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Hi everyone!
Do we have question about public shaming?
My context is Manager asking "Who did this XYZ?" For every mistake and forcing people to denonciate with continiuous ping to every one, one by one on the public hangout till one take responsability.

I did a "site:workplace..." public shaming. but found nothing revelant. But as Im not a english speaker I probably don't know the proper word for this.
2 hours later…
@xdtTransform Most I've found is something like this:
Q: Is it normal to post a list of the 15 most unproductive employees on the wall?

Prometheus1178I work as a software developer. My company determines productivity by "dev points," which is earned by completing projects, and these points are used to determine raises, promotions, etc. (This is already widely acknowledged amongst the employees to be a terrible metric, but that's outside the ...

It definitely sounds familiar but I could be thinking of the numerous articles on Ask A Manager about this.
They're good reading though, recommend you take a look: askamanager.org/search-results?q=public%20shame
@Lilienthal , thanks a lot. I will review this SO question and a few on ask a manager
8 hours later…
So a horse walks into a bar...
@Snow It's funny, the weather forecast was just predicting the first Snow of the year ^^
Yeah, we have snow forecast on Friday. I suspect it'll turn out to be nothing more than cold rain.
@Snow Cheers mate!
@Old_Lamplighter Skol!

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