I am confused as to the nomenclature of poly substituted benzenes. Would more preference be give to to priority order or the alphabetical order? In this pdf, 4-aminophenol has been cited as more correct rather than 4- hydroxyaniline. However, there are some websites which site the other one as mo...
@skillpatrol @M.A.R. JEE is tougher than the entrance exam in China, btw. In China, they have an exam which selects children for selection in govt. jobs, which along with added benefits that such people get, is considered a pretty big thing in China(as far as I know).
Compare the melting points of:
1) $\ce{BeSO_4}$
2) $\ce{CaCO_3}$
3) $\ce{BaCO_3}$
4) $\ce{SrCO_3}$
Okay, so there are a few statements given by my teacher:
1) Thermal stability of ionic compounds is proportional to counterbalance the effect of electropositive field of ca...
I'm not sure about that one. If you look it up on wikipedia they seem to behave differently. some decompose and some melt and I do not know how reliable it is.
In the absence of other data I would have assumed the same as you, i.e. 3, 4, 2, 1.
In several places, I have seen that while naming benzene derivatives, no priority for substituents is followed.
Eg: 2-hydroxy aniline= 2-amino phenol.
Is there no order? Or is the order different from aliphatic compounds?
I stumbled across a peculiar detail while reading the chapter about the Chemical Revolution in Bowler and Morus' book Making Modern Science.
According to this book, Dalton argued that compound elements are created in the simplest possible way. For instance a compound consisting of equal number ...
First of all I would like to apologise to all our users in the southern hemisphere for giving it this name. I know you are heading towards autumn and similar to winter bash you are a bit left out. Sorry. (You could propose a different name though.)
Recently there has been some movement on meta...
@Tiberius Thank you for all your recent edits! You've been doing a great job cleaning up posts and adding extra bits of information (like links to books) that we really appreciate!