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05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

5:33 AM
Ah, yeah. Instead the community decided to upvote it. Yet another SMH from me regarding people answering and getting involved in crap questions.
Good Morning TWP!!!
6:02 AM
Morning working people!
6:19 AM
@avazula How are you doing?
65 upvotes?! Did that question ever stop
Morning peeps
@Twyxz Hey, it is a good and to-the point answer.
@Twyxz Morning Orange square
@SouravGhosh I used to think your profile picture was the adidas originals logo
Just from the thumbnail size, but I now know its not
@MonicaCellio I mean, given the fact that even when community members delete it, y'all still get accused of censorship, it might be a no win situation
@Twyxz That's the same across SE.. and says something about myself. :)
6:30 AM
Mine is the same too but it changes :P
@avazula Running away already? :(
6:53 AM
@Twyxz naah, sorry, I was grooming a bit before work, as I'm remote today I try to remain a bit in the world ^^
@SouravGhosh I'm good, thanks! What about you?
You return! :)
yes :D
This week is only a 4 day week for me but it's dragging already :P
Thankfully I have a 4 day week this week and 2 day week next week
That's lucky
7:27 AM
@Magisch What would you do in this time off? Sorry to be nosey but really intrigued by the simplicity
Play video games. Walk around outside. Start of next week i'm going hiking with my uncle and aunt
Also have 4 new books I can't wait to read
You mentioned specific video games, which ones do you play?
minecraft, world of warcraft, path of exile, risk of rain 2
I play PoE :P
7:36 AM
@Kepotx Morning sir
@Magisch now I'm curious, what do you read? :)
I used to love Minecraft too, played it for 7 years or something. Never really got into WoW and I've never heard of Risk of Rain :P
@avazula science fiction & fantasy mostly
@Magisch we could have borrowed books from each other should we have been geographically closer then :)
These days I read most things on my kindle paperwhite
7:44 AM
I just can't read so ;/
I just "decide" to read again recently
thing is, I'm rather extreme, either I don't read at all, or I read several books in parallel
I used to do that, then I lost the ability to read. It hurts my eyes, my head, my brain and my arms now
8:03 AM
I forgot to say, I watched someone win around 50k in the casino last night from literally £5...
@Twyxz are you sad you weren't that person?
A little, I mean I woke up with +£700 on my trades overnight but not quite 50,000 pounds..
@Twyxz are you happy you won that money? :)
not yet, trading is a weird thing :)
8:24 AM
Uh oh
I just got an email from the contact form of a website I built
andddd what happened?
Someone would like me to design a site for them but I'm not sure whether it's a scam
Take the money first n run!
I think I might have nothing to do for work today
that creeps me out
8:31 AM
that'd be so cool
Aren't you remote?
You've worked hard today, go back to bed!
@Twyxz I'm remote today, yes
the only job I did today is for SE
Start building the website for the scam hahaha
that'd still be XP
Win win for you
8:38 AM
I recently had the chance of observing Instagram bots in action
I had like 150 following alerts last Sunday
But my followers amount didn't increase of one freaking follower xD
How come? All unfollowed? Banned or?
@Twyxz nah, just bots
So how come you didn't go up in followers?
Accounts that automatically follow people with similar interests in the hope that they'll follow you back
and then they undo the request (it doesn't remove the notification that the followed person gets)
Oh so I can unfollow immediately?
I didn't know that :P
I went through a time of doing that on my trading instagram but it was too much effort to go back and unfollow afterwards
I didn't realise that the request still remained
8:44 AM
@Twyxz they don't bother, they buy bots :p
But then for the price of botys
you may as well post good content and pay for ads
Explains why you're here @Snow
@avazula Interesting, but again if you put out the right ad surely it works just as well
But the number 1 on that list they do it legitimately which means you could just put time into it and do it yourself for free, or use ads..
for $99 you can get a crap ton of ads
8:53 AM
true that
Idc about that actually (I use IG for sharing drawings and stupid cat pictures) but I stumbled upon that thing on Medium and I was like "ha, that explains everything"
Yeah they're all over
Ones for comments too
@Twyxz bots? Or cats over my IG page?
bots :P
both actually haha
I've genuinely done nothing today :/
8:57 AM
aren't you at work?
I'm on my third bug report and second feature of today and it's not even noon
@avazula Yep
Nothing to do since I returned
I cleaned it all up before I left and they didn't prepare anything for me to do
But it's okay because I'm trading ahahha, make use of my time to get better
to eventually be able to do nothing at home rather than sit at my desk
I should practice my skills but I have no idea what to learn
9:07 AM
Practice your skills, or practice new skills?
rather new ones I guesS?
Ooo so you want to start something new?
I've been wanting to write on Medium for a while
But I'm overstressed because I feel I don't have many interesting things to tell
What is your job @Twyxz?
Also, I don't feel legitimate to do this while at work
9:09 AM
@Magisch Supposedly a software developer but recently more web and occasionally admin
But we work for local council so basically I do nothing
@avazula But you're at home, just supposed to be working
Is medium like a blog thing right?
@Twyxz more or less yes
Think I've seen it before somewhere hahaha @avazula
I discovered it when I started learning about machine learning
They have plenty of interesting articles for programming good practices and such
This one should catch your attention: uxplanet.org/2019-ui-and-ux-design-trends-92dfa8323225
I see
this is pretty cool, threads have their own URLs but a link to Medium Home
@Twyxz yup :)
I really like this medium (lol)
9:20 AM
Hahaha, I started playing this stupid mobile game that is really bad, but I enjoy it because it's addicting and very simple
I wonder where the Firequacker is today
maybe in meetings
I can't remember the last time I had an actual meeting of importance :P
I wonder who's idea it was to put pineapple on a pizza
the devil's I guess
Like who thought that was ever going to be a good idea...
You don't see apples or oranges on pizza, so take pineapples off geeeez
@avazula I once talked to a CTO of a small/medium company, who not only accept but encourage people to be active on SE/Medium or other kinds of communities. Basically, he considered that this kind of websites saves a lot of hours of dev, so forbid employers to contribute to this would be hypocritical
9:39 AM
A friend of mine is forbidden from contributing to sites like SO even in his free time, because his employer considers every piece of intellectual output free time or work time their property and they don't want to donate work.
I can understand employers who forbid employees to do personal work on the same field as the company, to prevent a kind of concurrence, but forbid to contribute in a whole website, for free, seems a way too much for me
That's a bit restricting isn't it?
It's an outgrowth of non compete and IP assignment clauses
I suppose if you were never really on stack you wouldn't really care
9:58 AM
@Kepotx I couldn't agree more
10:14 AM
@Magisch honestly I think that user deliberately posts trolling sh#t like that for the attention VTD
It's alive
@Twyxz <shrug /> jury's still out on that
check back when I've had more caffiene
reading this question:
Q: How much time/ Is it reasonable to ask for an extension in start date?

ocean800So I have a company that I interned at for the past year (full time and then part time during school) and I will be joining them for a full time position at the end of a study abroad semester that I'm currently doing right now. It will be over 4 months from now, and the study abroad is not relate...

and wondering why people could possibly be of the impression that recent graduates are getting a bit more "entitled"
who knows o.o
I get wanting some time off post graduation for recovering from a bit of burnout, I really do
but they already have a month
and want another month to go traveling
it's fine they'll be back 1 month into their job
"my employer pushes me too hard"
"I get no help"
10:19 AM
"why won't they let me work on what I want"
"They're making me do leadership tasks when I'm a junior"
"they won't let me do leadership tasks when I'm a junior"
"I'm a junior."
"toxic manager won't let me be late"
Earn the suit...!
I'm just over there way too often, people know they can at least talk with me when they come here xD
10:28 AM
Yeah I need some fans that aren't @motosubatsu or similar
@Twyxz if you start hanging in TAS more often you'll see we talk a lot
you could do like me and be in both
well I'm actually in 18 rooms rn
You know you're difficult to follow sometimes? lol
@avazula just nod and smile, it's easier than trying to get him to explain
@motosubatsu haha thanks for the tip :p
10:37 AM
@avazula this duck spits fire and advice :D
and red bull, doesn't he?
He doesn't "spit" Red Bull...
more like "consume like a vast void of unlimited space"
@Snow that would be a waste of the precious nectar of life
(i.e. caffiene)
@motosubatsu As the kids say you "spit fire advice"
10:44 AM
@Twyxz what you did there.. I saw it
But you didn't like it? @motosubatsu
@Twyxz I thought it was a solid 7/10
I'll take it
Knew you were a fan
@Twyxz I'd be desolate without you
Did you want me to create a room for you two to be kissy-kissy in?
10:49 AM
Why would you do that when we have this one? @Snow
Because this one's public. And I'm here.
You can join in if you want
@Snow steady on.. he could at least buy me dinner first
I thought you were buying me dinner?
I have it booked? I'm not paying...
@Twyxz well.. really
10:56 AM
ION..just booked my Endgame tickets
now I just need to make it to Sunday morning without spoilers
Another smelly nerd
@Twyxz and proud of it.. inhale my nerdy musk normo! INHALE!!
walks out
hmm.. that seems to happen a lot for some reason. Could it be that I'm doing something wrong?
11:04 AM
opens door What a weirdo slams door
11:15 AM
whoops. looks like I am in the wrong place {quietly shuts door} [and properly uses brackets]
Opens door You still here alone? @motosubatsu
PS Everytime I go to tesco the bloody water is increase by 5 PENCE!!
I just buy the regular water
@doppelgreener Bloody water doesn't seem that appealing to me, but to each their own.
@Twyxz stop going to tesco then.. you're making it more expensive for everyone else
11:35 AM
If you want water, tap water is there for you. If you want blood, annoying coworker is there for you. But go to tesco? that's pure insanity
11:46 AM
@Kepotx I am afraid to ask, but its in my nature to ask about what I know not. What is "tesco"?
It gets worse
just a random grocery from UK I guess, nothing special
@MisterPositive Doesn't even know what tesco is
@motosubatsu I'll continue to go more
And buy everything you buy
@Twyxz I am so dumb.
@MisterPositive basically the UK Walmart
11:52 AM
I concur
ASDA is the UK Walmart
It literally is owned by walmart
@doppelgreener That is too funny. I try to avoid Walmart at all costs.
Ok, you're right about that
Everyone going on about how Brie Larsson was wearing the infinity stones to the premier but it surely doesn't take a genius to imagine that she'd have them all at some point
@MisterPositive Third largest retailer in the world.. not especially successful in the US though - used to own the "Fresh & Easy Stores" chain in the US but sold that a few years back
@Twyxz you're such a smelly nerd :P
Tesco's is the third largest retailer... in the world? @motosubatsu
@motosubatsu You're a smellier nerd
comes with old age
11:59 AM
@Twyxz yup.. at least it was some years back, might have changed now. Walmart was #1 IIRC
That was obvious
Everyone knows of Walmart all over the world, not even because of the store that they own in relevant countries but just because it's walmart
I used to work at a company that supplied some products to Tesco.. they were utter barstewards
I didn't even think Tesco was that big even in England?
Nevermind the world
Now that I think about it they do have all the tesco expresses, giant tescos etc... Who's second then?
@Twyxz leading supermarket in the UK by a huge margin
Now that I think about it properly, they're definitely everywhere
And they have the express stores
Morrisons is basically non existent, neither is ASDA. I only know of two sainsburys
Lidl and Aldi are taking over :P
12:05 PM
@Twyxz ASDA is #2 in the UK, Sainsburys is #3
I still prefer the good ol' Morrisons
according to our dear Wikipedia, the real memory of the world, third-largest retailer in the world measured by gross revenues and ninth-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues
@Twyxz main weekly shop tends to get done in Aldi for me.. Mossies for the stuff they stock
@Kepotx Tesco?
12:07 PM
Wth, Crazy
tbf though I use Morrisons for that stuff because I've got one about a mile away from home, local big Tesco and ASDA are about twice as far
@motosubatsu To be honest, my diet currently isn't the most exciting due to training so I do most of my shop in Costco
Bulk buying the boring things
@Twyxz sensible.. my nearest Costco is a pretty hefty trip away
mines 25mins drive
but that's reasonable considering I can get something like 2.5kilos of chicken for something stupid like a tenner
what training you doing at the moment?
12:09 PM
Just weight training, holiday next year is gonna be the key event in my life
That's a major timescale for me, not just for training but for all my goals
@motosubatsu How about you, are you still training?
@Twyxz yeah.. pretty restricted at the moment which is frustrating - damaged my rotator cuff the other week
Ah the good old RC
I used to train them in boxing and I've never really gotten out of that habit so they're quite strong and flexible
I guess it keeps a lot of Chest/Shoulder exercises away from injury
@Twyxz yeah.. mine's got a slight impingement from the osteoarthritis so damage is kind of inevitable really
not looking forward to when that gets worse
Determined to be in the shape of my life by June next year
but also to be out of my job
good on ya :)
12:18 PM
So then if I like it, when all my friends go home I'll just stay by myself
happy days :)
Money solves all problems haha
@Twyxz what's the destination?
I believe
I see you o.o @avazula
@Twyxz never been to Tenerife.. everyone seems to like it though
If you like sun and water, it can't be bad!
I'm also classing it as my "21 Las Vegas holiday"
Because everybody imagines going to Vegas at some point after 21
@Twyxz 'm lurking around
12:26 PM
But I've got like 3 different friendship groups all coming on this trip it's just going to be one big mess
@Twyxz I give it two days before you have all out war between at least two of them :)
All the more fun! @motosubatsu
We've got it all planned though, hotel comes with a football pitch, bowling, games room, pool, all inclusive, nice view, jet skis, quad bike hire just outside of the front gate
Very close to Siam Park too
and town if we are in need of a nightclub :P
sounds like a good setup :)
It's gonna be pretty much THE holiday in my life I think because I can't see me staying in touch witth all these people forever, this is the only chance
@Twyxz while I'm sure it will be pretty epic and a one-of-a-kind experience don't sell the rest of your life short :)
12:36 PM
If everything goes to plan money could help me have some stupidly good holidays in the future too :P
@Twyxz exactly
But the friends still haha
damn I could do with a holiday
I'm sure they'll be more inclined to stick around :P
@motosubatsu If you're paying I'm game :P
@Twyxz nice try
I'll probably look to get away next year
12:39 PM
To tenerife?
@Twyxz lol
June 12th
See you there
hehe.. I'd have to turn up wearing some TWP gear so you'd know who I was
And you'll just never know who I am
Well you said you're skinny, smell of nerd, bad car syndrome, how hard can it be to guess
@Twyxz I'm just assuming you'll look like every other ST driver, muscles, t-shirt that's at least two sizes too small, cheap aviator shades (mirrored) and a buzz cut. Given the location I expect there will be shorts and flipflops rather than the "ripped" jeans and reebok classics that are de rigour in the UK's climate
12:50 PM
Muscles (hopefully), T-shirts two sizes too small? They will be by that time. Cheap shades? Come on now, I got some fancy Oakleys that I stole from my Dad. Buzz Cut? Who knows what i'll have by that time
And I don't think swimming in ripped jeans and reebok classics is practical
@Twyxz what Oakleys? (something of an Oakley fanboy here)
Not sure, want me to run to my car :P
@Twyxz it's not as if you have any work to do!
But tbh, I can't imagine there being that many in shape Asians that are tall being there
So I don't think you'd have a problem identifying me
Especially since i disclosed the friendship groups and I'm the only one of Asian descent
So look for the big group of 20 odd year olds and find the Chinese one who's hopefully gonna be in shape :P
@Twyxz so big group of kids with one diversity hire - gotcha
12:54 PM
Look for the parked Focus ST on a sun lounger
I'll take it with me @motosubatsu
I'll just keep a nostril out to smell a nerdy audi driver approaching, can sense it
@Twyxz Audi drivers are easy to spot - they're usually less than a foot off your rear bumper.
I wanted to joke about the Audi drivers' knowledge about what indicators are but I won't :p
Audi use those new sweeping indicators to encourage drivers to actually use them. it's BMWs that have indicators as an optional paid option.
@avazula I believe the Official Guide to Driving an Audi I got when I bought the car refers to them as "something drivers of lesser cars use to let us know what they intend to do"
@Snow lol
1:13 PM
The sweeper indicators are nice
@Snow PS I hope Moto is never a foot off my rear bumper if I was on holiday. I'd be extremely worried
@Twyxz depends on the car - on some they work (e.g. TT, R8) but look stupid on a Golf
Yeah really stupid on the golfs
that said though they do the job of calling attention to them very well
I agree
They're too boxy
@Twyxz yep.. my thoughts exactly
1:15 PM
The car needs to be curvy and flat
golfs are basically a box with great kit in
I remember the episode of Top Gear where they said "The worst Golf, is a Golf!"
I wonder who designs these modern day car shapes, everyone can see it's an awful design and they put it in thinking this is going to change our sales, did it with Audi now with VW
@Twyxz I think there's a tendency of changing for the sake of changing by a lot of manufacturers to highlight that the new car is, well, new (obviously this doesn't apply to Porsche)
and I think part of the reason a lot of modern designs look a bit.. strange is because of the requirements of crash and pedestrian safety
That's because Porsche got the design right on the first attempt.
I really dislike the new Focus shape also
And fiestas
1:23 PM
At least there won't be a new Mondeo shape.
But there's new insignia's
I find it fascinating how people can be with cars
@Snow the basic 911 shape works nicely IMO, obviously there's some engineering considerations that they've had to work around
@Magisch What do you mean?
none of my friends view cars as anything more then a tool to get from a->b
1:27 PM
@Twyxz Ugh. Insignia's are as bad as misused apostrophe's
what dya' mean? @Snow
But we like nice tools @Magisch
@Snow how does misusing an apostrophe compare with misspelling it?
@Magisch I do use mine as a tool to get from A -> B, but sometimes I use it as a toy to go from A -> C -> D -> E ->F ->B :)
@motosubatsu You missed P
1:43 PM
@Twyxz there's roadworks near P and who can be bothered with that?
You! Your petrol is running low
Or is that F for fuel!
OMG my local cinema has a double bill for infinity war + end game
8:30 Inf war then end game at midnight
@Twyxz yeah a few are offering similar
saw something on teh internets yesterday about a cinema (in the states) that was doing a full 22 movie marathon of all MCU films
but... that's like 4 am until I get to bed at least
considering the film is 3 hours long
ads at least 30 mins
Unless ads at 11:30 or something because infinity war isn't 3 hours
@Twyxz aren't you youngsters up all night trading memes and playing fortnite anyway?
I'm a strange one apparently, I trade currencies and play internet shops
I might have to go
see it
And spoil it for you ALLLLL!
2:00 PM
Good day all
@IDrinkandIKnowThings afternoon sir
2:41 PM
Two days in a row I come in and everyone stops chatting. I am tempted to take it personally
Q: I don't understand editing functionality - what am I missing?

dwizumSometimes I edit others' questions or answers for minor things like readability and grammar. I have status on this site that lets me edit their content immediately, without my edits going into a queue. However, some times, I'll find a post where a lower-statused user (who cannot directly edit po...

@IDrinkandIKnowThings I wouldn't take it personally.. often seems to lull around this time
@Twyxz Something of this magnitude would be sufficient reason for a 24 hour chat suspension.
2:58 PM
@Snow 24? Give it a week so we all have time to see it before the next round of spoilers ;P
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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