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Monking guys
3 hours later…
Lunar 6 queued. 28 hours...
So, the guy with the 3 abandoned planets, I've bashed him so much that I'm not allowed to attack him anymore ^^
hey @Zak
I had an odd attack on one of my newest planets (not the one from yesterday)
I think he forgot to sim the techs
Maybe he loaded a report that didn't have them? I've nearly done that with trash sim sometimes.
Same here ^^
In any case, doesn't look that profitable for him anymore ^^
Looking around on the HoF forums, my fleet is really small :(
We're getting there.
I need a plan (soon (tm))
Right now I'm upgrading my mines to 24-22 metal-crystal with 24 solar plant on my first 3 planets
Then getting 40 solar sats and getting my deut plant as high as possible
Isn't 24 a bit excessive? I mean, if you actually have that res spare then sure, but otherwise shouldn't you be building that moon and going all-out fleet?
After that I'm unsure if I should invest in them
Define spare
It roughly costs me a night production on 3 planets to start a mine on 2
For me, it goes: Priority 1, Build up lunar base and phalanx
(If 1 is fully queued): Priority 2, Keep all my shipyards at full capacity
(If 2 is fully queued): Priority 3, make sure I (will) have enough res to satisfy priorities 1 and 2 for the next [time span]
If all of the above, then any res left is 'spare'
I'm also building up LB and phalanx
You're keeping shipyards full capacity throughout day or also throughout next night?
I wish I had that much res kicking around ^^
And does keeping through day mean that you ship res to those planets?
Generally, I try to keep them queued a few hours out
lol, Cineo is banned
Rank 10 pretty close to me
Oh wow, account sharing, that's pretty heavy
32 spy reports... that might've been a bit excessive
Holy *** I got some find,
Account sharing?
Ah no, he shows activity
3lions is mine when I get my phalanx up on longer range
@Mast What do you think about hosting our OGNext instance on AWS? (Somewhere in the cloud)
@skiwi I don't like clouds.
I'm a hardware man.
I'd like to be able to access whenever needed though
For updates, etc.
@skiwi You need SSH for that, not a cloud.
True, but with a cloud I get AWS experience and SSH, now my communication protocol is over @Mast ^^
I already told you I can give you SSH access to my server :P
Can you send it soon (tm) then?
I'm able to sustain 46 large cargos on 2 players right now... better hope they won't come online
I've pretty much depleted WhiskeyChallenge for the time being. I guess it's back to raiding inactives until I get home this evening.
Take this one:
Why the sudden drop in your total points though?
That'll be the moonshots
Notice the same dip in your points
Ah right
Woah, I'm #13 on military lost
#35 on military destroyed, that's quite surprising actually
Can't wait to see the last couple of days in those stats
Yeah, stick that page on "military" and you can see the huge downward spike when our moonshot fleets got vaporised
You can also see where I lost my cruisers, twice
That's a rank 11 player there... ^^
Are they offline?
Shows 30 min on most planets, one has activity
I found 1.2M res behind 310K def and 220 solar sats in G6
But I have no fleet right now :(
Lol, a guy on which I've launched is suddenly a noob... Guess I was just in time then
Seems like I'm not the first guy who paid him a visit though :(
Though 800K res in one wave is not bad I guess?
I'd say it's pretty awesome
For me, that's ~1/5 of my entire daily production
@skiwi What, log-in information? Sure, I'll get it done today.
@skiwi That last defensive CR you linked, you need more HL :P
@Mast Building those now
@Mast Yep
This is a lot of cards ^^
@skiwi Is that Hex TCG?
Yep ^^
Please don't crash the servers
@skiwi Holy carp, reminds me of DEFCON.
What's that?
DEFCON (stylized as DEFCOИ) is a real-time strategy game created by independent British game developer Introversion Software, developers of Darwinia, Multiwinia, Uplink, and Prison Architect. The gameplay is reminiscent of the "big boards" that visually represented thermonuclear war in films such as Dr. Strangelove, Fail-Safe, and especially WarGames. The game has been available by download since September, 2006 through Introversion's web store and Steam. In the UK it was released for the high street shops on June 15, 2007 and for a limited period included the developer's first game Uplink. On...
1 hour later…
:/ I need more recs
Do you guys upgrade your drives considerably? Would improve the speed of raids I guess
@skiwi I usually only upgrade them to whatever is "not very expensive" in the context of my current res supplies. Only ever go above for getting ship techs.
@Zak Okay ^^
A good benchmark for costs is your weapon techs
My drive techs will pretty much always be below my weapon techs
2 hours later…
Ooo Phalanx 3
The moment when the profits are too good to be true... Forgot to sim techs
Well, more specifically, I had my techs filled in, but the other guy hadn't ^^
@Mast @Zak Do you have something close to 2:80 +/- 22 systems for ACS?
I'm likely flying with bombers, so can hit some delays
@skiwi 'fraid not
Still 30 mins till my recs are back, and I'm gonna need them
I'm essentially trading 350K metal for 50K crystal and 350K deut
Player shows no activity... yet it's still risky
1 hour later…
@Mast Are you around for the SSH data soon (tm)?
@skiwi I'm bombarded with work and shit is hitting the fan big time.
I'll give you the main account, as long as you don't screw around with things not OGNext related that should work fine.
If I can remember the darn credentials.
@skiwi You got something I can e-mail it to?
@skiwi I ain't got anything in G2
@Mast Is this a permanent thing or just temporary?
@Mast Remember that I did an chmod +777 / or something like that once? :P
@Mast Yes, I've got an email address
Look in a commit of OGNext, it should be there
@skiwi As long as you don't chmod 000 the darn thing ^^
I remember you sharing screenshots of stuff on the server? Can I also get that? ^^
Using some kind of GUI, I mean
@skiwi X is forwarded, so if you run something like Xming local next to your terminal you should be fine.
I don't know what any of that means, but I'll figure it out ^^
Tell me once you sent the mail, to see if I received it
@skiwi You got mail.
@Zak Till the end of the week for now.
Now I wonder where it shows my email address on GitHub
Let me know if it doesn't work out, though I probably won't read mail till tomorrow morning ^^
I thought you'd always see it there, but now I cannot find it
@skiwi Abuse the API, as always ^^
Got the mail now
^^ Okay
Feel free to remove that if you don't like a link to your e-mail showing up in chat ^^
It's our there anyway, only linking the mail directly in that would make it easier, this won't ;)
I might check it tonight, else tomorrow somewhere
This never ceases to amaze me ^^
I think at that point it's normal to quit the game
(At least that universe)
So, I've been modelling game-start build orders for a race-to-first-SC in anticipation of the next new server.
Long story short, assuming you bought an officer corps and +10% items, takes 45 Hours at 1xspeed
So 15 hours at 3x
10k DM of res-buying in the first 15 minutes will knock 2h 15m off that time. (I'd probably do that, 10k is pretty cheap)
To knock the same amount off again takes another 30k DM
I'm looking forward to next Uni start. I'm having ideas mwahahaha
@Zak Nice ;) That was also on my todo list :P
This is probably a long shot... but can you do it for cruisers too?
No. As soon as SC raiding enters the equation, any predictive modelling goes out the window.
I'm assuming the people that buy DM when the server opens buy 2.4M for 100 euro
You're using the DM though for starting a research/building with DM?
If you want to just straight-up buy a SC with DM, only costs you 115k
Wouldn't Cruiser be relatively easy to calculate too?
Under what assumptions?
No raiding?
If my defences can keep a night's production up, would it hurt a lot if I added 3 hours of res there? ^^
Napsters fleet is sitting there again with him not being there ^^
I don't happen to have 200 recs nor the fleet to take him down yet
re: cruisers
85% of the total cost is impulse 4
Ouch ^^
1.035M DM
(lol, started Solar 34 on test server)
So that's not even 50 euro... damn
(less in reality because you can produce *some* res and have it become profitable before you're finished building/researching)
Early start is very tough
There's still the research times though
Probably for OGNext there should at least be a model of "this is the current state of a player", and then add all options where the player could advance (buildings, research, etc.)
@skiwi I was gona say 50 Euros is a lot to pay just for off-the-bat fleeting
But then again, if you plan to be playing on a server for months/years...
Now that I look at it, 100k moonshots are also (probably) a pretty useful investment.
I paid 25 euros for the 90 days officers, etc. - It's not a long shot to 50 at that point to just have cruisers and major advantage
normal moonshot: 5M Metal, 1.7M crystal, 2M debris field
100k moonshot, effectively instant, 2.5M metal, 850k crystal, 2M debris field
There's no DF I think
Ah, that makes more sense
I think -> I'm sure, it's in the help icon
Yeah, just checked
LB5 isn't cheap
Still 9 hours away from building it though
LB6 for me. 28 hour build time.
definitely going to be the last I build for a while
1 day for LB5 here
I can live with it though ^^
I think I'm going for nanite 6 on Izar tomorrow

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