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6:33 AM
"Being a feminist today means holding contempt for men, the nuclear family, motherhood, and femininity—going against everything the original women's movement stood for." - Candace Owens
It's like they really want to bring down men to elevate themselves ... almost impossible to talk to a woman these days ...
1 hour later…
7:36 AM
@AIQ women are fine to talk to, I got plenty of intelligent female friends.
perhaps you mix with the wrong crowd
@Kilisi Not talking about female friends ... I have had maybe one female friend who was intelligent and smart and respected men ... I am happy to hear that you have plenty.
@Kilisi Yeah well I am in the wrong place ...
7:56 AM
@AIQ actually I shouldn't comment, we never even had a feminist movement, we've always recognised the value of the women folk
all we had was an anti-female anti-culture anti-language anti-religion movement during the European contact times
@Kilisi Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to generalize. I know there are so many intelligent women, ... frankly, I wish I had a friend like Candace Owens. I am working in a team where all my colleagues are female. My boss too. While I really respect my boss, my colleagues say things that really disturb me to my core. And I am the only guy in the team. Sometimes I try hard to let things go and just do my work. But their views about the world is just too damn impossible for me to handle
8:28 AM
@AIQ no worries, I'm not judging you at all, I'm from a different culture, most of the stuff you guys talk about I don't really understand because we don't have it. The problem with a large part of the First World is you don't have a continuous cultural context. You must have at one time in the past, but it's been broken. So you keep trying to solve issues everyone else solved in the stone age, and recreating the wheel as a 4d rhombicosidodecahedron. ;)
@Kilisi Yeah I agree ... however, I don't know much about the western world yet ...
@AIQ and I've never seen a 4 dimensional rhombicosidodecahedron.... but I've been dying to use the word in a sentence since I found it in my dictionary.... cheers for that :-)
5 hours later…
1:10 PM
@Kilisi It must really amuse you to hear the b*tching from people who don't know how good they got it.
1:39 PM
@Old_Lamplighter I find it interesting, we have our own issues here, it's not all roses
@Kilisi I understand that. Maybe it's that I'm from a family of recent immigrants, but I take nothing for granted
@Old_Lamplighter that would be interesting too, you ever write down your parents stories?
No, I really should. That, and tales from my time in the very poor midwest. So many things I learn from you are very similar to life out there. Where I was, it was a two hour drive through the mountains to "go to town". The state stopped plowing the snow overnight, so for 3 months, you had to drive through the mountains going down a sheet of ice.
You shopped for things 1 time per month, and if you ran out something, you were out until the next trip
@Old_Lamplighter you should do it, for your kids if nothing else, and your parents memory.... hardest thing about writing is getting started
@Kilisi I may record a few videos for them as well. Thanks to home office, I now have the equipment.
1:51 PM
@Old_Lamplighter cool, my grandparents died before I arrived, but I still know a lot about them only because my father kept diaries
I was happy that I was able to give to my daughter, her great-great grandfather's violin, which was also my mothers and also mine.
@Old_Lamplighter wow, I bet that violin has some tales to tell as well

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