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Q: Changing IP Address diablo 3

Bruno9988Am i going to be banned if I play diablo 3 in different places? (same country) I am based on different locations which changed every 2weeks or so. Thanks!

@Lazers tempted to close this... technically blizzard can ban you for whatever they want to whenever they want to
@ShyamK no, that's wrong
'gamers' are people too
@badp but they are a lil bit more carefree than the non-gamers.. Atleast its true in my case and lot of my gaming buds
@agent86 I think "Is it against the TOS?" would be a better question, and captures the OPs intent.
I hate clients. They should just go away.
@Wipqozn yeah, but that kind of requires us to parse and understand the TOS and give recommendations about it... which is not really an area of gamer expertise, y'know?
sometimes it's obvious (don't pirate the damn game!), so I don't know that there's a blanket or consistent rules we could apply.
but answering "will I get banned for this?" is a hard thing to qualify.
like earlier today we had this question:
Q: It it illegal to buy gold from other players in Diablo 3?

KirkWill gold be available in the auction house for real money? Is it illegal to buy it from other people? How will it be priced?

and it got closed.
Q: Can followers do magic?

DavidHow do I make my followers do magic? Do I have to manipulate their inventory in order for them to do that?

@agent86 it is a borderline one. Since it doesn't involve actual legal advice I think it may be a little more inbounds.
@EBongo legal/not legal is just terminology/choice of words though.
we'd still probably have closed it if they asked "is buying gold a violation of the TOS?"
hmm, considering potential gaming rig upgrades
I'm kinda tempted by this AMD APU thing, although the performance seems a bit meh
@agent86 VTC
> Voting to close: We can't predict what blizzard will or will not do. This is also essentially a "legal advice" question, since it really just comes down to what is in the TOS. We're not lawyers, and therefore we're not qualified to answer such questions.
Most (see also: all) of the answers are just guesses.
So feel free to give it the axe @agent86. Don't worry, if all hell breaks loose I got your back! When I'm not busy working that is...
@Wipqozn You wouldn't happen to know how to import images into python would you?
@RonanForman What do you mean? The ability to print them to the screen?
@Wipqozn I want to make a list of all their colours.
@RonanForman python imaging library - PIL
It's for a minecraft pixel art thing.
There's none for python 3.
Q: Image library for Python 3

banxWhat is python-3 using instead of PIL for manipulating Images?

@agent86 to the rescue!
also, python3 FTL
Also, feel free to cast a close vote on this @RonanForman: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/70607/…
I love how Python 3 has been out for 4 years now, and a lot of libraries still haven't been ported over.
Should I be using python 2 then?
@RonanForman it's kind of up to you... I think they've been trying to phase out 2.x for forever now, but aren't having good luck with it.
the differences are generally subtle, and I think it's possible to get 2.x code working in 3.x and vice versa with some small modifications.
If they're trying to phase it out I'll stick with python 3 then.
The largest problem you'll face working with PYthon 3 is you'll have a little more difficulty finding supported libraries.
That's part of the reason 2.x is still so strong. If one or two libraries you use haven't been ported over, then switching over can be more trouble than it's worth.
wiat, what?
You crazy kids.
Great, I have no idea how to install this library.
Tired of Let's Plays that don't end? Here's the end of a Let's Play I'll never start!
(It is crappy and thus on my channel.)
@badp You don't leave your annotations up for long enough
@RavenDreamer The start's kinda fast paced, yeah.
I didn't really think about it too much when I played the actual game.
I even had to insert manual pauses, which sucks.
2 days ago, by fredley
user image
^ DuRRR.jpg is the auto-assigned URL to that image on the SE image server.
@badp fine, I fixed the caps. the tag is all lowercase because tags suck
@agent86 That they do, good sir. That they do
@RonanForman You need to learn 3.x and pretend as much as possible that 2.x doesn't exist
unless you really do need to start now and really do rely on something that hasn't been ported yet
@badp Gotcha'
2.7 has a lot of historical baggage that 3.2 doesn't have such as old style classes or automatic encodings to ascii
@badp I practice the reverse of this. I pretend python3 doesn't exist.
what even is an old style class anyway? I don't even know
@agent86 Python 2 won't be supported forever. Those starting now don't really have much to gain by learning Python 2.
I do like Python 2 better on a bunch of things such as %-based string formatting
"Your foo is {}".format(bar) is just too bulky
@badp y'all can take your python3, and you can stick it someplace uncomfortable. I'll switch when RHEL & OSX are shipping python3 by default.
but even then if you have objects you can write "Your foo is {.bar}".format(self)
@agent86 and then you'll be fucked
I'm glad that RHEL6 finally ships python 2.7 or similar. having to run 2.4 was a pain
You can delay the moment when you have to port your stuff to Py3k but you can't avoid it
@badp I have to deal with the moronic decision to break backwards compatibility some time, might as well do it when everything is likely to break rather than deal with all the unsupported headaches now
@badp yep, gonna delay! delay delay delay.
not worth the effort at the moment.
@agent86 "Moronic decision"? Breaking backwards compatibility is the whole point of a new major revision number. I understand it's not very Chrome-y but hey
@badp yep, moronic! extend your language, fine. break compatibility? that's silly.
if eventually there's a python 4, and it won't run my python 3 programs, I'm swearing the damn language off completely.
@agent86 Ruby breaks compatibility all the time (← possibly FUD, I don't actually know)
@agent86 Python 4 is guaranteed to not run Python 3 because if Python 4 would run Python 3 then it would be Python 3.x not Python 4.
I don't program in ruby, no interest in doing so, so their decisions don't really make any difference to me.
Unless the revision numbering changes in the meanwhile
@badp and at that point I will say FUUUUUUUUUU and write in something else.
@agent86 That's silly, at some point you've got to do some spring cleaning.
even minor stuff like range vs xrange
@badp man, I learned C 15 years ago, and I can still write the same damn code whenever I want. architecture changed, sure, but the code still works fine.
if you're making improvements under the hood, great. but separate the functionality from your API
@agent86 Oh really? I kinda doubt it actually. C certainly has taken breaking changes in its history; plenty of 'em
can't break everybody's programs and make them relearn a language every X years because you didn't like the way that one function call works
Q: What breaking changes are introduced in C++11?

R. Martinho FernandesI know that at least one of the changes in C++11 that will cause some old code to stop compiling: the introduction of explicit operator bool() in the standard library, replacing old instances of operator void*(). Granted, the code that this will break is probably code that should not have been va...

Q: Breaking changes in .NET 4.0

Andrey TaptunovThere is a lot of information about new features and classes in new 4.0 however there are also changes that may affect existing applications, for example Timespan now implements IFormattable and old string.Format() with invalid options will throw exception instead of calling simple ToString(). ...

@badp nah, man. still write the same code with the same standard libraries I wrote when I learned it. yeah, they've had a couple of revisions, it's not the same as it was when they first wrote it, but then they stopped.
etc. etc. etc.
one of those is C++, and one of those is the reason I hate MS libraries
I am specifically not a windows programmer because I can't stand the periodic changes to whatever damn fool libraries they're dealing with today.
Wait a second while I pull out my Computer Security course to enumerate all the functions that oughta vanish completely from C
like all the string functions that don't take the number of characters as a parameter
and that's fine, sure. "we've got a higher security version of this function with better parameters you can use"
if you feel like you need it, you didn't already take it into consideration, and you want to refactor.
"we made print need parenthesis, because parenthesis" is a load of crap though.
it's more like "print has no parenthesis because fuck parentheses"
"it's cleaner this way" is not a reason why I should be required rewrite my code.
@agent86 2to3 does all of these minor changes for you
You don't have to actually rewrite anything
@badp so go run that on every library written for python2, check it all in, obsolete 2 completely, and then I'll do that on my code :)
The porting pains are for the support on str and unicode types
which were righteously scrapped for bytes and (sigh) str
not because of the print's
hi peoples!
and if they're fixing issues, great. fix the issues. then at some point when everyone upstream of me has fixed their issues, I'll fix mine, and then don't change the damn language again unless you freaking have to
@agent86 Hello? It's not an issue that can be fixed without introducing breaking changes. It's a language design flaw
Q: Arcane orb viable for battle wizard?

user26418As I said before, im playing a battle wizard and was thinking about tue best skills.especially arcaneorb and its arcane orbit rune look very promising! I don't have the ability yet and want to know if it's spammable and how close the enemies have to get exactly? I assume You can walk while usin...

Q: Can I create a private co-op game in Diablo 3?

SirwinI'd like to create a co-op game that only my friends can join. How is this done in Diablo 3?

Q: Is there any achievement related to Whimsyshire?

KappeiTo get to the Happy Rainbow Unicorn Candy Land we have to go through the time-consuming and expensive construction of the Staff of Herding. Is there any in-game recognition of our effort, in form of an Achievement or Feat of Strength, or our only reward is getting to that creepy place infested w...

For every bug or bad feature you introduce something will be written that relies on that
@badp yeah, but you said, python4 at some point, right?
my strategy is: wait for everyone to move before moving, and then if there's a python4, eff that.
@agent86 Yeah, Python 3 is also probably not flawless either
wake me up whenever they achieve stability then.
@agent86 dude Python 3 has been out for three or more years now?
> Python 3.0 final was released on December 3rd, 2008.
yeah, okay, change your library calls occasionally, I understand. leave some backwards compatibility in there so I don't immediately have to change. but the language?
@badp whatever python10 is when they stop changing the core language.
That's 4.5 years now since Py3 released, with no Py4 in sight
@agent86 Languages evolve as technology does, it's a fact of life
I'd much rather sacrifice the likes of strcpy to the altar of history than see every company and their dog get pwned by russian haxxorz.
or rather, break compatibility with all C programs ever to make them switch to Pascal strings
@spugsley I kicked Belial's ass in Hell last night, there's hope for you too!
and fix string buffer overflows once and for all*
*not really
TF2 Bee-Vuvuzela edition
I just failed repeatedly on Inferno Belial
Couldn't even get him to the big fat stationary dude stage
@Sterno juke more better
@LessPop_MoreFizz Barbarian. There is no juking!
I think I just need more damage
@Sterno Sure there is! You can't just sit in the ground effects!
5 mins ago, by Sterno
Couldn't even get him to the big fat stationary dude stage
It's actually his minions causing me trouble. I need more DPS to take them down quicker
Counting on revenge to proc for an AOE on them and a heal is way too spotty
@Sterno There's also the one that he throws which is telegraphed enough to juke out of range and dodge
@badp meh. a language exists to efficiently get my ideas into computer-understandable form. if they screwed up when they designed the language, fix it, and then I'll spend the time re-learning. I refuse to deal with languages where I have to change because "it would be cleaner if it were implemented this way"
my problem didn't change, my computer didn't change, why should I have to change my program to match some paradigm shift in the language designer's minds?
Q: How do I mine ore?

Joe WreschnigMy pawns keep telling me that I should be mining for ore, presumably in the rocks I'm nearby / standing on. How? I have a pick-ax but I can't select "Use" from my inventory. I don't see anything shining to mash circle at.

Q: Can you cheese your way into Development Hell?

redCan I restart the "A Shattered Crown" quest at Act I multiple times and check wether four crypts spawn instead of three, to get into Development Hell? Or is there some mechanic preventing you from cheesing your way into it? I really want to check the place out and grab the achievement. :)

@agent86 So you want things fixed but you don't want things to change
I want a language that converges
I don't mind change, as long as we're getting towards the ultimate goal of convergence
if python3 is it, and everyone switches to it, great, and then I'll do so once everything upstream of me is ready.
(which is what I said at the start of this...)
I'm afraid Python is a bit too pragmatic for it to have convergence as an aim, but I'm not Guido. shrug
but if they start in on python4, for reals this time, meh. wake me at python10 or whatever the "final" rev is
@agent86 The final rev is the one where Python is no longer worked upon and becomes obsolescent and broken
@badp I find that unlikely, but you're entitled to your opinion :)
to me, a language is not something that requires constant revision. you might get a better implementation, but it should be independent of the language.
man there is so much I don't know about D3 yet... just reading the forums and the site here is so informative... too bad it's lunch time and not 5pm so I can go home and play :(
Well the "final" revision of Nethack is 3.4.3 where the dev team has simply stopped all visible work on it and a billion forks have come out for it in the years in between
the language itself is a broad, thick, black line of API where the implementers say "we will provide this functionality" and the users say "we are happy with this functionality" - it's not like any other program where the language itself requires frequent maintenance
That's not the future I wish for Python
you might maintain the compiler/interpreter, and you will maintain your program, but the line inbetween should eventually converge and be clearly defined
don't confuse extension (library support and so forth) with the base language
@agent86 Well the users weren't happy with the functionality of the core language and the only way to fix it was to change the line. If you're saying Python 3 has introduced too much change for change's sake that's your opinion and you're entitled to it
there's a difference between "string handling sucks, so we're ripping out the standard string handling and replacing it" and "new tech X is out, let's write a python library for it"
I don't want python4 with string handling syntax 3.0 or whatever.
or object creation syntax 4.0
Why are you even looking at Python libraries as part of Python? Breaking changes to libraries are introduced in pretty much all minor revisions of Python
@agent86 I don't think you can have Python 2 with Python 3 string handling or viceversa either
I was just bringing that up as a counter argument to language definition convergence = python stagnation
@badp which is why I'm not switching until they're sure the syntax is the way it "should be" or whatever.
and everyone upstream of me adopts it
@agent86 For the Python 3 syntax to change in a breaking way, it'd have to be Python 4 right?
Answering some SO questions to alleve boredom. I'd forgotten how awful the quality of their new content is. So many downvotes.
The Python 3 syntax is mainly set in stone, open to expansion but not change
@badp yeah, and then they're going to obsolete python 3 if that was the case. I'm not going through this more times than strictly needed.
if everyone's going to ditch python3 and go python4 or whatever, then why switch 2->3?
@agent86 I don't think the Python team is also having fun maintaining 2.7 and 3.2 in parallel
well, we're getting way off into speculation. I don't think either of us is really interested in the other's position.
@agent86 because it's a worthwile jump to make
we're just arguing for the sake of arguing.
fine, let's agree we disagree
I was just happy chat wasn't yet another Diablo 3 wankfest for once :P
@badp I think when the libraries I use make the jump, and it's installed by default (RHEL/OSX), the value proposition for me will shift. for now, I don't think there's value
@badp bah, no real money auction house NO GAME MAN
@badp deleted
Actually I only now noticed that I have bought Torchlight 2 after signing up for a free copy of it offered "by Brett" in a question deleted censored by Jeff. I'm confused as to what'll happen but whatever
Q: Which bosses have an enrage timer and what are their effects?

KappeiWe already know that the Butcher sets the whole room on fire if you fail to kill him in 3 minutes. Are just the end-of-act bosses that possess an enrage timer? What are their effects? Is the timing the same for every one of them?

Q: Why does the Monk's Inner Sanctuary sometimes cause Fear?

RachelThe Monk's skill, Inner Sanctuary, reads Create a runic circle of protection on the ground for 5 seconds that cannot be passed by enemies. Strangely enough, this seems to have a very high chance of fearing enemies. I'm positive I don't have any chance to fear on my gear, and I only seem t...

Q: Completed main mission in Mass Effect 3 but can't go back and do others

andyI have completed the game but when I go back to play more side misssions the game only lets me replay the raid on illusive man base and the final battle on earth. I have tried 3 times and have gotten 3 different endings, which is cool. but I want to play some more battles and such.

Q: What item affixes should I be focused on for a Monk on Inferno?

fbueckertI'm currently attempting to work my way through Inferno difficulty with my Monk. Unfortunately, it's extremely slow going. I can take down the regular trash monsters with ease, but any champions or higher tend to eat my face. I have looked at this question, and that answers the skill questions...

Q: Does the Wizard's Electrocute gain the effects of Prodigy for every monster hit in the chain?

RachelThe Wizard's signature spell Electrocute reads Lightning arcs from your fingertips, dealing 80% weapon damage as Lightning. The lightning can jump, hitting up to 2 additional enemies. I use it with the Chain Lightening rune which increases the number of enemies I can hit to 6. Does each ...

Q: Can a Random Property on Weapons Spawn more than one Bonus?

Marcello Grechi LinsLets take for example this Sever Legendary Sword 1-Hand Legendary Sword 323.4ā€“513.8 Damage Per Second (165-251)ā€“(297-483) Damage 1.40 Attacks per Second +87-173 Minimum Damage +116-231 Maximum Damage +130-149 Vitality +5-12% Damage to Demons Critical Hit Chance Increased by 1.0% ...

Q: Does the blacksmith craft monk-specific gear?

AxiomIn leveling up the blacksmith, he will definitely craft some gear that is of no use to the monk (for example, a two-handed sword). Does he eventually craft gear that is monk-specific? Is it worth leveling the blacksmith to the point where such gear becomes available?

Q: Are bossmobs (and belial in particular) immune to stun on hit effects?

MeliniI remember Belial beeing immune to my Blinding flash ability. Does that mean that he is immune to all stun effects, just my ability or because he was in phase 2 and can not be stunned because of that? Can stun on hit effects trigger at bosses and is it then theoretically possible to keep a boss...

Q: What abilities will consume the Arcane Dynamo stacks?

Ian PugsleyThe Arcane Dynamo passive states: When you deal damage with a Signature spell you may gain a Flash of Insight. After 5 Flashes of Insight, your next non-Signature spell deals 75% additional damage. The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile Shock Pulse Spectral Bla...

Q: Is there diminishing returns on crowd control abilities?

RachelIs there diminishing returns on crowd control abilities such as Blind? I was wondering if 4 monks with Blinding Flash could keep mobs permanently stunned, since the skill can be runed to blind for 4 seconds, and the cooldown is 15 seconds

Drownin' in Diablo.
@badp Yes.
I kinda expected the questions to drop of sharply after friday
@CruelCow Didn't happen to Skyrim.
This will probably last for awhile.
@CruelCow took a couple days to fall off after ME3
@CruelCow why Friday?
btw, if anyone wants to visit whimsyshire and doesn't want to craft the staff, let me know and I'll try to tell you the next time I'm going.
@IanPugsley End of Contest
hasn't been two weeks yet (for the grant), and the end of the contest is over June 1
> The contest starts on Monday, May 14 11:00 PM UTC and ends on Friday, Jun 1 11:00 PM UTC.
click the "Rules" button on the Contest page
Hmm, I could've sworn it was supposed to end last friday
totally worth that
@agent86 What difficulty?
@agent86 orly
@OrigamiRobot normal thus far
mostly inviting people so they can get the cheev. farming it is kind of meh, it's about on par with act 1 of the next highest difficulty (ie, whimsyshire on normal == act 1 nightmare-ish)
when I get to the end of nightmare, I'll probably blow the 100k to get the upgraded staff, it entertains me :)
@tiddy yarly. dunno if it's steam or not (probably not)
It is
Though Im LVL 40-42 in skyrim now and I haven't even started mage/companion/dark/main/civil questlines
@agent86 How many tries did it take for you to get the plan from izual?
Q: Do a templar's healing skills ever trump the healing effects of magic gear?

AxiomThe templar has a few skills that are healing vs. pulling aggro or damage. Will the effects of the templar's healing skills ever be of such importance that they eliminate the need for magic items with regeneration effects? Or is it more effective to optimize the templar for his distraction and ...

Q: What triggers Exploding Palm explosions?

ShinraiI very rarely use this skill, because it doesn't seem very good, but it occurred to me that I might have been misunderstanding how the explosion works. Does it matter if the target dies from bleed damage, or will they explode even if I put Exploding Palm on them and then punch them to death? I'...

Q: Diablo 3 Follower max level?

Reno YeoSo far i am in Inferno Difficulty, and I happen to have all my Followers at Level 59. Thing is, are there any level 60 Followers? (And if so, how do i do it?) Its getting frustrating not being able to equip lvl 60 gear on them because they're stuck at 59.

@Fabian 2 tries
I'm at five now, I hope it drops soon. I have all the other stuff already
@Fabian yikes. that one's the most painful of the items to farm, sadly :(
@agent86 Did you ever "reset" your follower/companion in skyrim to have them level?
@tiddy nah, I took lydia for a while until I had my enchanting/blacksmithing/sneak up, and then I went without a follower.
they're terrible for sneaky characters for the most part.
well, I guess I had shadowmere, although horses don't follow you into dungeons or what have you
Ha, found it this try
@RavenDreamer I had thought diablo 3 was getting a bit on the old side to peak twice this quickly, but apparently not
At least I used a completely overleveled monk to do this, nothing in normal could even begin to hurt him
@agent86 The upgrade costs 200K for nightmare.
And hell's is 500K.
@Fabian Heh. Same way I did it.
@agent86 Ah. I've become pretty self reliant since I've started using conjure flame atronarch. But after I used the wabberjock(sp?whatever) to transform lydia/reset her to my level. She's just been a total beast
Gives me time to loot crowd snipe/control while she tanks and my flame just pummels them
@tiddy ah, didn't know it was that easy. I thought you had to console hack it or somesuch.
@Fabian it went pretty fast with my WD, honestly. I wouldn't say I was overleveled at the time.
@fbueckert yeah, whatever it is, I don't care :P I will pay it.
@agent86 It makes a good farming spot before you start the next difficulty.
@fbueckert this is kind of my conclusion as well.
First Flawless Square drop
@OrigamiRobot That's as high as I've seen them drop.
Q: Is the Metal Gear Solid series paying homage to Bruce Lee?

PeteI just watched "Enter the Dragon" with Bruce Lee. And there were a few parallels to the Metal Gear Solid series. Lee (the name of Bruce Lee's character in the movie) is to meet an informant named, "Mei Ling". Lee at one point captures a snake (a cobra I think) and uses it to scare away guards. ...

@fbueckert It's the highest possible.
@OrigamiRobot Eh? You get that in Hell difficulty. Inferno should drop higher, no?
@fbueckert Nope
So either I craft it myself from thereon out, or I wait for the unstable commodity market to return.
Q: Does killing more monsters give better drops?

C-dizzleDo you get better, or more rare, drops when you kill multiple monsters? Or is it all based on the type and level of monster you kill?

Q: In some games, the rank above A is S. What does S represent?

Steve V.In some (generally Japanese) games, the best rank is S. For example, this question talks about getting an S rank on story battles. Metal Gear Solid 4 ranks their weapons on an SABCDE scale. Does S mean something special? Why is it used?

Hey - is it possible to buy gems on the AH? My searches never seem to work....
@EBongo Commodity auctions have been disabled for a few days
you can't post them
so your searches find nothing. :(
@LessPopMoreFizz I didn't think Gems counted as a commodity, guess I was wrong.
@EBongo They do.
I thought that only applied to "magic dust"... but then I guess the jeweler is pretty similar to the blacksmith so I should have known.
@EBongo Rule of thumb: If it stacks, it's a 'commodity' and uses that side of the auction system
@EBongo It also applies to Blacksmithing recipes, pages/tomes, dyes, etc.
anything that you can't equip directly is a 'commodity'.
Ah... that explains it.
Not the clearest of terminologies...
Hopefully, it comes back up soon.
I would prefer not to have to spend 10K to upgrade to the next level.
For those that saw it before it was down, how does the "quantity" work on gems? If I search for "1" does that prevent me from finding stacks of 2,3,4, etc?
@Lazers a question for @gracenote certainly
@EBongo Commodities are dumped into a communal "pool"
If you search for a single gem, the AH will return the lowest priced item.
So, if you dumped a stack of 10 gems for 100 gold apiece, the AH will return only 1 if you only look for one.
This can lead to massive amounts of arbitrage.
Pretty sure the AH is already super heavily booted. :(
i found a good way to stop my wife to tell me to stop playing diablo3. I got her Diablo3, she's hooked
in other Diablo3 related news...
finally broke the 100k dmg mark
@Jin 'tis official. I hate you.
My monk has trouble breaking 7K, currently.
@Jin good lawd
@fbueckert well that's with Sharpshooter buff on, you can see my crit is at 100%
without sharpshooter i'm about 50k
@agent86 Aw man, I was just finishing up typing my answer when you posted yours
I even used 2 of the same sources :(
it's not starred and I can't find it in the transcript, so;
@FAE :(
@tombull89 This is sad.
@LessPop_MoreFizz To my understanding, the commodity market should be undergoing a minor change going forward.
Q: What is better: Increased Attack Speed or Primary Stat % Bonus?

JimmyI play a Wizard. I'm trying to figure out how different attack modifiers factor into my TRUE overall DPS. I have an item (gloves) that provides adds 183 INT to my primary stat of 1,433. About a 13% increase. I have another item (gloves) that increases my INT stat by 20 (a 1.5% increase), and in...

It will allow you to set a quantity and price of an item. If someone is selling their items at or under that price, you will buy them. Otherwise, your bid stays outstanding until it either expires or is filled.
So that will allow even MORE arbitrage than there currently is.
@fbueckert @LessPopMoreFizz I think it makes for some fascinating economics when you let things go crazy and let the "invisible hand" control things. It's not as cool when it trashes the basic functionality though.
@fbueckert Yeah. Whhhheeeeeeeee auto-botting for everyone!
@EBongo The problem is that the barrier to entry is so low that everyone in the market is essentially engaging in a complicated HFT game, and actual buyers have to deal with severe inflation, or worse yet, severe supply constraints as a result of the processing time to move the items back on to the market.
so how does removing sockets from items work in Diablo 3?
Hey everyone, Wrath of the Lamb is finally available
Q: Can you remove a gem from gear?

Emerica.Let's say I have a normal topaz and I drop it into an item. I then find two more normal topazes (topazei?) and I want to combine them. Can I then remove the gem from that item, and if so how will it effect the gem and the item in question?

Q: How much does it cost to remove a gem?

Nick TI'm starting to get lots of gear with sockets and gems to insert into said sockets. I know you can remove the gems but how much does it cost? I assume it's based on something like the cost of the gear and gem, but I'd rather know roughly how much it'll run me before I go and blow all my money p...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Especially for the higher-level gems; they're going to have such a high inflation rate.
Well, if Inferno class gems go for well over material cost, I know what I'm doing.
both of my chars are essentially rare/jewel crapping machines. (that's gotta hurt, etc) drop rate's tailored for not using the AH at all at this point. I have to imagine the overall supply is going to continue to increase.
Or any gem, for that matter.
anybody wanna help me beat Hell Diablo?
@agent86 I'm still in the D2 mindset; must pick up all gems!
the idea of tanking her as a Wizard doesn't sound appealing
@IanPugsley If you still need help in four hours, happily.
@fbueckert I really hope I don't :P
@IanPugsley Well, hopefully you don't.
But I don't get home until then.
So I'm afraid that's the best I can do.
also, for any Wizards out there, how in the world does Arcane Dynamo work?
Q: What abilities will consume the Arcane Dynamo stacks?

Ian PugsleyThe Arcane Dynamo passive states: When you deal damage with a Signature spell you may gain a Flash of Insight. After 5 Flashes of Insight, your next non-Signature spell deals 75% additional damage. The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile Shock Pulse Spectral Bla...

In case anyone cares, the Carmageddon: Reincarnation Kickstarter has met its goal, you still have 9 days to pledge if you want to get in on it!
@Jin That hurts me to look at. I've got like 9k armor and 900+ resists, but only about 9k damage. I need a damage buff bad
@EBongo, has your internet been spotty the last couple of days? mine's dropped a couple times yesterday and just now. wondering if it's the same where you are.
@Sterno Us melee folk have to gear for more than just damage, unfortunately.
@fbueckert Yeah, I feel like every piece of gear I get needs Resist All, Vitality, Strength, and +armor
Q: How do I complete the With Friends Like These achievement?

skovacs1The challenge achievement With Friends Like These requires you to "Kill 30 enemies from the death explosion of a single Grotesque, Harvester, Horror, Aomination, Bile Crawler, or Spine Lasher." Obviously, followers and minions are going to get in the way here so it's assumed they're dismissed. A...

Hard to make room for attack speed
@Sterno Happily, I only need to focus on a single resist, but I still need Vitality and Dexterity.
Wondering if a dodge build might work.
I'm thinking about ditching my shield (and losing about 100 resist and 1.2k armor) so I can double my DPS with a 2-hander
My problem is tanking elites in act 2... I can last maybe 15-20 seconds but I'm not doing a whole lot of damage in that time
With one passive, Dexterity is damage, dodge, and armor, all in one.
So, if anything, everything I have should have massive amounts of +dex.
And preferably cold resist, too.
@fbueckert How far are you?
@Sterno Inferno act 1.
Elites murder me. Hard.
@fbueckert eventually Act 1 will feel like EZ mode
@Sterno I have a grand total of ~7K DPS.
Not to say I don't die once in a while on a butcher run to some some nasty elite combo
I hate molten elites. Especially when they run.
Molten shielding = hate
@fbueckert The last rune in Evasion makes me say yes
I love seeing Illusionist though. It actually makes them easier for me to kill given the way the Barb's Revenge skill works
@OrigamiRobot The extra fire damage? I'm thinking of using the +20% armor rune until I get better gear.
Then I go for extra damage.
@agent86 No problems on my end, by my usage hasn't been constant.
So far Act 2 has definitely been about taking down the elite packs I can (usually with 2-3 deaths per pack) and kiting the impossible ones into a corner of the dungeon before dying, so they're out of the way
@fbueckert Fire damage on each dodge
@OrigamiRobot Chance of fire damage.
No guarantee, or that would be stupidly strong.
@fbueckert That's what I meant. Even so, when I'm dodging 60% of attacks, that's nice.
@OrigamiRobot Too bad there's diminishing returns on dodge at the higher amounts. I know why, but I want 100% dodge chance for EZ mode!
I wish the Block Chance % criteria worked on shields in the AH
If you ever try to use it, you just get back zero shields
Maybe I need to enter a decimal
@fbueckert I can maintain 60% dodge chance while having 50% armor and 40% res.
And my armor is bad
@OrigamiRobot I prioritized +Life on Hit and Life regeneration over dexterity.
In hindsight, this was not a good move.
@fbueckert Yea the life on hit is not working properly methinks
@OrigamiRobot Oh, it's certainly working.
@fbueckert properly
It's the only reason I survived in Inferno with 10K health.
I think it's working the way it's supposed to be; I have +1K on hit, currently.
I'm on a life seesaw, but anything that can't kill me in one hit will eventually die.
@OrigamiRobot What do you mean? It seems to work fine for me. It does normalize for AOEs though... so if you hit 10 guys at once with your +800 life on hit, you don't get 8000 hp
@Sterno This would be overpowered with Crippling Wave.
Q: Do attacks that hit multiple enemies (or one enemy multiple times) generate multiple on-hit triggers?

Ian PugsleyThe Wizard's skill Electrocute is a bolt of chain lightning, which (without runes) hits one target, and can jump to two additional targets. There are numerous other skills that can hit multiple enemies - the Wizard's Shock Pulse, the Wizard's Disintegrate, and the Demon Hunter's Chakram are more ...

sounds like you could give a good answer
Turbine is a terrible TF2 map
Whatever you do it ends 2-2
@IanPugsley I lack the the requisite Scienceā„¢ and am too lazy to perform it
@IanPugsley ...Dammit. Well, I guess I can do that.
It still makes me sad when I see people with level 60 characters posting on forums, who are trying to do Inferno, and who don't yet know elective mode exists.
"How'd you get both of those skills?"
Blizzard UI Fail
@Sterno Haha, yeah, one of my boyfriends was telling me that the forums are full of that. it's nuts.
@Sterno Son of a...
Do we know if bounties that get auto-awarded count for the Ruby gem for the contest?
If not, in 18 hours we'll have some Science!
Q: How can I run a unity web game at full screen?

LeadriHow can I run games that plays with unity web player at full screen?

Q: How can I rotate map in OpenTTD?

richarbernalIs it possible to rotate the map? Sometimes things are very difficult to select because they are behind buildings or other things. The shorcut icon, key, etc. would be greatly appreciated

Q: How to change your region in Diablo 3?

Jim ThioI bought the game in Indonesia and I want to play in American server. How can I do so? Can I move characters from one region to the other? In fact I do not know what region I am currently in.

Q: What are Keys for?

Ben BrockaI'm getting lots of keys and I don't know what they're for yet. I know there's an achievement for getting them all, but can I use them in game somehow?

Q: How do I complete the The Madness Contained achievement?

skovacs1The Demon Hunter class achievement The Madness Contained requires you to "Spend 150 Hatred and 50 Discipline in 6 seconds." Using the Vengeance passive ability, it's simple enough to get 150 Hatred and Preparation can instantly restore all Discipline and with the Invigoration Rune can add 10. Us...

Q: Shared libSDL library fails to open

Kalle KadakasI'm having an issue with a shared library called libsdl. What I'm trying to do actually is to start up a game engine called GCCG (Generic Collectible Card Game). All the necessary packages were installed for the engine, however when I run the command ./Mtg it gives me the following: ./ccg_cli...

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