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3:02 PM
@Magisch you might be surprised
Expert's exchange gives better answer, and does so to this day. Tech Republic did as well, but decided to make the same mistakes that are bringing this site down @BradC
but there are still other ways to get a steady revenue stream. I've seen other help sites do it.
@RichardU Vehemently disagree about the level of quality of questions answers on EE.
@BradC which is your right, of course.
And if 99% of people bounce off the paywall and go elsewhere, then its moot
@BradC I was a member, and still am, before they required a subscription, I've never paid, and never will.
and I get better answers there, without the rudeness or snark.
The bottom line, is that SE is sick, and they're mistaking the symptoms for the disease. Being a free site doesn't guarantee traffic.
3:07 PM
@RichardU "Get grandfathered in" isn't particularly practical advice to new users.
@BradC "pay a bit and get better advice" is, though.
Back in the day, we'd drop 30-70 bucks on a good manual. Free advice is what you pay for it.
There's a lot of people who work literally for the money, obviously there's a lot of developers who would happily invest to get better advice and learn more but some people would not
And use SO simply for a quick free solution
You would lose a lot of members to that also
@Twyxz there are plenty of other sites on the net to go to.
Microsoft has their dev centers, online manuals, MrExcel is always good...
So is there actual discussion about changes to monitization? Or is this all just speculation based on the new code of conduct policies, etc
@BradC if there are, we plebs haven't been invited
3:13 PM
Ah, so people are suggesting paid accounts as a way to improve the quality of SE sites? Yeah, as I said, I heartily disagree that would improve things at all.
On the contrary, I think that would be a horrible decision
@BradC citation needed
@RichardU The site was founded on "free" as one of its primary objectives. On the contrary, I think the burden of proof would be on someone suggesting a change.
Napster was free too
Founder, Jeff Atwood: blog.codinghorror.com/…
@RichardU moving to a direct monetization model from an indirect one can be done, but it's also killed many a site
3:23 PM
Napster died completely due to lawsuits, and the name was purchased by someone entirely different for a service that is entirely different, so I'm not sure how that's an example
I would pay a premium for a version of the site that hides all comments, and notifications about comments.
@IDrinkandIKnowThings me too
@BradC that would have more of an impact if Jeff hadn't let loose with a profanity laced twitter rant.... just sayin'
And then on days where i feel especially masochistic I would turn them back on just to feel the burn and remind myself why i wanted them shut off. :p
3:41 PM
@Kilisi are you around? I'm not sure I understand your comment on my meta answer and feel like chat might be better than a long comment-colloquy.
@BradC the point being that if SE wishes to survive, they either need to be far more supportive of contributors, or just be honest and go for revenue.
@RichardU You know what would handle both situations. If they allowed users to offer Cash Bonuses instead of just rep bonus for answers.
@IDrinkandIKnowThings OH YEAH!!!!!!
4:32 PM
SE needs a clear vision with actions matching their vision
I really don't know what SE is trying to be - Atwood's blogpost is something I agree with 100%
I mean, I know what they say they want things to be, sort of, but their actions don't really reflect correclty at all
I actually think Joel's later post is even more on-point:
Rules that make sense for the veteran seem weird and unnecessary to the beginner
This is ultimately a "good problem", ie, a problem because the site is very successful
> We’re planning a lot of work in this area for the next year. We can’t change everybody and we can’t force people to be nice. But I think we can improve some aspects of the Stack Overflow user interface to encourage better behavior, for example, we could improve the prompts we provide on the “Ask Question” page, and we could provide more tools for community moderation of comments where the snark currently runs unchecked.
But I disagree that SO (and SE) don't know what it wants to be, I think that vision has been clear from the beginning:
> Even as we try to make Stack Overflow more friendly, our primary consideration at Stack Overflow has been to build the world’s greatest resource for software developers. The average programmer, in the world, has been helped by Stack Overflow 340 times. That’s the real end-game here.
> There are other resources for learning to program and getting help, but there’s only one site in the world that developers trust this much, and that is worth preserving—the programming equivalent to the Library of Congress.
Clearly the "how" isn't always obvious, and may evolve over the life of the site, but I think the vision has always been clear
Of course, most of that is directed at the original SO site. Technical SE sites are usually a decent fit for this same vision (of becoming a great resource for X), but other less technical SE sites (like workplace.SE), while they may work in the QA/voting format, may need a more subtle/slightly different kind of vision for the "why".
4:53 PM
@nitsua60 not a lot of point getting into an involved dialogue since you just walked through the door rather than been contributing to the Workplace
@Kilisi Wish you'd left that comment, then, rather than the passive-aggressive one. Would have saved me the trouble of wondering what you meant. Have a nice day.
5:10 PM
@nitsua60 With all due respect, your post was the equivalent of walking into a stranger's home and criticizing how they do their laundry.
I have a hard time reconciling "with all due respect" with the comment you just submitted on the post itself. I get that this is literally my first contribution to the workplace. It's to link in a Network-wide bit of philosophy that I think has bearing.
If you don't feel it has bearing please downvote; if you feel it's inaccurate or somehow misunderstands the situation comment with ways to help me understand better. But I'm not sure what your griping about "new user gets upvotes" helps.
this feels like an unproductive conversation
@nitsua60 a gripe is a complaint. Stating a fact is nothing more.
And, here we go again.
@ElysianFields I agree. I think SE is trying to go in multiple directions. It's the old "Diversify our interests" vs "Stick to our core principles"
It's very common in business.
I think if SO were the only thing SE was managing, it would be easier.
As we've seen in the discussion in Meta, part of the problem with TWP is that we have an abundance of IT professionals who seem to be very poor at recognizing problems outside of the field of IT
It's Dunning-Kruger meets the Halo effect.
@RichardU very true.. I think the idea of diversifying the model to a broader range of subjects and bringing in more non-IT Stacks was and is a good idea. Unfortunately the problem comes from taking a philosophy that worked on one kind of site (SO) and trying make it work the same across all the other sites
Competence in one area does not translate to competence in all areas.
@motosubatsu I think if SE split into "hard" stacks and "soft" stacks, with each having it's own governing rules, it could work.
5:22 PM
@RichardU that would go a long way I think
we've seen it time and again when there are attempts to apply the same cookie-cutter approach to the entire network - it just doesn't work
@motosubatsu true, one size fits none.
@ArtOfCode how do you think we could improve SE?
or at least TWP
@motosubatsu SE could profit from making two affiliated sites, and do quite well.
@RichardU yep..continually trying to bash the square peg of sites like TWP and IPS into the round hole of SO isn't productive, that doesn't mean they can't live alongside but it's like managing people - you don't manage factory works the same way you manage soldiers
@motosubatsu and that would solve the problem with IPS and the HNQ problem as well. Much of what comes across IPS and other sites can be NSFW. Work related sites on one stack, others on another, and never the twain shall meet.
I know our filter is rather sensitive and looks for certain words that have popped up on IPS, so I stopped going there entirely. But if that shows up on HNQ.... uh oh.
@RichardU yep.. and I'd only allow association bonus to other sites within the "hemisphere"
Q: Got fired. What to do now?

Ricky SterlingI had 1.5 and years of experience in a company and after a lot of struggle I got selected in a very good company which paid good. They sent me to Singapore, and I did something stupid. The team lead got very angry with me but politely said that he doesn't want me in the company. After 3 months I...

Any title ideas for this one? Im blank
5:29 PM
possibly even operate a finer-grained "related sites" group that association bonus would apply to
Morning people :)
Evenin' Gary :)
@RoryAlsop now I'm hungry...
@motosubatsu evening Moto
@DarkCygnus I've been hungry all day.. they took 8 vials of blood out of me this morning
@DarkCygnus I think putting fraternization back in instead of the "S" word might show that it's a delicate situation. "I was shtupping the lead's GF" is not the way to answer "Why did you leave."
I hate it when people drop in and don't even say hello
@motosubatsu yes, it's annoying when someone with 5000 rep in basket weaving can just walk in and start commenting on subjects they've demonstrated zero knowledge about.
5:36 PM
oii @RichardU
@RichardU yeah the basic concept of the association bonus works - but only when there can be a reasonable expectation of an overlap. Having say 5k rep on SO means that chances are you've got a good idea about what you are talking about on superuser or serverfault. But it has literally no bearing on your suitability for, say TWP or Pets or Aviation
the more different the two sites are the more important it is ease in and get a feel for the nuances of how that site works
@nitsua60 thanks, you have a good day as well
@motosubatsu I've found that in many cases IT people have a very poor understanding about WP issues
@RichardU yep.. and I absolutely include myself in that - at least in the past. Which of course is precisely why I spent considerable time and effort educating myself about the subject
@Kilisi greetings sir. No worries, @artofcode jumped on the issue. You won't be bothered further.
@motosubatsu my education at it came from being pantsed by a previous employer where I learned that HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND
but I've had a multitude of experience outside IT, and come from a blue collar family and understand those issues as well.
5:42 PM
@RichardU I like the idea of hard stack and soft stack, it's part of what I was trying to articulate... but bad English and general laziness let me down
@Kilisi My dividing line would be professional interests, such as IT, Law, Superuser, the original SO, et cetera.
@RichardU yeah, sort of similar I guess.. two toxic employers on the bounce and a near-complete breakdown later I decided I wasn't going to go around letting my lack of knowledge about how the world of work operated leave me wide open again
@motosubatsu my bibles have been "How to win friends and influence people", "What color is your parachute", "The seven habits of highly effective people", and "How to stop worrying, and start living".
So, how's your day going @ArtOfCode
and extensive, mind-numbingly tedious hours spent learning about "how to be an employer" has given me the necessary knowledge to hopefully help on that side as well
@motosubatsu I think the biggest thing you can remember as an employee is "Treat your people well, they make you money". High morale trumps everything else.
5:46 PM
I've learnt quite a bit just being on this site
a little bit of Machiavelli doesn't hurt either.
hey @Kilisi I take it you have already seen this related post:
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

@Kilisi you give good, blunt advice and don't sugar coat things.
but I take everything with a grain of salt, I have a cynical nature, so tend to just go with personal experience and logic
I think that you touched points also covered there, and that are quite important to have a sustainable site where 1+1 is not always 2
5:48 PM
@DarkCygnus to be honest, until very recently I didn't bother reading anything but the questions I was going to answer
That blog post is really a worthy reading IMHO
too many long word... hehe
Helped me transition from being solely a user of SO to be part of TWP community
I don't care about the community or anyones vision... I can smoke some dodgy herbiage and have visions... ahaha
@Kilisi I thought you liked Whisky more ;)
> 1. Great subjective questions inspire answers that explain “why” and “how”.
5:51 PM
I tried to sell my life's story to a country music song writer.... Got turned down for being to sad and hopeless.
@RichardU You would have nailed it if you contacted a Death Metal/ Emo artist
> 2. Great subjective questions tend to have long, not short, answers.
@DarkCygnus I do, but I was a forestry worker back in the day
@DarkCygnus death metal, yes, emo? not on your life.
> 3. Great subjective questions have a constructive, fair, and impartial tone
> 4. Great subjective questions invite sharing experiences over opinions.
(^ this one is golden)
> 5. Great subjective questions insist that opinion be backed up with facts and references.
(I think this was the origin of the back it up policy)
5:53 PM
still trying loo look up 'subjective' in my dictionary
@Kilisi I imagine you also have quite some tropical trees and forests over there right?
@DarkCygnus actually, the blog actually overcomplicates matters.
> 6. Great subjective questions are more than just mindless social fun
@RichardU perhaps, but if people at least tried it maybe we wouldn't have so many closes
@DarkCygnus it's immediate jail for a single joint over here
@DarkCygnus yeah, but, as I just commented in META... blue collar questions get shut down.... like thisone
5:56 PM
I'm with Richard, some questions should never be closed
@DarkCygnus Skeptics SE is the origin of back it up actually
@RichardU I am not denying that. All I said is that perhaps if some users read those guidelines posts like blue-collar content won't be closed to fast....
In other news, my 3-day long bug hunt ended up with a solution involving removing an and from a single if statement
@DarkCygnus I think if some people would just read, it would help
@DarkCygnus I modularize everything, so I limit the habitat of bugs. Then I killinate with fire.
@RichardU now that would help
Seriously, some close voters don't go beyond the title, never edit, and just close vote.
I hate it when I ping someone and they don't reply.
so rude.
6:04 PM
I've downvoted 5 times total
yeah, I also prefer to modularize (single resp. principle etc). The problem here was that the bug was not so evident, as it didn't actually throw an exception, it just didn't produced the expected results
I'm more about encouraging people for at least attempting than berating them
@Kilisi it is very annoying when people come in, establish a reputation, then stop posting, and just vtc and down-vote.
well, they do have their reasons, and I understand them even if I don't agree with their priorities
@Kilisi we had one user who had his post down-voted to -7 by the time I edited. He was angry, and justifiably so. I just edited it for tone, and it shot up into positive territory arount 50.
6:06 PM
downvotes don't actually annoy me, I get heaps, but while I understand their reasons, new users won't care
well, if we are going to help people, we should help people, not punish.
@Kilisi it must annoy the bejeezus out of people to throw down votes at you. Has about as much effect as peeing on a forest fire.
I agree.... all it takes is a minor adjustment in the way some people approach VTC, they have valid reasons, but they've gotten into a rut
Imagine, a feature request, that blocks a post from being closed (except for spam or rude) until a minimum time has elapsed (say, 10 minutes)
This won't solve the root problem (the hasty voters) but could help
Downvotes are not about people they are about the content(or lack there of)
6:10 PM
@RichardU I have no idea ..... if so, they annoy themselves
@Kilisi yes, nursing a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
ahahaha... nice analogy
@IDrinkandIKnowThings in theory yes, but theory and practice are two things.
anyone with a rep over 50k has a hate-dom
like Joe says, it's the gamification
I've been reading the chat, there's nothing wrong with monetising the site, I'm surprised they haven't already, shocking lack of business acumen really. But if that's what they're aiming at they're going the wrong way about it.
gamifiying is old news, it's been done, it's stale and no growth potential which is what they have right now
There are better more innovative ways to do it while keeping the growth potential and reputation and the 'free' catchphrase that will keep the punters coming
6:40 PM
@Kilisi "nothing wrong with monetising the site" Really? Of course there could be, it depends entirely on how its done. I think charging users to join is about the worst possible method for doing so. Also, from what I understand, the site is already profitable.
@Kilisi Gamification might not be new, but its certainly foundational to how this site works. Tweak it, sure, but if you discard it you're left with just a bulletin board
@BradC but they're sure shooting themselves in the foot with trying to be "inclusive".
@RichardU You talking about the twitter/NHQ fiasco a week ago? Or something else?
@BradC it would help if we didn't at the same time have rep, and have the powers that be constantly trying to tamp down high rep users. Some of them won't even address me when pinged anymore.
@BradC the HNQ twittstorm was the symptom.
The disease is the disrespect that SE has for its userbase and contributors. I have mods here who won't even talk to me.
And I'm far from the only example.
When they are at the same time saying rep matters, and at the same time pushing aside contributor for being more inclusive, it's a sick site.
What you end up with is people who have contributed a considerable amount to SE to get a modicum of respect, just walking away.
I'm here for a bit longer, but not too much longer.
Seriously, why should I bother?
or anyone else, for that matter?
Rep capped again.....
6:55 PM
@RichardU So.... because you have lots of rep, that means your ideas of how the site should work are automatically correct? I don't think that follows. Obvious example: you and I have very different ideas, and we're both relatively high rep (SE wide anyway).
Clearly our ideas can't both be accepted as law
@BradC it's not about me. I do tend to rep cap quite a bit. What metric would you use.
But as I said, it's not about me. != being right, Rep = putting effort into the site.
@BradC sure, it's totally dependent on how it's done... as for the gamification, I thought that was part of the monetisation... my bad
@Kilisi Yeah, gamification is just the voting and rep system, which is a pretty fundamental piece of the entire experience here
6:58 PM
@BradC ok, cool, my mistake...
With rep caps, being as they are, it takes no less than 100 days to reach 20,000 rep, and about 375 to reach my level, assuming I rep capped every day, which I did not.
So, someone with high rep has put a lot into SE, and while it doesn't mean that that person is right, it does mean that they have put in effort and taken time out from their day to do so.
true that
Now, SE is moving in and saying, "you don't matter"
How are we SUPPOSED to feel @BradC
@RichardU Well, I don't perceive the changes as them saying to high rep users "you don't matter", that's the difference.
@BradC Okay, then answer this for me. Why do you think we lost so many high rep users this year?
not just in TWP
Why would people who have invested years in SE just end up walking away?
7:03 PM
because it makes a negative difference in their lives?
Because size changes things, and people ebb and flow. I stopped frequenting the original SO site about... 2012? Just too much, and not closely enough related to what I did daily. Started getting more involved in DBA.SE instead.
I used to frequent other stacks, like skeptics.SE, now I seldom go there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what is ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ?
Hello chat people!
Greetings rath
This one has been mismarked as Duplicate, if anyone cares to cast their vote: workplace.stackexchange.com/q/121677/9549
hmm.. funny how my avatar here is a generic gravatar
7:07 PM
@Kilisi That's just a "I dunno" shrug emoji
Things change. Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that! Wax on, wax off...
@BradC people are not as fickle as you think. People act for reasons. One does not simply stop participating.
@rath got my reopen vote
@BradC you can't generalise like that with people
Voted to reopen, @rath
@rath fixed
7:10 PM
Richard! Nice to see you again
@ArtOfCode you magician!
Hello @ArtOfCode I hope you are having as pleasant a day as I am.
@rath Im back for the rest of the week, then leaving for parts unknown.
Sounds exciting
@rath yes, it's my eldest's birthday.
Nice. Hopefully I'll get some of my own some day
@RichardU cool, good wishes from me
7:15 PM
@Kilisi yeah, my girls are the only family I have left. I wish I could move out to them, but no work out there.
@RichardU the analogy I keep thinking of as applies to the SE model of interaction is that of Atlas Shrugged. The book has a... questionable philosophy underlying it, but the theme of the book is basically people continuously taking advantage of those who are creating value in society to the point those people leave
I'm not really sure how the philosophy aspects of Atlas Shrugged related, if at all, but I keep thinking of that specific theme to the book
@ElysianFields good analogy. I've worked in union shops and seen the same thing. The younger guys were usually new hires and eager. The older guys had more seniority and didn't give a damn. How long do you think it took the younger guys to stop busting their butts for less pay than the slackers?
What SE has been doing lately is telling the people who have been contributing that they are less valuable than the new people because "inclusivity".
Now, why is "inclusivity" a good thing. Why do we have apprentice, junior, and senior programmers?
One of the premises the book is based against is people who "create" being taken advantage of by the rest of society
Because hierarchies of competence do, in fact exist.
and her answer to that is to quit and just stop contributing
7:19 PM
@ElysianFields yes, and that does happen. I saw that happen in the union shops I worked at.
One place actually fired a guy because "he was making us look bad", he fought it, and eventually won, but he never put in one iota of extra work after that.
Now, that works doubly so when you have an environment where people volunteer their work and the ONLY payment is recognition and the ability to get away with a bit of snark here and thers.
take that away, and you take away any motive.
7:35 PM
really depends what motivates you, all the rep stuff is iteresting and I do get to be cheeky now and then, but neither are my motivations
and yep, unions are like that
@Kilisi honestly, it wasn't my motive either. I just seemed to accumulate it. but I do have that human failing of pride and when I'm told that when someone comes in with all of their rep being a referral bonus has the same gravitas, it is a bit off putting, esp when the 101 is spouting nonsense.
@Kilisi we were hated in the union because we had a work ethic. Our group was constantly being reported on to the point where the director came down and snuck in to see what we were doing. He caught us red handed, WORKING we never had any trouble after that though (he was a good director)
8:05 PM
@RichardU I get your points... I just can't make myself care when people have a go at me.... but I've trained myself to be a positive person in that sense.
@Kilisi I envy that trait
8:24 PM
it's not a trait you proactively train yourself to control your attitude
plus I'm ancient
@Kilisi like controlling the fist of death.
hehe... probably a ticking time bomb after all these years
@Kilisi I went off a decade ago when I had a stroke and breakdown.
@RichardU yeah I know... I can't afford to go off... got 4 kids
I have 2
missed most of their lives recovering.
8:30 PM
cool, I got my fifth due in a couple of months
Wow.... cool
Can't be too ancient.
@Kilisi :D
@RichardU lol, you got a point there
ahaha, man, I'm starting to get close to 50
but the wife is 31
@Kilisi I'm 50+
@RichardU well you better get more involved with your kids or no one will be around to change your adult diaper later
8:43 PM
Yay I feel young! :)
@Kilisi I am as much as I can, they live 2000 miles away :(
This conversation from today has made me realize how little I feel invested in SE nowadays
@ElysianFields ditto that.
@ElysianFields same herer
I didn't leave in anger, but in disgust.
8:49 PM
I dont hate... i feel an extreme apathy towards most questions anymore. There have been several that I started to answer and just stopped and decided it wasnt worth the effort or pain that will come from the responses.
@IDrinkandIKnowThings yep, same here.
All those niddling little comments from driveby snarkers who have never answered or asked a single question themselves.
It was better for a little while when it was changed to suggest improvements. Now that it is gone people are back to using them like always
IF SE fixed nothing else, it would be to can the referral bonus, or raise.\
the requirement to comment
yeah referral bonus on non beta sites should go away
once they get out of beta let them earn the right to comment properly.
what is referral bonus?
is it similar to the association bonus?
9:03 PM
yeah that's what they are talking about I think
Thanks, I forgot the name
but yeah, it needs to go.
How many times have we seen the attack of the 101s when something hits HNQ.
It's like, I am high rep here, but if I wanted I could join a site like Judaism SE and comment like I knew anything about Judaism
The Attack of the 101s
that sounds like an old sci-fi movie name
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (real movie)
@DarkCygnus or someone getting high rep here, then going into parenting, despite having no children and never commenting.
but... the clicks! think of all the clicks!
or asking or answering, but can vote and snark at will
I just wanted to help people. I've had a bad run in a long and hard life and hoped I could make it easier for people. That's all.
9:14 PM
user image
xD jk...
Q: How can I deal with a manager who gives an unfairly negative appraisal?

TheNeverLanderA manager (a little higher than my direct manager in the food chain) who I worked with for 1 month ruined an entire appraisal result of mine, and nothing's stopping them from doing it again. This score leaves me way below my peers, even though my outputs were superior than theirs. I know for su...

IMHO after the edit Dukeling made this was made on topic. Not sure why the laggard votes after the edit. Please consider VTRO
3 hours later…
11:48 PM
> Joined 6 years, 2 months ago
wow. I've been here a long time
05:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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