Just realised, there's not really a way of preventing "spoofed" entries - one could go and enter any CR user... I think we'll need a community challenge after Dec.11, to come up with a small web app that uses the SE API to authenticate users and their entries.
I'd be fine to help write the web app, which seems like a more viable option, additionally it could have some more work put into it and become a stack app for other sites too
@Quill I can look at creating a web interface if you would like (and do away with the other secret santa site), but are we sure we want to tell people to email @TopinFrassi & then sign up on the web app?
Seems like bad UX to me
I could probably throw something together this weekend, tbh, I have a 3-day weekend. and it would be a nice way to learn React properly!
If we do that, I'll make a github project + org, invite @Quill (and anyone else that wants to contribute) and we'll get @Duga in here
I can also host the production app too on a digitalocean droplet, they're pretty cheap and frankly the cheapest one should be more than enough for our means at $5 a month (which I do not mind paying for)
@Quill Send them e-mails. We know the regulars, so the fakes won't be that hard to spot I hope.
The whole reason nobody has done this before it's because it's a PITA to manage. Being CR users, we do it anyway and try to find the best method along the road.
I think it would be cool to feature it. It'd shout "Look how great Code Review is, we even do Secret Santa 'cause we rock". But, I'm afraid it might drag too many not honest persons
@TopinFrassi That last part is another thing I'm hesitant about. @DanPantry, opinion?
Technically it's not CR doing Secret Santa. It's a bunch of regulars who got the idea to have a Secret Santa. We so happen to be regular on CR, but it has nothing to do with CR.
Okay. I'm going to see if I can get a quick demo up and online tonight.. no point using react for something this simple, so I'm just going to use pagejs and fetch