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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

@ToddMinehardt talk to/with me
yes sir
what's up @PH13?
it's boring ;)
nah, tell me
ok ... I wanted to write that I'm bored ... xD
message received and understood :)
what are you doing besides editing?
drinking some red wine, reading a not-so-good paperback, listening to the radio (news), and watching a real-time feed of hummingbird babies that are a week old. my wife is doing the same. it's very thrilling :)
basically waiting for the work week to start tomorrow
and you?
^^ work week is not so far away here
right, you're ahead of me by a bit
i have a nice 40-hour week ahead of me. nothing very exciting, but it pays the bills...
I was calculating some nmr's and as they are done now I wonder what I want to do next ... there are some questions here that are interesting but I cannot answer them as either they are unclear or I don't have appropriate knowledge
i feel the same way you do in re: those questions. i am not very good with organic, nor am i up to date with computational...
as most questions aren't computational and those which are are answered fast, that should not be the problem g
eh, depends. i feel like a lot of questions, they are just one-time posts from homework, many times missing information - like chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/34583/…
but i suppose as long as people participate, then it gets worked out eventually
I wonder why those hw questions are posted here. there will not be an easy answer and the OP is often not interested in the answer ^^ .... when I think back to my school times there were hw given but it was not that bad if you didn't made them ... it was a little gambling ;)
i was the same way with HW - and i feel the same way, we just worked on them and if we got them, fine, if not, then you learn the way...and the internet wasn't that mature when i was in school and grad school (1987-1999) :)
plus, i always learned more by trying to figure them out, even if i couldn't - i remember taking statistical mechanics in grad school, that was hard
the internet was rising while I was in school (til 2008) but even then it was not quite as today
agreed - it was still not nearly as user-friendly as it is now
school means everything beneath(?) university
for me, university + graduate school - so undergraduate 1987-1991 (the Bachelor's degree) and then 1992-1999 for Master's and Ph.D.
a little different than in Germany and much of Europe
here, it's elementary school typically until age 13/14, then 4 years of high school, and off to college at 17/18
here it is common to go to basic/elementary school when you are 5-6 years old from class 1 to 4 and then to a higher school from class 5 to {9,10,12,13} depending on what degree you want to reach. after that either an apprenticeship or the university follows
from what i understand, it's much more concentrated in terms of what you study - correct? like, if you are on a science or other track early on, you take more of those classes?
it depends
our system is super stupid ... every state has it's own way of doing this
but in general I would say that you are right
here we have no real specialization until university, and even then it's not overly focused
I could choose from class 10 upwards that I want more of chemistry, geography and english
that's pretty cool. here, we get stuck taking all kinds of stuff that may or may not be of use to a particular person
over here is a big discussion about if higher school has to be done in 8 or 9 years ... many students are tortured through this finding process over the last and coming years
I'm lucky that I'm not in school anymore
i feel the same way in re: no more school :)
my friend, i have to sign off - getting to the end of the evening here - catch you later!
have a nice evening :)
4 hours later…
@PH13 You didn't. I hardly get offended. I just went to . . . sleep.
@Ron you could've taken a screenshot and uploaded that.
3 hours later…
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M phew ...
so are you a sleeper?
Isn't it somehow fishy how many new users (usually dumping homework) are named @Ron these days?
I thought the same ^^
A: How do we encourage edits to obsolete/out of date answers?

inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.MMy vote is for Obsolete answer. As you have stated, the sorting would stop the new answer from being on top, which means the obsolete info is what the curious guy with the same question will face. This is a big con of adding a new answer, as I've seen lots of better newer answers not getting mor...

OMG it's standing at 75 now!
points comin in
I kinda have earned 600 repz from that post till now. May @santiago feel jealous.
Is this bold backticks?
It is!
omg it's up to 8 upvotes
A: What is wrong with questions about favorite things on Stack Overflow?

santiagoThe primarily opinion based closed reason states, the important point being in bold: Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific exper...

omg it's up to 9 upvotes
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M not jealous, proud
Bah, I'm not your son.
omg it's up to 2 votes (yes, a chem.se question)
A: Le Chatelier's Principle: What does temperature do gas concentrations?

santiagoYou are correct in saying that the increase in temperature causes the equilibrium to shift to the left, in the direction of the endothermic reaction. As the reaction continues in the endothermic direction, the concentrations of $\ce{SO3}$ will decrease in favour of the evolution of more $\ce{SO2}...

I have upboated that.
lol yes, it is a homework question, but the OP did explain themselves clearly which made it easier to answer
have decided that I am okay with answering well written homework questions
Cool. BTW don't see you in the meta.
Busy breaking stuff?
well, nothing for me to say in meta, and I am always breaking stuff
Why not? You always say good stuff in meta.
meh - i'll have a look
I don't have anything to add
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I have joined Movies and TV
o/ @santiago
@santiago Good.
Watch some TV on my behalf.
Again nearly in street couch @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
@PH13 hydrogen iodide!
hey @PH13 I am afraid I submitted to temptation and answered a homework question chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/34615/15489
@santiago great
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I asked a question there
Q: Why is Los Angeles targeted for destruction so often in Hollywood movies?

santiagoOne of my favourite types of films are ones where some form of cataclysm occurs (morbid I know). But one thing I have noticed in many films is the destruction of the city of Los Angeles (sometimes destroyed by itself and sometimes destroyed alongside other cities). Asides from the obvious Battl...

There was an attempt on solving the prob, so there is no reason to correct/support the attempt. :)
Regarding your hw answer
was stating that yes, their main idea is corret and then answering where they had confusion
Yes ... I was trying to say that this is perfectly fine for me
Hard to corrct my post here on smartphone :C
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M hm?
I searched for the abbr. of my name: google.nl/… And I got weird things as results.
Am I really that blue?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M caused by alcohol abusus
What? No! I'm not German.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M that explains a lot
I'm more not-blue-skinned than you think. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
You're blue dabadee dabaday ...
Next stop: Paradiesbahnhof West. Change here for regional and national destinations.
So ... afk ... have to talk with cash experts about my missing wealth
get som missing wealth for me
@PH13 sounds like bank robbery
It's a no go ... first world country without being rich ... pffff
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M you should join SO and Movies
Where? Readies up fork
in the mirrror
@Loong maybe the bankers robbed my money :O is it robbery to get that back?
@PH13 sounds legit, but I am not a lawyer
and don't play one on TV?
In soviet Germany, bankers rob you. Wait, that doesn't work.
In Soviet Something-land, cats stroke you
Q: What movie or TV show had the first instance of heroes walking in slow motion?

BrettFromLAThere's a trope of heroes walking towards the camera in slow motion, shoulder-to-shoulder. What was the first movie where this kind of shot was used?

see, you should join Movies
@santiago like Suits? Unfortunately not. I really love Donna.
@Loong dang!
I think we should conscript @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M to SO, so he can upvote all of us
you look pretty
I'm tempted to pin that message.
go for it
This is unexplainable.
@Martin FYI, this is what I get when I search your name in the internet along with "chemistry".
Wow, last year I was the second hat-earner in the whole chem.SE.
Haha community is 19.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M you should search for martin c schwarzer
@PH13 Yeah . . . Like that's any better. I got this:
Btw, cash beauty said no money for me :C
Maybe it's because you're bitter.
Or maybe taste like soup. Who knows? Shrugs
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M In his blog you can see images if google is too stupid to do so ;)
Afk again ... time for lunch
@PH13 @Martin haz a blog?!?!?!?!?!?
I'm speechless.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M that's hot
@santiago No wonder, it came up when I searched @Martin C. Schwarzer.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M look in his profile informations
@PH13 I did. So?
there is the link to his blog
and pizza?
@PH13 Why are you Germans so complicated? Just gimme the link already! There's only a pdf link in his profile.
in The h Bar, 14 hours ago, by Slereah
That's because Germans are no fun at all
Chilean-Scottish-Australians are a mystery
Does it really take only one of you to change a light bulb @Loong?
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M German light bulbs do not fail. Thus, we do not change them.
That's weird. It takes billions of Iranians to change one. We'd be so lazy with meh, the billionth of us will have to sit next to it and change it while lying on others.
@Loong Lies! Everything is Chinese these days.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Then make the Chinese change the light bulbs!
we don't need light globes, we illuminate the area with our awesomeness
There are so many jungle fires in Australia, they really don't need light bulbs.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M I'm on smartphone ... everything is more conplicated here õo
Oh, website profile thingy.
I was shaking his about him upside down.
@Loong thx
@Loong That's a lot of German. Now I need an eyewash.
I was to lazies to keep writing that blog...
@Martin-マーチン \o
How're you doing?
First, are you on mobile @Martin?
I am doing quite well thank you. And I am not on mobile right now.
Thank God.
Now I have you a lot, you may take a look at them . . . And I gotta run away . . .
what? tis no make sense to me...
What doesn't make sense?
8 mins ago, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
Now I have you a lot, you may take a look at them . . . And I gotta run away . . .
I forgot a verb: pinged.
I have pinged you a lot, you may take a look at them . . . And I gotta run away before you or your mod hammer grab me . . .
haha... ;) tat's alright
You may not deceive me into stepping closer.
So... what else is going on?
Nothing much. The fun is in meta.SE now.
Yoooo @Martin-マーチン
what's at meta?
A: How do we encourage edits to obsolete/out of date answers?

inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.MMy vote is for Obsolete answer. As you have stated, the sorting would stop the new answer from being on top, which means the obsolete info is what the curious guy with the same question will face. This is a big con of adding a new answer, as I've seen lots of better newer answers not getting mor...

Standing at . . . +77 now! OMG!
okay... reading
sooo... obsolete answers ... welll
there's not much point to have that around chem.se is there?
@Martin-マーチン maybe only when IUPAC change their rules again
IUPAC rules sometimes change a lot.
Well I completely agree with @SevenSidedDie. It's typically useful to have obsolete information around, but I can't think for one minute that the same holds for dangerous content. Blame my chemistry background for my example: If an answer in chem.SE is invalidated because of the newer IUPAC rules of nomenclature, then a new answer is more preferable, stating separately how the new rules hold. But if the answer is about handling a dangerous chemical, which is later proved to be a wrong way of handling, then I hardly think the consensus would be "leave the answer alone", let alone editing. — inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M 2 days ago
@Loong that is true...
for example, this answer was correct, but it is obsolete now
A: Is "Propanol" correct name according to the latest IUPAC nomenclature?

longThe last IUPAC nomenclature recommendations were published in 1993. The current draft documents (release date uncertain) are far more lenient in their acceptance of semi-systematic naming of molecules. Please make sure you understand the differences between the Preferred IUPAC Name (PIN), the ret...

Long, Loong, confusing names O_o
@Loong for a second there I thought the answer was by you...
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M That is evolution.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M or that, maybe
Isn't that naming scheme covered by the blue book?
Whaddya mean? The Blue Book constantly changes . . .
@Martin-マーチン Yes. However, the current Blue Book was issued in 2013/2014 and the answer refers to 1993.
yeah... so the answer had been outdated when it was posted...
@Martin-マーチン Im not sure whether the "2013 recommendations" were actually available in 2013.
The were available dec 2013... and the question is from jul 2014
Let's burn him alive!
keep calm ;)
But it doesn't change the fact that answers can become obsolete in chem.SE.
@Loong but since you have the book, care to post another updated answer?
We're just not that old for that to happen  . . . yet.
@Martin-マーチン I will see what I can do.
I would still not think the answer is obsolete
@Martin-マーチン not entirely
now give me sth to join in :D obsolete iupac rules ... pfff
@Martin-マーチン The first sentence is the main issue.
yeah, just the resource is obsolete, the rest is fine
yes that's right... it is basically only asking, if propanol is an accepted name
^ What I saw on a banner a while ago.
@Martin-マーチン FTW it is accepted, just not PIN.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M well that might be true... but doesn't it depend also on your definition of obsolete
@Martin-マーチン NO
Just to prove my point.
I do not understand how that proves your point
Imagine a question of 2012 about nomenclature, revisited at 2025.
When I actually grow up to be chemist.
What are the chances the PIN isn't a PIN anymore?
And when the number of those answers increases, we will need an official process to take care of the old ones, as you can't open a meta thingy about each and every answer.
You can ... but you don't want to
That's the point.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Then the answer is outdated, but not obsolete
People'll get bored if this isn't like a game.
@Martin-マーチン You're weird.
What's the difference?
Where did you go @Mart?
apparently I have a different take on the matter... obsolete sounds for me like it is wrong now
BTW @Martin did I offend you?
@Martin-マーチン It could be a big change.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That's exactly how obsolete is defined in this context.
That sounds like ISO 9001:
> A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed (…) to prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose.
Though it's kinda ill-defined.
@Martin-マーチン Begs for forgiveness
Okay... no worries...
Obsolete is . . . ಠ_ಠ  . . . As I was saying, obsolete is when a great answer stops being as great because it isn't as correct anymore.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M new sanctions will rise to iran now
Just because of you. @Martin-マーチン is very powerful
@PH13 A tsunami just hit our house. It had From Japan, with love on it.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M Moderators can do this?
That's exactly what I meant
@Loong Pfft. Do you think @Martin is just a mod?!
What I mean is, that there are times where the IUPAC nomenclature is outdated from a modern point of view, but the answer is not wrong just because it is not used any more. At the time of the question, the answer is correct and it will therefore remain correct in that time
@Loong german-japanese robotic super moderators only
He's something faster, braver, stronger . . .
@Martin-マーチン But less correct.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M haha... you give me too much credit
It will lose its value from being the best answer to being a nice answer.
@PH13 hm. I am just "German moderator"
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M no, it's the only correct answer when you come about documents from the time
So, all of that fluff in meta.SE is for the better answer, more updated answer, rise above.
Well ... that's somehow the question. Should the answers be correct forever? Do we have to update every answer that is not correct anymore? That's a hard task!
@PH13 Read the meta thingy.
But then I can't follow the chat TT___TT
So, what I'm basically suggesting, is that because better, updated answers don't get as many votes as the outdated ones, they're not on top.
So, I'd vote as obsolete or outdated or whatever so that the answer sorting will remain.
When there's a lot of editing going on, an important edit to an answer gets lost.
A: How do we encourage edits to obsolete/out of date answers?

inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.MMy vote is for Obsolete answer. As you have stated, the sorting would stop the new answer from being on top, which means the obsolete info is what the curious guy with the same question will face. This is a big con of adding a new answer, as I've seen lots of better newer answers not getting mor...

Maybe old points can get fewer weights over time?
Yeah I like your meta post...
@PH13 That isn't an option.
On chem.se I'd prefer close-locking the post and asking a new question
It was rejected a while ago
@Martin-マーチン Of course, we could develop a system like that.
I've persuaded you that answers can get less nice over time. Next time, I'll persuade you into admitting that yogurt is black.
I see the problem on bigger sites though... and seeing, that chem might rise to be a giant, too... it is necessary to develope a working solution...
@Martin-マーチン @Ron is already upset about the less quality of the questions.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M that is a disgusting thought... but then yoghurt is not such a nice thought either
@Martin-マーチン Admit that yogurt is black.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M how do you know?
Isn't there black ice cream with ink in japan?
@PH13 Let's make him run away from chat.
@Martin-マーチン He visited yesterday or the day before.
I want @Martin-マーチン to stay :O
20 hours ago, by ron
I did post on this subject in meta back in Nov. http://meta.chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/555/state-of-the-union
@Mart read up and down and sunder from there.
i remember that post... though
@PH13 I have seen black burgers, but not ice cream...
that scares the sh** out of me though
I'm pretty certain Japanese anime is to blame.
HOLY  . . . !
not so sure about that... there
but yeah, it might have a connection
here are some creepy flavours indeed
but the weirdest i have come across was tomato-icecream and i was told it's not that bad...
Will -CH2Br and -CH2OH give similar methylene NMR shifts?
Not that bad does not mean good but only not thaaaat bad ;D
well... it can mean anything...
Maybe they are just polite and eat it? ^^
but i had a tomato soda once... that was horrrrrrrrrrible
and than i had a tomato flavoured alcoholic soda, that was quite nice
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 21:00

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