Does anyone have opinions about where to put topics that aren't specifically swift nor objective-c nor ios nor macosx? We could perhaps use cocoa, but Cocoa technically refers to specific frameworks that are OS X-only. Are there any other tags that would really work well?
I'd love for us to come up with an answer to this question soon, because I think there are a lot of good topics that will need a home
e.g. NSAttributedString, Quartz APIs, possibly things like NSURLSession...
I'm not sure that foundation is a sufficiently unique name that it would make sense to use it
Can't delete sections, if accidentally added one. For example wanted to remove "Syntax" section from the draft, but there is no way to do it. It should have a "delete" icon, just like "Example" items.
@MSeifert o ffs, wasn't aware at the time that they were going to be nuked after beta...does it matter? I just wanted to place something meaningful there so people who might not know what it is had something to refer to!
@FlorianKoch it's like MSeifert said they are just plagiarised from SO anyway. If docs is being merged into SO then we don't want them merging back in.
I don't think merging will be done, like MSeifert said they will probably just deleted exactly because the contents are most likely the same. I don't think plagiarism is really the right word here, since the tags are essentially the same
it's just the technical situation that they are duplicated
Hi Guys; quick question on "SQL" vs "SQL Server"; is SQL the language and "SQL Server" the product, or does "SQL Server" refer to the MS implementation of T-SQL, and "SQL" refer to the ANSI Compliant (generic) SQL; or something else? Thanks in advance.
Ah, found the answer by looking at versions; it's SQL-92.
I already noticed that moving an example somehow clutters the edit-history. Anyone knows if the original contributors get rep after the example was moved? Do they receive rep for upvotes on answers on topic-links for BOTH topics?
It says "moving all examples will delete the topic" - my guess is that topic deletion will affect rep in some way too. maybe we need two examples in that topic ?
1. something prevents us from linking to sandbox 2. with a direct link one can approve edits that are retracted 3. moving one example can delete a topic even if there is another example 4. I don't know, anyone found something else?
this: as for linking to sandbox: you have to type the entire name of the tag ("sandbox-try-stuff-here") in the tag field, and then it works.. I think there is already a bug report about this
yes the upvote on the example gives me the reputation
so ... I think it will also be True for answer upvotes
anyone wants to try it?
if yes, then this time it would be great to have someone else create question+answers because I receive reputation from the upvotes there what makes it a bit confusing
so @MSeifert if you create a question i can try to answer again and someone else upvotes, then you should gain rep for my answer upvote cause i reference your example
According to the announcement, "any visible link" counts, so I guess it doesn't have to be linked through the dialog. I guess that all links which have the little docs icon next to them count, linked through the dialog or not here the link again
So the third upvote on the answer still doesn't give any reputation and if @JonasCz didn't get any reputation from it -> probably upvotes on answers give rep for linked examples is disabled
@MSeifert "with regard to reputation just upvotes on answers don't give any reputation" - I got 10 rep for the doc answer @FlorianKoch upvoted? Am i misunderstanding something?, so if I contribute to someone else's answer, then someone upvotes it, I would also get 10 rep?
Currently, we can only reject or approve changes,
Meaning if a reviewer sees a typo or something else that needs correction/improvement (s)he would have to either:
approve the changes and propose a new change to improve the previous (kinda tedious),
reject the changes and propose a new chang...
No, rep will be kept Yes, docs is very new, there's still lots of bugs / issues to be ironed out, that's what the beta is for, in addition to early creation of documentation.
Maybe, probably.. It's such a small amount of rep anyway, and I'm also pretty certain that the "sandbox" and test content won't be kept. but better ask the devs if it's okay to experiment with rep for testing purposes.
awesome, I ready to contribute, I have loads of code samples locally (written in markdown) - i've been meaning to blog them, but I think im going to use so docs, makes perfect sense
@JonasCz Sorry, last question, Should I wait until release or is it okay to start writing them out now? - I think i read somewhere it will be migrated over going live, is this correct?
Hmm... I can edit a title independently of editing a body (e.g. I can edit just the title in the title edit UI), but if I do that, and submit it for review, then I can't edit the body until the title is approved
I was referring to the docs-beta.stackexchange site as the meta site
@DanHulme Let me tell you the ways
(one moment)
1) It takes me to How to Ask, which is I think a little rude, but OK maybe new members will be asking questions... but it takes me there every time, not just the first time
Oh, maybe because I haven't submitted my first question yet, I'm still drawing it up
Though I have definitely clicked the "Okay I get it" checkbox and clicked "Proceed"
so the server should know that I've seen the page
Anyway, 3) the Big Blue Action Button is for searching similar titles, while the actual button people want, the Proceed button, is color: grey; on a light grey background, in all caps, and only underlined. That's poor UX, like you're intentionally trying to hide an Unsubscribe link in a spam e-mail
So @DanHulme I guess these are network-wide issues, not just Docs meta issues
It should go away after asking one question. And yes, I know it's not really useful to show it to people who don't need to see it, but keep in mind that it was taken from SO, where low-quality questions from new users who don't know how to ask a good question are a real problem.