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@ArthurHavlicek I thought that was a pretty good answer imo
1 hour later…
damn it, Twyxz is broken again
@Kepotx somebody reboot him
have you turned it off and on again?
@Twyxz acpi_power_off
@Twyxz acpi_power_on
yay!! the reboot worked
@Twyxz see above :D
Been wiped from memory I believe @motosubatsu
@Twyxz ah of course.. you must not have written recent events to persistent storage before the reboot
some data loss is to be expected during a forced restart I suppose
Yeah what happened? Why'd we reboot @motosubatsu
cat Twyzx.log.bak
damnit, the file is empty
@Twyxz your chat module was malfunctioning again.. producing random strings
if this happens again we'll have to look at releasing a patch
Oh I undeRstAnD?@'
Oh, i get it, he got a diferent colour at each reboot
@motosubatsu i told you to use the LTS version
@Kepotx I like to live life on the edge
I'm evolving, you can't delete me or simply reboot me
I come back stronger, hungrier for your memorryyy!
@Twyxz "Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer, do!...
Beep bor Beeeeeeep O.o
@Twyxz "This was a triumph. I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS"
Go down in history!
3 hours later…
Writing DAL code is soooooo tedious
Happy Friday
@IDrinkandIKnowThings TFIF
The fitness stack is such a weird place...
Pretty much a waste of a stack
I just answered the startups redflags in the comments cos it's on hold :P
@Twyxz but how can I get more healthier without forbid eating ?!?
"How can my gym appeal to disabled people"
that's what I just "answered"
but I didn't really answer, I just stated how stupid the theory of appealing to disabled people was
Probably get downvoted because the fitness stack community apparently can't take any criticism but it's cool
PS Does anybody actually know where Snow is?
I didnt know there was a fitness stack. I would think that would fall into Sports.SE
That talks more about sports as a whole, like rules of sports or talks about tactics in specific sports etc
Fitness is more like, health and nutrition
Gym goers, runners, people who generally keep fit without playing sports per se
there is actually a surprising lack of "bruh, do you even lift?" on there
still seems like a sub genre that i was told was not allowed when i tried to get "Career Advice.SE" through A51
@IDrinkandIKnowThings yeah that seems like a daft rule to me "you can't ask career advice Qs on Workplace" & "you can't have career advice SE because it's a sub-genre of workplace" is rather absurd
Sports should be a sub to fitness
If anything
Because fitness is the larger cloud
Sports is fitness (mostly) but fitness isn't necessarily a sport
can you talk about snooker and darts on Sports.se?
@Twyxz yup
quite a few snooker qs on there
See they wouldn't fit into the fitness branch
Which is why I assume they're seperate
Just an sucks cause i think a Career Advice SE would be a big hit.
Yeah probably would, but hey. Fitness/Sports sub genre solved
@IDrinkandIKnowThings I agree 100%
But originally Q&A is supposed to be problem solving right ? What kind of problem solving is there in fitness exactly
Don't answer. Ill see by myself right now.
"Is it possible to move each toe individually" pretty much got me
RIP SE promises about quality content
@ArthurHavlicek the answer to that question is actually rather informative
@motosubatsu I'm not sure how I feel about that. In terms of "internet interest" like, stuff you want to search out of curiosity instead of browsing reddit it might be OK but admit that we're not really closing the interest of what a medical professionals SO equivalent would look like.
My standards might be high. But many now adults grew with wikipedia, didn't they
@ArthurHavlicek I'd agree with that.. Medical Sciences SE would be the place for that sort of thing - although it is sadly plagued with questions seeking medical advice (which rightly get closed as off topic)
Weekend here WEEEEEEEEEE cu monday
@ArthurHavlicek enjoy!

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