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Gonna head off for the night, all the best guys. :)
@KevinMontrose I like the operator overload topic too, but I had to make a couple of changes to make that example self-contained. :-)
5 hours later…
9 hours ago, by Lucas Trzesniewski
Hmm... Comments on proposed changes would be nice (eg for asking a clarification)
working on this - great idea @LucasTrzesniewski
3 hours later…
Good mornight! I have submitted the "C# 6 features" topic for review.
@Konamiman First example - should it be if(greeted == null)?
There really needs to be comments on reviews, or even better the equivalent of "accept & improve"
@JamesThorpe Indeed! At first I used "name" but changed it because "nameof(name)" looked confusing. Agreed with the need for comments on reviews.
Well, that's funny: I can't find how to edit my own changes
2 hours later…
For moderation purposes: please display reject reasons up fron. A reviewer before you might have seen something that you missed, causing you to accept an invalid or incomplete suggestion.
2 hours later…
Hi all. I've joined the beta as well.
Thumbs up for the work already done by the devs for the engine.
Quick question regarding this post. Me and another user agreed that there should be an FR to make voting easier to find on requested topics, but we're unsure if editing the mentioned post would be best, or if we should just post a new question.
1 hour later…
@Sam I'd go ahead and ask it in another question. Voting on topic requests directly from the lists is a good idea (as a matter of fact it's already on the list of planned features), but wouldn't hurt to have a record of the discussion and any other ideas that might come from it.
Sure, ok.
@DLeh You may want to remove the last line from your proposal‌​.
(Coincidentally just happened to me too.)
How should we go about adding a topic on keywords in C#?
I mean, should we list them out and link them (all under one "example") to their dedicated topic (if they have one), or should we just create a small example per word?
Probably make a topic w/ all the keywords listed in remarks + a couple examples that use several of them; then link out to other new topics for those that need more detail / examples.
There's probably no need for them to be 1-to-1 either, like as & is could conceivably be one topic.
(sort of shooting from the hip on that one)
Yeah, that sounds better.
Couple of things stemming from this: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/40/…
Someone has seemingly dismissed my topic request - I certainly can see no trace of it anywhere anymore, is it on a todo list to be able to see dismissed requests, or be notified of dismissal etc?
And the requested topics count is still showing 5, when it's now back down to 4
@JamesThorpe yeah, inbox notifications are coming; so is a user profile tab
inbox probably first, maybe as part of @JarrodDixon's proposed change comments feature
ok - will the dashboard page itself have a history of dismissed topic requests? one of the reasons for dismissal is that it's a duplicate, if something is requested repeatedly (which you'd think is a good reason to make it!) but is decided it's still not worth it, it may be handy to link back to the original dismissal?
@KevinMontrose Figured it would be - I see it's back to 4 again now
@JamesThorpe we'll have to stash history somewhere, not quite sure yet where though. Depends how important it ends up being, which is hard to tell so early in the days of "actual use".
@KevinMontrose Ok. I think in the context of being open and transparent about what's happened to each post (as per existing functionality in Q&A) it's important, but in the context of it being old trash that no-one really needs to see anymore, it's not so important
yeah, it'll definitely be somewhere eventually; there's lots of history not being exposed yet just 'cause we haven't gotten around to it / figured it out
things like handled flags, rejected changes, old drafts, all not really exposed yet
I am exploring the usage of headers in my sections.
The 'remarks' is the official header. However the available headers as styled by the stylesheet are a little bit in conflict regarding their sizes. Is this worth a bug report or am I missing something?
@MauriceStam Can't hurt to report - this is what a beta's for. :)
Sure thanks
1 hour later…
Hey Jon
Lol, didn't realise there's two Jons here.
Well - it's such a great name (not that I'm biased) - the more the merrier :)
@Sam Jon Skeet is a Jon too, albeit not in this room currently. :-P
another round of fixes rolling out
It's all fun and games until someone pings @Jon.
@ChrisJester-Young If he were, his army of AIs would've completed the C#/.NET docs already.
@JonClements The only thing separating you from a well-known Racketeer is the "h":
Jonathan Clements (born 9 July 1971) is a British author and scriptwriter. His non-fiction works include biographies of Confucius, Koxinga and Qin Shi Huangdi (the First Emperor of China), as well as monthly opinion columns for Neo magazine. He is also the co-author of encyclopedias of anime and Japanese television dramas. == Background == Clements speaks both Chinese and Japanese, and many of his works relate to East Asia. He wrote his Master's degree at the University of Stirling on manga and anime exports, predicting the rise of several trends in the international industry including back-to...
I normally get confused with that guy ^^^ @ChrisJester-Young :p
Is this normal that there is only documentation for .NET? I was looking to contribute to java or play framework documentation...
@Jean-FrançoisCôté I'd be the first to write docs for Java once that's opened up.
(What, Stack Overflow employees that write Java? Yes, they exist, though they don't code Java at work.)
Huh, I've just noticed there's only 4 people in here that aren't mods.
Feels like a mod room :p
Ok nice to know! I was afraid that they put me in a .NET section only.
do you know why they open it only for .NET for now?
Probably because SE works with C#/.NET
most signups were for .net and c#; started with the most popular option
it'll probably be a week or two before java (and maybe Android? need to crunch the numbers) open up
ok! I probably answer that myself... but these day i code more java than c#
thanks for theses answers and good luck :)
@KevinMontrose And yet there's only <150 users registered?
102 invites have gone out now
we didn't invite everyone who signed up for c# and .net
Are the invites random?
early on I'm filtering out anyone who hasn't answered in one of the tags they signed up for, and anyone who's ever been suspended
then there's a little bit of bucketing by rep, within the buckets I'm choosing randomly
eventually everyone who signed up will get in to the beta, but being just a little selective in the first few waves
@KevinMontrose So no unicorn consulting?
We ask a badger instead, but for some reason the only answer we get is "I don't care, do whatever you want"
Can I ask what the number at the end of every share link is used for?
Example: [...]documentation/c%23/18/operators/30/overloadable-operators#t=20151112181457‌​1148518
date of link generation
(sort of, date of last edit more often)
Oh, right.
used to allow copy/pasted links (into say source) to refer to the page as it existed when the link was generated
@KevinMontrose Does our client-side code use that for anything? Or is it just to make links purple/blue?
@KevinMontrose That's cool.
@ChrisJester-Young nothing yet
@Sam I feel like every dev has had a page linked in a source comment disappear or radically restructure on them
MSDN and Oracle come to mind personally
really irritating, and we have to have history anyway sooooo... #t=...
Yeah, I know the feeling.
Will we be able to see votes (UVs vs. DVs) on examples, like on posts?
I reported a bug that got fixed last night (docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/5/what-needs-improvement) - I'm seeing it say there's 1 flag again now (has been for a while) - are the number of flags being heavily cached and there's nothing to deal with, or is there still an issue?
@JamesThorpe Seeing the same here.
I wonder if it's a permissions issue more than anything else.
@JarrodDixon ^
Since StackExchange.Redis has 4 flags, yet I can't see any of them.
And Dapper.NET with 8 flags, but only 1's visible.
or heck, flags; @AnnaLear ^ could take a look
yep yep, will do in a sec here
I have a lot of feelings about our current flag display
1 hour later…
Anyone around to confirm something I'm seeing at the mo?
I think I may have spotted what this errant .net flag is, but it's wierd
@JamesThorpe Yup
So .NET still claims to have 1 flag / 1 needs improvement, but nothing showing
and hit edit on, say, Remarks
then scroll up a bit - there's a yellow "flag" box on the "installing" example with a "handle flag" button
if you click the button, it just disappears, nothing else seems to happen.
if you discard your edit, then go back to it again, the button is back
unless it's just me...
Yeah, I'm seeing the same here
some more fixes coming in the next build
ok. I keep getting this occasionally too:
not found anything that causes it reliably yet so not reported it, but it's definitely happening. On Chrome and has happened on two different PCs
when it appears it's fixed in the top left - rest of the page scrolls behind it
yeah, I believe it; it's positioned in JS, wouldn't surprise me if there are some bugs
probably a bug in measuring original padding or something
I'm wondering if it should be there at all actually? When it's not mispositioned, it's not actually on screen anywhere?
if the editor is displayed it should show up, though sometimes takes a round trip to get a draft list depending on how the editor was loaded
ok - in that case I'm either not seeing it ever, or it's mispositioned
random thought: what size is your browser window?
Right now, 1480x820 - will play with others
What's the plan for when the next batch of invites will go out, if you don't mind me asking?
we've got a couple features in dev I'd like to get deployed first: proposed change comments, "others editing/handling flag/responding to request" notices in the editor, and flagging improvements
maybe sneak some inbox stuff in too
so probably a week - week and a half
ah - I have to actually hit save draft to make it appear, sorry - didn't realise that. In that case, the bug is that it's randomly appearing in the wrong place before I've hit save draft. Let me see if I can make it appear in the wrong place again, then see if it get put in the right place when I save the draft
next wave will probably also be around 100 C# and .NET folks
Right now it seems like I can't click the edit link right next to an example - I get Uncaught ReferenceError: changesMade is not defined, then depending on screen width I either don't see (when wide) the editor appear at the bottom, or I get (when narrow) an in-place markdown editor right where the example is, and in this situation repeatedly clicking the edit makes more copies of the editor toolbar buttons appear:
didn't think that bug got deployed, gonna see if we can't build now...
Is there a way to edit one of my proposed changes for a new topic?
Atm I can't find any way to edit this.
if you're looking at the draft you can retract it... though now that I think on it, I bet that UX isn't exposed on the proposed change page
one sec
Great, thanks.
yeah, need to expose that... making a note
How did you get that btw?
looked up the route in the codebase -_-
Right, nothing I could've done then.
Is it worth writing up a bug report?
sure, gives us a place to mark when a fix goes out
Sam raised a question earlier about links to subheadings in things like remarks sections: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/38/…
@KevinMontrose Ok
I'm currently looking at this page: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/c%23/18/…
If I click edit next to the operator precedence header, it "fails to load the remarks subsection"
So, should those be editable like that, with the permalink showing next to it, or is there a bug in that <h> tags are being presented as editable/permalinkable, when in fact they shouldn't be
@JamesThorpe Same here
subsections in Remarks should be editable
Lol, found more bugs
Sometimes I wish I could just post screenshots with slapped on.
Those sorts of reports wouldn't go down well in our bug tracking system :)
another round of fixes just rolled out
that fixed the example editing
When the site launches presumably the beta documentation content will be migrated. Are the q/a posts also going to be migrated (to a meta), or will they just be deleted?
the "handle this flag" button in the middle of editing is still there though
Oh, nice
Text MD is rendered on edits now. \o/
@JeremyBanks some select Q&A posts may be migrated, most of them are getting tossed though
pre-release bug reports aren't worth saving I don't think
though they'll probably end up in a data dump like a shutdown se 2.0 site
Makes sense, thanks.
How will rep/badges be migrated (if at all)?
Q&A rep won't be migrated (meta.SO doesn't have rep, so there's nowhere to migrate it to); Documentation rep will make the jump, but we have to design & build it first so I can't really say what it'll look like
Okie dokie
@KevinMontrose we could/should probably migrate some feature requests and whatnot at the end of beta, but it won't affect rep or anything, as you said
yeah "select Q&A posts"
like, if big decisions were made or features documented or norms established
oh, I should've read up
@AnnaLear surely all the requested features will be in place by the end of the beta :)
and ... not so much
whistles innocently
some is definitely possible
@KevinMontrose I can see being extra selective about those, but there could be things like "we still want to do this, but it ain't happening in beta at this point"
it's possible, sure
you could also just build the features faster @AnnaLear ಠ_ಠ
what a crazy idea
@KevinMontrose So will all contributions prior to rep being introduced be backdated?
argh - I think I just saw what was causing that flag box to popup, but it's now been possible to handle the flag in the latest build so someone evidently now has done and I can't reproduce it
So I'd been seeing that there was 1 flag needing to be handled, and up above I described being able to see a strange box when editing a topic with a button that does nothing.
well, in the latest one, it was still there
however, on the main topic page under the needs improvement, the same thing was now present with a "handle flag" button, which took me to the same box, but with 3 different buttons on it
I'm guessing that the original "handle flag" button that appears when editing should be replaced with the 3 buttons?
(when clicked)
the yellow box has now gone when editing the topic, and the "handle flag" button on the main topic page is a 404 (presumably because it's been handled, but it's still being displayed because of caching)
no, the intention is that you handle it with draft you're already working on, but I'm guessing that's sort of unclear
flow is:
- go here: http://docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/.net/14/introduction-to-net/25/installing
- click edit (anywhere)
- that loads flags, to offer the option to handle them with your edit
- submit edit
the 404 sounds like a bug... I'm aware of one with flag handling
So what was the "handle this flag" button? It just disappeared when clicked without appearing to do anything?
it added a bit to the draft that said "I'm handling this flag with my draft"
but yeah, confusing
should probably replace the "handle button" with explanation text; something like "you are handling this flag with this draft" or something
@AnnaLear ^ or whatever you think makes sense there
I think... @Shog9 proposed the behavior first?
FWIW, the 404 I'm seeing is from this page on the handle flag button
yeah, it works for me but I'm betting the bug has to do with you owning some draft or change somewhere
will take a look
ah ok
right - had another tab open with an edit in, discarded that and I can see it again now, and have the 3 buttons back on the inline flag
yesterday, by Kevin Montrose
the universal [status-
IMHO, default behavior should be to handle flags, so should not be a button; opt-out with checkbox maybe.
9 vs Lear: Fight
ehhhh I don't hate that
depends on when the flag handling happens - on draft approval or on draft submission
marked handled on submission, if rejected the flag is reopened
@KevinMontrose yep, or something in the proposed change review that asks the reviewer "does this change handle these flags?"
or maybe checkboxes next to each flag? allows selecting which flags get handled
that was how i originally envisioned it cc @Shog9 - a proposed change would put the onus on the reviewer to answer "which flags are still valid?"
or "which flags have been handled by this change?"
tricky to convey "don't reject an edit that doesn't fix all the flags" in that model; which is weird if the editor never even saw the flags
we'd exclude "other" flags that the editor wouldn't have seen
Sure, but yes by default - assumption should be that if you saw the flags then you fixed them unless you say other wise
I kinda like the idea of potentially handling some flags and not others - but that can also be handled by dismissing invalid flags individually
right now we record the flags you saw and clicked a button next to
reported problem is "just clicking handle, then popping the editor up" is a tad confusing
should at least replace it with some explanation text
I'll play around with a few flows and see what looks good
Is there much point in linking this text to the summary tab?
I suppose not
@JamesThorpe that shouldn't 404 anymore, though I doubt it'll prompt properly for handling the flag either
Is there going to be a post where we can chip in ideas for rep from contributing to docs?
@Sam feel free to start one
And done. The post's kinda small for what it represents, but I couldn't think of anything else to include.
I'm sure more will be contributed to that post soon.
Yeah :)
What's the "worst" tab for?
And how is worse-ness measured?
in tears
(but seriously, I don't actually know off the top of my head)
is there a way to participate in the beta on prod yet?
@JonChan docs-beta.stackexchange.com. It's a private beta like any other.
you should also have an email from Kevin from a few days back that has instructions
@AdamLear Alright, np
@Sam that also sounds like a great topic for a meta post :) (mostly so I don't forget to look it up later, and others might have the same question)
on that note, heading out for a while. dinner time.
Yeah, I'll probably write something up tomorrow, it's getting late here.
Enjoy your meal.
thanks. later!

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