mentioned my two favorite heroes and which one to pick. But one guy mentioned my 3th hero i could pick. So how do you see which heroes a team mate can pick in single draft mode?

Some good ol' pork fried rice for breakfast. :D
That's Facebook, not Facebook.Facebook_1.2.0.12_x64__8xx8rvfyw5nnt
HamStare @ErraticFox
@ErraticFox ಠ_ಠ

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