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6:31 AM
This question with the background check just can't be real
7:28 AM
don't know the local laws, but it is indeed strange
it's odd to don't be aware someone charge you, and he didn't answer how to make diference betwen JonDoe#458 and JonDoe#2186
Yeah I could go to you and say
Yeah Kepotx assaulted me
and they wouldn't even tell you or ask you?
even if I knew it was from you, it would be hard to proove i never assaulted you
it's easy to show a proof of an assault, but what can proove 100% that I never done anything to you, as absence of proof is not proof of absence?
Yeah it's all a bit strange
7:44 AM
isn't the burden of proof/presumption of innocence an international concept?
Good Morning TWP!!
Morning all
1 hour later…
9:11 AM
Finally drove a C63 :P
1 hour later…
10:29 AM
@Twyxz verdict?
10:51 AM
Personally I think it's > RS5
11:10 AM
@Twyxz I think that's in line with what the general consensus is - the C63 certainly has a reputation for being a bit more hardcore than the RS5 is, more inline with how say the M4 is. The RS5 is definitely more compromised - which I think is largely intentional as it allows for it to be more of an all rounder. Which of course means it doesn't quite excel at any one job.
RS5 was a "nicer" drive
But C63 just has the feeling of raw power
What's the difference between A35 and A45?
@Twyxz about 10
more seriously the A35 is a slightly watered down version of the A45
think S3 as opposed to the RS3
ah I get you
RS3 is so ugly if it's not the saloon version
Just saying :P
@Twyxz really? I think the RS3 looks..odd in a saloon - like someone took an RS4 and squished it lengthways
the '3 cars should be hatchbacks IMO - if you want a saloon buy a '4
Or the 5 :P
yeah the 3 looks weird either way I think haha
11:31 AM
@Twyxz the 5 is a coupe thankyouverymuch :)
I quite liked the look of an A5 Sportback
as a daily
they are a good looking car
and more practical than the regular A5
actually recommended one to a friend recently
I like the roof thing ;P
@Twyxz lol.. you always have such a way with words :)
It doesn't ruin the look like a convertible, but it can give me some killer tan lines and a nice breeze
11:49 AM
@Twyxz it does add a good chunk of weight though
Yeah but as a daily, that's not the worst thing. Feels more sturdy @motosubatsu
@Twyxz true.. panoramic roofs are way better than traditional letterbox style sunroofs as well
Is that what the roof thing is called? @motosubatsu :)
Yeah they just look cool tbh
agreed..not sure we really have the climate for them tbh but they are still cool
12:34 PM
But if not I can keep it closed. And use it as a normal car that still looks good @motosubatsu
3 hours later…
3:15 PM
Happy Thursday
3:27 PM
@IDrinkandIKnowThings Happy Thursday!
Q: Small business - cheapskate owners

yonikawaI work for a small business and the owners are pretty cheap. Every year we get bonus and a small raise, but compared to the profit they makes, it's pretty negligible considering the fact that there are only 4 employees to distribute the profit among. But compared to my prior jobs working for bigg...

^ <roll eyes />
trying to write an answer to that one but it keeps on coming out ranty
4:28 PM
@motosubatsu I think it was a great answer.
5:02 PM
@IDrinkandIKnowThings thanks.. I tried to keep the ranting aspect to a minimum but was concerned some might have leaked
3 hours later…
8:20 PM
workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/137151/… God some people need their manager for EVERYTHING. Can't decline a meeting on their own
Forget this, it's just useless rant. I wanted to delete it but can't (?).

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