1 hour later…
@OldMan Blam will give you a very good approximation to the focal length, but keep in mind that any time you are dealing with lenses in the real world you have distortions and the optical center might or might not be in the center of the image.
@OldMan I was getting a focal length of 18mm aprox on the image you linked. But the image also has some barrel distortion that prevents absolute accuracy.
@OldMan Also go figure if the walls are indeed parallel or if the floor is really flat... For an excercise or texture mapping like the one you are doing you should be able to get close enough with blam. But be ready to spend some time calculating the real dimensions from objects based on how they are represented on the lens. In my experience the hardest part is determining the correct camera rotation.
Height you can sometimes figure out by drawing converging lines to the vanishing point. Generally the vanishing point will be at the camera height.
@OldMan A trick I've used is painting the converging lines on top of the image so that I can have a clear view of the vanishing point. Set the image as background. Then I set an empty at the height that I suspect the camera was at and make it the Target of a Track to constraint for the camera. so that the camera is always aiming at that point.
Then by moving the camera and adjusting a piece of geometry that resembles the geometry I'm trying to reconstruct I get decent results...
4 hours later…
@cegaton Thanks for your advices.Btw ... this time I was referring to another BLAM related question BTW .... yesterday I did precisely what you recommend me (making an image and use that for camera mapping). That is what I asked about on BSE blender.stackexchange.com/questions/66970/… T
7 hours later…
4 hours later…
Thank your for your advice - and yes, what you wrote is exactly what i was looking for: Increasing of contrast in a specific way.
I already used the ASC CDL Node after the Render Layer-Image Output, and after that a RGB Curves node. And this leads my to my first question here:
If it - just in theory - would be possible to add a thousand points to each curve of each C R G B Curve of the RGBCurve node, would i be able to simulate a "Film Emulation"( in example Codak Portra ) look? i learend that a 3D LUT is a set of input-output values that where set into relation to manipulate the contrasts of the image that is manipulated. Am i right with my example to understand what is happening?
2 hours later…
@troy_s ok, one more question about this chat: How can i post images here? I'll give you an image of a test render using the Filmic Log Encoding Base, it will render over night. While setting up the scene i got mad at first, but then i figured out that i need to drasticly change the color setting of my shaders. Most colors need to lowered in saturation and value. Is that a good sign?
@pixelpoems.de Regarding saturation, I always start by trying to explain that the various shaders have real-world analogies... Diffuse shader for example is called "albedo" which is not a colour as it is labelled.
So using our above example, you wouldn't put 0 into your scene for albedo, but rather light to ratios then grade those values down to 0 as you would with a photograph.
You begin to get a sense of things that aren't real, as well as orient your entire thought process around scene referred values.
wich already has happend over the last days. Until now i mixed rendering and "artistic" tweaking, which often confused myself. now i understood that it a better way to focus on the scene first instead of jumping into the blender standard "film look" panel all the time in hope to find a solution why the scene is trash.
(You also gain on workflow because you aren't mixing and matching phases that don't belong together, and instead are able to focus your energy like a laser on doing what you are supposed to be doing. Just like the order of events of building a house; you wouldn't be painting a room and reframing at the same time.)
@troy_s that sound plausible, and i already felt what that means, at least i think so. i often had teh bad experience that i could not reach the desired result with the scene, so that i had to change my idea of the look. But this is not also a problem of color management, but also of the lighting setup and the dynamic symmetry of the image and so on.
In the end, there is a lot of room for creative growth in process and pipeline. You will also discover confused design patterns exist in Blender from developers that didn't quite understand the difference between the scene referred and the display referred. Lift Gamma Gain for example is display referred, and doesn't work. Most AdobePDF blend modes are display referred only and don't work.
Why linearized blends? How does a photograph take a massive dynamic range photo yet my "linearized" data is 0..1?
Why do people say whiter than white or "HDR" values? (The answer to this is because they are incorrect.)
In the original incarnation, I had it broken down as a clear division between View (a sort of baseline transform) and augmented Looks (creative twists on that view)
If you go over to BlenderArtists.org you will see much angst over the fact that people weren't able to just flip a view on and be "done".
So after discussion with a good number of people, I provided a "bridge" for inexperienced imagers to get up and running with the concepts immediately via views, which were exactly as you noticed, simply "Use and go" versions of the View + Looks
The most important thing for imagers to grab onto is the conceptual framework below the creative "Wow this looks better" idea
@troy_s , yes, i understand this. If i would be that deep in a topic that seems important to me, i would decide to deliver a good but maybe hard to understand solution instead of a simple solution that declines all chance of improvement of the user. we all know that simple solutions are usually bad ones.
The more folks like you and everyone in here understand, the better it is. More knowledge spreads out and makes it less difficult to explain (also much less resistance)
@troy_s yes, but i found it a bit fizzeling to tweak the sliders, especially on the RDBCurves node i placed at the end of the post pro nodes. Only little tweakings tend to flip everything. the ASC-CDl node sliders are very sensitive too, but the result is worth it. Regarding the image the stains in the bottle could have been better, but they are just quick procedurals.
To think of it another way, we cover 16.5 stops of latitude from minimum to maximum that you see. 10 stops of that is below middle grey.
The curves can be mapped to that upper scene referred value of 16.291, but the curves are operating on the scene referred linear values.
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