Write a program to find the sum of all odd numbers between a given range [a,b]. Input consists of a single line containing two integers a and b separated by a space. 0 <= a,b <= 10,000.
Sample Inputs
1 5
4 8
1 8
0 5
Sample Outputs
@RebeccaChernoff The task is trivial, boring and too easy. Doesn't mean it cannot be answered, though. Answering a task and downvoting it is not mutually exclusive in my mind
At least I don't see downvoting a task here as »This is unanswerable or so badly-written that no one can post a useful answer«, it's more a »I don't particularly like this task«. For me at least.
@RebeccaChernoff If it's only half a minute it doesn't hurt that much ;)
Admittedly, with the sudden change in the task which made trivial looping impossible it was a little more time spent. Still, it's not much compared to tasks I like.
@Joey I'd like to suggest a reason you might consider not answering the really easy ones: the authors may see answers as validation, as proof that people like the questions.
I think that we should tag puzzles (or whatever) with an estimated difficulty tag. That way people who want a real challenge can find it and those who are just starting out can find ones they might be more able to solve.
For example consider: Distance between hands on clock
vs: Shortest path i...
We could force-tag trivial questions with something like trivial or so
People who don't like them can ignore them, then
Although most people on SO didn't like that option too well, if I remember correctly
»I'm so offended by code golf questions that I want to see them and continue to be enraged that they exist«
(nota bene: I still like the difficulty tag idea, actually. And I think difficulty of the puzzles can be judged)
Anyway, being silent now. Before you all want my head for destroying the site :-)
I'll keep the thing about trivial questions in mind, though I still consider votes and answers to be different judgment criteria.
@dmckee It could also be that they are just bored and post whatever they have floating around in their heads. I did that once, admittedly. It's my poorest-voted question to boot.
It could also be that they just don't see the feedback. Muntoo had two questions closed by now, yet they still continue.
@Joey That's a really possibility along with "just want to be part of this", but I have a hard to understanding those are causes for repeated low quality posts.
@dmckee They might think this to be similar to anagol
Maybe one of the mods should just comment on a question of them that hints on using the sandbox first, along with a link. We have it in the FAQ by now, but no one reads those, apparently.
As for low-quality ... well, I wouldn't see trivial tasks that are relatively well-written (i.e. can be answered before spending a dozen comments on clarifications) as inherently low-quality. There is a difference between Find the sum of odd numbers and April Fools Joke, I think.
(minitech is also on a good way of becoming a strange question-asker ;))